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Jun-11-2008 13:50printcomments

Free Trade Agreements Have Hurt Mid-Willamette Region, Residents Say

Laid-Off Workers, Elected Officials to Discuss the Impacts of Trade Pacts at Thursday’s “Mid-Willamette Assembly on Free Trade and Job Loss”


(SALEM, Ore.) - Laid-off workers, elected officials, immigrant rights advocates and others from throughout the greater Salem area will gather at the Salem Public Library, Central Branch on Thursday evening to discuss the widespread negative impacts free trade agreements have had in the region.

The Mid-Willamette Assembly on Free Trade and Job Loss will feature testimony by displaced workers who say trade policies like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) cost them their jobs and that a new model for international trade is needed to improve the economy.

“I just barely escaped losing my job of 21 years at the Halsey Pulp Mill this spring, but other people haven’t been so lucky. Tens of thousands of Oregonians have seen their jobs shipped to Mexico, China or elsewhere as a result of trade deals that make it easier for large employers to shift jobs around the globe to wherever labor is the most exploited and regulations are the weakest,” said Jim Gourley, a member of the United Steelworkers and former employee of Pope & Talbot.

“Bad trade policies are destroying the U.S. economy, and we’re seeing the results in our own backyard.”

“As mayor, I fought to attract and keep good jobs in Salem, and I can tell you from experience that it’s very hard when companies are able to move jobs overseas,” said Mike Swaim, former mayor of Salem from 1997 to 2002.

Speakers will argue that free trade agreements have also been harmful to workers abroad, and that by increasing poverty in Mexico and other developing nations, these trade polices are a major driving force behind the increase in immigration to the United States.

“A lot of recent immigrants came to the United States only after being forced out of work in their home countries due to unfair trade practices,” said Rusa Fischer, organizer for the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, a statewide coalition of labor, environmental and human rights organizations. “The severe damage caused by NAFTA left millions of Mexicans with little choice but to migrate or go hungry. NAFTA-style trade deals benefit the rich, but are extremely harmful for working people around the world. A lot of Oregonians recognize that, and are demanding a change.”

On June 4th, a comprehensive trade reform bill called “The TRADE Act” was introduced in Congress with the support of many national labor, environmental, family farm and faith organizations. The TRADE Act sets new labor, environmental, consumer safety and other criteria for future trade agreements, and establishes a process for reviewing and renegotiating existing trade pacts that do not meet those standards. Fair trade advocates at the event will argue that the TRADE Act should be supported.

“It is abundantly clear that the business-as-usual trade agenda has not been working for ordinary Oregonians,” said Fischer. “Existing trade pacts are written in ways that hurt working people, consumers and the environment, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Legislation like the TRADE Act could transform global trade into a means of improving living standards in Oregon and throughout the world.”

Thursday’s event is sponsored by the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign and Mid-Willamette Jobs with Justice.

“This forum is an opportunity for communities to come together to discuss the harm that free trade agreements have created in the region, and what we can do together to start improving the economy,” said Timothy Welp, a member of Mid-Willamette Jobs with Justice. “As long as people are willing to stand up and demand a change, we really can turn this economy around for working people.”

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Vic June 20, 2008 1:40 pm (Pacific time)

John C....I agree with virtually everything you said. I am white and do not think I am lazy ...I did not mean to be so all-inclusive. I guess what I should have said is that is that of the white people I know that complain about "the Mexicans", most of them have kind of worthless teenage or twenty-something kids that are usually unemployed. Maybe it is the area where we live, I dont know.

John C June 20, 2008 9:34 am (Pacific time)

Vic regarding not being in the "welfare business", have you ever seen a percentage demographic breakdown on who is on welfare? As far as lazy whites, maybe if you care to look up and see the 100 most dangerous and hardest jobs in the lower 48 states and who does them may open your eyes to a different reality. Also try to imagine difficult jobs but having to do them in minus 40 degrees or so in Alaska! This country was built and is being maintained by people who work hard and make great sacrifices. For those people who leave their countries, whether leagally or not, are generally leaving because things are not going well there. Maybe living out in a rural location has disallowed some people to understand that this is a big country and we have people who do things you could not even come close to being able to do. Everything you possess and the freedoms you have to do most anything you want is because of people who laid down the infrastructure (culturally and physically). There are lazy people of all races, but white people certainly have been doing the heavy lifting as much as anyone else.

Henry Ruark June 19, 2008 11:44 am (Pacific time)

Bobby et al: Perfect place to start is with review of Milton Friedman misapprehension of free-market principles, further distorted by Reagan-Bush I. Even U/Chicago now questions Friedman concepts; 0NE HUNDRED faculty oppose new Institute for outmoded, failed points he used with dictators, tyrants, others buying-in for political purposes. Details in depth via ID to Editor Tim, for any serious seekers of solidified past history still influencing far too many --including McCain.

Henry Ruark June 19, 2008 9:38 am (Pacific time)

Bobby et al: Your-last has many good points, but you confuse consequences with true causes. "Liberal", as "bad word" by neocon noise machine for 30 years, now heavily offset by same neocon agenda imposed since Reagan, via Bush I and then Bush/II-cabal. After those New Deal-years creating our worldfamous middle class and American Dream, we allowed this to happen to us. Given now fully demonstrated disastrous consequences felt by every American, your "blame the liberals" falls far short of reality target. Best to you for cogitation and clear insights --but now finish that fine effort by fully informing self re this last 30 years --THEN we can get n with what must be done now to remedy, recall Founders principles, and re-capture our nation, so we can rebuild it better than ever before.

Henry Ruark June 19, 2008 9:30 am (Pacific time)

"Anon" re Moby Dick: You might wish to pay more attention to reality, less to myths/ditties like Moby Dick. No whale ever wangled way onshore to do damage Bush and cabal have now perpetrated. For latest, see current Op ed, and NYT Edit with it. Apathy, inattention, public cowardice killing democracy, and YOU wanta listen to Moby Dick ??

Bobby June 18, 2008 1:43 pm (Pacific time)

A final comment. Please understand something, well meaning liberal people, etc. Massive uncontroled illegal immigration and ALL THE ILLEGALITY IT IMPLIES, is killing California. This once famous State is almost finished as a place of progress, and economic vitality. As many people point out and even some liberals now understand, liberalism should not mean a total abandonment of law and order and fiscal responsiblitly, which is what has brought the once famous State of California to ruin. Gangs, drugs, illegal activity of every kind, welfare fraud, document fraud, tax evasion, ignoring of housing codes, out of control spending on every liberal program under the sun, none of it ever for the tax paying citizenry. Think about it hard, in Oregon if you want a State that does not degenerate to the level of once famous California. Are illegal aliens responsible for it all? Of course not. They are merely a symptom of the utter lawlessness Americans are allowing their elected officials to get away with. No responsible Citizen can believe that allowing over one million people into the United States annualy, is a sane thing to do. Certainly no environmentalist minded person,or socially responsible person etc. Let alone the flood of folks from every nation in the world, who over stay their visas, and otherwise have never been given permission to be in this nation. Appeals to the past, by some of the people on this forum are understandible, but this is not 1776 or even 1976. Wake-up and become a responsible citizen. How can America help anyone from the outside, if it cannot even help itself?

Henry Ruark June 18, 2008 11:48 am (Pacific time)

B-B, Vic et al: Great to see dialog bringing understandings to each. Key phrase: "Age is humbling, because I look back and see how many times I was wrong. I hope you have the same flexibility..!" VERRRy True, Vic. Another characteristic is one learns no longer to worry about kudos or crowd or even "party", freeing one to "tell it like the hell it usually is...!!"

Bobby June 18, 2008 2:23 am (Pacific time)

June 17,at7:32, was not me this time. I was away from the computer all day busy working .

Bobby June 18, 2008 2:19 am (Pacific time)

Vic, I hope I have the same flexibility also. It should be part of what it means to be human. Peace, brother.

Vic June 17, 2008 4:55 pm (Pacific time)

Right on Bobby know, even though I disagree with you most of the time, I appreciate that you take the time to present your opinions so that we can consider them. I do not think I am the possessor of all wisdom, and actually have changed my opinions on a number of things as a result of the comment sections on this site. I am thankful for that..and I hope that no matter how old I am, I can always keep an open mind and be willing to admit that even some of my deepest -held beliefs could be wrong. Age is humbling, because I look back and see how many times I was wrong. I hope you have the same flexibility..!

Henry Ruark June 17, 2008 3:17 pm (Pacific time)

"Anon"-behind-tree: Moby Dick --that's about a whale, ain't it ? I pays as much attention to such other wildlife as I do anons-behind-tree...back of hand to you, sir...!! Makes same kind of sound as your comment... And next time add the Mr.,unless you again want to demonstrate ignorant arrogance in public.

Bobby June 16, 2008 1:29 pm (Pacific time)

By the way Vic, you are right, I am the poster anonymous, I simply forgot to sign my name. I have nothing at all to hide.

Vic June 17, 2008 9:56 am (Pacific time)

My neighbor has a winery...he has tried unsucessfully this last year to hire white citizens. The first kid he hired lasted three days and was late two of the three. The third day, he worked two hours then just left. The next guy he hired spent more time screwing with his I-Pod than working, so he got fired. Now he has another white guy working , but is about ready to can him because he spends half the day smoking cigarettes and moves so slowly. Whites seem to have some kind of entitlement theory that says since they are white, they dont have to work all that hard. My friend says he wants to hire "Americans" but they all seem to think physical labor is below them. I say give the job to the hardest they white, black, straight or gay, "legal" or not. BTW, I am white , but grew up in a lower income household, so I had to get my ass out and work if I wanted things. I am thankful for that. I suspect some of you haters have lazy-assed kids that have graduated and just cant seem to find a job that suits them. Dont blame employers for not wanting to hire your spoiled worthless spawn ... we are not in the welfare business.

Anonymous June 17, 2008 7:32 am (Pacific time)

Ruark you are certainly focused on dealing with Bush. Have you read and maybe understood the theme from Moby Dick?

Henry Ruark June 16, 2008 8:19 pm (Pacific time)

Juno et al: Thank you for that rational, reasonable comment, esp. the value of dialog sharing approach to desperately real problems. What we do demands equally desperate changes in our society and democracy, I think you will agree. SO 1st step is rationally to recover what we once had, and to do that we must clear out, clean up, and sanitize what has happened since Reagan, via neocons and others. Re sovereignity, surely you have fingers on right pulse. So WHY are we spending so many billions upon billions making of Iraq a permanent camp for further excursions in outmoded "colonialism", with fortress-towns deep in every tool for further adventures in Mid-East ? See further report re this shocking development soon from several extremely reliable sources, now under research.

D. Fredricks June 16, 2008 7:38 pm (Pacific time)

Lo que necesiten saber es que si estoy aqui illegal, Ud. no pueden deber a salir. Puedo estoy aqui por el tiempo que quiero. Lo envio mi dinero al mejico y no pago impuestos. Robar su servicios (gratis) y no hay nada que pueden hacer. Cambiar mi idioma? Por favor, no me jodas. Yo no debo de hacer nada que no quiero- gringo!

Bobby June 16, 2008 1:27 pm (Pacific time)

Vic, your clueless. I never ever in any post I have written on thie illegal immigration issue, wrote that I hate illegal aliens. Just the opposite, I have so often said they are more industrious than many American citizens. So, that leaves us exactly where, on discussing all the ramifications of massive, unassimiliated immigration, legal or not, and the negative effects it brings upon this nation?

Henry Ruark June 16, 2008 12:17 pm (Pacific time)

Vic et al: Mine not so lucky. Whites already there in Baltimore were still racism-DRIVEN, worked hard to "make it tough and drive them back-home"; impossible then as-now. Being Irish, they fought back, which is why my ancient gf-whatever finally took over shipyard where he was first allowed meager-wage start. He had four sons, put 'em all to work in same-line,too ! Clippers he built earned him large reputation, some capital then invested --but wiped out in Civil War. He bet wrong-way in South vs slave-owners then moving to Irish workers since they could pay them peanuts/uncrushed, and no further support ever required. That was trend forced by C/War, Lincoln-action freeing slaves, still never fully accomplished; and further perpetrated by Nixon Southern strategy manipulating economy further, leading to Reagan, then Bush I and now II...and to Iraq via Iran/Contra Odd where realities in life spring from, right ? Same white-resentments still drive some, who seem never to learn; same malarkey, manifest manipulation,malign distortion now still evident,and hidden from behind-tree comment, too!

Juno June 16, 2008 9:46 am (Pacific time)

It appears that there will always be a debate on this matter, which is a good thing, for we may just hit on some positive aspects during these debates. But to call someone racist just because they want our immigration laws enforced is counter-productive to having a healthy debate. When the europeans first came to North America (before Columbus by the way) there were 100's of different tribes and even more factions. They were constantly at war and engaged in slavery, not to mention cannibalism and other sadistic acts. Behavior that one also found in all parts of the world, and sadly we still do. The only way a nation can maintain itself as a nation is to protect it's soverignty, and you do that by enforcing your laws. Until you change those laws, they must be enforced, and the majority of our citizens want them enforced. My guess is that in the future, maybe 100 or so years we will look like what India does now, but with a larger population and far worse poverty/disease. This will be a horrible place and those living here will migrate to where? There are bonafide reasons why America is great, and we just no longer have the resources to continue on a high level with a population that is not only growing out of control, but is balkanizing on a cultural level. Because of our success we are able to help so many in other parts of the world, no one else will if we spiral downward. No one.

Vic June 16, 2008 8:48 am (Pacific time)

Actually, the native population in the area where my ancestors illegally entered (Creek Indians) were friendly and did not hate us because we were white, or foreigners. My Great Great Grandmother on my father's side was a Creek. I would guess that the Creeks helped out my ancestors more than the other way around. I am glad for their sake that the Creeks were not narrow-minded racists with some type of God-Complex just because they had brown skin. They could easily have killed all the illegals, and not had to deal with our weird language, customs, diseases, appearance and religion.

Henry Ruark June 16, 2008 8:45 am (Pacific time)

Bobby,"Anon"-behind usual tree et al: Note YOUR use of personal attack, which reverses your reverse-English as for other neocon nonentities. Join Vic in point-made re "illegals" early-on; mine were Irish radicals driven out by English stealing Irish meadows and arrived "in steerage" in Baltimore. Five years later mine took over small shipyard, built clippers et al, progressed well thanks to freedom here. NO WAY to "send home" or "drive out" our forebears then, cannot accomplish now either unless we wish to abandon Constitution and all it has stood for --and adopt Nazi techniques costing us any shreds-left of world fame. If ID-self to Editor Tim will document via detailed, authoritative PDF's total rebuttal for each,every point you make --OR see previous Op Eds, via Staff-link. Withheld here in deference to others, and recommend your use of Op Ed with signed name for full responsibility and accountability if you feel so strongly. Bring something other than belly-stroking for feeling, please. Repeated comments here show only political-bias, add very little to mutual learnings, which is why OP ED is way to go IF you really have anything to state for solid cogitation.

Vic June 16, 2008 7:28 am (Pacific time)

Bobby / anonymous....I understand why you might think that I am someone who profits from immigrant labor, but our business is a family illegals here. I guess though, one could say that my entire family are illegals, as the first Pittmans in America just floated over from England around 1810 and illegally landed and moved into what became Georgia. We never did ask the native population if we could stay we just came over like the "illegals" you so vehemently hate. I suspect your ancestors did the same, unles you are a Native American.

Bobby June 16, 2008 12:19 am (Pacific time)

Vic, you know doubt are exploiting illegal immigrants. When people start with the KKK stuff, racism, nativism, etc. then they(YOU) have not only lost the argument, but given yourselves away. It isn't that your an "old timer" that matters, it's that your thinking is so immature. "Everyone that want's a job can get one." Just plain moronic and naive to reduce the issue of illegal immigration down to this. As I said, GO BACK TO SLEEP and leave the thinking to serious Americans.

Anonymous June 16, 2008 12:12 am (Pacific time)

Thanks for the grammar lesson Vic. Your still a moron who know doubt at all, is profitting from illegal immigration. I"ve never met anyone who is enthusiastic about it, like you are, who isn't. Or should I say is not. In any case, when slavers like you, who profit from exploiting people, start in with the KKK stuff, racism, nativism, etc. and all of the rest of the liberal psychological trigger words used to win a debate, that's the clue for me that you've got no argument left. Nice try anyway.

Vic June 15, 2008 2:54 pm (Pacific time)

And Bobby ...thinking seems TOO hard for us, not TO hard for us....

Vic June 15, 2008 1:11 pm (Pacific time)

"Bobby" ...does your mom know you are on her computer again ? If you want to be taken half-way seriously, try using an adult name. I may be "clueless" , but I know racism when I see it......Bobby. Its Sunday....sheet-washing day for the KKK..Id add a little fabric softener if I were you so the sheets and hood doesnt chafe your tender skin.

Bobby June 14, 2008 2:24 pm (Pacific time)

Vic, and Tim, you guys are so clueless about the challenge of the Mexican invasion to Americas, laws, culture, language, customs, etc. If it was just about work, most people might agree with you clueless Americans. But it isn't. Go back to sleep/work, thinking seems to hard for you.

Ehud Sanchez June 14, 2008 10:53 am (Pacific time)

Another way of looking at the below stats is to extrapolate them to
America's population. Currently the U.S. Census estimates that 14% of our
population is hispanic, or around 42 million. There are also various university
demographers that put citizen, legal, and illegal hispanic population at over 65 million.
For our purpose let's lowball it and say this population is approximately 50
million (or soon will be). Ergo, 10 million hispanics living here consider
themselves Americans, whereas 40 million do not!

Many Mexicans may like America, work in it, pay taxes, and serve in its armed
forces, but they will just as stubbornly adhere to their native language and
culture. Mexican Americans typically don't think of themselves as denying
allegiance to America because they don't think of themselves as an American in
its cultural sense but as American in its Latin American sense. Mexicans are
Mexicanos, Chicanos, Latinos, Hispanics or, finally, Mexican-American, but seldom simply American. To be an
American is to be White, a Gringo -- a derogation no self-respecting Mexican
will abide.
For a culture which carved out a nation unequaled in Western
civilization, the choice is clear. The United States remains either a distinct
nation or it becomes what it never was or what it was never meant to be: a
universal nation, an open society. In effect, a non-nation.

TEX June 14, 2008 10:07 am (Pacific time)

I reside in Texas about 2 miles from the border. The crime rate here from illegal border crossers keeps going up and up as do our taxes to pay for additional law enforcement and various social programs to accomadate this huge influx of people. From my contacts around the country it appears as soon as illegals get their population percentage up to over 10/15 percent then begins a disproportionate increase in crime and demand for social services. I am sure all parents love their children, but when you look at the illigitimate birthrate, high school drop-out rates, the growing gang problems and the drain on social programs these illegals generate a considerable amount of animosity from citizens. Unless you live in this situation you just have no idea how bad it can be, but everyday all over the country people are learning and if the politicans running for national offices do not take a firm stand on this growing problem there will be sweeping changes coming.

Tim June 13, 2008 8:44 am (Pacific time)

Vic, Well said, the Hispanic people I know are the hardest working culture I have ever been around. They love their children and are willing to work harder than many of their Angle counterparts. I completely agree with your sentiments.

Henry Ruark June 13, 2008 8:18 am (Pacific time)

To all: Drive re "illegals" persists in denying, defying recorded fact, far too complex for remedy here. Most potent is clear tie to "ethnic cleansing" fear and still-surviving irrational actions, outmoded since 19th Century. If followed, we must "export millions" a la Nazis, and deny millions-more right to Court protections their due unless we also-deny our own Constitution. "Slow and careful" is surely only American way to handle this debacle, in large part consequence of previous history and neocon neglects.

Anonymous June 13, 2008 8:05 am (Pacific time)

wow, unbelievable, people start waking up

Vic June 13, 2008 6:32 am (Pacific time)

What a bunch of whiners! EVERYONE (yes..EVERYONE) I know...from teenagers to old timers like me that REALLY wants a job and not just an excuse for being lazy and worthless....has a job !! From the time I was 13 I have had a job, yet I have seen so many of my peers chronically unemployed, all the time blaming something or someone else for their lack of drive, ambition and creativity. "Its the economy...its the Mexicans...people wont hire me because I am over-qualified".....whatever. Losers and lazy-a**ed whiners NEED to shift the blame for their failures to someone else. Otherwise they may have to look in the mirror and realize how worthless they are.

June June 13, 2008 4:23 am (Pacific time)

If so many jobs have been created in Mexico by these trade agreements, why aren't the illegals staying home to fill them? And why must our politicians think they should bestow citizenship on criminals. We are fast becoming a nation of low-skilled, poorly educated non-English speaking people.

Bobby June 12, 2008 10:53 pm (Pacific time)

The Residents know what they are talking about, as is always the case. Free trade we already have. Unlimited, no quotas at all type trade, is what our politicians and elite force on Americans, while the Europeahs, Japanese and others limit what comes in by taxing American Products like crazy. But then their politicians care more about the citizens then our traitors do.

levotb June 12, 2008 8:06 pm (Pacific time)

This "Rusa Fischer" of OFTC blames NAFTA instead of the Mexican peasants themselves for breaking into our country illegally, living illegally, working illegally, driving illegally and in some cases maiming, raping, molesting and murdering Americans to the tune of 25 per day. Leftists like Ms. Fischer and their reconquista cohorts don't want "law and order"--they want SANCTUARY to millions upon millions of illegal aliens. Illegal alien Mexican nationals and illegal aliens from other countries may have strong support still im leftist states like Oregon and CA, but their support is dwindling. They need to self-deport or face deportation. Thank heaven for 287.g and for the work of my anti-Invasion patriots!

Larry June 12, 2008 6:56 pm (Pacific time)


Henry Ruark June 11, 2008 3:52 pm (Pacific time)

Brwhatever: Revealing analysis of yours too lengthy here. Best guide is probably this quotation from wise man I doubt you ever encountered: ""One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous": Carl Sagan.

Brittanicus June 11, 2008 2:11 pm (Pacific time)

Who has the best ideology for change in our nation? Senator McCain is a 'dark horse' who signed onto the lefts bill to enact comprehensive Immigration reform, that if passed would have been a paramount blow on any taxpayers. Potential president Obama, has always been direct about his obvious intentions to sign into law a new AMNESTY. McCain? One cannot be sure what his intentions? McCain is a true globalist, which to me means outsourcing of jobs to other countries, and the same badly negotiated free trade agreements like NAFTA. The North American Free-trade agreement, has become a dark hole where billions of dollars have vanished in treaties, that have handed America over to the International corporate CARTELS. These mega corporations hold no loyalty to any country and have exported jobs to the lowest bidder. Globalist have already eroded the sovereign rights of many nations in the European Union. Culminating in free movement of poor peoples labor undermining the European indigenous population to large amounts of immigration. The same agenda is anticipated in 2009, unless the citizens and legal resident doesn't stop this assault on our own job market. Obama will have a titanic fight on his hands, if he tries to force the plan of ethnic caucuses and special interest entities on 80 percent of the population. Taxpayers cannot afford to support the millions of illegal aliens, attracted to this nation by predatory employers. With a massive importation deficit from China, Mexico, India and other countries. This explosive rise in our nation's trade deficit is another fundamental menace to this country and our economy. The trade deficit through the first 11 months of last year came in at $662 billion dollars, on pace to jump 17 percent from 2004's record deficit. In fact, the trade deficit has nearly doubled since the president Bush took office and still gaining momentum. Perhaps McCain would sign an executive order to halt ear-marks, but that doesn't stop the avalanche of cheap imported products. Americans should first halt the unfettered influx of millions of illegal immigrants and give the majority of these jobs, back to the legal individuals. After the borders are closed, shut then perhaps a guest worker program can be installed, but without citizenship. Democrats must endorse the SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) to bring orderly immigration back to our country.

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