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Mar-08-2008 10:11printcomments

ATM Photo Shows Suspect in Eve Carson Murder

Eve Carson was found shot to death Wednesday morning in what police say appears to be a random crime.

Eve Carson Killer Supect
Photo courtesy: Chapel Hill Police Department

(CHAPEL HILL, NC) - Police in Chapel Hill today released new information in their investigation of the killing of University of North Carolina student body president Eve Carson .

The 22-year-old was found shot to death in a suburban neighborhood not far from the UNC campus at about 5 a.m. Wednesday. Police Chief Brian Curran is releasing three surveillance photos of a possible suspect in the Carson murder case. Curran said the photos were taken at an ATM machine in Chapel Hill as the suspect used Carson's ATM card.

Police are particularly interested in talking with anyone who may have seen Carson's vehicle between the hours of 1:30 AM and midday Wednesday. Her vehicle is as follows: A blue 2005 Toyota Highlander with Georgia plate AIV-6690. The car was found in another neighborhood about a block and a half from where she lived with roommates Curran said Friday.

Anyone with information on this case is urged to call Chapel Hill-Carrboro-UNC Crimestoppers at 919-942-7515. The UNC Board of Trustees has donated $25,000 as a reward for information leading to the arrest of Carson's killer(s).

Carson will be laid to rest Sunday in her hometown of Athens, Ga. She graduated as student body president from Clarke Central High School in 2004.

Marie Carson Memorial Fund:

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has established the Eve Marie Carson Memorial Fund in memory of Eve Carson, our student body president, trustee, wonderful person and great friend. The purpose of this Fund is to celebrate and remember Eve Carson’s love for the University and its students. The specific use of contributions to this fund will be determined in consultation with Eve’s family.

For those wishing to make an online gift, please visit giving.unc.edu/gift, choose one of the giving options, select “Eve Marie Carson Memorial Fund” under University Designation, and select “Eve Marie Carson Memorial Fund” under University Fund.

For those wishing to mail a check, please make the check payable to UNC-Chapel Hill, write Eve Marie Carson Memorial Fund in notation line, and send the gift to Carolina, P.O. Box 309, Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0309.

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Justice? March 17, 2008 3:22 pm (Pacific time)

Too bad Eve didn't have a gun. Maybe she'd still be alive today. Or maybe not. At least she would have had a chance to exterminate evil. But no, society gets to pay (money) to support these evil creatures. And there likely isn't a prosecutor in liberal Orange County who will seek death penalty, so society likely gets to pay again when (not if) they are released back to us. For punishment to be a deterent, it must be sudden and certain. In our society, it is slow and never certain. Is it any wonder our streets are filled with rotten people???

fair March 13, 2008 3:45 pm (Pacific time)

It's simple, most white communties raise kids to be decent and contribute to society, most black communities raise kids who will rob, rape and kill those white kids if they have a chance.

Aaron March 12, 2008 5:38 pm (Pacific time)

Well reguardless of "racism" or "sub-culture", these guys should get the death penalty. They are unforgiven in their actions against another human. All of Eve's dreams and accomplishments gone and her family is left to mourn her lose. Death Penalty will not only be the best solution to this problem but also a message to young people out there. If you do something stupid you will be punished accordingly.

Cindy March 12, 2008 1:43 pm (Pacific time)

What is the world coming to?

Anonymous March 12, 2008 8:52 am (Pacific time)

right! when a black scum bag kills an un armed white girl its a mistake. and when a white cop shoots a gangsta in the course of his duties its racism.

mj3zx March 11, 2008 4:04 am (Pacific time)

Another Democrat gone wild. How do we stop this murder madness?

Bruce May March 11, 2008 9:55 am (Pacific time)

i posted a comment yesterday, and i have come to see that you, the editor are censoring these comments (particularly those that are thought provoking) - So you intend to spur on this maddening "race" foolishness. I gave you the statistics from the FBI and they were not exactly in favor of whites and the lack of violence. I also demonstrated using the FBI statistics that rape and hate crimes seem to be more specific to whites (even though the statistics didnt report date rape, nor did they report statutory rape - according to the FBI, these are not crimes of violence); I think women in general should be worried about that definition.

Ty Cello March 11, 2008 8:20 am (Pacific time)

Stating facts that reach back decades is not being racist, it is simply acknowldging reality. Cause and effect variables are not a defense for this violence, legally or morally. Even when you break down the data on socio-economic and educational levels you see the same stats that reflect high violent crimes against whites by blacks and very low crimes by whites against blacks. It is what it is. The only way we have a prayer of developing a solution, if there is one, is to put this info out to the public and start a conversation. This high crime rate against whites by blacks can also be observed in Canada and Europe, and the data from area's in Africa, for example in South Africa and Zimbabwe were/are astronomical, but now these governments no longer maintain accurate records. In fact crime is so out of control in these area's prosecutions have been reduced considerably, whereas the data/stats simply have no accuracy whatsoever. I suggest an area of research here in America for those of you interested, and that is "jury nullification." It's a process that should send chills up your spine, especilly in eastern urban areas. If a solution to this violence exists, then diminishing the acknowlegement of the numbers of these violent acts is not the way. We need to address this as a collective community, it's the only way, in my opinion. If we don't start doing something soon, the upcoming balkanization will be impossible to alter.

Matt March 11, 2008 5:44 am (Pacific time)

IT'S NOT ABOUT RACE! It's about culture and sub-cultures. There is aculture of people who have been raised in a community that there is no value to life. They may lose peers to violence and crime, but to them, that is just life. What is "them?" "Them" refers to whites, blacks, hispanics, - you name it. "Them" are predators who don't believe in human life. They believe in their gang, or their "homies." The predators of these sub-cultures believe that people like Eve Carson are a fruit tree in the middle of a meadow. Just need to walk up and take what they need. To "them" people like Eve Carson are "dumb bitches" that were stupid enough to be in the wrong place and they just found a winning lottery ticket. Scratch off what you need and toss the rest. What's worse is that Mexico's is having the same problem with their community. Their deviant culture is now being exported to the US. So stop blaming "blacks." Unless you have been exposed to that sub-culture, you will never understand. Bill Cosby is being villified for speaking out about that culture and being told to stop being white. How ridiculous. These cultures believe that the world in rap videos is real. Degridate women. Pose them as vessels of pleasure. Get the best rims on your car or the gold on your grill. Get your glock out and wave it in the air. Solve problems with a gun. Now-"them" are upset because all of the sudden, the other culture, known to them as the "white" community is upset and horrified by death of one of "theirs." Well my culture (of whites, blacks, hispanics...) is horrified. My does not tolerate these actions and accept them as everyday fare. I don't care what color your are. You performed the senseless action of killing another human being- PERIOD! Just as in the senseless death of Meredith Emerson by the old "white guy", Gary Michael Hilton, I am horrified. We can't speak up about their community because "we don't understand" or we are racist. Fine then. Fix your culture. Stop blaming mine for your problems and leave my culture alone. Unless you stop making this an issue of color, my culture of successful blacks, hispanics, asians and yes, whites, will continue to prosper and shut you out. Eve Carson was out to help everyone - including blacks and hispanics. This country just lost another soul who could have changed our country. She fell victim to the culture who plays by a different set of rules. Despite her death, I can only pray that Eve Carson is the ultimate winner. I pray that she is in a more powerful place at the feet of God, and he annoints her with the power of angels to change this desperate world.

Erika March 10, 2008 8:24 pm (Pacific time)

I'm almost to tears reading the racist comments.. We really are getting nowhere when it comes to racism... How could there be so much hate for black males because a few make horrible mistakes?? They are not inherently evil from birth... It is going to take a lot of helping and TEACHING in our black communities before change can happen. However, we cannot place all black males in one category from the beginning. That is demeaning to successful black males, and it is unhelpful in changing how some already feel about themselves. So, there are more black against white murders than white against black?? Starting when??? Are we talking about since slavery and segregation have ended? If not, then blacks have a long way to go to catch up with the number of whites they have to kill... And I know that's harsh, but it just shows how much anger has built inside me from the realization of how hateful and ignorant people can think... There is so much society and the country can do to prevent such tragic crimes, to prevent poverty, and to unite its citizens.... But as long as there is hate in so many people's hearts we will never get anywhere... That is why the world is becoming more dirty, dangerous, and destructing everyday... Because people are so close- minded, selfish, and hateful... We have cold hearted people like Eve's killer and cold hearted people who would love to be the black man's killer... There is so much more I could say, but I cannot express it as accurately as I would like to at the moment... All I can do is pray for a positive change in this world, and hope that more people will sincerely pray with me for the same...

SteveVa March 10, 2008 6:06 pm (Pacific time)

Don't blame all blacks. I Heard these may be Crips--Maybe we should start collecting Crips' Scalps!!!!!!!!!

March 10, 2008 2:33 pm (Pacific time)

this is a very sad case, and I hope those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

Sawyer Johnson March 10, 2008 10:00 am (Pacific time)

I've noticed a wide range of feelings and interpretations regarding this matter. The reality people is that these racially-oriented crimes are widespread and until the media provides an accurate accounting, I frankly think things will get worse. A few posters below mentioned for you to go look up the statistics on these types of crimes, then do it, it may give you the type of insight for you to make yourself safer, for law enforcement is so overburdened they really cannot do much other than draw chalk lines around bodies. Go google the Justice Department criminal database and cruise around. "RON" your 3/9 post @ 10:28 pm makes it clear where you're coming from, now that is why solutions will probably never be developed.

Jim March 10, 2008 9:12 am (Pacific time)

Here's a horrible truth: you can't use an ATM card at an ATM machine unless you know the PIN number. And I doubt Eve gave it up willingly. The evil in this case is extreme.

Randy March 10, 2008 9:09 am (Pacific time)

OK, let's let this slime off with a warning cause it's not his fault cause someone in the past used to be a slave. Now can you explain why there is no civilized nation in Africa? Tribes are still slaughtering each other by the thousands.

Ed March 10, 2008 8:35 am (Pacific time)

Why is a reward necessary? It's time for the black community to step up. There are people out there who know this guy but the fact that they will hide this person with their silence will make many people rethink their passion for giving minorities the benefit of the doubt. If citizens can't be responsible then they don't deserve the protection and support of society.

BILLY March 10, 2008 7:23 am (Pacific time)

A public lynching should be in order for this filthy animal, we need a vigilante group to go after this scum

Bill March 10, 2008 7:21 am (Pacific time)

In a couple of years these 2 punks will be used as part of new reports that say that the reason so many blacks are locked up in prison or given the death penalty is because of white racism. Sorry, this case had nothing to do with white racism. This is an interesting story. I have 2 points. The first is that there should be separate laws for young black men between 13 and 29 and the rest of society. If a geeky white teenager and a geeky Hindu kid get into a fight they should get after school detention. But, if 2 black teenager gets into a fight they should be sent to prison for 5 years. If they get in another fight or commit a violent crime they should go to prison for life. We need to really throw the book hard at these punks. Special programs and trying to help them and all that other stuff doesn't work. Unfortunately, because we have to appease the liberals and ACLU the lowest common denominator values of black males cause those all young kids (even geeky white kids and geeky Hindus) to be treated the same. Now, they have to go to jail to for a littly school yard spat. The other point is that everytime you see a black guy who looks like a gangster on TV he is portrayed as really a very nice puppy dog underneath. We are setting up young girls to believe this myth. And it causes them to let their guards down with black guys like this. Once, the brainwashing of 20 years of TV wears off it's too late. It's time TV started portraying young black males as they really are: The vast majority of them hate white people and never pass up a chance to commit a crime. It's about time we threw a little sunlight on how these black males are destroying the U.S. and how we are sinking billions of dollars into Law Enforcement, care of victims, remedial education, unemployment, incarcerations, public defenders, etc. Maybe if we had thrown these scum in prison earlier then Eve Carson and Lauren Burk would still be here today.

Savage March 10, 2008 6:50 am (Pacific time)

It's sad when stuff like this happens. The person in the surveillance footage is nothing more than a young punk. You're going to cut someone's life short and shatter the dreams of a young and bright woman for no more than $500? I don't know if you could withdraw any more than that at one time, but is it all really worth it? You could get a job--granted it may take a month or two to earn that $500--you will still have your freedom. Maybe $500 is a lot to this punk. Maybe he wants nothing more than a new pair of shoes. Don't kick back though while people work hard for theirs and think that just cause you hold a gun means that what's theirs should now be yours. He'll be found. He will pay. He will put the puppy face on display in his mugshot. What saddens me is the inefficacies of his parents and teachers as they unwittingly contributed to his failure as a young man, as is himself to blame. If I had the funds, I would donate to the reward to capture this punk. If I was an angry person, I would drive to North Carolina and...I can't say it. Violence only begets more violence. :/ May love, joy and peace once again make its way into the lives of Eve Carson's family and friends. They have an angel atop to watch over them night after night.

Ron March 9, 2008 10:28 pm (Pacific time)

It is just wonderful how the racist come out in droves when they have an excuse. What black man is even truly attracted to a white woman? None. There is no attraction for us black men to white women. White women have nothing desirable for black men. Blonde hair and blues eyes are not attractive. So go on pile on black men. I am truly saddened by this tragic event. She did not derserve to die at the hands of a murderer. Just continue to tell your daughters, nieces, sisters and other female relatives to stay away from us evil black men.

Steve March 9, 2008 10:10 pm (Pacific time)

Hey, how about UNC upping that $25,000.00 reward? What the hell is 25 grand to their endowment? Making it $100,000.00 would certainly give someone a bit more incentive to come forward. $25,000.00? A corner hardware store could offer more than that, for God's sake.

Steve from CT March 9, 2008 9:09 pm (Pacific time)

Look, let's get this straight: No one in their right mind, can indict ALL black men for crimes like this. The fact is, there are so many wonderful human beings who happen to be black, and many evil people who happen to be white. HOWEVER, for whatever the reason, and there are many, Black males are responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime. It's just a fact, and it can't be disputed. Also unfortunate, is that fact that so-called "reverse racism" may play a role in a crime like this. A pretty, blond, well-to-do white woman, is not at the top of the list of people to like, of the inner city, disenfranchised young black man, who's life is diametrically opposed to a life like Eve's. Too bad, but it's still a poor excuse for such a senseless murder.

Brian March 9, 2008 7:09 pm (Pacific time)

First off, let me say that I am sorry for the loss of Eve Carson. I agree with Paige, that the immediate racist response to this crime is horrifying. The murder does not mean that all black men are "animals" or are inherently violent. Their are many crimes committed by young black men relative to the rest of the population, however, I think these crimes are symptomatic of larger problems in our society. They are not from some kind of character flaw inherent to black people. If you want to know the real reasons why a large number of young black men commit crimes I suggest you begin by looking at this country's history of slavery and white supremacy, and the conditions that it has left many black people in.

Dear DJ March 9, 2008 6:31 pm (Pacific time)

It is very interesting how the minds of humans begin diverting to issues so unrelated to the matter at hand. This kid does not look like a crack head. He appears to be wearing clean, decent looking attire. However, I am dissapointed that someone so young would do something so heinous. My condolences pour out to the Carson family; and, I truly hope that the perpetrators of this crime are quickly apprehended and brought to total justice. This woman's productive life was taken over something very frivolous, and she did not deserve this. But, no one is concerned with that. Everything is about race bashing. All humans have issues (white, black and otherwise). No one is perfect, and we can all bash until we die, and it will solve nothing. Just learn self-respect and respect for others, and the world will be a better place for us all. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama and the Ku Klux Klan have nothing to do with Eve Carson's unfortunate death. My her soul rest in peace, and may she always be remembered and honored at UNC and everywhere for the great work she has done for so many people of all races. Dear DJ Durham, NC (honey brown)

Jojiro March 9, 2008 6:10 pm (Pacific time)

Despite all these calls for this man to die, or burn, or whatever...it isn't justice to just do to others what they do to you. To kill him without any trial would be such an injustice. To stereotype against African Americans without any other provocation asides from this one man would also be an injustice. Because we are above crime and murder, we should still give him fair trial. There is no reason for anybody to consider him innocent, and so he will still be punished, but nobody will be able to say: "He died unfairly without trial." Because we are above such old, vulgar ideas as racism, we shouldn't allow other black men to be dragged down by this one killer. However, I do agree that these people should, in the end, die. Prisons are too full of convicted men that should meet the death penalty. -to the killer, if he would look: do you agree?

Fred March 9, 2008 4:20 pm (Pacific time)

This guy must be, in addition to a cold-blooded murderer, an idiot to use his victim's ATM card in a nearby machine, wearing a Houston Astros hat (in North Carolina, how many of those do you see) and I can only hope someone IDs him quickly. I agree, although I'm sure law enforcement will have experts examine it more closely, that there could be another person in the back seat. And to carjack a car and then leave it abandoned may require an accomplice to the disposal of the car, if not the original crime.

Paige March 9, 2008 2:34 pm (Pacific time)

My heart breaks for Eve and what her life could have been. That said, the immediate racist responses to the crime are pretty horrifying, too. Not long ago, a young Georgia college student was brutally murdered while hiking with her dog. Meredith Emerson's killer, who kept her alive for a few days while sexually assaulting her before bludgeoning her to death and decapitating her, was a 61-year-old white man. Violence against anybody is wrong. And so is villifying an entire race of people for the actions of some. After all, men in general commit far more violent crimes than women in general, yet I don't hear anyone saying that men are worthless creatures who shouldn't be allowed to live. Just because you are protected by your anonymity, think a little before saying something so offensive.

emmarose March 9, 2008 1:12 pm (Pacific time)

In another posting, someone wrote that there are TWO people in the highlander. The scumbag in front and another black guy in the back seat. Has anyone else noticed someone in the back seat? I cannot make anyone out, but there could be a figure there that is just hard to see. Has anyone noticed another kid in the car that was carjacked? Also, to murder this girl over a damn debit card? Pitiful, pathetic, tragic.

Jon March 9, 2008 12:55 pm (Pacific time)

Whites commit very few murders. Black women don't commit many either. It's all black men. No one knows exactly why... its some combination of stupidity, aggression, and cowardice. Notice how black men usually target helpless victims? Not a white guy, who might beat them up or outsmart them in some way, but a white female, alone and in the dark. Black men are mostly animals. It's really that simple.

Ty Cello March 9, 2008 12:26 pm (Pacific time)

This happens everyday all over the country. If you live in a state where you can have a CHL, then get one. Michelle you made a good point about how many black women have been murdered by white men. Actually it is so rare, even when you take in other violent crimes such as rape and aggravated assault that it is statistically nil. Violent crimes by whites against blacks is exceptionally rare and it is just the opposite for violent crimes by blacks against whites. Go to the FBI database to verify. It would not surprise me if people like Sharpton and Jackson are aware of these statistics, but would it be in their self-interest to publicize it?

tduck March 9, 2008 12:11 pm (Pacific time)

...can you say , "Lynching"? ...great job of parenting , mom ! ...no doubt Ego is on the DL .

tduck March 9, 2008 12:11 pm (Pacific time)

...can you say , "Lynching"? ...great job of parenting , mom ! ...no doubt Ego is on the DL .

420 March 9, 2008 12:06 pm (Pacific time)

What a surprise! When I heard that Eve Carson's murderer was caught on tape, I said to myself, " I'll bet he's not black". I'm SOOOO surpised to find that he IS black, and looks to me like a crack head. If this was an isolated case, and blacks weren't murdering, raping, and robbing whites at a sickening rate, then maybe whites would be less outraged. But when this story dies down in the news, and the media forgets about her, Eve will just be another statistic; and one that will be dead forever, while the black crack head here will get to live a nice long life where his every need will be catered by the tax payers, who happen to be predominately white. Hey but maybe Obama is gonna really change this! If you're white and you support Obama, you are sealing your own destruction.

Sid March 9, 2008 11:33 am (Pacific time)

Proportionately, blacks are known to commit more crimes than whites. Also, a much highr percentage of blacks are incarcerated. Why? One reaon certainly is - a far higher percentage of blacks are born to single mothers on welfare. Men who fathered these children are nowhere to be seen, and are never held accountable financially or otherwise for the upkeep of the children. The welfare system is so screwed up in this country that it encourages this kind of behavior by paying the single mother - no questions asked. How can children born to this kind of background grow up to be useful law-abiding citizens of society? Solution: Limit welfare payment for only one child to a single mother, and that too only on condition that she will not have more babies unless unless there is a committed man called the husband. Hunt down the man who fathered the children, and garnish child payments from him. If he refuses, put him in jail and force him to work for these payments. The lesson must be taught clearly - no leaches on society, no free lunch. Everyone is responsible for their behavior. Fit the punishment to the crime. For murder, death penalty or life without parole. Make conditions in jail spartan.

Katrina March 9, 2008 10:49 am (Pacific time)

I was hoping the guy wasn't black as well, it always seems to be and it does play to racial stereotypes. Guys like this are black people's worst enemy. Black-on-black crime rates are soaring, murders like this happen all the time, and it's time that someone in the black community stepped up and did something about it. I was surprised when my black African friend who lives in England came to America and said that she was scared of the blacks who live here. She literally said she was scared of them. She also said that most violent crimes in London occur in the mostly black neighborhood where she used to live, Brixton. If a white person ever said these things, they'd be called a racist immediately. I thought it was so interesting that an actual African said she was scared of African-Americans. What has gone wrong here?

Steve from CT March 9, 2008 10:25 am (Pacific time)

To a previous poster: That's a great question: How many black woman HAVE been killed by white men? Why don't you investigate that data, and report back. You probably won't, because you'll be in for a big surprise. Sharpton and Jackson always organize in support of even the most guilty. How come there aren't any pastors or reverends organizing in support of Eve? I wonder...

fair March 9, 2008 6:30 am (Pacific time)

FBI statistics show that blacks are 50 times more likely to commit crimes of violence against whites than whites against blacks. Something must be done, but Sharpton doesn't care about whites being killed.

WN March 9, 2008 1:25 am (Pacific time)

WN to Editor: I never read the comment by Mike but noticed you didn't feel compelled to "flush" the racist remark by Ego. WN to Ego: It's always about sex with "you people", isn't it? WN to Michelle: Indeed, how many Black women have been murdered by White men? Negligible. Wanna know why? Probably because Blacks are FIFTY TIMES more likely to attack a White as vice versa. (There are 20,000 black-on-White rapes each year compared to

Rex March 8, 2008 10:32 pm (Pacific time)

Why hasn't this savage been caught yet? Hia picture is clear as day.

Susan March 8, 2008 9:48 pm (Pacific time)

Did anyone, even the blacks in the area, really think a black man did not commit the crime, of course we all new it was a black man. They are animals, period. This black man was probably thrilled to kill a white, blonde woman. Moira, I agree fully, where are Jackson and Sharpton? Can they not apologize for what "there people" have done, they are always taking up for them, why not apologize for them. Tina, i am sorry for your loss but please accept reality that that there will always be a racial twist to everything, and open your eyes a little wider to black people or it could put you in danger as well. Not Africans in Ghana, but Blacks in Georgia. They are not African- Americans, they are Georgia/Alabama/Carolina blacks and are extremely dangerous. To see two young, promising, white southern women, that no doubt would have both had successful careers and lives, killed by two worthless blacks that would have never made anything of themselves is sick and sad. The world is left with two blacks our tax dollars have to feed, educate, and house. Instead of two bright white women that would have made a positive impact on the world.

Joe B March 8, 2008 9:39 pm (Pacific time)

We have satellites orbiting at 22,000 miles above the Earth that can take crystal clear pictures of the exact time on a persons watch but the banks camera give us this photo??? This bank needs to be charged as an accessory to murder after the fact for not being able to help identify this filthy scum.

Godbless Eve March 8, 2008 8:47 pm (Pacific time)

I have been reading about Eve the last hour. I am totally heartbroken - what an amazing person. I'm sure she's dancing w/ Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Buddha in Heaven-- whomever you consider God. What an ambitious, smart, gorgeous, warm person she was. As far the person who killed her, may he burn forever. Gun violence is out of control -- Redskin Sean Taylor's death raised the issue, but enough is enough. We need a break-through solution to identify guns in the wrong hands -- prison is not a deterrent. These bastard demons who kill innocent people have minds that simply don't work. We need some other solution. God - please help us find a way to reduce crimes. Eve - I love you you and I don't even know you. But I and millions who see your simple, warm, gorgeous smile and personality love you. May God offer strength to your family and friends. God bless you.

Trina N. March 8, 2008 7:29 pm (Pacific time)

I am sorry. I am so sorry. I was hoping, because of all the racial issues that this stirred, that it wasn't an African American. I hate that this is a race issue and not a violence issue. Eve was my friend... I was her Vice President in High School... We are all just so insanely hurt but I know there is no justice on this earth strong enough for the multitude he has effected. She was brilliant and loved beyond measure by all she came in contact with. Rest in Peace, love.

Michelle March 8, 2008 6:22 pm (Pacific time)

You guys making the comment about his race are so ignorant. How many Black women have been murdered by White men? Would it have been better if she were murdered by a White man? The fact still exists that this young woman who had everything going for her had her life abruptly taken and it's sad and sick that people exist in this world whether black, white or purple could do something so horrific. We should be embracing her life's story and praying for her family.

Ego March 8, 2008 6:02 pm (Pacific time)

Why hasnt my comment come up but this racist mike march did?

Editor to Ego: The comment you referred to is flushed, I hate it when we overlook posts that never should have been there. I hope yours are all coming through now.

Ego March 8, 2008 6:02 pm (Pacific time)

Mike March, white girls love to have sex with black guys. u must have a small one. Who'd have thought?

Ann March 8, 2008 4:57 pm (Pacific time)

Such a sad, tragic loss of such a bright, positive light. Eve Carson was only just beginning to show the world what she was capable of contributing...snuffed out at her prime. These are truly very scary times. May God bless her beautiful soul and may He be with her family and give them peace.

Ann March 8, 2008 4:55 pm (Pacific time)

Such a sad, tragic loss of such a bright, positive light. Eve Carson was only just beginning to show the world what she was capable of contributing...snuffed out at her prime. These are truly very scary times. May God bless her beautiful soul and may He be with her family and give them peace.

Moira March 8, 2008 3:16 pm (Pacific time)

This beautiful woman with so much to continue to offer this world completely and horrifically silenced by some moronic animal. Where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? They couldn't run fast enough to support the African American hooker who accused the Duke LaCrosse Team of raping her so that she could get money from the rich kids. But here is an innocent caucasian female brutally murdered and most likely by the animal in that photo, and no comments and no appearance by racial charged duo, Jackson and Sharpton. Here is an honorable human being who treated all people fairly, not seeing race and ethnic differences, and she is murdered by this low-life. God bless her and her family. They continue to be in my prayers. And the police should not waste the time, energy and money to put this scum on trial so he can be allowed to breathe another minute from the time they find him. It's time to get rid of these criminals, so that they can not harm another living thing and so that other degenerates like him will get the message that their life will be taken immediately -- not after mountains of appeals and that they will not spending their time in prison with all their needs taken care of. Prison is not a deterent to these animals; often, it is a better life than they have. They need to realize that their lives would also end as quickly as they had taken the lives of the innocent. I I am truly sickened by the loss of this beloved soul. May she rest in peace.

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