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Jul-30-2006 21:06printcomments

Op-Ed: Mel Gibson: And We Were Actors

Mel Gibson Apologizes for his behavior as cops in LA maintain that the arrest was "without incident."

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(MALIBU, Ca.) - By now, most people have heard about actor/producer Mel Gibson's alleged unruly behavior during a drunk driving arrest in Malibu, California last week. Gibson allegedly made anti-semitic remarks toward the arresting deputy, and that was just the start of it. Now the actor has offered a public apology, but for what? LA County says nothing happened. They have in fact, been accused of doctoring the original report, and their apparent desire to act as if nothing out of the norm happend during the course of Gibson's arrest is hard to believe, especially in light of Gibson's own admissions. It makes you wonder who is swift boating who? A spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department on Sunday stood by an earlier statement, that Gibson's arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol occurred "without incident." Why are they covering it up? CNN subsidiary reported over the weekend that LA County Deputy James Mee was told by his superiors to edit the report, removing the part about Gibson's racial statements and unruly behavior. It led to this statement from LA County Sheriff's Department Spokesman Steve Whitmore, "Every time somebody is arrested, something out of the ordinary happens, but guns don't always have to be drawn." He added this part just to be clear, "Without incident means without force." Deputy Mee originally stated that he offered to transport Mel Gibson to jail without handcuffs, trying to be cool with the celebrity because he didn't want the already tense situation to escalate out of control. That according to, is when Mel Gibson bolted back to his own car, saying he was not going to get in the patrol cruiser. And that's when the handcuffs went on. Force? I guess it is all up to interpretation. Some people get shot for doing that in LA, others get beaten. It all may boil down to the fact that a captain and a Lieutenant at the LA County Sheriff Department apparently decided that it was their duty to maintain international relations with Israel. They are alleged to have brought up Gibson's movie, "The Passion of the Christ," which was described in some quarters as anti-Semitic, and worried about the effect of press reports of Gibson's behavior given the situation in the Middle East. Informational cover-ups, if that is what this was, rarely if ever do anything but backfire. The truth just has a way of coming out, and investigators and journalists are the snake charmers of elusive fact. The racial slurs were reported, whether they happened or not. Attempts to cover the information up amount to just one more layer of possible deception heaped onto the pile. Why does this seem clear? Because Mel Gibson himself came out and dumped the whole thing on the table. He issued a statement that confirms most of his actions during the arrest, spare the racial aspects. "After drinking alcohol on Thursday night, I did a number of things that were very wrong and for which I am ashamed. I drove a car when I should not have, and was stopped by the LA County Sheriffs. The arresting officer was just doing his job and I feel fortunate that I was apprehended before I caused injury to any other person. I acted like a person completely out of control when I was arrested, and said things that I do not believe to be true and which are despicable. I am deeply ashamed of everything I said, and I apologize to anyone who I have offended. Also, I take this opportunity to apologize to the deputies involved for my belligerent behavior. They have always been there for me in my community and indeed probably saved me from myself. I disgraced myself and my family with my behavior and for that I am truly sorry. I have battled with the disease of alcoholism for all of my adult life and profoundly regret my horrific relapse. I apologize for any behavior unbecoming of me in my inebriated state and have already taken necessary steps to ensure my return to health." One comment on's original story about the arrest by Albert Marnell, offers more insight into Gibson's possible prejudice, but it also offers hope which is important. "If you remember when Gibson first started his career, he was extremely homophobic. I don't think that he is anti-Semitic. I think that he is anti-everyone that is not exactly like he is and is totally insecure. He wants to be part of the majority. He is part of the majority of unevolved emotional fools. Maybe he will become strong and evolve into a real person. He reminds me of some of the jocks in high school that were hung up about everything including the size of their private parts." Nice one Albert. Then Cathy Hay from Australia wrote this comment on the story, squaring the blame right back on we yanks for bringing out Gibson's worst behavior. "First of all, Mel is not Australian. Get that right, NOW! Not that we don't have our fair share of tossers here, but you guys have only yourselves to blame. You encouraged him and now he thinks his status can pull weight. But I do think people should be able to have their own views, even idiots like him, but I don't agree he should speak his tiny mind when it may insight the feelings now being shown by many. It is a tragic incident where he has now been used by the media to stir up more racial ill feeling. He shouldn't have been given a forum in the first place. I bet he wouldn't be spruiking (speaking) his anti Jew sentiments in front of the many powerful Jewish men who run Hollywood if he was just another down and out actor looking for his next role." OK Cathy, you win. But I have strong suspicions that Mel's father is an Aussie, and it does make me wonder what things are like over there to lead to that. Another visitor named Bill Clay left this comment, "Gibson's father is a famous anti-semite. Mel has always been suspiciously silent about disavowing his father's racist views. Now we see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The news media should not feel particularly shady or sensational for covering this story. Mel Gibson influences society through his work, he is extremely political, and his actions speak louder than words. It is pitiful if his culture, particularly his anti-semitic father, really placed a spirit of hate in Gibson that can not be broken. It is hard to imagine after reading his apology. A person isn't bad in my opinion for making a mistake or breaking a law, especially when they are willing to be accountable for it. If Mel Gibson really means business, then he will denounce racism publicly and get involved with a Jewish organization, giving them support and money and his father the proverbial middle finger. I think it was Jerry Garcia who said, "Mean people make little mean people". It is true, bullies often raise bullies. In fact it seems that we live in a bully society, and when it comes to people in the highest places, sons in this nation often turn out even worse than their fathers. Bullying can be hard for a person to overcome, but it is entirely possible. Instead of resting on their laurels and assuming it is "celebrity news", the media's job is to expose the true deeds of public figures who shape and influence millions. Celebrity news is something about what they are wearing, who they are sleeping with, and the latest movies and TV appearances, right? I'm getting close I hope. I used to have to do that stuff in Las Vegas and I hated it. Newsrooms and newspapers have developed a habit in recent years of not addressing things for what they are, opting for the dollar driven status quo like never seen before. There is nothing wrong with noticing a fish out of water, it is unusual, and people who hide behind religion while themselves causing harm to society are the real scourge. County cops who think scrubbing and altering facts from a report because they are self appointed diplomats are another problem, if that happened. Or do they have orders from high above to do such things from say, homeland security? Come on Mel Gibson, be the hero you like to portray. Guys who are racists never really save the girl you know, not in real life. But coming clean could save your career and cause people to think there is hope. Your boss after all, was a Jewish carpenter. ---------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to CNN for information contained in this report.


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Off The Air August 2, 2006 4:55 am (Pacific time)

He is? Duh! We are all human! How many lives did Gibson endanger when he was driving plastered? I am sure many more lives were at risk when Gibson was behind the wheel than poor mixed up Rachel waving a gun because she knew it would help her get what she wanted. Look deeper at things please.

On The Air August 1, 2006 2:49 pm (Pacific time)

No Way! Mel Gibson is human. Imagine That.....

Truth July 31, 2006 11:36 am (Pacific time)

Mel Gibson and Rachel Lea Soto have something in common; law enforcement selectively releasing, editing, hiding information or outright lying. When will they do their jobs according to their job description? Maybe when people realize how much is hidden the public will take more of a stand against the crime on top of a crime that law enforcement so often add to their daily routines. Mel Gibson was audio taped from what I have read. He had to have been video taped. Everything is at least video taped nowadays. Rachel must have been taped but they are hoping that the questions will die down because she was not a celeb. I still say for the purpose of consciouness raising and justice: ROLL OUT THE TAPE ON ALL THESE SITUATIONS! IF you do not already know how severe the problem with cover-ups is in this country, go to the website of

Mister Kleann July 31, 2006 10:30 am (Pacific time)

Great writing Tim. You don't seem beholden to some large multinational or government agency. These are just one of the things that I like about It was also very, very important that you mentioned the cover-ups by law enforcement or public relation firms. It is so common that we don't get the truth. I am counting on your organization and the talented people that you work with to continue your quest for pure truth. A lot of people are on your side and want to help start a new trend for a more honest and insightful media. Truth, insight, compassion and alot of courage can cure so much evil.

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