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Jul-27-2009 03:00printcomments

Losing a Loved One to Hillbilly Heroin - OxyContin -

I will work very hard to have OxyContin reclassified for severe pain and in the process make Purdue Pharma shudder. I do it for my daughter Jill and the scores of victims of OxyContin.

Courtesy: lynnpolice.org

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - For the past seven plus years I have been learning everything I can about Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, and what I have learned has caused me to know the true meaning of the word evil.

Marianne Skolek

You see seven years ago, I lost my only daughter - Jill at 29-years old. She had the misfortune of being prescribed OxyContin for a herniated disc.

I set out to determine how a drug nicknamed "hillbilly heroin" could be killing and addicting so many people in every state in the country, as well as Canada.

I worked with Attorney Generals, Congressmen, Senators, Departments of Justice, the DEA and the FDA as well as private attorneys and the media.

When Purdue Pharma was charged (and pled guilty) to marketing OxyContin as less likely to be addictive or abused in Federal Court in Virginia in July 2007, I was asked by the US Attorney prosecuting the case to make a statement in front of the courtroom.

I did it with the three CEO's (Michael Friedman, Paul Goldenheim and Howard Udell) who were put on probation and given community service hours at a drug rehab facility glaring at me. I also went to Washington, DC and testified against them in front of a Judiciary Hearing of the U.S. Senate.

I thought my work was over and that a $10 billion privately held pharmaceutical company would discontinue their less than honest marketing of OxyContin. I was wrong -- very wrong.

In 2008, Purdue Pharma began to very subtly market OxyContin for something called "pregnancy pain". They didn't stop there. They marketed for the "undertreatment of pain in newborns and pediatric patients" on their website.

I reported them to the FDA and the DEA and believe I used the words -- "this company is marketing a very addictive and dangerous drug to the most vulnerable of people".

Regarding physician perceptions of female patients with pain, Hadjistavropoulos and colleagues found that physicians distinguished between their “attractive and “unattractive” patients. Attractive female patients were perceived as experiencing less pain than unattractive female patients, evidencing a “healthy is beautiful” stereotype.

There was no doubt in my mind that Purdue Pharma had no conscience. They pulled this marketing tactic, but I have no doubt that they will try it again when things calm down for them and they feel they can get away with it.

Recently I came across the below posting on Purdue Pharma's Partners Against Pain website --

    Regarding physician perceptions of female patients with pain, Hadjistavropoulos and colleagues found that physicians distinguished between their “attractive" and “unattractive” patients. Attractive female patients were perceived as experiencing less pain than unattractive female patients, evidencing a “healthy is beautiful” stereotype.

My hope is that the FDA and the DEA find this insult to physicians as offensive as I have found it to be -- and they do something about it and in doing so send a very strong message to Purdue Pharma -- We've had enough!

I recognize that Massachusetts Senator Tolman is conducting OxyContin hearings since the state has been so hard hit by deaths and addictions. But hearings are not going to save lives -- definitive and strong action will though. I am calling upon the FDA to reclassify OxyContin for "severe" pain only -- and no longer to be prescribed for "moderate" pain.

A strong message needs to be sent that lives -- especially of our young people -- are more important than Purdue Pharma's profits. I intend to send that message loudly and clearly for the victims of OxyContin who cannot be heard.

I had a dear friend send me a plaque which reads "Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says -- Oh Hell -- She's awake!"

I will work very hard to have OxyContin reclassified for severe pain and in the process make Purdue Pharma shudder. I do it for Jill and the scores of victims of OxyContin.

Marianne Skolek is an Activist for Victims of OxyContin and Purdue Pharma - "a criminally convicted pharmaceutical company"
You can send Marianne an email at: mskolek@aol.com

#hillbilly_heroin #hillybilly_heroin #drugs #drug_addiction #purdue_pharma


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maria shaffer August 10, 2014 7:06 pm (Pacific time)

Please keep trying to rein in this evil drug! I lost my only child in January of this year and not a day goes by that I shed tears and feel as if my heart has been ripped from my body. My dear son was a wonderful person who had so much potential that was stolen by Perdue Pharma. He researched all he could about this drug and realized how futile his fight to get off of it was, he often told me he would die, I never realized how soon this would come true. I found him after i came in from work one day and that sight will never leave my mind. I could not hold him and comfort him in his last moments on this earth and feel as though i failed him so terribly. I called Perdue two days before I buried my son and the man on their end tried to be apologetic, but I told him that the"Sacklers" big homes, cars, planes, etc. were all bought with the bodies of the loved ones we are burying everyday! Please keep fighting, I find in my area of Ohio gives lip service to this problem, this drug should be banned, that is the only way to stop the deaths, use it for what it was first prescribed. God help us all because this is only going to get worse!

John Wagner May 6, 2010 3:47 pm (Pacific time)

Please keep up your good work! I have lost a best friend and family member to this horrible drug and it has taken a huge toll on my happiness and those who loved these people.

Susan H July 30, 2009 3:00 pm (Pacific time)

James R. obviously does not KNOW any DOCTORS. He thinks they are well paid. GET A CLUE! DRUGS=MONEY

James R. July 27, 2009 10:16 pm (Pacific time)

Editor: No James, it isn't like that. Until just over eight years ago, that stuff was never advertised on television. The FDA is so off track and guided only by money. Yes friend, you have the free will to kill yourself in an endless number of ways, but people need to know that what is being given to them is extremely addictive. They also need to remove the "ask you doctor about..." ads from TV. We all want to see these things happen. In the end you will always be able to access the drugs, but people need to know what they are getting themselves into. By the way, these pharma companies start influencing American doctors in medical school. While I agree that prescription drugs shouldn't be advertised on television or in print, this alone is no excuse. Again, I go back to my analogy. I see an add for a Ruger .22 semi automatic gun. I was fine with the cheapy one shot .22, but I go to my gun shop and tell the owner I want to buy one of these semi automatics because I saw an add for one and it looks like it will be better suited for my needs. You say this drug is extremely addictive, but that ONLY applies to certain people. I don't have any data, but I suspect it's only highly addictive to a very low percentage of people. I've personally used the drug as well as many of my immediate and extended family members and no addiction problems. Again, it's the doctors responsibility to not cave into a patients desire to get a drug that's not right for them. The doctor also has the responsibility to give precautions and monitor use. You can't simply give a prescription for a pulled tooth and blindly approve refills for a time that is longer than normal recovery. It doesn't matter that doctors are approached during med school. Doctors are generally very smart people and very capable of differentiating between information and influence. Like any profession etc. there are bad apples, but lets not let them spoil it for everyone. I'm curious what you think about the completely unregulated supplement industry? If I remember right that happened before the previous 8 years.

James R. July 27, 2009 8:22 pm (Pacific time)

Isn't it the doctor's responsibility to resist the evil advertising and prescribe the right drug for the right pain? This is like going after the manufacturers of guns because someone got killed with a gun. Guns don't kill people, People do. If you feel your daughters doctor was ignorant or malicious in prescribing this drug, go after them...but then that's why our healthcare costs in the country are out of this world. You always wan't to blame and make someone else responsible for your from actions instead of your own.

Editor: No James, it isn't like that.  Until just over eight years ago, that stuff was never advertised on television.  The FDA is so off track and guided only by money.  Yes friend, you have the free will to kill yourself in an endless number of ways, but people need to know that what is being given to them is extremely addictive.  They also need to remove the "ask you doctor about..." ads from TV.  We all want to see these things happen.  In the end you will always be able to access the drugs, but people need to know what they are getting themselves into.  By the way, these pharma companies start influencing American doctors in medical school.  

Snork July 27, 2009 8:17 pm (Pacific time)

"No cheers for capitalism!" We won't miss you when you leave the country for the communist country of your choosing.

Mike H. July 27, 2009 12:37 pm (Pacific time)

OxyContin has opiates in it. Of course it's addictive. It's basically legal heroin.

Daniel Johnson July 27, 2009 11:01 am (Pacific time)

No cheers for capitalism!

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