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Jul-16-2010 00:11printcomments

The Persian Useful Idiots!

Response to 'Iran is executing young protesters, please write to put a stop to this!'

Seyyed Ahmad Khatami is an Iranian politician.
Seyyed Ahmad Khatami is an Iranian politician.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - This is Project's response to the following Iranian expat's and Iranian opposition's appeal made on activist websites like PTT and intelligence assets like Persian Letters

Project's Response:

This ought not to be a surprise to anyone that there is a long running agenda to malign, demonize, and UN "Green Light" for a Pre-emptive US-Israel Attack on Iran?

Security Council Resolution Transforms Iran into a "Sitting Duck" by Michel Chossudovsky bomb Iran. Nationalist patsies are recruited a-plenty to assist in that purpose.

As are the forces of internal discontent harnessed to foment agitation and destabilize Iran from within. Soften up the target before administering the coup de grâce from the skies: The Fourth-gen Warfare! I have already addressed it elsewhere and rather than reproduce it all here, included some study-links.[1][2][3][4][5]

One compilation contains ample evidence of Western sponsored fabricated protests, fabricated dissent, orange/green/purple fabricated revolutions, et. al., and all of them do indeed employ/harness genuine local discontents, local peoples, local NGOs, local intelligentsia, local businesses, no different than in Venezuela to Pakistan, as patsies, and of course, bought and paid for mercenaries for playing controlled opposition[6].

'Dear Friends,

Islamic Republic is executing young protesters. Five Iranian activists were hung over the weekend and on Monday there was a protest in DC ... Tell them to stop murdering children of Iran whose only fault is to demand safety for political discussion and dissent.

Thank you,

Mozhgan [ Savabieasfahani ]

Musavi And Wife Condemn Executions, As Authorities Fail To Deliver Bodies

May 11, 2010

Opposition leader Mir Hossein Musavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard have both issued separate statements in condemnation of the May 9 hanging of five prisoners for their alleged links to terrorist groups and involvement in bomb attacks. ... Both Musavi and reformist cleric Mehdi Karrubi have called on the opposition organize street rallies to mark the day. ...

--- Golnaz Esfandiari'

Another compilation from the same group, contains ample evidence of Western sponsored terrorism in Iran from Pakistan's border[7].

And no doubt, in responding to all those overwhelming challenges, there may be innocent victims, just as there were in the United States when in 2003 Oakland police opened fire on protesters creating many fatalities (this is from memory)*. I do not know of this particular case in Iran, but I do believe that the way this article is written, it ends up catering to the Propagandists. If these persons were innocent victims, my condolences to the families.

However, there are other far more diabolical forces at play here which harness all local events, including cultural, religious, process, and governance cracks and lacunae, and amplify them to serve the agenda of demonizing Iran. Let's not be so naïve as to continually be taken in by the mythology of people power and street protest! As the Guardian correspondent had put it when examining the regime changes in the former USSR: “The glamour of street protests should not blind us to the reality of US-backed coups in the former USSR”. [8]

Unless one gets with the wherewithal necessary to understand global and local events, namely, forensically, there will be million more condolences offered to Iran for its innocent victims, far worse than have been offered to Palestine and Iraq combined!

Iran is a victim nation with deliberate destabilization and deliberate war being forced upon it – and that's the highest order factual bit of the matter.

A substantial number of people are also unhappy in Iran, both economically and politically, just as they are in the United States, the UK, Germany, France, Pakistan, Venezuela, and in the rest of the world. This is also a fact.

But only the 'untermensch' nations are being subjected to 'regime change' by the ubermensch in a full spectrum war, from military, to economic sanctions, to psyop, to destabilization, to guerrilla warfare – aka false-flag terrorism.

All those statements of fact need to be kept at the fore-front as a touchstone for evaluating context. That context here is maligning Iran, demonizing it any-which-way possible. Only immense naiveté will prevent one from seeing that.

As is noted in the very first link referenced above:

'Instead of trying to bring chants of “Azadi”, i.e., freedom, to their beloved Iran 20,000 miles away, those living in the United States and enjoying its plentiful freedom-blessings may perhaps endeavor to bring even a modicum Azadi to their host nation first(?): ...'

Many nationalists of Iranian origin clearly are willing house Negroes of the West today. Here is Trita Parsi for instance – the brilliant Brzezinski & Fukuyama protégé, echoing the same principal message as the hectoring hegemons but appearing as dissent.[9]

And by the way you can check the definition of the term 'House Negro' at this link.

And finally, lest one think there are no internal difficulties in Iran, here is Iran's former President Khatami expressing them himself – his coherent arguments to the Persian intelligentsia in the audience are impeccable.

The above video of Khatami comes from MEMRI, and therefore, the subtitled translation in English, if it's due to their craftsmanship, carries their spin. Thus, note for instance the usage of the derogatory word “regime” in the translation for the word “nizam” which actually means 'system of governance'.

In times of imposed war which perches a nation on the cusp of existentialism, protecting itself from the fifth columnists, whether traitors, mercenaries, patsies, or savants, is an imperative of national survival. It is a full-scale war being waged upon Iran, both from outside its borders, and from within it, with the fifth columnists chanting “Azadi” directly implementing the destabilization agenda of the external enemy. Is that rocket science for the Iranian expatriates to fathom? Evidently it is!

Here is a succinctly worded comment by a rational, thinking-Westerner commenting on the “Iranian opposition”:

'Israel and the US Treasury like the Iranian opposition too

Well let's ask ourselves: Who wants regime change in Iran? A quick google search lands two suspicious results in short order:

1. Danny Ayalon, who, by the way, just made an a** of himself in the very serious diplomatic incident with Turkey, (mainstream spin on that matter notwithstanding), said as reported on 1/3/10 in Haaretz:

"It is not certain that the regime in power now in Iran will be there in one year," Ayalon said at a question-and-answer session in Tel Aviv. "The world is uniting against Iran's nuclear program and within a month there will be United Nations Security Council sanctions," Ayalon said. "There is agreement in Washington, Moscow and Beijing that a nuclear Iran would destroy the current world order."


2. Jay Solomon of The Wall Street Journal, that bastion of democracy, reports that the US Treasury Department (full of (ex- wink wink)Goldman Sachs employees, as we know), has been figuring out ways to help out the opposition:

U.S. Treasury Department strategists already have been focusing on Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has emerged as the economic and military power behind Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In recent weeks, senior Green Movement figures -- who have been speaking at major Washington think tanks -- have made up a list of IRGC-related companies they suggest targeting, which has been forwarded to the Obama administration by third parties.

Third parties? If only Jay Solomon could name them....

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if Israel and the US Treasury Department like the idea, maybe it's not the best thing for the Iranian people. But that's just Common Sense, which is, evidently, Not Allowed. !!!

It's always better to listen to people with many degrees who work at think tanks and have impressive Curriculum Vitae. Then we don't have to think for ourselves.

... And just because someone very nicely calls something "green," or whatever focus group terminology they determine will elicit the proper response, that is no guarantee of any good motive. it's just marketing. And just because someone comes from the country in the cross-hairs and has an opinion, that does not necessarily mean anything either. They could be mercenaries -- expert witnesses. ...'

Mercenaries indeed! Some are also useful idiots. There is no shortage of them in any society.

In order for innocent victims to not be created in the reactionary exercise of self-defense by a nation, the first order innocent victims to not be created must be addressed first: those due to primal aggression of the hectoring hegemons in response to which the self-defense is initiated!

To not have innocent victims, address the first-cause, not its effect.

Only patsies and shills seem not to know that bit of rational commonsense – of aggression for primacy from which “all the evil that follows” is laid on the doorstep of the first aggressors. A principle blanketly exercised by the victors of World War II at Nuremberg and Tokyo, as the virtuous Allies hung the Axis Powers for all the Allied crimes of bombing the densely populated civilian centers from Dresden, Hamburg and Tokyo, to Hiroshima and Nagasaki!! The same victors today are now the new aggressors. They cannot escape the inevitability of their own principles applied to them.

If there are innocent victims in Iran, they are victims of the war of aggression imposed on Iran!

* Footnote: The Oakland California episode when protesters were deliberately shot in a show of force is an interesting case of state sponsored terrorism upon one's own civilians. And if one is to discuss such matters fairly, the biggest sponsor of state terrorism upon one's own civilians can be seen here (Iran is hardly in that league of state sponsored terrorism; the only nation to boldly stand-up to hectoring hegemons' imperial mobilization for full spectrum dominance).

[1] Iranian Expatriates in America – The New 'House Negroes'(?) -

[2] Letter to an Iranian Expatriate on the Iranian Question - humanbeingsfirst.blogspot.coml

[3] Letter to Editor – Iran jails US journalist Roxana Saberi as spy April 18, 2009

[4] Editorial: The First Enemy Is Within – Fourth Generation Warfare -

[5] 'Bin Laden': Key enabler of “imperial mobilization” -

[6] Archived: Samar Minallah & The 2009 Swat Girl Flogging -

[7]. Iran, the Associated Press, and Covert-War of 'Imperial Mobilization' -

[8] - The mythology of people power


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The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at: He may be reached at

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