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Mar-20-2015 18:19printcomments


The slim hope for a Palestinian state lies with the United Nations.

Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Benjamin Netanyahu has probably retained power in Israel as his Likud party won 29 seats in Parliament while the center-left Zionist Union had 24 seats. The Likud Party is likely to form a coalition to put together a 61-seat majority.

Netanyahu said there would be no Palestinian state under his watch, a Palestinian must condition for any agreement. This hardline position is tacitly endorsed by the U.S. Congress.

After the election, Netanyahu backtracked on his no Palestinian state statement, his anti-Arab rhetoric and his lack of seriousness about negotiations toward a two-state outcome belies his about-face. In short, Netanyahu has won and the possibility of a Israel-Palestine peace agreement has lost. Under Netanyahu, we can expect more Israeli settlements.

Consider that since 1967, settlements are now home to at least 541,000 Israelis: 341,000 in the West Bank and 200,000 in east Jerusalem.

This represents about 4 percent of the Israeli electorate. Israel is slowly nibbling in small increments the territory claimed for a Palestinian state -- death by a thousand cuts. The slim hope for a Palestinian state lies with the United Nations. In addition, the International Criminal Court has opened a preliminary examination over alleged crimes committed "in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, since June 13, 2014."

In the meantime, I would expect violence to escalate between the Palestinians and the Israelis.


Ralph E. Stone was born in Massachusetts. He is a graduate of both Middlebury College and Suffolk Law School. We are very fortunate to have this writer's talents in this troubling world; Ralph has an eye for detail that others miss. Ralph is an American Veteran; he served our nation after college as a U.S. Army officer during the Vietnam war. After Vietnam, he went on to have a career with the Federal Trade Commission as an Attorney specializing in Consumer and Antitrust Law.

Over the years, Ralph has traveled extensively with his wife Judi, taking in data from all over the world, which today adds to his collective knowledge about extremely important subjects like the economy and taxation.

You can contact Ralph at this address:

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Jacob Saari March 25, 2015 3:39 pm (Pacific time)

This was a good election outcome. It's obvious that the Obama/Kerry gang will soon put America in even more danger with a meaningless nuke pact with Iran. Thus it will allow Israel, for once, to act in bold fashion on their own in dealing with Iran, who has been responsible for killing thousands of Americans. I suggest you stock up on Potassium Iodide, pronto. Of course you Neville Chamberlain-types will, as usual, live off the blood and sacrifice of those who protect you. By the way the vast majority of Vietnam veterans, have no concept of what it's like to deal with deadly enemies in person. P.S. I personally have had no use for Israel since their war crime on the USS Liberty, but they will deal with Iran and we need that to happen. You have a death cult leadership in Iran, and their citizens have failed to remove them so they will have to suffer the consequences...

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