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Mar-03-2010 16:16printcomments

No Party: The Necessity of Governmental Reform

The Republicans rail about small government, socialism, fascism, and individual liberty at every turn, but who are their pay masters?

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(EUGENE, Ore.) - Why is almost every politician elected to State government either a Democrat or Republican? Why is every representative of our State in the Federal government either a Democrat or Republican?

If our State is to have a serious government that represents the people of the State according to its constitutional mandate these questions must be asked. If it is found that electing representatives of the Democratic and Republican parties is contrary to the interests of the people of this State, and contrary to the very constitutional structure of our State, then action must be taken to eliminate all representatives of these parties from elective office.

The purpose of government is nothing less than to provide for the common welfare, security, and prosperity of all citizens. It is through government that society is bound together; that agreement is reached in disputes; and justice is dispensed when the rights of one citizen are infringed by another.

True representative government is the only bulwark of the society as a whole against the tyranny of individuals pursuing their own aggrandizement through violence, theft, and fraud.

True representative government is always the protector of the weak against the powerful. The powerful, the cunning, and the unscrupulous have no need for government. Their schemes are best enacted in the absence of government; in the absence of a unified body politic that relies on the strength of the citizenry acting together to resist injustice and criminality.

It is no wonder then that every modern tyrant, now disguised as a CEO or as an Investment Banker, instead of a General, a Monarch, or an Emperor, loathes true representative government, and attempts to undermine it at every turn.

If you turn on your TV, pick up the newspaper, or go to your favorite internet news site, you will find nothing but stories about the corruption, incompetence, and criminality of the government in this State and Country. This however is only one side of the story.

The other side of the story is that the people who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to pump out propaganda about the corruption in government are themselves the ones who created the corruption. Their only goal is to destroy true representative government, and to convince the people that such a thing is not even possible, which leaves their private tyranny as the only ruling force remaining.

This is a lie built on lies, but like all lies it can be exposed with even the slightest bit of truth.

The Republicans rail about small government, socialism, fascism, and individual liberty at every turn, but who are their pay masters? What is their track record on these subjects?

I ask you to consider this question objectively: If decisions are to be made by others that impact your livelihood, health, and security, would you prefer that they be made in public by elected representatives or in secret by unelected tyrants?

By honestly answering this simple question the entire facade of “free market” absurdity can be torn to the ground. A corporation spending millions to prop up the Republican Party, and “preserve the liberty of the people,” is advocating nothing else than the destruction of representative government, and the elevation of their own tyrannical rule.

Elevation of Private Tyranny

Through bribery, blackmail, and coercion, politicians elected as representatives have been made to act against their own interests and the interests of the citizens they represent. Representative government has become totally ineffectual, and in its absence, only private tyranny remains.

The same tyrants who implemented this scheme then point to the failures of government and say that they should be given even more power. Government cannot be trusted they say. Trust us, and if you do not trust us, then fear us. We give you jobs, we pay your bills, we provide your food, and all the necessities of your life. If you turn on us, they say, then we will respond in kind, and remove from you the basic necessities on which your life depends.

This is the behavior of every tyrant, every thief and liar, con man and extortionist. This can be no more aptly demonstrated than with the massive Wall Street frauds in which trillions of dollars have been stolen from the people of this country, under the threat of engineered social collapse.

When the banks demanded $700 billion dollars, and the representatives of the public refused, the response of the banks was to precipitate an 800 point drop in the stock market. This is the equivalent of shooting a round into the ceiling during an armed robbery to demonstrate that the gun is really loaded, and that you are prepared to use it.

It is plainly evident that criminals, no better than armed robbers, and many far worse, openly roam the halls of government and exert tremendous influence there. As a result, government in this Country and State has fallen into a condition of abject debasement.

Collapse of The Rule of Law

The one principal on which government rests is the Rule of Law. Government only has authority to the extent that it is able to enforce the Rule of Law, which demands justice and equality before the law for all citizens. In this country there are open and admitted murderers and war criminals running free. In comparison to the depravity of the worst of this lot, the crimes of the petty thieves and hustlers who plague the daily lives of the public at every level seem minor in comparison. In this country the former President, Vice President, Attorney General, and a slew of other top officials are admitted felons and war criminals. They not only openly admit their crimes, but bask in the adulation of their flunkies, while they mock the people of this country and the Rule of Law.

What then of the Democratic Party? Where have they stood on these issues of grave import? What steps have they taken to restore the Rule of Law?

The Democratic Party has stood nowhere. The Democratic Party has done nothing. Is this because their funding mostly comes from the same people who pay the bills of the Republican Party? The likelihood is not remote.

Political Reality of Oregon

Oregon is a small State, far from the power centers of the U.S. government. Gauged by population, Oregon’s influence in the Federal government amounts to less than 2%.

It is obvious, and should be common knowledge, that the U.S. government does not represent all States equally. It is dominated by the partisan interests of certain influential States, and the corporations located in them.

Likewise, the two national political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, have allocated power within their parties in the same way that it is allocated within the U.S. government.

It can be concluded then that neither the Federal government, nor the Democrats and Republicans, have the interests of Oregonians at heart. In fact, all are primarily influenced by interests that in some cases may be directly contrary to those of Oregonians.

This should come as no surprise. It is firmly established by the historical record, and common sense. Every person pursues their own interests first. Individual interests tend to be closely tied to direct family members, communities, and business interests, which are inherently geographically concentrated.

It was taken as a given by the founders of the U.S. government, and the State governments, that in such a large and diverse country people of different regions would be in competition with each other, and would seek to gain influence at the expense of others.

A great deal of the structure of the Federal government is in fact devoted to this problem of balancing out the competing interests of the States.

Constitutional Duties of Citizens

The founders of the U.S. government, and of the State of Oregon, never imagined a situation where the mass of the citizenry would consider themselves to be “Americans” first, at the expense of their own personal interests. This blind Nationalism is in fact completely irrational, and was impossible before mass communications, and the refinement of mass propaganda techniques in the Twentieth Century. Neither the U.S. Constitution nor the Oregon Constitution imagines such a bleak state of affairs, where the body politic is so confused as to their own place in the world and in the political structure that they would fly the flag of a government that actively opposes their own interests.

The structure of government laid out in the U.S. Constitution assumes for the citizens this order of allegiance and priorities: 1) Duty to Natural Law (God, humanity, nature, and the universe are all reasonable synonyms for the framers' meaning) 2) Duty to the State of which you are a citizen 3) Duty to the United States, only as an extension of State citizenship

This is a hierarchical chain of duty, and so a lesser duty can never supplant a superior duty. Thus, the first duty of every citizen is to humanity and nature as a whole, regardless of the religious or philosophical terminology in which this is expressed.

No State imposed duty can ever trump the ultimate authority of the primary duty of all human beings, made explicit in the Constitution’s clear statement that no law shall ever prohibit free exercise of religion.

Likewise, the U.S. government only imposes duties on the citizens of the individual States by extension of the individual’s citizenship in a State that is a member of the U.S. government. State citizenship precedes the U.S. Citizenship, both as a matter of Constitutional construction and historical fact, and is superior to it.

Necessity of Reform

The U.S. government has clearly demonstrated its inability to uphold the Rule of Law.

For all practical purposes, the U.S. government no longer exists. What is left is the shell: big buildings, weapons, and the ability to command and control large segments of the population. However, without the Rule of Law, this conglomeration of men and machines can no longer be called a government.

Upholding the Rule of Law is the primary purpose of government from which all other secondary functions flow. Once a government has ceased to carry out its primary purpose, it necessarily becomes a government in name only. The collapse of the U.S. government follows a Century in which the propaganda and practice of Nationalism have been instilled in the minds of the people of this State and Country.

State government itself has been reduced to a shell. The State government no longer governs, but only administers.

Politicians representing one of the two National political parties carry out policies crafted on the National scale, and the State marches in lockstep with the Federal government.

This is clearly contrary to the interests of the citizens of this State. By following policies crafted in Washington D.C. and in New York, the people of Oregon are marching to their doom under the false flag of a Nationalist American identity.

The U.S. government has ceased to exist, just as the Oregon State government has ceased to exist. The shell remains, but the heart that beats in it is not that of representative government, but of private tyranny.

The collapse of government poses great risks to the health, safety, security, and even the lives of every citizen. Government was created for a reason, has existed for a reason, and must exist in order for civilized society to be maintained.

The anti-government doctrines of anarchists on the far left and libertarians on the far right, not to mention all of the fake free-marketers in the center, are nothing more than a mirage. What these people advocate is not individual freedom, but private tyranny.

True individual liberty can only be attained through the development of a just society, which is impossible without a government based on the Rule of Law.

Those who decry government as an impediment to individual liberty actually advocate tyranny, only garbed in different cloth.

Path to Reform

As Citizens of the State of Oregon, it must first be recognized that your primary duties as a Citizen are to your own State. Your rights as a Citizen are exercised through your State government, and not through the Federal government.

Consequently, the first step in government reform is to properly assert your rights as a Citizen, and establish a just government that upholds the Rule of Law in your own State. Your influence in the Federal government is minuscule and unimportant. Your influence in the State government is direct and absolute.

If the U.S. government has become corrupt and ineffectual, that is beyond your control as a Citizen. If your own State government is corrupt and ineffectual, then it is your duty to root out that corruption, and restore governance in your own State to an effective form.

Reform of the State government demands a severing of the bonds of corrupting influence that have rendered the State government ineffectual. The corrupting influence on the State government is one of money. The State government, like the Federal government, has been drowned in a sea of bribery. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are equally culpable in the dismantling of legitimate representative government by means of bribery and corruption.

Politicians cannot get elected unless they are members of one of these two parties. Consequently, politicians of both parties are beholden to partisan interests to the detriment of their own constituents. The Democratic and Republican parties control who is elected, and consequently control the policies that these elected officials must adhere to.

The Democratic and Republican parties do not represent the interests of the Citizens of Oregon. They represent the interests of their pay masters in proportion to their financial influence. This leaves the Citizens of Oregon, who have proportionally negligible financial influence, at the mercy of having the policies of their own State government dictated to them by external interests.

The only mechanism available to break the grip of tyrannical influence on our State government is complete rejection of both the Democratic and Republican parties, and complete rejection of all political parties that are not specifically organized on the principal of acting exclusively in the interests of their own constituents.

The interests of a Democrat in New York are not the same as the interests of a Democrat in Oregon. The interests of a Republican in Texas are not the same as the interests of a Republican in Oregon. Why then should representatives of the people of Oregon be beholden to parties that are dominated by interests that are not their own?

If the State government is to create the social unity necessary to do their business, it cannot be divided along false party lines drawn by the conflicts between parties and individuals far from our State. There is certainly more than enough grounds for division between the Citizens of this State already without also dividing them up according to party allegiances that have nothing to do with their real interests.

Finally, when our State representatives go to do the business of the State in the Federal government, how can we afford to have their hands tied by party interests that are not our own? If a representative of this State must vote the party line of either the Democratic or Republican party, then surely they are not truly representing the interests of their constituents.

The influence of Oregon in the Federal government is minuscule to begin with. If it is further reduced by the co-option of our representatives by National parties, then that influence is reduced to nothing. How much more could our representatives achieve as a unified independent voice, voting on legislation only on the basis of whether or not it is truly in the interest of their constituents?

The Democratic and Republican parties are relics of a failed experiment in Nationalism that is now falling to the ground all around us. The path to reform is not to try and fix Nationalism, which is impossible, but to rebuild legitimate State governments within the constitutional structure on which they were originally founded.

The Federal government has an important role in this Constitutional structure, but it cannot function properly without State governments playing their own Constitutional role. For all of the “checks and balances” within the Federal Government, the ultimate “check and balance” within the U.S. Constitution is independent State governments. The Federal government can never be reformed without reforming State governments first.

The reform of State government must precede the reform of Federal government, because State government is where the power of the Citizen is vested under our Constitutional structure. The State government is the instrument by which Citizens influence the Federal government. Unless the State government truly serves the people, it can never be used as an instrument for reform of the Federal government.

Re-establishing the Rule of Law and ending political corruption are the first and most vital steps in reform of the State government. Removal of the Democratic and Republican parties from power in State government is essential to accomplishing these goals, because these National parties are themselves amongst the main purveyors of political corruption.

Eliminating the influence of the Democratic and Republican parties in Oregon must begin with refusal to vote for any candidate running in their names. For the past century it has been nearly impossible to get elected without their names on the ticket. It must be made impossible to get elected with their names on the ticket.

I would call on all the representatives of the people of this State to reconsider their party affiliations, and whether or not they are truly in the best interests of their constituents. Those who leave their parties and run as independents will be the most likely to be re-elected under a new model of independent State governance.

I would also call on all of the Citizens of this State to think seriously about how they can claim their rightful position as masters of their own government, as opposed to being servants of somebody else’s government. This is the true path to governmental reform, which is a necessity for the peaceful and prosperous future of our State.

=================================== Business/Economy Reporter Ersun Warncke is a native Oregonian. He has a degree in Economics from Portland State University and studied Law at University of Oregon. At a young age, his career spans a wide variety of fields, from fast food, to union labor, to computer programming. He has published works concerning economics, business, government, and media on blogs for several years. He currently works as an independent software designer specializing in web based applications, open source software, and peer-to-peer (P2P) applications.

Ersun describes his writing as being "in the language of the boardroom from the perspective of the shop floor." He adds that "he has no education in journalism other than reading Hunter S. Thompson." But along with life comes the real experience that indeed creates quality writers. Right now, every detail that can help the general public get ahead in life financially, is of paramount importance.

You can write to Ersun at:

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