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Jun-23-2012 00:12printcomments

Medics Urged to Ban Circumcision as Baby Boy Bleeds to Death

The news came as The British Association for Community Child Health reported a baby boy's skull was fractured during a ritual circumcision in Bristol.

Court that heard baby circucision death
Angelo Ofori-Mintah died less than two days after being circumcised Photo:

(LONDON) - The British Medical Association will be urged to debate the banning of Unnecessary Male Circumcision at its annual meeting next week after a baby bled to death in Queens Park, London.

The tragic case of 28 day old Angelo Ofori-Mintah is the latest in string of deaths and injuries that have prompted some doctors to call for laws that protect girls from unnecessary genital cutting to be extended to protect boys.

The news of Angelo’s death came in the same week that The British Association for Community Child Health reported in it’s quarterly newsletter that a baby boy's skull was fractured during a ritual circumcision performed on a kitchen table in Bristol.

Now Dr Antony Lempert, GP and Director of the Secular Medical Forum, will be calling on the BMA to debate the banning of Non Therapeutic Circumcision in the UK at the start of its annual meeting.

Other cases that have helped push the issue up the agenda include the case of a Salford midwife who will be tried for manslaughter later this year after a boy she circumcised bled to death, and a report in The Journal of Public Health that found that nearly 1 in 2 Muslim boys circumcised in an Islamic school in Oxford ended up with medical complications.

There is currently a growing demand across Northern Europe to outlaw the practice with the junior member of Norway’s coalition government calling for a male circumcision ban earlier this month and medical associations in Sweden an The Netherlands also opposing the practice.

Britain’s leading anti-circumcision charity, NORM UK, is heading for Rotterdam next week for an international conference on the Doctor And The Foreskin (subtitle Circumcision: forbid, deter or encourage?)

The Campaign To End Unnecessary Male Circumcision estimates that more than half a million boys living in the UK will be subjected to medically unnecessary circumcision before their 16th birthday.

And the anti-circumcision movement is growing in the UK with campaigners from the group Men Do Complain planning to protest outside the British Medical Association’s Annual Representatives Meeting in Bournemouth next week.

The campaign founder, Richard Dunkcer, says they will be protesting because “cutting the genitals of healthy boys who cannot consent is profoundly unethical".

Another group, Genital Autonomy, is planning a mini-conference in at Keele University in July to bring together leading experts and practioners to debate “How Can We Prevent unnecessary Male Circumcision”.













Source: Ending Unnecessary Male Circumcision In The UK



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A Haupt August 29, 2012 6:30 pm (Pacific time)

Maybe you have heard of crazy Germans who want to ban circumcision for Muslims and jews.
Famous chancelor Merkel said "we will be called Nation of comedians(komiker Nation)"
When you don't think it is comical to be against the mutilations of little boys, please help by
signing a electronic official petition directly at the Bundestag Petitionsausschuss.
Would you test the Bundetag Petition Forum and Forward the adresses if it works, even if you dont like it maybe
you know others who would.
For more information in english look for Michael Roloff who is firm in german language.
There is even a petition for circumcision.
If you accidentally sign the wrong one you can erase it anytime, by clicking the white on orange arrow at the right side of the
black box "Mitzeichnung entfernen"(at the right column of the page) then "Petition mitzeichnen(sign Petition)" will show up.

For Circumcision: 80 Votes htttttpsttt://$$$.a.u.html

Against Circumcision: 1400 Votes$$$.a.u.html

Please vote even if the Petition is not very good because petitions have been rejected for 2 years. This may be the last chance of official petition besides the AVAAZ petition.
Even if your vote is only noted but not counted it would show the appreciation of some forreigners.
In the last weeks I have learned we have also a lot of religious nutjobs here(I was kind of ashamed), and an easypeasy multicultural hidden religious parliament. An ethik board of so called experts where an Professor constitution attorney uses the minor cut excuse to give the parents education rights way over over human dignity of the child.

Here is a translation for Log in

maybe you better go first to home (There is no home button)
May be if you are already at the Antibeschneidungspage you will get thrown out. Even if it sounds conspiratoral,
there is a big difference in the voting numbering between this and Musik schule petition (50% to 100%) (this should be fixed since 28. August)
Then go to the uppermost right corner click -->anmelden(login) {-->abmelden(logout)]

Then you are at the registration page
If you dont get an account at the end try with another user(i tried it with FF14.0.1 Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and IpodTouch 4G IOS4
and both worked (this should be fixed since 28. August)

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Datenschutzerklärung=how they handle your data Verfahrensgrundsätzen= they can throw you out when you misbehave[1]
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[1] they dont like url, you must have a citation from that page directly connected Example:

Die Ethikkommission des Norwegischen Ärztebundes hat sich für ein Beschneidungsverbot ausgesprochen.
Die Ethiker des Niederländischen Ärztebundes haben die Beschneidung für unethisch befunden, und deshalb die Abschaffung der nicht-therapeutischen Beschneidung gefordert.
*Der Schwedische Kinderärzteverband fordert ein gesetzliches Verbot der der nicht-therapeutischen Beschneidung und begründet diesen Vorstoß damit, dass der Eingriff unethisch sei.

in forum No hatespeech, no insult no diffamation

[2] Your real adress is required they will test that you are areal person, if we succeed. Dont be afraid the data will be pretty safe.

ananymous June 23, 2012 12:04 pm (Pacific time)


Gp June 23, 2012 4:24 am (Pacific time)

Bleeding is always a possible complication of circumcision and as a nurse I witnessed it many times and saw medical intervention to halt the blue edging. What's more, I also witnessed accidental medical mutilation during this procedure and the universal anguish of babies even those who were given anesthesia by lidocaine injection. It is an atrocity and torture. What is more, these infants and children have their genitalia foever maimed by illinformed parents and customers bias in the USA. It was only when insurance companies began to refuse coverage for this elective surgery that parents who were financially pressed began to elect to forgo the mutilation. As far as I can see, this is just about the only good health insurance bean counters have ever done.

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