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Mar-03-2010 22:40printcomments

George 'W' Bush, Iran's Secret Weapon in Iraq

George Bush and Ahmad Chalabi Turn Iraq Over to Iran: 5000 American Dead Betrayed.

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - The word is finally out. The American invasion of Iraq, all the lies, the crooked politicians, the imaginary “mobile bio-weapons labs” and infamous, “Mr. Mission Accomplished,” George “Dubya” Bush and company were only up to one thing, sucking up to Iran. We always knew Dick Cheney’s company, Haliburton was in Iran behind our backs. Americans were dying in Iraq and Cheney’s boys were working day and night, raking in the billions, turning Iran into a superpower.

It’s just another Halliburton oil and gas operation. The company name is emblazoned everywhere: On trucks, equipment, large storage silos and workers’ uniforms. But this isn’t Texas... it’s Iran. U.S. companies aren’t supposed to do business here. Yet, in January, Halliburton won a contract to drill at a huge Iranian gas field called Pars, which an Iranian government spokesman said “served the interests” of Iran.

“I am baffled that any American company would want to have employees operating in Iran,” says Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine. “I would think they’d be ashamed.” Halliburton says the operation — videotaped by NBC News — is entirely legal.

Now we wake up to find neo-con poster boy, the Bush/Cheney “hero,” Amhad Chalabi, who with phony Israeli intelligence supposedly tricked America into war in Iraq, destroying our economy and crippling America’s military might. Chalabi, now touted as an Iranian secret agent by US commanders as told in this Washington Post article by David Ignatius, is busy turning the US victory into a new Iranian empire:

The most direct criticism of Iran’s meddling has come from Gen. Ray Odierno, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq. In meetings with reporters during a visit to Washington last week, he focused on the role played by Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi who lobbied the Bush administration to invade Iraq in 2003 and is now alleged to be working closely with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Odierno has also briefed top Iraqi leaders in Baghdad on U.S. intelligence reports about the Iranian campaign. A source provided me with an unclassified summary of Odierno’s briefing, which included the following allegations:

– “Iran provides money, campaign materials, and political training to various individual candidates and political parties [in Iraq].

– “Iran interferes in Iraq’s political process, urging alliances that not all Iraqi politicians favor, in an effort to consolidate power among parties supported by Iran. For example... Ahmed Chalabi met with IRGC Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iranian Foreign Minister [Manouchehr] Mottaki in late November to "discuss” the merger of two slates of Shiite candidates backed by Iran.

– “Iran supports de-Baathification efforts engineered by Ahmed Chalabi for the purpose of eliminating potential obstacles to Iranian influence. Chalabi is also interested in Iran’s assistance in securing the office of Prime Minister.

The invasion, Bush’s infamous “Mission Accomplished” and the endless flow of false intelligence from neo-cons and Israeli agents thru the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, chaired by the most infamous sleazeball pair in American political history, “strange bedfellows” Senators Joe Lieberman and John McCain, set the stage and helped bring it all about. This is the rogues' gallery that helped bring this about: *CLI’s Advisory Board Members:

  • Sen. Evan Bayh, Honorary Co-Chair
  • Mahdi Al-Bassam
  • Barry Blechman (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Eliot Cohen (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Jacquelyn K. Davis
  • Thomas Dine
  • Gen. Wayne Downing
  • Rend Rahim Francke
  • Peter W. Galbraith
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Lt. Gen. Buster Glosson
  • James P. Hoffa
  • Howell Jackson
  • Robert Kagan (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Robert Kerry
  • Jeane Kirkpatrick
  • William Kristol (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Bernard Lewis (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Will Marshall
  • Gen. Barry McCaffrey
  • Joshua Muravchik (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Richard Perle (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Danielle Pletka (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Richard Shultz (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Stephen Solarz (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Maurice Sonnenberg (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Ruth Wedgwood
  • Leon Wieseltier (suspected Mossad agent)
  • Chris Williams
  • James Woolsey

One might wonder how an administration who Fox News so carefully described as “adept and capable in the war on terror” had, not only managed to work with America's enemies during a war but spend 2.4 trillion dollars, $295 billion of which was “misplaced” and still manage to lose a war they were drawn into in an unimaginably complex plot combining dupes, dumbells, Israeli spies, Iranian agents and the shattered remains of an American military gutted by Bush era interference tied to an overriding Evangelical Christian agenda.

It no longer mattered if our military leaders could think, fight or what side they were on, as long as they went to the right church, “right” meaning radical, extremist and heretical based on “fringe” interpretations of Christian gospel. Bush’s “Coalition of the Willing,” the nations blackmailed and duped into Iraq were led by the least and dimmest of our military following intelligence falsified by Israel and Iran, another set of “strange bedfellows” indeed.

By 2004, America’s DIA, the Army’s “spy agency” had figured out that its “golden boy,” Chalabi was working for Iran. A search of his home was authorized. Newsday reporter Knut Royce tells of the debacle:

“The Defense Intelligence Agency has concluded that a U.S.-funded arm of Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress has been used for years by Iranian intelligence to pass disinformation to the United States and to collect highly sensitive American secrets, according to intelligence sources.

Iranian intelligence has been manipulating the United States through Chalabi by furnishing through his Information Collection Program information to provoke the United States into getting rid of Saddam Hussein,’ said an intelligence source Friday who was briefed on the Defense Intelligence Agency’s conclusions, which were based on a review of thousands of internal documents. The Information Collection Program also “kept the Iranians informed about what we were doing” by passing classified U.S. documents and other sensitive information, he said. The program has received millions of dollars from the U.S. government over several years. An administration official confirmed that ‘highly classified information had been provided [to the Iranians] through that channel.’ The Defense Department this week halted payment of $340,000 a month to Chalabi’s program. Chalabi had long been the favorite of the Pentagon’s civilian leadership. Intelligence sources say Chalabi himself has passed on sensitive U.S. intelligence to the Iranians.”

The two “bright boys,” Bush and Cheney found themselves losing dozens of Americans a week, driven to war by the private agendas of Senators Lieberman and McCain and a “blue-ribbon” commission of Israeli assets and dupes, all working hand in hand with a now proven Iranian spy, a spy we recruited, a spy we had been paying for years. When faced with an Iranian spy running the US war in Iraq, Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, not that we are not mentioning that Murdoch had since been “outed” as rabidly Zionist, no surprise to those watching Fox News, tried to cover its tracks:

“But the Chalabi fiasco is emblematic of the mistakes this White House has made in not deciding among its warring camps on Iraq policy, and in failing to exert any discipline on its factions at the CIA and the State Department that oppose Mr. Bush. We don’t know what role Iraqis will decide Mr. Chalabi should play in their future government – perhaps it will be none. But we do know that the way for America to succeed in Iraq is not to make war on its friends.”

Murdoch’s reference to an American intelligence agency’s attack on an enemy spy ring that the Wall Street Journal had strongly supported, calling Iranian spies “friends” is a stretch, even by Fox News/WSJ standards. The American Enterprise Institute and a variety of conservative think tanks chimed in behind the WSJ, lambasting our military for protecting our troops in the field. As we note from the time, 2004-2008, substantial aid and support for military activities against Americans, causing the deaths of thousands, was attributed to Iranian support for groups fighting America.

When given the choice to support American troops or an Iranian spy ring fighting against our own soldiers, “playing politics” put most of Washington’s “neocons” in the enemy camp. If it weren’t for control of the American media by corporations and the powerful lobby from “that other country” we might have been arresting dozens of DC fatcats for treason. Even after being “outed” as an Iranian spy, Chalabi was received in Washington by his neocon friends and given a hero's welcome, as late as 2005. Rumsfeld and Cheney received him personally, managing to overlook the fact that he had been working for the enemy, an enemy killing American soldiers from day one.

To this day, Chalabi is still the primary conduit for Iran in Iraq, never having been arrested, no matter how much evidence was gathered. The handling of his case parallels the 9/11 Commission to that extent.

The odd thing, of course, is who we find working together. We find Iran, American neocons, Israel’s AIPAC lobby, especially the Likudist extremists and people such as General Petraeus, neocon presidential hopeful along with every noted member of the Israel lobby in Washington, all backing what has turned out to be Iranian domination of Iraq.

With 200,000 American troops or more and as many “private security” personnel spread through the Middle East, all supposedly waiting to jump in behind Israel in an invasion of Iran, why do so many of our “hawks,” or better described as “chickenhawks,” the pro-war lobby that loves “gifts,” loves contributions but seems addicted to wars others fight, still support an attack on Iran? Any idiot should be able to pick up the smell.


Having just returned from the region after briefings by General’s Ali, Haroon Raja, Alsam Beg, Hamid Gul, Admiral Sirohey, former Foreign Secretary Fanvir Ahmad Kahn and many more I will mention over the days to come, leaders in Afghanistan and the surrounding region, political, military, United Nations and others, a pattern is emerging any idiot can see.

America and Pakistan are being bled dry, bled by Iran, by Israel and India. While posturing for a war, Iran and Israel are doing millions in secret trade deals. Everyone in the region knows it. The oil and gas, the opium, copper, coal and so much more are at stake. The big game is on, sucker the US into putting it all together for India and Israel to control, Afghanistan, the oil and gas rich new nations of the Caspian basin and maybe the oil giant Iraq/Iran as a junior partner between the regional superpower represented by a combined India/Israel. It is all happening now, all money, all payoffs, all lies and Americans being suckered into setting it all up.

Did it all start on September 11, 2001? Was it planned earlier? Was this just a continuation of the earlier Bush/Reagan deal cut, weapons, cocaine, Israel, Iran from 20 years before? How quickly we forgot Iran/Contra, the biggest scandal in American histroy, more convictions, weapons to enemies, drugs flooding our cities, so big a story it was covered up almost immediately. Who, in their right mind, would have wanted to hang treason charges on two American presidents, Reagan and Bush?

Did Iran blackmail the Bush family into handing Iraq over to them? Was the “October surprise” enough, or was it something more sinister?

Proof is coming in that all, and I mean this in the widest sense, dates back into the 1990s. Was 9/11 just a series of bizarre coincidences like the Mumbai attack? For years we have been watching it all fall together, news coverups, phony investigations, government lying, phony terrorism, never more obvious than the Mossad attack on Detroit now called the ”Crotch Bombing.”

Don’t worry, if we latch onto one lie, another will soon take its place. So long as none of the criminals ever have to suffer for their crimes, expect the game to go on, played out much as planned, coming together like clockwork.

and so it goes ……


Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link:

He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his powerful words have brought about change. Gordon is a lifelong PTSD sufferer from his war experiences and he is empathetic to the plight of today's veterans also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to feature Gordon's timely and critical reports on, a news organization staffed by a number of veterans, particularly former U.S. Marines.

You can send Gordon Duff an email at this address:

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Oregon Reader March 4, 2010 8:03 pm (Pacific time)

Where's my cut of the $300 billion?!

God; March 4, 2010 6:09 pm (Pacific time)

I'm a little pissed off at you Gordon. You don't mind if I call you by your first name do you? Anyway the thought that israel would make trouble for their own benefit is nearing blasphemy.So here is what I want you to do immediately. If you live on the east side of the Mississippi I want you to attend herschells sinygogue and bakery in New Orleans.,or branches in New York city,those in Brooklyn offer tea and bagels at the conclusion of ceremonies. If you are west of the Mississippi.,you are commanded to attend Zion baptist hockey complex in Colorado Springs, my associate teddy haggert will usher you in.,and in whichever location you choose,you are to confess your blatant hatred for my israel-halliburton consortium. Then you are to plead forgiveness with tears and nashing of teeth,preferably covered by Rupert's Media of Truth. After that you'll be inducted into the hall of the redeemed and on to a position in "skull and bones", a prayer group I've sponsored for a couple hundred years but the unbelievers were too blind to perceive.Get back to me on this Gordon.don't forget who you're dealing with.,and of course shalom,shalom! Stop hating israel is all I ask Gordon,is it too much? By the way, dick is getting ready for the big sleep.,interested in an executive position at Halliburton? You'd be surprised at what I can arrange. It's your move Gordon.

Jack March 4, 2010 10:17 am (Pacific time)

Where's the evidence? I have been hearing similar things for years now but that's all. When was the last time a president was hauled into court for a criminal beef? Considering that the current AG would jump at a chance to prosecute those mentioned in this article, all we have is unsupported allegations. Where's the beef?

Vic March 4, 2010 7:48 am (Pacific time)

Awesome....a lot of things I hadnt considered...Thanks again, Gordon for your articles !

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