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Jul-17-2015 23:07printcomments

Good guy Wins $71,527 Keno 8-spot in Oregon

Just when you least expect it....it can happen to you!

Paul Krutsch
Paul Krutsch is all smiles as he accepts his winnings of over $71,000. Photo: Oregon Lottery

(SALEM, Ore.) - Paul Krutsch of McMinnville had sat back and watched his friends win their Keno games at the American Legion and hoped that one day he would win more than $2.

"I have one friend who won $45,000 and always wins the bigger prizes," Krutsch said. "My other friend is always winning $70, $80, $90. Meanwhile, I am the guy who is always winning $2."

Krutsch said he was talking about that very subject, when he was comforted by his pals.

"They said as good as I am to my kids, I was sure to win the big one at some point," he said. "That's when my numbers started popping up on the Keno monitor, one right after another. It was amazing."

Sure enough, after this conversation Krutsch won the Keno 8-Spot rolling jackpot prize of $71,527.70 while playing with his friends at the McMinnville American Legion.

"We had a ton of fun, and it was really exciting," he said. "I had a sleepless night I was so worked up."

Krutsch, who has been married 45 years, said he has three children in their 40s who he is always helping out and giving advice to.

"This money is going towards my retirement," he said. "Now I won't feel so bad the next time I hang out!"

Lottery officials recommend that you always sign the back of your tickets with each Oregon Lottery game you play, to ensure you can claim any prize you may win.

In the event of winning a jackpot, they should consult with a trusted financial planner or similar professional to develop a plan for their winnings. Prize winners of more than $50,000 should contact the Lottery office to schedule an appointment to claim their prize.

Since the Oregon Lottery began selling tickets on April 25, 1985, it has earned over $9 billion for economic development, public education, state parks and watershed enhancements. For more information on the Oregon Lottery visit www.oregonlottery.org


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