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Jun-13-2008 13:26printcomments

NBC News Icon Tim Russert Dies of Heart Attack at 58

It is a sad day for America.

Tim Russert
Tim Russert
Courtesy: wikimedia

(SALEM, Ore.) - One of America's best known news reporters, NBC's Tim Russert, has died from a heart attack at the age of 58. Few people in electronic journalism rise even close to the stature that he commanded, Tim Russert also represented hope for millions.

NBC reports that their Washington bureau chief, the moderator of "Meet the Press," died Friday after a sudden heart attack at the bureau, NBC News said Friday. He was 58.

He was working when he died. Tim Russert was recording voiceovers for Sunday’s "Meet the Press" program when he collapsed, according to NBC. The network reports that he and his family returned recently from Italy, where they were celebrating the graduation of Tims son, Luke, from Boston College. No further details were immediately available.

Time Magazine named Russert him one of the 100 most influential people in the world for 2008. His diplomatic and level approach was a voice of reason in recent years. We are extremely sad to learn of his passing. We will bring you more details as they become available.

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Albert Marnell June 24, 2008 5:11 am (Pacific time)

Brandon Myers, What you are saying to me is worse than the truth that I am speaking about Russert. You should look in the mirror. The pot is calling the kettle black. I noticed that the mainstream media did not give George Carlin one tenth the air-time that Tim Russert got, yet Carlin was a creative genius who put himself on the line all of the time and has been around since the late 1950's. I am not a creep but you are brainwashed and rather stupid. Who am I to judge yet you are so harsh on me? Of course the family will mourn and who would not understand that. Russert was a public person and as a public person before and after death his existence will get pluses, minuses and in-betweens from everyone. Do you have your head under a rock? I am very sad about George Carlin. That is my right. You may not care or call Carlin names, that is your right. These are public people; praise, judgements and indifference goes with the turf. The bottom line is that even the Pope is just another person. Some people love him, some hate him, some do not care, some think he is a clown. Who are you to tell people what to think or feel? Maybe you know that I am on target and it is threatening to you. Do you think that the average European knows or cares about Tim Russert. They probably never heard of him. You are quite a dictator. What other thought crimes do you convict people of on a daily basis?

Henry Ruark June 23, 2008 3:05 pm (Pacific time)

B.M. et al: Your key-phrase is: "Besides, who are you judge?" From continuing contact with Al M., I can assure you he has as much reason for his beliefs and intensity as I infer for yours. Here we seek NOT b/button feeling but fact. Cannot really say "I knew Russert, and he was friend of mine", but did have some contacts, know him by reputation from many others "in the media", respect him and honor his memory --his family has top reasons to be proud --but, no, he was NOT perfect, and there were times when he, too, felt and acted under real and sometimes intense pressures, some economic and some ideational and some simply "play the game". Anyone "in the media" during last half-century has been put into precisely the same pressure-cooker, hard to know until you've "been there, done that", and at several levels, too. Unfortunately that has been my fate, as well as that of four working sons also "in the media". SO, friend, modify your comments or shout down the whatsit first, when you come here.

Brandon Myers June 22, 2008 10:28 pm (Pacific time)

This guy Albert Marnell is a total creep, why are you saying such things about a person like Tim? We live in a world of Fox news and Rush Limbaugh, have you had your head under a rock? You think "playing the game" was fun for TR? Besides, who are you to judge? I hate your mean words and I KNOW that you will never convince a soul of anything but your own personal ability to be cruel, I'll bet you're really proud of youself... no? Well Tim Russert's family was proud of him, with good reason.

Albert Marnell June 22, 2008 8:08 pm (Pacific time)

Yes, Russert was a Yes-Man and a Yes-Ma'am. I refuse to acknowledge his contribution to sanitized horse manure. He did nothing but pander to our masters. May he and the God only knows how many others that died the same day as Russert all Rest In Peace equally. I wish the media would have covered some of the truly great people on the day of Russert's death.

Gerald June 16, 2008 6:05 pm (Pacific time)

I just saw where Newt Gringrich is on the short list of possible replacements. Yikes.

sts June 17, 2008 8:28 am (Pacific time)

albert, i second your last opinion. russo, alex jones, and mike rivera, the true journalists of truth. The ones from main stream media are just the puppets of the elite.

Henry Ruark June 16, 2008 12:00 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Todd Gitlin writes the "Russert Watch column for H-Post and CJR. His take is precise, sensitive and deeply appreciative while also being sharp and clear reporting on what Russert did accomplish --and also where he failed. You can "see with own eyes" at: For sure, Russert would have chosen this ending if he could have "written the story".

Tim McFarland June 15, 2008 7:31 pm (Pacific time)

I was shocked and saddened to hear about Tim Russert's death, and I can't understand how tacky, negative comments can be leveled at him. 58 is too young to die, especially when you have a young son. This morning's tribute on Meet the Press was moving. I can forgive the hyperbole. I can't forgive meaningless rants.

Jacob Snitzer June 15, 2008 11:47 am (Pacific time)

Vic maybe you can go attend his funeral and share your opinion about him being cowardly. Or if you don't have the time, maybe write a letter to the editor(s) of the large newspapers close to where you live, and share your sentiments. To do otherwise, would you consider that cowardly? Rest in Peace Tim Russert, for you and all life is important and all deserve some measure of respect when you complete that life.

Vic June 14, 2008 5:36 pm (Pacific time)

Well said , Albert ! Russert worked for NBC, which is owned by General Electric...the world's largest producer of nuclear weapons. So much for "bringing good things to life". If life on Earth ends. you can bet G.E. will be the major contributor. Russert could have done so much more than he did, but like all of us, didnt want to lose his job. G.E. /NBC would have fired him if he seriously questioned the war, because G.E. makes a lot of money in war. Russert always seemed to play it safe. Some would call that cowardly.

Albert Marnell June 14, 2008 3:50 am (Pacific time)

Sorry about the third comment but I could just have well have put it in one. As I am going about my daily tasks I was thinking (probably because I disconnected my television for two years). Last night every channel was Russert this and Russert that. Every channel made him into something greater than life with politically correct anecdotes....saccharin sweet...every one. When we allow the global corporate media to determine what should be important in our daily lives in a national and even global conversation; they truly have us brainwashed and controlled like Pavlovian dogs. People die every day. Death is a fact of life. On this same day people that should be of far more interest are not on anyone's radar because we all have been conditioned by the government and corporate mainstream media to think what they want us to think. I did not see or hear about one mainstream media covering the death of Aaron Russo. Do you know why? He was a threat to the most powerful people on the planet who think that they have a right to take away our individual and collective sovereignty. Over the decades people that have contributed great things that are not liked by our Masters do not get a one liner at the end of any newspaper not to mention they are not even in the national and international vocabulary. I am not controlled because I finally broke fully out of the brainwashed national conversation. I resisted as a child so it really came naturally. But I am shocked how most people let their thoughts and conversations be dictated by media moguls and the cronies of their cabals. It is so obvious to me that as each day passes I remove myself from most people and seek out those that have broken free. I will not go off of the cliff with the unfortunate silent majority. Why does the news never discuss the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations and its list of formal members? Why do most people say, "Bilderberg, what is that?" Why do most people not know about the private networks of the Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The British Roundtable and others? Here we go again. Because they own and control 99% of all media. You are just pets and rats in their labs. If you are not aware of these things then get away from "American Idol" "Dancing with the Stars" and that fake medical show with the perfectly speaking Oriental woman....oh...."Grey's Anatomy". I believe that is it. Thank God that I did not have it at the tip of my tongue for that would be proof to me that I was brainwashed. Those shows are fluff not for your relaxation. If they were to show you what you need to know, I got news kiddies, you would be glued to the tube taking notes and organizing to fight against your future and present and past decline in your standard of living and the endless laws and trivial rules that control your every move, thought, goal, like, dislike etc. Since almost all of your Federal income taxes go to nothing but pay interest to the private corporation called the Federal Reserve (another deceptive euphemism) it would be a true act of Patriotism if Americans would collectively have a year set where at least 50 percent or more of the population would refuse to pay Federal Income Taxes that are funnelled to J.P. Morgan Chase (David Rockefeller's inherited baby). Chase is one of the most important banking corporations that make up the 12 regional banks of the Federal Reserve. I live near a woman who is formally very highly educated and unfortunately taught children in school. She puts up an American flag every other week and told me that she was more than glad to pay her Federal income taxes. I thought to myself.....all of this education and she does not know where the money goes and does not question or research it from sources that will not deceive her. With all of her Masters in B.S. education.....she knows nothing and should not even be around children to dumb them down and feed them myth and propaganda. I pray for the day when enough Americans refuse to file their Federal Income Taxes until they get the total acountablity of where every stinking dollar goes. You would have to have a large powerful committee for oversight so that you would not get a manufactured document that is just a FRAUD. You would find that the majority of federal taxes out of your salaries and quarterly estimates goes to very powerful people via their shareholder ownership of controlling multinational banks. I hope I live to see the day when April 15th becomes a day where the post office is empty and there is no e-filing. If only people knew. If you can find it on You-Tube watch Russo's not Russert's "America: Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo. There are also two You-Tube clips that I would be thankful to share with others. One is "Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 Fraud to Aaron Russo". The other is "The Corporation unsettling accounts". Both clips are only about 10 minutes and you will never be the same. In "The Corporation unsettling accounts" you will hear from Jane Akre and her husband Steve Wilson. I went to the same high school as Jane Akre and can tell you that she is the highest caliber of individual...honest, intelligent, insightful, kind and strong. If she died today, you would not hear a word on any mainstream media channel and not find a word in 99% of any publication. What was so great about Russert? He never rocked the boat of our Masters. May he however R.I.P.

Albert Marnell June 14, 2008 1:30 am (Pacific time)

I think an editor flushed my comment. After being without television for two years, my I.Q. went up and the tube no longer could tell me who or what to think about. The most productive years of my life I might add. I was not trying to irritate Tim or the BOSS!

Albert Marnell June 13, 2008 8:42 pm (Pacific time)

The loss of any human is sad. On any given day I would expect that a few hundred thousand people die everyday. As my mother said to me in what I thought was a cruel way but appreciated it as I got older, "Stop missing everybody, pretty soon we'll all be dead." On that note I never saw Russert take what I would call a brave stand in the way that Aaron Russo did by exposing Nick Rockefeller in such an eloquent and lovable way that only Aaron could. Russo took a big risk in betraying his powerful friend for the benefit of the rest of us. I do not ever recall Russert taking a major stand that would cause him any peril. May they both rest in peace.

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