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Mar-05-2012 03:02printcomments

Everything We Wish Wasn't True About Israel

How Can Hamas Remain Peaceful and Defensive Against Israeli Violence?

Israeli racial segregation
Artwork by Carlos Latuff, friend of Salem-News.com, located in Rio de Janeiro. To see his work, visit: Latuff Gallery

(SALEM) - Regardless of its endless western support, Israel by all accounts is no different than any other Mideast religious government guilty of years of state terrorism.

The kneejerk reaction of 'antisemite' toward every critic of Israel's politics is false and unfair to Israel's victims.

Nobody wishes harm to Israeli people, changing the present paradigm would, as much as anything, work in favor of the Israeli people; peace for everyone, not just one culture, at the expense of another, which is exactly what has taken place- is the desired goal.

It is insulting that the 'you hate me because I'm Jewish' line can actually be uttered, but it is... constantly. However each time its punch does weaken, and becomes a little less effective.

The whole thing is a double edged blade for all Jewish people because there are genuine 'antisemites' on this planet, like Nazi's, etc., and a lot of angry Arabs, but calling a critic of politics and military policy an antisemite is a cheap shield becoming increasingly transparent, because criticizing the cruelty of Israel's military has nothing to do with liking or disliking a religion. However it all comes back to the same thing every time, there is no such thing as a good or humane religious government. Sad but true, I would love to see an example that works.

Not to labor the point, but it does need plenty of clarity. I think of all of the Americans who died crushing the Third Reich, thus freeing of the Jews from the concentration camps - it is our own national history as Americans, it is our greatest pride to have won that war and to have liberated the captive people who were still alive; nothing about the accusation of being against people of the Jewish religion holds water at all, or even makes sense, it's just a weak excuse to defend Israel's terrible military attacks inflicted on innocent people and every time this subject really flares up, my Jewish friends come out of the woodwork to defend me personally, and Salem-News.com overall. It all says a great deal.

Extraordinary War Crimes

The tension about this subject all over the world, is so thick sometimes that you could cut it with a knife. It is increasingly dawning on Americans, that their taxes and political representatives back a government called 'Israel' that maintains apartheid laws that even Americans fully rejected years ago. Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is so terrible, so regrettable, I suspect that most Holocaust survivors roll in their graves each time another Palestinian civilian is killed, and contrary to what Israel says, most are civilians, others are Hamas soldiers, the exact same things as Israeli soldiers. There are rules that govern this activity, Israel does not follow them.

Israel's government is and always has been cruel. I suppose that was inevitable, it was born from Genocide and the vow of 'never again' - yet rather than following that rule, the Zionist government of Israel just did it to somebody else, the Palestinian Arabs, who didn't lift a finger toward the Israelis in WWII.

Within the ranks of Israel, are and have been many great people, you can tell who they are very easily, they are the ones who refuse to accept Israel's illegal treatment of Palestinians by speaking out, and they take a lot of heat for it.

The shocking video we frequently receive from Palestine showing the brutal side of the Israeli Defense Forces, simply is banned and screened from Israeli viewership. We'll run through a few of these, they are shocking testimony of what is really taking place in the Hold Land.

And there are no excuses for it, only the same old problem; religious extremism. Israelis by and large believe, along with Christians, that they are 'The Chosen People' and because these words appear in the Bible, Israel's behavior is tolerated. The Bible isn't part of any modern political law or doctrine, it is simply one group's guiding religious manual. And it is used to pillage people who lived on this land long before what we now call Israel; a nation that is 63 years old.

Additionally, the theory of 'Zionism' is barely over a hundred years old. Jews always saw themselves as chosen people, but it wasn't until a man named Theodore Herzl came along and said 'Palestine' in the 1890's, that people began looking at this particular region, already populated by mostly Muslims, but also smaller numbers of Christians and Jews, as the future 'Israel'.

This isn't conjecture, Israel illegally steals property today exactly the way it has since its inception in 1948. There are endless examples of this on YouTube and in many other places, it can't hide if you just do a simple search. And since I'm here, I will make it easy for you:

Israelis Destroy Water Supplies

I just published an article about Israel's destruction of a water cistern used by Palestinian people to water their crops. The Israeli police came in and destroyed their crops a little less than a week ago, and now they have intentionally destroyed the cistern.

Americans need to understand that Israel has been intentionally targeting farmers in Palestine. It is easy to dismiss, but people have to stop doing that.

You have to watch the video and read the stories and vote your conscience. One group recording the Israeli destruction of Palestinian crops and water sources is the Christian Peacemakers Teams, based in Palestine.

We also need to show Israel that we are not going to put up with this, and their ongoing elimination of the Palestinian people must end.

Borders must be restored to what they were before Israel's Six Day War which was a Pearl Harbor-like surprise attack on both Egypt, Lebanon and the United States. In six days all of Egypt's Air Force was in smoldering ruin on the ground, Lebanese military targets were ruthlessly struck, and the U.S.S. Liberty was nearly sunk after a several hour long attack by Israeli aircraft and naval boats and ships.

Israelis Raze Farmer's Crops

The respected Israeli writer Tal Haran sent a story to Salem-News.com that is tied to the destruction of the cistern.

"For many years, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has been trying to remove Palestinians from the Beqa Valley, east of Kiryat Arba and Givat Harsina. The army has demolished homes, destroyed farmers’ crops and their cisterns for collecting water.

"On Tuesday, 6th July 2010, personnel from the Civil Administration backed up by the Border Police, and accompanied by labourers, came to the area and began to uproot water drip irrigation pipelines belonging to Palestinian farmers in the Beqa Valley. The workmen also uprooted the protective covers of tomato crops. They similarly destroyed the irrigation system for approx. 35 dunams belonging to six families.

"Any Palestinian at the site, or who came to it, was violently forced to a distance – the IDF used blows and beatings, tear gas and stun grenades. Some Palestinians required medical treatment as a result, including a pregnant woman in her eighth month and a four year old child."

Israeli Snipers Shoot Farmers

I wrote in May 2011, about how farmers who try to harvest crops on land their family has owned for generations are often shot by the Israeli military, sometimes fatally. 20-year-old Mohammad al-Breem was shot in the right leg as the farmers worked together with the international Human Rights Activists. There were more shots as they attempted to leave the area having worked on their land for 2 hours in full view of the Israeli forces situated along the Green Line.

There was no surprise, no provocation; the IDF let them think they could work their own land, and then after a while they opened fire. Farmers of every persuasion, from every corner of the globe, should condemn this ongoing genocide of the Palestinians by Israel's unaccountable government forces.

In case you were curious, the farmers' crime, that Israel deemed open season over, was the loading of parsley and spinach from the agricultural lands. The shots were fired from Israeli forces on the border. Mohammad was shot in the right leg and evacuated, while still under fire, to a hospital. International Human Rights Activists have repeatedly witnessed Palestinian farmers being shot at by Israeli forces as they attempt to work on agricultural land situated within 700m of the Green Line.

Israeli Attack on Family Beach Picnic

In April 2010, I wrote a story about the Israeli navy attacking a Palestinian family; men, women and children, while they had a picnic on the beach in Gaza.

PBC News reported at the time:

"This evening seven citizens were martyred and 30 others were severely wounded, including dozens of women and in a new Israeli massacre, when Israeli war speed boats, shot at beachgoers on the coast at the Gaza beach in the Sundanea area Northwest of Gaza City. Most were the children of Ali Ghalia, his wife Rye Ghalia who was 26. Sabrina 8, Haitham 1, Zebren 8, Anadia 2, Ilham 7, and Halia 15."

The newscaster whose Arabic words are translated to English, concludes the story by saying, "Glory and eternity to our glorious martyrs."

This happens every time Israel kills another Palestinian; a tremendous loss revered as a martyr, but still the Palestinians remain non-violent, and still they are slaughtered.

Children Aren't Terrorists

Israel's version of a 'terrorist' -
What parent approves of this?

This is not a defense of Islamic militarism; it is about families being slaughtered by trigger-happy Israeli sailors during a day at the beach, it's about farmers being shot by soldiers who will never be prosecuted for their crimes, it is about Israel destroying historic, ancient Palestinian water supplies, it is about Israeli settlers treating non-Jewish children with cruelty, and an endless list of problems Israel has chosen to implement as part of its apartheid legal system.

Anyone who disagrees that Israel has an apartheid government and political system can talk to the wall; since 1951 Israeli law has called for one set of laws for Jews, and one set for non-Jews. South Africa had one set of laws for whites, one set of laws for blacks, as did Alabama and many other parts of the U.S. under what were known as 'Jim Crow' laws that sprang up increasingly in the years following the freeing of the slaves in 1865, and lasted through the 1950's and later, even in the NW state of Oregon where I reside.

The sickest component of the frequently touted Israeli point of view, based on direct contact from many Israelis to Salem-News.com over the years, is the argument that killing Palestinian kids is OK because they will "grow up to become terrorists and kill Jews". This is common among the right wing elements of Israel, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Western people, Americans more than any others, have come a long way in comprehending the deeds the country committed against the Native Americans. While bigotry exists today in America, is has to hide in corners, out of the light, because Civil Right laws are real here and so are the attorneys who specialize in these cases.

Even though our own forefathers committed terrible acts against people of color here, Americans learned and created a system to protect people from racial crimes.

Read: Ground Shifting Under Israel's Feet by Daniel Johnson

If today's Americans received news only through our group and a handful of others, operating outside of the U.S., they would change their tune about supporting Israel in a heartbeat; they would never put up with it if they really knew how heartless Israel is toward the Palestinian people on a daily basis, particularly the children, who can be arrested at half the age of Jewish kids.

Non-Jewish children can be arrested, taken from their parents, and held for long periods of pre-trial confinement, where horrible stories of physical and sexual abuse from the children's Israeli captors abound. Again, this is highly documented like every other piece of information listed here. Most are arrested for 'suspicion of rock throwing' and conversely, there are no arrests of Jewish children who pelt Palestinian people with rocks all day every day in certain areas, which means near settlements or any fundamentalist or radical Zionist Jews.

Indeed, if awards were given out for the most children killed, the largest number of fathers humiliated, the record amount of Arab women and children accosted and molested and much worse, Israel would win the biggest trophy in existence. Trust me that I am sparing you the horrible images of children's bodies totally devastated by Israel's weapons, I have hundreds, they are all online.

It is insane and you know that definition of insanity... doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Americans are increasingly understanding this insane life forced on the Palestinians with separate and unequal laws, endless checkpoints, restrictions on travel, entry and exit searches, curfews, etc. Americans are ready for a big change in this area of political thinking and engineering.

Civilian slaughter in Gaza- photo titled: 'Never Again'

How Hamas and all of Palestine's supporters have remained in a non-violent mode while they are painted as mad terrorists is well beyond my comprehension.

In fact the more you learn about the vast inequity continually facing the Palestinians by the Israeli occupiers, it is easier to understand why there would be violence, than how it could not exist Don't get me wrong, I applaud it; non-violence is a fantastic thing, but it has been shown to oppressed ethnic minorities time and time again, that remaining non-violent can just make the acts of state terrorism against targeted populations easier to commission, longer-lasting, and simpler to get away with.

Non-violent resistance has won battles, amd major wars like the Civil Rights period in the United States that began in the 1950's and culminated in the 1960's. While non-violence is the bottom line, and the best approach, there is a point where it is weak and foolish and cowardly. It was Gandhi who said:

I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence.... I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should, in a cowardly manner, become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour.

Khader Adnan

Artwork by Carlos Latuff, friend of Salem-News.com
located in Rio de Janeiro. To see more, visit:
Latuff Gallery

Non-Violence did work recently in the incredible story of Palestinian activist Khader Adnan, whose 66-day Hunger Strike was both under and against 'Administrative Detention', which allows Israel to hold a person in custody indefinitely. Mr. Adnan, a father and husband, should be a free man in the coming months, though even this is ridiculous, as he was never charged and was simply an effective political 'non-violent' activist.

This is a beautiful story and it is very close to the story of Bobby Sands of the Irish Republican Army who also made world headlines years ago with a 66-day Hunger Strike, unfortunately Bobby Sands died, but it forced the Queen to relent and his life and death are significant to the beginning of the end of the terrible 'troubles' in Northern Ireland.

Of course there is a distinct difference: the war in Northern Ireland was covered by the Media from both sides, unlike Israel's endless, undeclared war on the Palestinians. Genocidal leaders in Rwanda, Cambodia and of course Sri Lanka, have learned that media cameras and reporters, are an obstruction when a government sets out to ethnically cleanse a population.

And in the case of Israel, the fact that Jewish people suffered so badly - so recently... they are the very last people we should allow to pillage an entire culture, literally covering historic villages seized from indigenous Palestinians with modern, Israeli religious 'settlements' (Israeli for colony) in their place. Even ancient villages cleared out after the Nakba began in the late 40's that aren't covered over, are off-limits to Palestinians. It's all very similar to the story of the Native Americans. People can't be asked to live without the ability to maintain their self-respect and dignity.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

As children we are educated in right and wrong, we are told how to conduct ourselves; we learn both expectations and limitations, and from that point we go forth with these tools, and our individual personalities, and fail or succeed accordingly.

In school we quickly understand that without paper, there is no place to write. Once we have paper, a pen or pencil is required to move to the next point. There is a great analogy that exists between this simple concept of paper and pen, and what we know today as Maslow's hierarchy of needs- the theory in psychology proposed in Abraham Maslow's 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation.

He demonstrated how without the correct necessities, a person can do little good for themselves, and has none to offer for others. However when people are housed and have clothing, heat, food, health and security, anything is possible. However if just one of these dynamics is removed from the mix, the chance for success can be adversely affected.

Wikipedia describes Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a pyramid consisting of five levels:

The lowest level is associated with physiological needs, while the uppermost level is associated with self-actualization needs, particularly those related to identity and purpose.

The higher needs in this hierarchy only come into focus when the lower needs in the pyramid are met. Once an individual has moved upwards to the next level, needs in the lower level will no longer be prioritized. If a lower set of needs is no longer be met, the individual will temporarily re-prioritize those needs by focusing attention on the unfulfilled needs, but will not permanently regress to the lower level.

For instance, a businessman at the esteem level who is diagnosed with cancer will spend a great deal of time concentrating on his health (physiological needs), but will continue to value his work performance (esteem needs) and will likely return to work during periods of remission.

But Israel takes it all a step farther, with separation walls, and constant attacks on civilians conveniently dubbed 'terrorist' or 'suspected terrorist', and the hideous use of weapons that are declared illegal under international law, this indeed is where the story gets uglier.

Photo: Filippo Minelli. Israeli apartheid wall in Palestine.

During the widespread attack on Gaza in 2008 and 2009 that obnoxiously and gloatingly titled 'Operation Cast Lead', Israeli planes dropped White Phosphorous onto the roofs of family homes, which burns through and in many cases, roasted families to death who were eating at tables and gathered together. This weapon is illegal and is a war crime, as is the use of Depleted Uranium, commonly known simply as DU, which can not according to international law, ever be used in a civilian area. Israel uses them primarily in civilian neighborhoods, on schools, and medical facilities. Over 200 schools were attacked in 'cast lead' and more than 400 children were killed. More than 50 medical facilities in Gaza were also attacked and in many cases, destroyed.

Assuming the world to essentially be very stupid, Israeli mouthpieces called the attacks on schools and hospitals 'accidents' and 'collateral damage' which in truth, are all the result of U.S. manufactured bombs with the best targeting and guidance systems known to man. None of the school or hospital attacks were accidents, they were all struck intentionally.

When Israel was taken to the United Nations, almost every country wanted to see war crime charges, and the U.S. used its 'super veto power' to end the matter, just like that, snap! With protectors like those, there is no reason for Israel to follow the law or comply with humane standards, and it is fine with Israel, they want all Palestinians to simply do one of two things; leave or die.

Cast lead will always be lodged in our minds as the conflict where ambulance drivers became primary targets for Israeli snipers, and the history of Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) in this regard, is what cause her critics to compare the modern Jewish state to Nazi Germany. Historically, some of the most devious enemies of the United States followed the general system of not viewing medical crews as military targets. Israeli soldiers used children's bodies for target practice during this ridiculous attack, waged over the 'Hamas rocket attacks' that in all time, every incident counted, have killed less than 30 Israeli people.

More than 1400 Gazans were killed in 'cast lead' - tens of thousands were left maimed and limbless, and now let's talk about the even more gruesome side of the Israeli killing machine.

Story continues here...

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Tim King in 2008, covering the Iraq War

Tim King: Salem-News.com Editor and Writer

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. Tim is Salem-News.com's Executive News Editor. His background includes covering the war in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007, and reporting from the Iraq war in 2008. Tim is a former U.S. Marine.

Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing from The Associated Press the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, Electronic Media Association and The Red Cross In a personal capacity, Tim has written 2,026 articles as of March 2012 for Salem-News.com since the new format designed by Matt Lintz was launched in December, 2005.

Serving readers with news from all over the globe, Tim's life is literally encircled by the endless news flow published by Salem-News.com, where more than 100 writers contribute stories from 20+ countries and regions.

Tim specializes in writing about political and military developments worldwide with an emphasis on Palestine and Sri Lanka, Iraq and Afghanistan. You can write to Tim at this address: tim@salem-news.com. Visit Tim's Facebook page (facebook.com/TimKing.Reporter)

View articles written by Tim King

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Truth Broker March 5, 2012 2:10 pm (Pacific time)

The record of Israeli war crimes is so long it could never fit in a book.  I grew up somehow believing anything they did was OK because 'it is Israel' but I was wrong, oh so wrong!  Nothing is a larger priority than ending this madness, destroying the apartheid laws, and if Israel does manage to ignite a war with Iran, nobody will pay a bigger price, than the Israelis.

skl2 March 5, 2012 2:14 pm (Pacific time)

You seem to notice the faults of only one position. If you speak of religious nutbags, then ask arabs where are their women. If you ask of breaking walls then ask arabs why they don't permit their women to marry non-muslims when we have here in Europe millions of arabs eager to spread their islam and sperm.

Editor: 'Spread their Islam and sperm?'  That is gross, and it reminds me of an odd story, about how Israel has been dropping so much DU on Palestine (and Lebanon) that the sperm count of IDF soldiers has dropped by more than half over the last decade.  This is according to Israeli doctors who sent out a sizzling, (sagging?) report documenting the medical evidence.  Man that story was popular, it gives people hope that Israel's own evil will reduce its own population.  Some people contend that the U.S. expressly gave Israel the rounds that would contribute to this issue, I can't say, it surely wasn't part of protocol if it is true.  Anyway, Muslims are not allowed to marry Jews in Israel, is that what you are attempting to talk about? 

Arab March 5, 2012 2:07 pm (Pacific time)

Wow, that is a pretty good lineup of information, thanks for having the guts to publish it.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin