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Mar-01-2010 18:21printcomments

Is Focus on Israel's Dual Citizen Assassin Program Simply another Diversion?

World leaders feel compelled to go through the charade of huffing and puffing as they publicly question Israel's use of their passports from dual citizens for a Mossad hit, but are they pretending to be outraged?

Israeli suspects in Dubai hit
The 12 suspects who carried British passports in the Dubai assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a senior Hamas military commander, killed in a Dubai hotel: Source:

(JACKSON, Miss.) - I've had time to reflect on the flap about assorted Israeli ambassadors being called on the carpet in various countries (UK, France, Australia, etc.) because Mossad apparently used the passports of a number of Israeli dual citizens in their hit. Some people on our side seem pleased by this development. I smell something rotten in the exercise.

The reason is very simple. Many -- probably a large majority -- of Jews worldwide who do not have dual citizenship with Israel give it such unswerving support that they might as well carry Israeli passports as well, or at least be registered as agents of a foreign government for their actions.

For those who do have dual citizenship and carry both passports, their primary loyalty is overwhelmingly to Israel. Their retention of the non-Israeli citizenship simply allows them to vote, support political campaigns, and (usually) hold elective or appointive political office in the other country, and thus serve Israeli interests even more.

Now, I am 100% certain that the British and French foreign secretary/minister absolutely understand this, as do their governmental counterparts in the other countries. So do most literate government officials and diplomats in most other countries. So just what is the point of all of this?

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was killed in a Dubai hotel

Is it simply that this became a public issue in and from Dubai, and they feel compelled to go through the charade of huffing and puffing and publicly questioning Israel's use of their passports from dual citizens for a Mossad hit, and pretending to be outraged?

Can one imagine that (e.g.) David Miliband, steadfast supporter of ANC terrorism in the old South Africa and staunch supporter of Israel, would actually want to hold Israel accountable for anything, other than its diplomats cheating at cards at White's? And the same for most if not all of the rest of the people stirring the diplomatic pot.

Or is it intended to be a diversion, to create a public facade of not favoring Israel with unlimited diplomatic blank checks, to distance it a bit from complete pariah status and undercut the BDS campaign by attempting to signal that its proponents should have faith in their own governments, because one can see that they are prepared to take a stand? Or...?

One wonders....

Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Dr. Sabrosky has lectured widely on defense and foreign affairs in the United States and abroad. You can email Dr. Alan Sabrosky at:

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Bigots and facts, like oil and water March 5, 2010 10:31 am (Pacific time)

"The IDF has the best weapon aiming systems, they don't error."
"Israel is trying to kill everyone in Palestine"
Ill-logic, the best friend of the bigot.
And you think you are a truth teller?!?
BTW, what would you like Israel to change to, non-existence?

Tim King: I want Israel to quit bullying and murdering people.  I want the world to do its job and stop you guys. 

Bigots and facts, like oil and water March 5, 2010 10:14 am (Pacific time)

"This is not a blog by the way, is a several year old highly established news agency that is growing more popular by the day" Yeah sure, NOT. You are a bigot, no more. Maybe less. I have nothing to do with PR for the Israeli government. I actually study cancer and the physics of overcoming it. I take some lunch time to try and get an ounce of truth out of people like you. I am a proud Zionist though, not sure where you get your facts, but I have never ever heard anything about being a super-race from Zionists. Not from Hertzel, Ben-Gurion, Weizmann, Begin, etc. etc. All these great leaders ever said was that we should rebuild the nation of the Jews. By god, we did a good job. Whatever your delusions may be. Last I remember hearing anything about someone being better than anyone else it was from Muslim "freedom fighters" and supremacists like yourself. Before then it was Hitler, which you seem so eager to equate me with. It's sinister how the Nazi's actually murdered my great-grand-parents while the descendants of those who collaborated with them (like the Mufti of Jerusalem) keep using the Nazi reference to spew more and more hate.  Gaza has fired tens of thousand of Rockets at Israel for the better part of a decade. If that cannot even be acknowledged I am not sure what road to peace you think Israel has. This is coming from a peacenic. If any American or European city had undergone even a tenth of what was forced upon Sderot all the stops would have been pulled. There is historical evidence for this even in the past 20 years. To your credit, unlike some other propaganda sites (like press tv) you actually post opposing ideas. However, I suspect your motives for this are not from any sense of freedom of expression or fair play. Rather, I would say you understand that without these ideas you would not even have this Blog. BTW, you sure "Israel brutzlizes innocent people", aside from the spelling, who is the oppressor, the soldier that is firing at a woman or the terrorist that has forced her to stand on the street and is taking aim at the soldier from behind her. That is Hamas/Hezbula/etc, hiding behind their women and children, or going after Israeli women and children in suicide bombing. And people like you make heroes of them. Shame on you.

Tim King: Look, I know you know where I am coming from, and I know where you are coming from.  Things are a mess, they must be brought under control, and there are many ways this could happen.  The political front needs peace as the first word.  Nobody in Israel should be killed, as nobody in Palestine should.  The one point I can't start to go with is your allegation that tens of thousands of rockets are fired from Gaza.  Those guys don't have nails to rebuild their homes, and look at the reprisal from the Gaza rockets in Dec. 08; that is when they did fire and look what Israel did in return.  I know that if this was taking place every day it would be all over the news and it is not.  The media in the U.S. and Israel runs that as top story news when it happens.  Correct me if I am wrong, please, for our collective good.  Send me a link to an article that states that tens of thousands of rockets are continually being fire from Gaza.  And then when we get done with that, let's brainstorm for real answers, not just arguing and accusations and innuendos, and I mean both of us.  You are disturbed and I am too, help me find the answers.    

Bigots and facts, like oil and water March 4, 2010 1:47 pm (Pacific time)

"The Arabs are no longer attacking you guys, that is the time to react, not murder more people."  Hha? Bombs are falling daily on Israeli civilian villages that border the Gaza strip! You know, after 1967 and 1973 (and 2006) the Arabs claimed victories, guess you have about the same loyalty to the facts. And to think that you are an Editor (!), of anything. PS: The "score" of the recent war in Gaza was whatever, the point is that 99% of the time Israel targeted Hamas terrorists, Hamas in 99% of the time targeted Israeli civilians (and they still do). Hiding behind civilian population is a war-crime, you should know that. Finally, there are two countries that hold the key to the blockade of Gaza. Hamas in much more dangerous to the one you didn't mention: Egypt.  PS: you are about as big a bigot as I have seen in a while and I quote " [...] Jews worldwide [ .. should .. ] be registered as agents of a foreign government for their actions.". Wow! Not sure why I spent some time on this worthless blog.

Editor: (Tim King) OMG, if people in Gaza were firing at you guys every day you would hit them with a hundred times the power, like when a crime syndicate takes a whole family out; to 'teach someone a lesson'.  This is not a blog by the way, is a several year old highly established news agency that is growing more popular by the day.  A blog is a term for 'Web log' and they are generally sites that repost popular material from other sites, allowing expansive comments.  

I can tell you are simply a person who spreads propaganda and is part of Israel's PR campaign that is designed to modify the truth, the way the Nazi's paraded the Red Cross through the Warsaw Ghetto.  It is sad that the oppressed have turned around to become the evil oppressor, but that is what you call nations that threaten world peace and fail to respect basic human rights.  How could it be different?  Israel is based on a philosophy that causes Zionists to view themselves as a supreme race, and I know you are not.  We are all equal on earth, you stole land however and the people you took it from are waiting for you to return some of it.  Anyone who reads our articles knows what Israel did to Gaza.  They know how schools and hospitals were targeted.  The IDF has the best weapon aiming systems, they don't error.  Doctors in Gaza said all they saw streaming through their hospital doors were civilians, hundreds and hundreds of children.  We talk about the 1400 almost all civilian casualty count, but I rarely expand on the injuries, thousands and thousands of people crushed and burned in Gaza - who lived. Israel is trying to kill everyone in Palestine, and that is genocide, and you are GUILTY and the UN knows it and Goldstone knows it and you know it and I know it and more than anyone, the Palestinians know it.  You creeps have had control of media all these years in the U.S. and now we are finally here; is the only news group in the U.S. that tells these stories, and we will tell more and more every day until Israel changes.  You and the others who back the inhumane slaughter of civilians belong in some kind of a moral court for even considering that you are right.   

Since you are so smart March 3, 2010 7:41 pm (Pacific time)

And because I am sure you can read arabic, (or you have at LEAST a dozen friends who can) at the bottom is the link to the original arabic to this translation: "Al-Quds Al-Araby daily reported on Tuesday... ....Mahmoud Nasser, a member of Hamas' political bureau, told the newspaper that slain commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was likely being tracked by agents from Jordan and Egypt prior to the January 19 killing.  Nasser said he had been given information regarding such efforts to kill Mabhouh, adding that the evidence indicated that the assassination was carried out earlier than the alleged agents had planned.  According to Nasser, Mabhouh was in possession of "dangerous" information seen as dangerous to particular Arab elements seeking to topple Islamist resistance."  I know a few Marines; one who was on the Canal, another who served in the Gulf. You sir, are a disgrace. You didn't even have the balls to print the earlier post, because you had no defense to it. And I am sure you don't have the balls to print this either, as it doesn't fit your agenda; if you can't use something to blame America's BEST ALLY IN THE MIDEAST, then you move on to something else that helps you slip a knife in Israel.  Just one final question. Have you ever heard the "palistinian" credo? "When we are done with the Saturday people, we are coming for the Sunday people" Did you pali friends tell you get a pass for knifing Israel?  If not, I would watch your back. They learned from the commies; once they are done with their useful idiots, you are the first people they get rid of.

Tim King: Whatever Joe, you come across like a terrorist yourself for someone so quick to point the finger at others.  You can make crap up all day but you're simply the backer of a repressive regime that thinks it has a divine right to murder.  You by the way have no right even commenting about the U.S. Marine Corps.  I was a Marine and today I am still surrounded by other Marines, including nine others on our writing staff.  And I did approve your other comment, what kind of stupid charge was that?  I am not obligated to approve anything, but I did, and I was civil and tried to reason with you.  But you are in attack mode, like Israel, and there is no reasoning with you,  Keep your allegiance to Israel and I will keep mine to the human race and we'll see who wins.  Funny, you are such a complete and total bigot, and somehow think you represent some righteous cause.        


Joe Hadenuff March 3, 2010 6:18 pm (Pacific time)

You support BDS? You want to divest from companies doing business with Israel? Why don't you and your cohorts start with throwing out your computers with chips and OS' designed in Israel.  Then stop texting on your phones since Instant Messaging was invented in Israel. Please do it now and replace them with muslim designed technology.  "Israel brutzlizes innocent people, you can endorse what you want but we never will. The score in Gaza: 1400 dead Palestinians to 14 dead Israeli's, five of those by friendly fire"  Sounds like YOU endorse Hamas standing behind women and children firing THOUSANDS of rockets at Israeli women and children. What irony; you are so "enraged" at the taking out of the man who was responsible for smuggling in the explosives to Hamas and who was the link to Iran and Hezbullah, you are so "enraged" that you you aren't even cognizant that most of the world now acknowledges that Dubai may tipped off the Jordanians and/or the Egyptians (both of whom had WARRANTS to arrest Mabhouh), and the Saudis now think the so-called "palistinians" did it themselves.  Whats the problem, do you think the Saudi media is under the thumb of the "world-media-controlling JOOS"?  If it weren't for your brave service to our American military I would VOMIT on you. As it is I merely pity you for being so deranged with your self-hatred of the Judeo-Christian West that you would align yourself with communists and jihadists, all just to get yourself a pat on the back from the "intellectual" backstabbers who are ALSO trying to destroy America.

Tim King: Joe, I understand that you feel very personal about this and there are many things that have taken place over the years from both sides that are reprehensible.  There are no innocents but it became a situation where vows for revenge are generational.  We all have to work together to pressure the Israeli government to let up and solve this by taking down the blockade of Gaza; what a move that would represent.  The settlements that keep going up are at the heart of it, and accountability.  Yes, I support BDS but don't take it personally.  Did you like George W. Bush?  He was my President and I never said a kind thing about him.  He was a series of horrible national mistake with worldwide consequences.  Sure he did some good things along the way, but my point is that I didn't back the politics of my nation when I strongly disagreed with them.  Can you see why everyone is getting so impatient?  The denial of the Goldstone Report is the worst thing.  Until Israel comes to grips with its policies and overreactions, and is accountable for what it has done, there is no solving it.  There are so many good people everywhere, we have to work together to reduce the oppression.  People are amazingly grateful when they are given a reprieve.  The Arabs are no longer attacking you guys, that is the time to react, not murder more people.  They will never forget all of this, but perhaps if Israel finds a way to change, peace is still possible.  You can't bomb people into submission and expect positive results.  These are my words, Dr. Sabrosky may add his own, I am not speaking for him but as the Editor. 


Paul March 3, 2010 7:34 am (Pacific time)

Israel killed a murderer and purposely did it in full view to terrorize its enemies. The message being, we can kill you anywhere. Nothing will come of this flap, as it will never be proven. Kudos to Israel on a brilliant operation

Tim King: If it was such a brilliant operation, how come they were discovered?

PointBlanc1231 March 2, 2010 5:13 pm (Pacific time)

Sabrosky is spot on. Watch this interview with Sabakh Al Mukhtar, from the Arab Lawyers association, and listen to what he says about the reaction of the countries whose Passport System was violated by Israel's Intelligence Service MOSAAD. Not a democracy? Israel ’showed its real face’ in Dubai-Mossad scandal. PointBlanc1231.

jimmy March 2, 2010 10:40 am (Pacific time)

Why is nobody questioning that the autor of the Patriot Act, Michael Chertoff, holds dual citizenship with Israel? Has e ever renounced Israel citizenship? WAKE UP SHEEPLE, WE DONT CONTROL OUR COUNTRY!

Reason Prevails March 2, 2010 10:03 am (Pacific time)

One wonders? Anyone even passingly familiar with Israel's policies over the last 50 years knows that this is par for the course for them. They'll go to any lengths to right what they see as a wrong, international law be damned. Yes, most of the huffing and puffing *is* a charade, as is most politics in general. (There's a reason it's called "theater.") Israel will continue to flout the sovereignty of other nations until our outrage becomes real.

Clarity March 2, 2010 4:01 am (Pacific time)

Clearly, as you say, we can't trust the Jews. Your claims that all Jews have their first allegience to Israel will be branded anti-semitism by some. I mean, what have Jews contributed to this country? Are there any famous Jews who worked to progress America?

Editor: No, actually you are the only one who specifically said, "we can't trust the Jews", not Alan. 

He does not overly generalize like that, neither do I 

We're not racists. 

You can have your problems with Israel, we can have ours.  Your veiled attempt to suggest that we should be on our knees thanking God for the A bomb though kind of loses its punch; that is unless you have always ignored what happened to the little children in Japan as a result of fat man and little boy.  It is almost ironic isn't it?  That should be crystal clear. 

Jack wylde March 2, 2010 2:04 am (Pacific time)

In the recent uproar about Israeli intelligence The mossad was blamed and damned for the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. First thing that the press and the British government as well as the Australian government forget is if the mossad had carried out such a assassination they would never have been seen on the CCTV and they would have been heavily disguised. Second the mossad never leaves bodies around to be found and have the world in an uproar as who else would be blamed seeing that it was a Hamas leader that was assassinated. The world should look closer to home as the whole operation reeks of bungling from start to finish and it would not be beyond the realms of possibility that it was a Hamas hit squad doing some internal house cleaning with the scapegoat being Israel once more. It is amazing that everybody is willing to blame Israel on the word of an nation committed to the demise of Israel.  If the Mossad had carried out such an operation it would have happened outside of the hotel and there would have been no body left to identify by any means. Or we could go further and look at Iran who fund Hamas maybe Mahmoud had done something that Iran did not like and they ordered his demise as a warning to the rest of the Palestinians do as we say or else. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty except Israel who else get the blame. There are various people who are blaming Israel for the earthquake in Chile and have said it was the Israeli earthquake machine that caused it. And the Bad weather in the USA was caused be Israel as well using their weather control machine.

Editor: Israel brutzlizes innocent people, you  can endorse what you want but we never will.  The score in Gaza: 1400 dead Palestinians to 14 dead Israeli's, five of those by friendly fire

Daniel Johnson March 1, 2010 10:45 pm (Pacific time)

Looks like misdirection to me.

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