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Jun-08-2010 23:05printcomments

'REMEMBER THE LIBERTY'? An Anniversary Day Apology

A 39th Anniversary of Israel's attack on the U.S.S warship Liberty.

The U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by Israel during the Six Day War; it almost led to a strike on Egypt that came about from bad information... from Israel.
Israel's deadly attack on the U.S.S. Liberty during the Six Day War almost led to a U.S. nuclear strike on Egypt that came about from bad information... from Israel.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Remember the Liberty: the pathetic battlecry of an Israeli occupied nation of ignorant, lazy, cornfed Zionist collaborators ---- like the French during WWII ---- at most the pitiful whining of "free press" media eunuchs and Quisling officials who haven't a free instinct in their entire being?

"REMEMBER THE U.S.S. LIBERTY"? Fat chance! Who can even remember "liberty" itself, or even his own name, during these days of the "Good War" propaganda blitzkrieg by the Israel First Mindfogkers out of Hollywood and Manhattan in control of our media root and branch, well assisted by a pliant and obsequious goyim --- braindead just to be safe, and about as likely to confront REAL deceit as ---- Oprah Winfrey. Or Arthur Godfrey, another and earlier happy face Uncle Tom ethnic there to hold the audience's hand between commercials.

"REMEMBER LIBERTY"? What a joke! We are a nation of slaves, like the proud Palestinians we have helped to rape, exile, dispossess and enslave on behalf of the Jewish Colony squatters who have stolen every last hectare of THEIR homeland with the helpful terror of our weapons; we are a nation of slaves as evidenced by our indifferent acceptance of the recent stolen presidential election: a nation of slaves like the desperate Afghanis and Iraqis we have so ruthlessly and illegally crushed and occupied.

Saddam on trial? It is Bush and Blair and the comatose Sharon and his latest lebensraum loving Likudnik clone, AND their high commands AND thousands of their, and our, soldiers who should be facing the gallows. It is WE who should be facing the gallows for this shameful obscene war on Afghanistan, Iraq and on Islam.

"REMEMBER LIBERTY"? Our children have become cannon fodder and murderers, killers, cripples and corpses as mercenaries in the employ of international Jewry on behalf of the sick dreams driving Zionist apartheid racism and militarism. They have become war criminals, and we have lost our honor, our reputation and our freedoms because of "our" government's criminal and fraudulently established relationship with the most hated government and people in the world.

And, we are in the wrong every step we take with these gangsters! In these 39 years and two weeks since the destination and schedule of the Liberty's NSA mission was leaked out of Walt Rostow's shop ---- Tel Aviv knew where she was headed before the U.S. Navy did! ---- in these 39 years ----- or should we say three score and thirteen years, if not a century or more---- of progressive enslavement and occupation, we have become, more and more, an evil empire of international terrorists at the behest of these hideous self-proclaimed "chosen people" ----- more like visitors from hell, as they became tenants from hell for the Palestinians who foolishly allowed them to remain in the very beginning.

"REMEMBER THE LIBERTY"? How, pray tell, how? How are we to remember this "non-event" so carefully ignored on this sacred, shameful day by a Navy which disgraces itself with every day it allows this outrage to stand uninvestigated and un-attoned, and by a media beneath contempt , just so many Russerts and Matthews fawning for approval and sucking on their hidden master's lollipop while they dirty their underwear in gutless terror.

Shame on all of the future Nuremberg defendants. Shame on our cruel and despicable Criminal In Chief President and on his evil Vice President Strangelove accomplice. Shame on the Cabinet of Fools, most of all the preposterous Condoleezaliesalot Rice. Shame on Chief Of Naval Operations Admiral Vernon Clark and on the entire Navy high command. Shame on The Joint Chiefs.

Shame on "OUR" bought and paid for whorehouse Congress --- House & Senate, Ditto the Judiciary. Shame on the Homeland Shinbet Chertoff bullies who torture and terrorize innocent Middle Easterners for NOTHING here in the "land of the free", and throughout the world we bestride like an evil dominating collossus.

Most of all, Shame on the Fourth Estate MediaTelAviv cheerleaders and Israel First "Good war" mindfogkers who have so UTTERLY betrayed us. They all belong on gallows. Shame on the United States, shame on us ALL.

God Bless the innocent dead who have been forgotten yet another year. Forgive us boys. We're cowards. And we have no leaders. You fucked up. You trusted us. And we screwed you.





These thirty-four young men ---- sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, grandsons, nephews, uncles, lovers, shipmates and friends ---- murdered in cold blood by Israeli military forces during the Pearl Harbor style sneak attack "Six Day War" launched by Israel against her unprepared and weaker neighbors and whereby Israel seized the final 22% "Rump" of historic Palestine to add to the 78% stolen in 1947-49 Nakba Terror. These martyred young USS Liberty sailors, "the pride of our nation" were among the first and earliest of what has since come to be THOUSANDS of our American military personnel, our nation's children, who have lost their precious lives in support of the insane goal of Zionism, the establishment of an "apartheid" style Jewish religious and ethnic "Crusader Kingdom" colony --- Ghetto Med --- on the stolen land of the Palestinian People, their ancestral home since time immemorial and all 100% taken with virtually no compensation, AND in support of the equally insane, and equally unattainable, goal of EVER "securing" such a state given the HIDEOUS injustice of its' foundation, and the everlasting hatred thereby given birth. Of course the total human cost of this half century plus threat to world peace is immensely greater just in terms of the millions of casualties and untold deaths in nearby Middle Eastern countries, including those yet to come in the current religious world war just beginning, or the trillions of dollars misspent in this trivial, ego-centric, selfish pursuit while the immense bleeding earth and its' teeming needy billions are ignored ---- the "diverting of attention" the Israel booster speaks of? ---- in consequence.

Madness, while Rome burns ........Madness....then the Deluge........

*June 8th, 1967: The Day We Americans Lost Our National Sovereignty, As Did The Pitiful Palestinians Lose Their Final Last Share At That Same Time And To The Same Awful Enemies Of Mankind. Now? We Are All Palestinians, All Afghanis, All Enslaved Iraqis, All Threatened & Besieged Iranians, All Detested "Middle Easterners" Under The Thumb Of Neocon War Criminals In Occupied Washington City And Tel Aviv, And Elsewhere In Control Of Nearly Our Every Institution From a Corrupt White House, Judiciary, Congress, Defense and State to the Think Tanks Created For That Very Purpose, To Academia, Movies & TV, Especially The Cable Whores, The Press, Banking And The Wall Street Criminals.




"WE,THE JEWISH PEOPLE CONTROL AMERICA" - Warlord "Butcher" Sharon's boast to Lauren Bacall's famous cousin.

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and America will do that ....... I want to tell you something very clear:

DON'T WORRY ABOUT AMERICAN PRESSURE ON ISRAEL. WE, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, CONTROL AMERICA ---- AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT." - -Ariel Sharon nee Ariel "Arik" Scheinermann AKA "Bulldozer", Butcher of Sabra & Chatilla, Bully, Murderer of Rachel Corrie and tens of thousands of others since 1942, Terrorist JudeoFascist Dictator Warlord "State of Israel", a U.S. subsidised "smoke & mirrors", tanks, jets, nuclear missiles Ghetto Med "vacation home" for Jewish Supremacists & WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction "Crusader Kingdom" military colony "declared" in Occupied Palestine on the ancestral homeland of the Palestinian People since 1200 BC, 95% forcibly seized without payment by armed European "refugee" religious/socialist separatist squatter/"colonists" (and 100% conquered & "occupied) twixt 1947 & 1967.

- Quoted in Ha'aretz, Israel's largest paper, Oct 3, 2001

Yes General, we DO know it, and, like the song says, "We're Spreading the News".

The Boysens, 292 El Dorado Way, Shell Beach, Ca., 93449 (805)773-3920

Circa 1910 ~ Well, my lucky stars! Who knew! ********************************************************************************************************

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jewboy April 22, 2012 12:17 am (Pacific time)

Hitler said-the more outrageous the lie, the easier people will believe itinthe partition of palestine the jews got 55% and the palestinians 45% even before the British left the Israelis invaded murdeing,raping and stealing.of course other arab nations triad to help the palestinians-I was taught that as soon as Israel became a state-the evil Arab nations ganged up on the poor jews in a vicious attempt to destroy Israel.Then in 1967-a long planned pearl harbor style sneak attack-the Jews say Arabs started this war too.

Natalie June 14, 2010 12:27 am (Pacific time)

Osotan, you sound here more like a very conservative Christian than an atheist. Friends with Kent Hovind?

Osotan; June 13, 2010 7:36 pm (Pacific time)

Sorry I missed this one,a very good article. I am ashamed and have been since I found out we all been used and abused by a lying elite class of criminals who are now running the world.,bush's,clinton's,blair's, rice,cheney,obama,pelosi,the entire administration are cowards and bought by their sponsors. Thay are there to control us and the world's resources,the de-population plan to reduce the global masses down to 500,000,000 is in effect. The U.N. isn't interested in uniting anyone but their own pyramid of power. Micro-chip implants anyone?

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