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Jul-21-2013 23:09printcomments

Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Six)

At times Oregon legislators have been miffed, other times they are simply powerless to change the heavily orchestrated corruption in this state.

Former Oregon Corrections Chief Michael Francke
Former Oregon Corrections Chief Michael Francke

(SALEM) - In the last installment, we proved some of the corruption in the Oregon Attorney General's Office. There is a lot more to it. There was/is so much corruption in the Oregon Attorney General's office that it should scare the hell out of you. They know who they are and they know what they did and, hopefully by now, they should realize that we can prove it. All of it. The pornography (including prostitution), the illegal gambling, and stealing large sums of taxpayer's money with phoney computer scams.

Dale Penn

Okay, I give up. I'll give you a bit more, but then I have some cops to expose.

Many of you will remember the uproar over S.A.I.F. (State Accident Insurance Fund or commonly called Workman's Comp.). Doctors were routinely denying injured workers legitimate claims. That money was being diverted to Salem Hospital so that it could build new facilities and make a killing when our next President (Obama) pushed Mandatory Healthcare through. Nice plan.

The Oregon Attorney General's Office ignored that corruption altogether. District Attorney, Dale Penn, in a superficial effort to appease the masses, merely had S.A.I.F. fined for nearly a million dollars. No doctor was ever chastised, reprimanded, or hauled into criminal court. That is the way this corruption works.

Dale Penn went on to head the Oregon State Lottery. Nice reward. After successfully cramming every bar with slot machines, thereby making the mob a ton of money, Dale was promoted. Last I heard, he now heads S.A.I.F. I'll bet you didn't know that the top 6 or 7 guys at S.A.I.F. earn over a million dollars per year. Nice bribes, if you ask me. Eh, Dale?

Former Oregon Gov. Neil Goldschmidt

Of course, Dale Penn was not the only one to receive this outrageous compensation for criminal acts. Do you all remember a fella by the name of Neil Goldschmidt? Way back when, there was a surplus of 170 million dollars in the Oregon budget. Now, if you're a thief, and Neil definitely was, you could not allow that money to go back to the taxpayers (as required by law). No sirree bub. So Neil misappropriated 72 million dollars. Bet you can't guess where that money went to!

Aw, damn, you got me. Yep, Neil G. sent 72 million dollars of our money to S.A.I.F. Later, Neil G. would be hired at S.A.I.F. as a consultant---earning forty thousand a month. Yes, I said that right. Forty thousand dollars per month. Are you seeing a pattern yet?

The legislators were miffed at that. But they were powerless. You see, the crime family was in full swing. Neil's pals, and cohorts were in complete control.

Cory Streissinger, for her part in the criminal enterprises went on to head Oregon Finances. Kind of like putting the fox in the henhouse.

Ted Kulongoski went on to be Governor. While pal Dale pushed the slots, Teddy boy traded the Indians 100 acres of prime real estate for 60 acres of swamp land. Way to go, Ted. Glad you are watching over the taxpayers.

By the way, Teddy boy did it so that the Indians could build the first off-reservation casino. You see, once they did that, it would have made it possible for the mob to convert the Salem Conference Center into a casino. The taxpayers shelled out 30 million to build that center (replete with a Grand Hotel). It was then given away to a bunch of businessmen up in the Wilsonville area. Wink-wink.

While Hardy Myers, was Attorney General, he misappropriated 200 million dollars. He thinks nobody noticed, but I did. One week in 2005, Myers and gang received 85 million from the tobacco companies as a settlement for a lawsuit on behalf of Oregonians who were ill because of smoking. The next week, Myers and his merry cutthroats received another 115 million from the tobacco companies. Lo and behold, the following week, it was announced that Oregonians had received a windfall of $200 million dollars. Do the math.

My father had lung cancer and needed meds. His meager social security check was not going very far and his meds cost $200 a month. This heartless soul steals 200 mil and gives it to the schools. The people whom that money was supposed to go to, got squat. And, yes, this Jewish crime family has no qualms about ripping off women and children, the elderly and the infirmed. I don't have the exact figures, but I'll wager that 90% of that 200 million was ultimately stolen. Ditto for the 72 mil that went to our little darling S.A.I.F.

Of course, you have all heard about the 173 million that was stolen with a phony interstate bridge scam? The plan was to get Uncle to pony up about half of the cost of a new bridge between Oregon and Washington. These States were to put up the rest... Washington backed out (in part because the bridge could be built for less than half of what the thieves were after) and some crooks are now millions of dollars richer. See, they no longer have to give the taxpayers a frigging thing. Trillions to Wall Street. Trillions to Chase Banks, 30 mil for a Conference Center, 112 mil to put storm windows in 12 schools (in Portland, Ore., called earthquake proofing. Wink), 40 mil for a computer system so State workers could figure out how much they'll make when they retire, and let's look at one of the most prevalent.

These thieves have figured out that they can rip off the taxpayers big time with low-income housing and safe-house schemes. Dives like Cozy Inn, once a cheap place for poor people to go (at $160. a week) have jacked up their rates. Battered women and other government wards get to go there now (at triple the original cost).

Apartment buildings, like the Englewoods, are now subsidized by the government. The taxpayers foot the bill for $900 or so a month for each unit. Normal rents are in the $400. range. All of this is making it hard for everyday people to live because it keeps all of our rents jacked up because there is no longer free enterprise...just a bunch of lawyers scamming the public. It is called "profiteering" and it is illegal as hell.

Speaking of crooks, er, lawyers, how come they just succeeded in getting 99% of Americans exempted from the U.S. Supreme Court? Three weeks ago, they passed a law that bars you and I from being able to address the Court on our own behalves. The highest court in the land, the very court sworn to uphold the Constitution, now says that the Constitution is a worthless piece of paper. We no longer have the right to be heard in court (unless you are super rich and can afford to hire an attorney to speak for you). Bastards.

If you believe in coincidences, then you can accept that a Jewish Supreme Court Judge had absolutely nothing to do with this attack on our Civil Rights. Don't take my word for it...look her up on Wikipedia.

Neil Goldschmidt was Jewish. Every person he appointed to office was also Jewish. Look at the connection between Governor Neil Goldschmidt and Oregon's new Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum. In 1989, she was appointed by Governor Neil Goldschmidt as a judge to the Multnomah County District Court where she presided until 1993, when another woman, Governor Barbara Roberts, appointed her as a judge on the Multnomah County Circuit Court. In 2005, Governor Ted Kulongoski appointed her to fill a vacancy on the Oregon Court of Appeals. And you wonder why Frank Gable can't get heard???

That's how they work their "magic." The first Jewish politician gets in and then appoints others to all the high offices under them. In addition to the obvious Civil Rights violations, this nepotism is outlawed under ORS chapter 244. Isn't it nice to know we have all of these felons running the State of Oregon?

If you think you can just go to a newspaper and flush them out, think again. They own them, too. The Statesman Journal (Salem), the Oregonian (Portland), etc. If you think you can go to a smaller paper, such as the Willamette Week and get heard, good luck. Guess who Ellen Rosenblum is married to?

Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum is married to Richard Meeker, the publisher and co-owner of the Willamette Week. That was partly how she got elected. Fact is, you can't fight the Jewish mafia on their own terms. Just so you know what you're up against.

There's more; lots more. We just wanted the bad guys to know that they have not gotten away with anything. Too many of us know the truth. Let Frank Gable go.

Previous installments

Jul-15-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Five) - John Atkins for

Jul-08-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Four) - John Atkins for

Jul-01-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Three) - John Atkins for

Jun-24-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Two) - John Atkins for

Jun-17-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part One) - John Atkins for



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John Atkins August 2, 2013 12:29 pm (Pacific time)

They couldn't see a body because there wasn't one there until 10:15pm. What I want to know is, which one of them shredded all of the documents they pulled out of Mike's trunk? 23 bags was a lot of shredding. Here's one for you to kick around: If all of the staff were meeting in Mike's office, you would think that one of them would have seen the 23 bags. The fact that they did not, well that would show that Caulley, Peterson, or both, had to have done the shredding after Hill left. That means that they had Mike's keys in order to get into his office. There is nothing complex about this crime. And there is nothing that we cannot prove...eventually.

Chris Petersen July 31, 2013 9:04 pm (Pacific time)

So at 9:30, Hill sees Caulley and Peterson talking in a room that looks out to the North Stairs? And Hill approaches them? (from which angle? from the front?) And none of those 3 saw the bloody scene and body right there or the broken window? Maybe I'm missing something here. They were looking for a guy who was missing, and they didn't look out the window of the room they were in?

Chris P July 24, 2013 7:37 am (Pacific time)

They like when we call it the illuminati, instead of the less mysterious and more descriptive "Jewish Crime Synadicate."

John Atkins July 23, 2013 1:06 pm (Pacific time)

Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks anonymous. It's not paranoia if they are really there. I always felt like Phil was just blowing smoke and the whole Oregonian thing a farce to lure in unsuspecting people with intel.

Anonymous July 23, 2013 11:21 am (Pacific time) "Zusman and publisher Richard Meeker have owned "WW" since 1982 and raised families in Portland. Meeker even belongs to the same synagogue, Beth Israel, as Neil and Diana Goldschmidt."

justice. July 23, 2013 1:35 am (Pacific time)

Keep it up john. I am right there with ya.

Chris P July 22, 2013 8:12 am (Pacific time)

I want to start seeing some of these government thefts on American Greed: Scams. These ones you list here are bigger then alot of the ponzi schemes they throw ppl in federal prison for 15-20 years over.

Chris P July 22, 2013 7:55 am (Pacific time)

I like how you make the point of section 8 housing driving up prices for all the poor people that actually work. Totally not fair. We now have pretty much 2 classes of poor- those that do stuff and those that do absolutely nothing for a living The ones who do nothing have a higher standard of living then those who try to work.

John Atkins July 22, 2013 4:26 am (Pacific time)

Just asking: last week, you asked me for something that would blow this whole case wide open. You be sure to let me know when I have covered that. With the exception of week three, I had been staying pretty much on the Gable case without straying too far. This week, I upped the ante. Ditto for next week.
Your approach, and everybody else's, has been to trust lawyers. These thugs keep asking for more and more ridiculous stuff. They have you on the defensive and they appease you by making you feel like you are doing something. Simultaneously, they make you feel hopeless. I have heard this from far too many of you.
My approach is to expose all of this corruption and let Congress sort it out. Put the rats on the defensive for a change. I will not be ignored.
As you may have noticed, I am getting very specific. Neil's theft of 72 million for SAIF, Myer's theft of 200 million for the schools, the theft of 173 million for the crooks themselves. You might think it has nothing to do with Frank's case but, in reality, it has everything to do with it.
I have made several references to the R.I.C.O. Act. The nice thing about RICO is the establishment of patterns of behavior. In a normal trial, a trial Judge has the prerogative to censor what the jury hears and crooks like West are quick to hush up patterns of behavior. For instance, West did his best to keep the jurors from hearing that at least three other men had confessed to the murder. Had the jurors heard that, they would have looked at Frank in a more favorable light. I'm not saying that they would have been smart enough to see that the breaking of the window after 9pm meant that Frank could not have murdered Mike at 7pm. But it would have made it possible for them to get beyond the fact that Frank opened his big mouth.
It is nothing short of scandalous that these thugs know Frank is innocent, they know Abel deliberately framed Frank, and yet they persist in keeping him in jail. Now, you all can keep banging your heads on the wall with corrupt lawyers, judges, and whatnot, or you can help me to haul these animals into court so they, themselves can stand trial.
There simply is no other way to help Frank out.
In an earlier installment, somebody made the comment wanting to know what I intended to do if these thugs called my bluff? I responded that I do not bluff. Does it look like I'm bluffing? I'm just getting started; wait until you see next week.

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