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Jul-29-2012 19:56printcomments

The Queen of England Orders a Coverup, and other News from our very own Deep Throat

Top church officials asked the Canadian government to help conceal incriminating evidence of Genocide of Native Americans.

Kevin Annett
Kevin Annett

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - It didn't happen late at night in a murky parking garage, like in All the President's Men. The phone call from the inside informant came to me unexpectedly this week from someone claiming to be a former staff member at the head office of the Anglican Church in Toronto. I'll call him Sid.

According to "Sid", top Anglican church officials like Primate Fred Hiltz and Huron Diocese Bishop Bob Bennett have known all about hideous crimes at their former Mohawk Indian residential school in Brantford for years.

Repeatedly, Hiltz, Bennett and other top church officials asked the Canadian government to help conceal incriminating evidence at "the Mush Hole": like letters from church staff describing gang rapes of children, forced starvation, and the routine killing of pregnant or "unruly" Mohawk adolescents by beatings and forced confinement without food or water.

Much of this evidence is now locked away at Justice Department archives in Ottawa that are firmly closed to the public, according to Sid. The "worst stuff" was shipped to Ottawa over a decade ago to hide it from lawyers for residential school survivors.

"Ottawa and the Anglicans had an agreement as early as 1999, right after you blew open the residential school story with that tribunal of yours" explained Sid to me on the phone.

"In return for the feds' help in covering up this really bad stuff and bearing the cost of court payments to victims, the church would disclose some of the well, less controversial abuses that happened at the Mush Hole by opening some of our archives. Well, the feds kept their side of the bargain but the church never did, on orders from London".

"London? You mean like, England?" I asked Sid.

"That's what I overheard. The Primate was passing on a confidential statement from the Archbishop of Canterbury himself, acting for the Queen. Under no circumstances can anything be divulged, those were the Archbishop's very words, and Hiltz said he was speaking for Her Majesty".

"Do you mean the Queen ordered church officials to obstruct justice and bury the truth about murder?"

"I'm not making that accusation but her words speak for themselves" said Sid quietly.

Sid took a stress leave break that stretched into a permanent leave from his job because, to quote him, "I couldn't take all the lies and subterfuge anymore. I was expected to destroy evidence of crime scenes and report any staff or clergymen who looked like they might leak something".

Among some of the allegations made by Brantford school survivors that were confirmed by Sid to me this week, based on documents and reports he read,

- Children who died were regularly buried in secret in the forest just east of the Mush Hole school

- Those who were killed were usually incinerated in the school furnace to avoid a possible autopsy

- Mohawk children were "especially targeted" for rapes, beatings, starvation and a regimen that would weaken and kill them

- Principals like W.J. Zimmerman (1933-1952) operated a brothel and child prostitution service out of the Mush Hole for police and politicians in return for cash payments.

- Zimmerman was also responsible for forcing children to drink fouled and unpasteurized milk as part of a federal Health department study (

- This use of native children for involuntary experiments included drug testing programs operated in association with pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly, Upjohn and Bayer that funded the United, Anglican and Catholic churches which ran Indian residential schools

- Local police were regularly prevented from investigating and laying charges against Mush Hole school staff and clergy for rape and killings "by people at the very top"

The fact that Sid's inner circle evidence confirms that Mohawks were targeted for "special treatment" confirms the claim of former Anglican researcher Leona Moses that a formal agreement to exterminate the Mohawks by means of the Mush Hole school was signed in 1870 between the Crown - Church of England, the New England Company that established the school, and non-Mohawk chiefs of the local Six Nations Confederacy.

This "smoking gun" document is locked away in something called "the closed G 12 section" in the archives of the Anglican Church's Huron Diocese office in London, Ontario. Diocese Bishop Bob Bennett has refused access to the G 12 section to even his own staff members and has fired or disciplined clergy in his Diocese who would not agree to be gagged from speaking about their knowledge of crimes at the Mush Hole.

Legal efforts to expose these crimes have been continually blocked by Crown officials in Ontario, like the case of dozens of Mush Hole survivors who tried suing the Anglican Church and Crown in June, 2001. This case was dismissed by Judge Haines of the Ontario Supreme Court on the grounds that legal action against the Crown was barred by The Crown Liability Act of 1953.

Considering that he sits on evidence that the Queen of England, like Pope Benedict, has actively obstructed justice and protected criminals, I asked "Sid" if he would go on record with what he knew. He finally replied,

"I will if others will, but not by myself. People with more pull than me need to come forward. Ask Dr. Wendy Fletcher all that she knows. If she goes public, I will too. You can tell her that."

Dr. Wendy Fletcher is the Principal of one of the largest seminaries in Canada: my old Alma Mater, the Vancouver School of Theology. Fletcher was given the plum posting after she agreed to do what neither Sid nor Leona Moses would do, and that was to gag and silence herself for over ten years while she was a researcher for the Huron Diocese, after she uncovered the horror that resides under the earth of the Mush Hole, in secret government archives, and in countless ruined lives. Soon after Mohawk elders and I commenced excavations at the grounds of the Mush Hole school last October, Wendy Fletcher took a leave of absence as VST Principal. This month, she announced she would step down as Principal as of December, 2012. Wendy plans to return to teaching and advising the Association of Theological Schools (ATS): a Christian accreditation program heavily funded by and tied to large pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly: one of the corporations that paid the Anglican church for years to test out experimental drugs on the Mohawk boys and girls at the Mush Hole school in Brantford. The inquiry continues.

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at .

Messages for Kevin Annett can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada).

Watch Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT on his website

"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."

Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba


A Canadian clergyman, Kevin Annett has for nearly twenty years led the movement to bring to light and prosecute atrocities in Christian “Indian residential schools”, and win justice for survivors. Expelled in 1995 from his former United Church of Canada for exposing murders in that church’s Indian residential schools, and persecuted and blacklisted for his efforts, Kevin is now an award-winning film maker, author, social activist and public lecturer who works with victims of church violence and genocide all over the world. In 2009, he helped to establish the five-nation International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, which is seeking to indict church and government leaders for crimes against humanity.

As a result of Kevin’s tireless efforts on behalf of native people, the Canadian government was forced to issue a public “apology” and reparations program concerning Indian residential schools, in July of 2008. In giving him the name Eagle Strong Voice in 2007, Anishinabe elder Louis Daniels declared, “Kevin Annett is doing what few of his people have done, and that is to speak about the crimes they committed against many of our nations and their children. He has earned a place forever in our hearts and history. He is a brave and prophetic man. I ask everyone to welcome him and heed his voice.” And scholar Noam Chomsky wrote in 2006, “Kevin Annett is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many of those who have received it.”

For more information on Kevin and his work, contact him at, and see these sites:




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Southern Lady September 1, 2012 7:10 pm (Pacific time)

Global F.A.C.T. is having a radio show Sunday Sept. 2, 2012 3pm PTD, 6pm EDT, and 5pm central This will be a round table discussion with the purpose of outing the truth regarding the victims of the residential school genocide and the people behind it. Discussions will also include why Kevin Annett left the previous show, refusing to answer questions about certain evidence that has been brought forth. This round table discussion will include: 1- Cheryl Squire - A Mohawk Elder of the Turtle Clan 2- Lydia White Calf - Wife of a resident school survivor 3- Gerald Whitehorsestanding - resident school survivor and an official Elder on the Cree Nation Band Council in Saskatchewan 4- Heather Martin - Blogger: 5- Greg Renoof - Blogger:

KP Ryan July 30, 2012 2:22 pm (Pacific time)

Mr. Kevin Annett is a true hero, not just of the Natives repeatedly abused, subjugated and murdered by the ''royal'' sickos and their charges; but a hero to all freedom seeking men and women worldwide. That's why one never sees profiles of Annett's work in mainstream newspapers or television or magazines. If media and Holy Wood were legit, Hollywood would have already produced a major motion picture highlighting the abuses Annett has uncovered and the hell he's had to pay by speaking the truth.

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