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Jun-17-2012 13:28printcomments

Nepal Privatized and Sororized

Report from Delhi, Indo-Nepalese border towns, Kathmandu and Dharamkot [Himachal Pradesh].


(DELHI) - Nepal’s leadership failed to draft a new Constitution. The mandate of 602-member Constituent Assembly [CA] elected in 2008 ended on 27th May, 2012 without a consensus as to how Nepal should be governed. Total cost of the exercise came to Rs 8,900 million [roughly US$100 million] ending up in endless blame game and petty bickering. The big issue is identity federalism; the intractable issue distribution of power.

Political issues

Nepal’s estimated population according to Census-2011 was 26.62 million comprising of 103 recognized ethno-demographic groups. The largest ones are Chhetri [about 16%], Brahmin [13.6%], Magar [7.5%], Tharu [7.1%], Tamang [5.7%], Newar [5.7%], Muslim [4.2%], Kami [4%] and Yadav [3.2%]. [Chart 1]

Smaller ethnic groups like Gurung, Chhepa, Limbu, Rai, Raute, Sherpa, Thakali, etc., and marginalized lower castes together constitute about 35-40% of the population. Note that Brahmin, Chhetri, Magar and Yadav are castes while Muslims follow Islam religion. Newars are natives of mid-Himalayan region, astute businessmen. Tamang, Tharu and Kami are tribes. Depending upon what color of glasses one is wearing on a particular day, nth factorial of permutations and combinations are possible and that’s where the impasse lies. [Image 1]

Effectively, there is no majority ethnic community in Nepal; each minority group is dominant in some parts; many have social and economic relationship and shared culture with other groups as is common in any multi-ethnic nations around the world. However, from the religious perspective, 80.6% are Hindu, 10.7% Buddhist, 4.2% Muslim and 4.5% follow other religion making Nepal Hindu dominant state and it has remained so since hoary antiquity. The Terai region [the area contiguous to the Northern Indian plains] is home to predominantly Hindu and 50.2% and the districts bordering China constitute 6.3%, mainly Hindus and Buddhists. The 103 ethnic minorities and over 300 caste groups are spread across all 75 districts of Nepal. Unfortunately, the non negotiable identity federalism civil society leaders are using the most uncivil language to push their agenda because they have friends in high places with deep pockets.

The Communists, led by two closet-Christians, Prachanda and Bhattrai, perhaps supported by the Catholic Queen in Delhi [1], declared that Nepal is a ‘secular state.’ The Vatican declared its secular credentials too, long ago, so long as one was Christian and paid rent to the Pope. Mafia is slightly different: they guarantee respectable jobs; modern day Marxists and the Vatican don’t, even to their die-hard slaves, Nepal’s so called NGO brigade should learn this unpalatable truth.

During the ten year long armed rebellion against the monarchy [1996-2006], majority of the rural masses and many in urban areas supported the Maoists. However, when the Maoists captured nearly 40% of the 602- member Constituent Assembly, they wanted democratic centralism akin to the former Soviet Union. The other 60% opposed it for all sorts of reasons. The State Restructuring Commission came up with two options [Image 2] but it seems to be unacceptable to various ethnic groups for various reasons, too many to be listed here. [2]

The main political challenge comes from the nation-wide coalitions of various ethnic groups. Majority of these have come up from 1990 onward, a vital time-line that parallels US+NATO’s still unfinished Yugoslavian agenda, and have been nurtured by international NGOs [INGOs], Soros funded Human Rights organizations [these INGOs are masters of Bingo; ask any Yugoslavian], and European funding agencies either directly or through the UN agencies. Informed sources in the Government of Nepal say that around 40% of international fund flows directly to the NGOs bypassing normal government channel mainly to pro identity federalism groups.

The Maoists received foreign support, funds and arms; M56 assault rifles and Heckler and Koch G3 in containers. Rebels were caught by the army and let loose again. [3] The legitimate Government’s forces received M249 light machine guns, widely used by the US armed forces. Death toll from peaceniks’ arms was 4,500 [Government side] and 8,200 [Rebels’ side]; much less than the relatively young Madeleine Albright’s “price-worth-it” 500,000 Iraqi infants, and later 1.5 million Iraqi dead, and over 100,000 Libyans dead.

The Nepalese ‘civil society’

Who cares when the civil society is out there to defend people’s rights when the price is always worth it? Dead folks don’t complain; NGOs, the modern day vultures, do only when their own folks are dead or done in, in every sense-culturally, socially, economically and politically.

During classical imperialist forays mercenaries went to kill and after the WWII the economic hit men [EHM]. Post 1990 has been the golden period of socio-cultural hit men [SHM] spearheaded by cash rich INGOs and floor-sweeper local NGOs and Christian fundamentalists, ably supported by the insidious, drug peddling, racist, “indoctrination centers [of] the Chabad cult that teaches children that the Chabad Rebbe is the Moshiach and that they have to do what the Rebbe tells them to do.” [4] Young Israelis are as much ensnared into cocaine snorting as the young Nepalese. That’s modern day civil society. Hard drugs, sex, cult following and music and democratic free thinking are the opiate of the masses. Behind this façade lies the globalist-corporatist agenda of enslavement and that is beyond the comprehension of the civil society morons. Nepal’s youth is done in.

The prominent SHMs are: Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities [NEFIN], National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities [NFDIN], Kirat Yakthung Chumlung [KYC], Tharu Indigenous NGO Federation Nepal [TINF] and Tharu Kalyankari Sabha [TKS], Nepal Tamang Ghedung (NTG) and Nepal Tamang National Federation (NTNF), and Nepal Magar Association (NMA). Strengthening their activities are journalists [Association of Nepalese Indigenous Journalists, ANIJ], women’s groups [National Indigenous Women Federation, NIWF], students [Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Students, NFINS], and lawyers [Lawyers' Association for Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples, LAHURNIP]. NEFIN represents 48 ethnic minorities of Nepal. According to NEFIN two [Newar and Thakali] are advanced groups, fourteen are disadvantaged, nineteen are marginalized, and twelve highly marginalized. Nine groups are classified as ‘endangered.’ Jehovah’s Witnesses think that they are the chosen 8,000 to survive Armageddon, farmageddon, dollargeddon, or any fucking geddon; NEFIN thinks they are the chosen 500 million after depopulation cycle is over.

The Maoists, Leftists, centrists, royalists, beef eating Hindus [that is also the agenda of Christian fundamentalists but they don’t talk of pork eating Wahhabies who are actually closet-Zionists], dog lovers, all the 103 ethnic identity claimants, slaves, and beggars can chose option 1 or 2 [Image 2] or go on to each of the nth factorial. Soros sycophants among the Kathmandu chatteratti and mainstream media can talk endlessly, and breathlessly, about ending Hindu upper caste hegemony to usher in “true democracy and identity based federalism” except that it never occurs to them that (i) when their daughter marries the couple must go to Pashupatinath temple for Hindu God’s blessings and [ii] over 80% will be done in over the next 2-6 years; Done In=KILLED. And ask any fucking Maoist bugger in India where he gets his daughter solemnized! That’s where NATO and US guns come in handy; the writing is on the wall, no one will know who killed whom till all ethnic groups start to kill as many of the ‘perceived enemy.’

NEFIN has received substantial funding from leading American, European and UN donor agencies. Among NEFIN’s many complaints only one is solidly backed: “65% of ancestral land of indigenous people are occupied by national park and conservation and forced majority of indigenous people to migrate elsewhere.” The “park and conservation” agenda is European elites’ pet project, headed by Prince Philip, the nominal leader of the global elite, who also fund outfits like NEFIN.[5] NEFIN even shameless chided DfID not to stop the £ 2 million ‘aid.’ [6] Bite the hands that feed you and they will slit your jugular!

During the four years of assembly mayhem pro-monarchy royalists’ Rashtriya Prajatantrik Party [RPP] did gain some support but their main influence is limited to Kathmandu valley. The Royalists should note that the dethroned king Gyanendra had close business relationship with international gangster/terrorist Dawood Ibrahim [18 sightings reported by the Indian Intelligence] and the people know it. [7] Gyanendra was nowhere near his father, the late King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shahdev, who ruled Nepal from 1956 to 1972, who had the perspicacity to understand the vital geo-political compulsions of being Nepal. He knew in 1958 that it’d be dangerous for his country if he allowed the big powers to interfere in Nepal’s internal affairs. Insiders say that when an American [US Government sponsored] foundation was ousted from Nepal, allegedly Nazi conspirator and Secretary General of the UNO Kurt Waldheim personally threatened the Nepalese Government that ‘all international assistance would be withdrawn.’ Waldheim was ‘forced’ by the Zionists; he was enslaved.

The Nepalese Maoists do not understand the way of the world either. Neither Marx nor Engels nor Trotsky nor Rosa Luxembourg lived long enough to see the power of the London banksters. Lenin and Stalin were both bankrolled by them. Even Ho Chi Minh ended up as a CIA perp. Nepalese newspapers report that the top five leaders in the interim government have made millions. Every corrupt politician-from developed and developing countries alike- deposits “hot money” in the banks owned by the London Banksters! The moment they do this, they become slaves of these Banksters who actually control every financial institution and every Western Leader.

The role of foreign institutions

According to authoritative sources, the “identity federalism” is being vigorously promoted by Soros funded ‘Framework Team’ of the United Nations. Yes, the same billionaire Hungarian George Soros, former Nazi minion, member of the Bilderberg group of the European Elite, who now floats humanitarian aid groups and counter-gangs in every country targeted for resource grab. NEFIN can’t restore the 65% of the ancestral lands stolen from the ethnic groups because that is global elite’s eminent domain. They can have as much funds as they want from Soros but not the lands for the ethnic minorities they are ostensibly fighting for and NEFIN can scream its brains out.

“Twenty-eight major departments and specialized agencies of the United Nations Organization are directly working under the oversight and superintendence of the Framework Team headed by Gay Rosenblum-Kumar, a US national perhaps married to a South-Asian.” [8] The list of UN agencies include UNDP, UN-WFP, UNICEF, WHO, FAO, IMF, World Bank, UNFPA, UNODC [UN Office on Drugs and Crime], to name a few. These UN agencies have been meeting in secret to discuss the partition of UN member states particularly Pakistan, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, China, Russia, Malaysia and Indonesia, according to insiders in the UN system.

The chief mole of “the Framework Team [FT] in Nepal is Ian Martin who has implemented similar structure in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in Cyrenaica in Libya. Ian knows Nepal well. In the past years the FT has supported various [similar] initiatives at various levels in many countries- namely, Guyana, Ecuador, Mauritania, the Maldives, Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Lesotho, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Yemen, and Fiji-and all these countries are facing ethnic divide, social tension and a move towards identity federalism.”

The FT is largely funded by Soros and western multinational corporations. The UN system is now completely corporatized and, as Wayne says, Sororized.

Cultural genocide

Equally important is the role of the Christian church and the evangelists in what should be called the ‘Cultural Genocide in Nepal.’ [10] The Christian church now appears to be militarized.

By a conservative count 59 Christian denominations are working in Nepal, many more are unknown; most are American Churches. International Christian organizations from non-Christian countries like Japan, India and Korea are sending their unwanted missionaries over to wreck Nepal as well.”

Evangelization started in the late 19th Century indirectly. Nepal was a Hindu kingdom and conversion was banned. Evangelists followed the British colonial expansion and established hundreds of public schools in Darjeeling [as also in other mountain regions] between 1890 and 1930. Poor Nepali kids were given free school education provided they converted. Parents did not mind. Darjeeling became the conversion centre for the Nepalese. Quality education in these schools prepared these kids for higher jobs in Nepal; in positions of authority, the same people started supporting the evangelists. It stands to reason why the closet- Christians-Maoists Prachanda and Bhattrai declared Nepal a secular state that may finish off centuries old Hindu culture and tradition.

But the evangelists have acknowledged that they are facing opposition. As long as they work on social welfare causes, people cooperate; the moment they proselytize, rural folks leave them. That means that more violence will follow especially in rural Nepal.

Cultural genocide is now preferred way to erase any memory of the socio-cultural specificities. The Taliban bombed and destroyed the Bamiyan Buddha in Afghanistan erasing any memory of cultural interaction, the US and NATO conducted precision bombing of all cultural assets in Yugoslavia and deliberately destroyed the world’s finest and richest film library and all their cultural assets. All archeological museums were destroyed in Iraq and Libya. All places of worship, all modern amenities, all water resources, and all electricity generating plants. When you don’t have electricity you can’t get water and you can’t provide any basic amenities. NEFIN should know that all assets that were built with public money have been destroyed in these countries and Syria is going through that hell right now being primed for break up exactly as planned for Nepal. [11]

Never forget what happened at Pashupatinath Temple. As one perceptive observer says,

“during a well-attended festival in the Pasupathinath Temple in Kathmandu….a group of …. zealous evangelists, including foreigners, wearing crosses descended upon the crowds armed with the word of God and began to distribute Bible tracts and other literature. The temple of course is a much revered religious site of the city's Hindus. While the incident involved a clear case of violating sacred space in a rather aggressive manner, no immediate violent incidents took place, even though it touched a raw nerve in many individuals. Thus the incident remains part of the memory of many individuals I talked to irrespective of their religious background. Thus it was related to me by Hindus as well as Catholics and Buddhists....Structurally, the incident which nearly took place in Mihintale in Sri Lanka is similar…[12]

India under the Mafiosi Antonio Maino is also rapidly losing its cultural and religious assets; earlier by stealing antiques, now by state control over rich temples. Rajiv Gandhi knew that and that’s why he was assassinated. Even the Indian Supreme Court was silenced when evidences were presented by Subramaniam Swamy, Member of Parliament and leader of the Janata Party.

NEFIN has no option; Maoists have amassed too much wealth stashed in western banks to offer any resistance. Prachanda, Yami and Bhattrai and their sidekicks are all in it. They will be forced to destroy Nepali culture and religion. The New World Order wants total destruction of cultural identity and NWO is the banksters’ agenda, not US or NATO; the banksters provide the toilet paper dollars, the latter provide the muscle/weapons power.

Resource plundering agenda

The Himalayan region has been the target for resource plundering since the early 19th Century but especially so after the 1960s when the western imperialists ‘lost’ Tibet to China. The loss of Tibet was a major setback for the CIA and all former colonialists, especially the London banksters who had earlier bank rolled the East India Company. It was the banksters who bought off the Nepalese King to sign the humiliating Treaty of Sugauli [1816], after the East India Company’s army had lost the Anglo-Nepalese War, forcing Nepal to cede 1/3rd of its most vital food growing territory. [13]

Control over Asia requires control over the Himalayan region. Greater Himalayan region is spread across Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and China. Lesser Himalayan region stretches into the Northeast India and Burma. Parts of the Central Asian Republics merge with the Western Himalayas. The Himalayas are the most densely populated mountainous region on earth, home to around 40 million people of diverse ethnicity, speaking over a hundred different languages. All the Himalayan nations are now target for Balkanization a la Yugoslavia, sell-off of natural resources and location of permanent military bases.

The region straddles the subduction zone of the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate at 40 mm per annum lifting the region up by about 20-25 mm per annum, hence prone to frequent quakes, massive ones every two decades. About 55,000 glaciers, second largest snow mass after the Antarctica, feed seven major river systems [Yellow, Yangtse, Mekong, Irrawady, Brahmaputra, the Ganges, and the Indus] that irrigate lands that are home to 1.6 billion people. One of the main objectives of corporatist Agenda-21 is to take total control over world’s water resources. The Nepalese example are there: In 1997 the Nepalese Government decided to privatize Kathmandu valley water supply and in 2006 [note the date] the Government decided to “invite” multinational ‘water supplier’ Severn Trent Authority to take over and manage Kathmandu’s water needs. That was a US$464 million Melamchi River water diversion project that would have starved every community downstream of the river. [14] It was the villagers who stopped the project.

EHMs of the World Bank and Asian Development Bank bribe every third world politicians routinely to accept “loans” or else? The loans are paid off by the poor people, the politicians get several million in their account in any preferred foreign bank; the toilet paper dollar acquires hard assets.

With immense forest wealth, the region is classified as one of mega-biodiversity, with as yet many unidentified flora and fauna. Commercially valuable minerals like copper, lead, zinc, bismuth, lithium [huge deposits in Afghanistan and Tibet] antimony, nickel, cobalt, tungsten are known to occur in both the eastern and western Himalayas at over 100 locations; gold, silver, precious stones, limestone, bauxite, gypsum, beryllium, magnetite, coal, and oil and gas are plentiful in the region. All these are becoming scarcer to the Western economies. PNAC’s full spectrum dominance requires them to control every inch of land on this planet[15].

The estimated total hydro-electric potential is around 500,000 MWe; 250,000 in the Tibet-China side and the rest in the southern side, and inestimable potential for small hydel plants. If the World Bank has its way, all Himalayan rivers will become a series of dams and reservoirs[16].

Equally important is charas, made from the resin of the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa or Cannabis ), that grows throughout the Himalayas. The best cannabis comes from Malana and Kasol regions of Kullu valley in Himachal Pradesh. Local folks make over twenty different products- from slippers, woven fabrics to medicinal oils, and various food items of daily use- hence it is an important cash crop for the local people. Worldwide, about 50,000 items can be made from cannabis plant. People forget that the cannabis plant can generate a trillion dollar turnover annually from sustainable industries, create millions of jobs around the world, and prevent environmental degradation. However, the Governments of India, Pakistan and Nepal have banned the cultivation of cannabis; earlier at the behest of the East India Company, now the ban is enforced by the globalist plunderers and their third world minions. Why? Because global drug trade has ensured healthy cash flow of all the top western banks including Queen Elizabeth’s bank which was fined by Her Majesty’s Government officers for drug money laundering.

The occupation of Afghanistan, a South Asian nation like Nepal, was essentially to control opium cultivation and production of heroin and cocaine now worth 600-700 billion dollars annually; the next goal of the London Banksters is to take control of the entire Himalayan region. Since the banksters control global drug trade they can actually finance the budget of the US and NATO armed forces as long as they wish and the control over all sources of drugs and opiates is the ultimate target and this itself is a huge issue. The Israeli Chabad Lubavicher in Kathmandu and Pokhara will play yeoman’s role in this. [17]

The military perspective

That’s why from military perspective it makes eminent sense to break Nepal into 15 to 20 smaller nations. Large areas of Nepal are economically under-developed. Fomenting ethnic strife serves their purpose. The ten year civil war was used to eliminate monarchy and weaken all institutions of governance. At the height of civil disturbance 20,000 Maoist guerillas were fighting the state; all are well trained in the use of sophisticated weapons. Around 9,000 have been inducted into the Nepalese army and, as one report indicates, they are from all ethnic groups. Over the past twenty years ethnic identity has sharpened and demands for inclusion in power sharing is now taking extremely ugly shape. Nepal is in a situation of uneasy peace and ethnic violence can start anytime and NEFIN leader’s language leaves no one in doubt. It will be impossible to control US+NATO funded ethnic violence.

Conditions for military intervention of the UN have been created through UNMIN and stated earlier; all UN missions are now working under the Framework Team. The plan to starve Nepalese people is already underway and I have reported this. [18]

The Powers That Be [PTB] have already taken control of 65% of ethnic minorities’ lands through the innocuous Park Act. Soon a situation will be created when short of land, food and water people will revolt. That would be given “ethnic color” and NEFIN and all the NGOs will be readied to be the savior. Foreign funds and aid money will flow in; all toilet paper dollars printed in Banksters’ backyards to foment more trouble and violence. Guns will be shipped in humanitarian aid aircrafts owned by USAID and that is well documented. Neighbors will be turned against neighbors, people against people. The UN Framework Team will intervene, this time with Soros fund. [19]

They will bomb the hell out of Nepal starting with Pashupatinath temple.

Scan global intelligence reports and horrific facts emerge: Two of the best managed countries in West Asia have been bombed into the Stone Age, Iran’s fate awaits. As one insider says, “China is being completely encircled with massive US military buildup around it and allegedly 2/3 of the Pacific fleet of US Navy is in the South China Sea now. Countries surrounding China are being dismantled - Nepal is undergoing massive balkanization by the usual suspects right now with an army of USAID on the ground, convincing the tribes to opt for tribal federalization under UN/NWO - that will leave a large border to China wide open, when complete.” [20]

Image 3: The Chabad Lubavicher house in
Dharamkot [off MacLeoganj cantonment], run by
Rabbe Dror Shaul. This looks like a CIA centre
for drugs and it’s being run by a non-conventional
combat expert.

Chabad House is located in Kathmandu and Pokhara. The head of the Chabad at Dharamshala is Rabbe Dror Shaul. He is based at Dharamkot Chabad Lubavich House a few miles off MacLeodganj which is a major army cantonment. Dror Shaul is a wiry tall fellow, an expert in mountain warfare and survival. He is ‘apparently’ training the Special Frontier Forces [SFF] mainly composed of Tibetan, Gorkhas, Sikkimese and Bhutanese young soldiers. The SFF is part of the Indian Army. What is Dror doing in India? Dror’s Chabad House in Dharamkot is a massive construction and when I went there nothing was found. No Rabbe, no prayer place; sat in a restaurant by the Chabad, had a glass of juice… nothing… nothing was moving until one tall female walked in, surveyed us all, lighted a cigarette, and walked off………….top intelligence lassie. People know these scums. [Image 3]

I have been visiting and staying in close proximity of villages frequented by Israelis in Kullu, Manali, Dharamkot and surrounding villages. It is not surprising that the Ministry of Home has decided to give only 3-month visa to Israelis with a proviso that re-entry can be after a 12 month gap. Kathmandu provides the best bet for reentry into India. Both India and Nepal are very easy and free countries for the Israelis. However, when we asked around, NO ONE TRUSTS THEM. Not one shop keeper would give them anything unless paid for in cash…NO CREDIT. In Banaras [Varanasi], local restaurateurs have posted signage that says “Israelis are not allowed.”

But these scoundrels are marrying into local families, both males and females, by the hundreds. They have property right that is not granted to Indian citizens in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Nepal.

The fraud Dalai Lama, Himalayan nemesis

The Nobel Peacenik Dalai Lama is a CIA funded rogue. The Chinese did him in by recognizing Dorje Shugden, the true Tibetan Buddhist religion. This spurious Lama wants a trans-Himalayan Buddhist nation carved out of India, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan. Why not, when the world’s most powerful intelligence agency is at his service? Since 2002 information has been coming in from Indian intelligence sources that this fraud Lama wants a piece of the Himalayas. Richard Gere and other Follywood scums can pay obeisance to the Dalai; doesn’t serve people’s cause. It’d be in the Chinese interest to nurture Dorje Shugden line and provide the best possible social security network to the Tibetans to prevent any nuisance by Dalai’s rogue group.


Dror Shaul, Dalai Lama, the Maoists, and the Identity Federalists will decimate the Himalayan society as we have known and as the world has accepted as a place for peace and meditation.

The people of Nepal have shed much blood for the scoundrels funded by the western powers and the UN system; time to regroup against every politician and the so-called civil society organizations to take control of running their society and economy exactly as they want instead of being led by paid lackeys of the western imperialists controlled by the London banksters nominally headed by Prince Philip and all the jokers who are placed in positions of authority in Nepal without popular mandate.




[3] Nepalese informants told me that “General Dharma Pal Bar Singh Thapa was the Graduate of US War College at Pennsylvania/USA. General Thapa was the first officer to go for graduate training course from India & Nepal region. The insurgency started from Feb.1996 and when Dr Baburam Bhattarai and his group of rebels were rounded up they were not lodge in prison but taken by the Army helicopters and left in the remote villages in far Western Remote area in Nepal….[people do not understand] why General Thapa never …sent them to prison and nor did Prime Minister Deuba do it. In New Delhi…..they both rewarded for not sending them to prison.


[5] NEFIN on its website gives of list of atrocities and for some unexplained reason blames Hindus for all the ills. See their list of grievances here:

They have no idea that what is going on in Nepal is directly funded by toilet paper dollars.

[6] This letter was published in a major Kathmandu Nepali language newspaper.

[7] According to some intelligence agencies Dawood had a hand in the 2008 Mumbai massacre. I think, based on the evidences I have, that Mumbai shootout was planned by Mossad and backed by CIA, MI6 and counter-group in the ISI of Pakistan. The Muslims were needlessly blamed. The weapons used were not standard Pakistani weapons.

[8] Wayne Madsen Report:

[9] Ibid

[10] and

The Joshua Project seems like a militarization of the Christian church. They have mapped the number of people by ethnicity, religion, livelihoods and castes in Nepal.


[12] Ibid

[13], and

[14] Personal communication with Dr. Netra Timsina during our 2007 meetings when I was chosen to be the lead author of Natural Resource Management in South Asia funded by SDPI [Pakistan] and Action Aid [Asia Pacific].

[15] PNAC is Plan for the New American Century. It is a horrific plan of the London Banksters using the military might of the US and NATO forces to enslave the world. Every country and every region. The plan is to break every nation into such small parts as to become economically unviable. That is why, as Wayne Madsen says, the UN Framework Team has been put up to break up the big ones. Corporate takeover will follow.

[16] It is possible to send our survey based report to interested parties of what we did in Himachal Pradesh. In 2008 we conducted a survey of over 5000 households on the impact of massive damming of rivers and we found that the World Bank is actively promoting this agenda.

[17] See UNODC documents and my article here http//

[18] This is not speculation. This is exactly what the US and NATO forces have done after Soros funded ethnic strife snowballed into widespread civil war in Yugoslavia, then Kosovo and now in Macedonia. Soros is also active in Russia through its FEMIN and Pussy rioters. Putin has too many problems.

[19] This came from a Yugoslavian, a person whom I trust and who has given me much valuable informationon how the country was destroyed by this bastard George Soros. Exactly the same model is being followed in Nepal.


This paper written by Kaminsky quotes me as co-author. I gave him vital information on Israeli settlements coming up across the Himalayas. All nations, particularly India and Nepal, must prevent, if necessary by FORCE, to throw out Israelis from the mountain regions. These regions are now the centers of Mossad, CIA, and MI6 activities.


Arun Shrivastava is's South Asia Correspondent. An accredited management consultant, Arun is also a highly experienced researcher and writer. He studied in India and England and returned to India in 1989, after a brief stint as senior officer with Economic Development Unit of Birmingham (UK). From 1989 to 1994, he taught Strategic Management and Long Range Planning to MBA students at International Management Institute in Delhi.

About twenty years ago he founded two institutions, one for consulting and another for doing sponsored research work; today both are known for excellence. Since the events of 9/11, he has devoted much of his time to researching NWO issues. Arun also moderates International Human Rights Organizations’ discussion group. is very pleased that Arun Shrivastava chose to join our dynamic team which has been paying increasing attention to problems taking place in India. He is's 94th writer and his presence allows us to better cover important events in an increasingly interconnected world community.

You can send an email to Arun Shrivastava at this address:



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Fabiola July 18, 2012 3:13 am (Pacific time)

Yeah. For free.Mind you, the Chinese have a different reitsionahlp to plastics than we. It doesn't have this sense of cheap and rubbish and environmentally problematic about it. In Taiwan, it is perfectly okay to have children's toys, jewellery and even furniture made out of pvc, or to wear fashion of 100% polyester.People are very uncompromising about cleanliness within their own premises; for example, you may never wear shoes inside an appartment. It is also common to use one-way cutlery inside a restaurant (plastic) cups, dishes and chop-sticks are not re-used, because of fear about hygiene (mind you, the rest of the place where you sit, like table, floor, toilets and kitchen may be totally appalling). Or the fact that people normally use plastic straws for all of their drinks, nobody would put their mouth on a can or a cup. Everything is one-way.On the other hand, whatever goes on OUTSIDE their own little premises, is nobody's responsibility. Oil spilling out of a scooter-engine is no reason to be upset about. An entire highriser's collection of waste may simply be dumped in a field next door. Factories blow their acid and smelly exhaust into the air, right next to a kindergarden.Buildings have zero isolation against heat or cold, yet the aircon is usually on full power all the time.If you walk through town, your eyes sometimes start tearing from the polluted air, yet the government has recently just announced the construction of several new coal-plants to meet the ever growing power demand.When you talk to Taiwanese colleagues about environmental protection, they are either amazed (never heard of it), or they tell you it is a waste of money . Chinese arrogance will then go on to let you know that, anyway, as a non-Taiwanese you know nothing about the Chinese world, so stay out of what is none of your business (packed in very friendly and courteous, yet unmisunderstandable sentences).So umbrella-covers just go in line with anything else. Made in Taiwan.

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