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Jan-15-2011 19:10printcomments

Immigration News: Debate Simmers Outside the Beltway

Many immigrant workers and their families in New Mexico are now under pressure from Border Patrol checkpoints and patrols, in collaboration with local police agencies.

Scenes from Las Cruces, New Mexico show passions run high here over immigration.
Scenes from Las Cruces, New Mexico show passions run high here over immigration- from both perspectives.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - At the state and local levels, the debate over immigration continues to simmer in 2011. In Las Cruces, New Mexico, for instance, public forums on the immigration question are scheduled to be held at City Hall this coming Thursday. A roster of speakers is lined up to address the legal, economic and human rights aspects of immigration.

Among the scheduled presenters are invdividuals associated with religious institutions, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Task Force for Immigrant Advocacy and Services and the Colonias Development Council(CDC).

Las Cruces Police Chief Richard Williams is scheduled to talk about law enforcement and immigrants, while Bishop Ricardo Ramirez and Rabbi Paul Citrin will explore the matter of ethics and immigration. Delving into the economic side, New Mexico State University Professor Neil Harvey will analyze and discuss the reliance of the US economy on immigrant workers.

"The forums are intended to help engage public interest and input on immigration related issues," said forum organizer and Las Cruces City Councillor Olga Pedroza. "It's crucial that being so close to the Mexican border, we educate ourselves about how we as a nation interact with our neighbors to the south both on political and humanitarian levels."

Like other border communiuties, the development of Las Cruces and surrounding Dona Ana County have been bound hand and foot with the presence of Mexican workers and other immigrants. Mexican farm hands have been crucial to the prosperity of Dona Ana County's important agricultural industry, laboring in everything from cotton to dairy. In recent years, large numbers of immigrant workers also have been employed in the construction and service sectors of the economy. Despite the historic ties with Mexican immigration, certain tensions are evident in the region today.

According to the CDC's Veronica Carmona, many immigrant workers and their families in New Mexico are now under pressure from Border Patrol checkpoints and patrols, in collaboration with local police agencies. In a recent report for the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Carmona cited the unincorporated community of Chaparral, which straddles Dona Ana and Otero counties.

"The residents of Chaparral have witnessed and experienced constant harassment by the Otero County police," Carmona contended. "The degree of racial tension in this community is palpable. Some groups of white residents constantly boast of collaborating with law enforcement to report anyone they believe is undocumented."

In 2009 former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson signed into law HB-428, which officially banned bias-based profiling, Carmona noted in her report.

The January 20 forums in Las Cruces will feature two afternoon sessions, starting at 1:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., respectively, in city council chambers at City Hall. Both events will cover the same topics. Thanks to modern communciations technology, interested persons from outside the region will be able to view the first session live by going to Locally, the forum also will be carried on Comcast Cable Channel 20.


Frontera NorteSur (FNS): on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news
Center for Latin American and Border Studies
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico

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Bill Griffith January 23, 2011 1:51 pm (Pacific time)

Say editor I did not write anything below that is not part of current public policy, nor did I demean any particular group of people. Why did you tell me I would have a problem in some confrontation with "Vic" is confusing, why did you make that comment? I was not egging anyone on for a confrontation, but I also have military training along with considerable experience. I also make it a point to avoid confrontation unless I have no choice. Thank you. Maybe you just don't like hearing about the majority opinions/feelings we Americans have about illegals and the problems they pose for our society? It has nothing to do with racism from my perspective, just economics for I want our citizens to have work and many high paid jobs, such as those in construction/roofing, etc., have been sucked up by illegals, where legit outfits cannot maintain competivness because of low wages by those hiring illegals, along with illegals doing that kind of work under the table as contractors. I also did not reference anyone from south of the border. Maybe you read something into my post that you thought I said? If so, then you must not understand how the majority of Americans want some resolvement to this issue. And until we control our borders, there cannot be resolvement in my opinion.

Editor: Because of this line that you wrote: "not something you would do in person "

Vic January 23, 2011 10:53 am (Pacific time)

Bill, I realize that not all jobs taken by "illegals" are agricultural, but Id say most all agricultural jobs are taken by Mexican citizens.."illegal" or not. I am more in the middle than you might think..I believe the US should have a protectionist economy, but start at the more transfering American manufacturing jobs overseas. Why are the Anti-Illegal types not raising hell about American jobs going to China or the Phillipines? Whirlpool just closed its Evansville Indiana washing machine plant and now the washing machines are being made just across the border in Mexico. 1200 Americans lost good paying, family supporting jobs..I have heard no calls to boycott Whirlpool..Is it really about economics??? Or is it old-fashioned racism directed towards MEXICANS ? If the economic stability of the US is your goal, why not raise hell about the fact that the US spends 25 times as much as the nearest competitor (China) on weaponry ? How many trillions of dollars of weapons do we need ? Again, is it economics or racsim?

Bill Griffith January 22, 2011 9:28 am (Pacific time)

Vic maybe you have no idea how the breakdown in non-agricultural jobs are being held by illegals. This causes a two-fold negative cascade process: It drives down wages and takes away jobs from our citizens. Using the E-verify system coupled with "real sanctions" (like stiff fines, even incarceration) will help reduce our unemployment rate considerably, and get our people back to work. It's time that we put our citizens first, and am positive that we will not starve. Maybe you should do some research on what percentage of agricultural jobs are held by people who are not here on work visas. To call those of us who want the laws on the books as some kind of "white trash" is not something you would do in person is my bet. Have you also seen the growing crime rate by illegals, and not just in the border areas? The proverbial straw is coming.

Tim King: What should we call you Bill since you have your sick little way of eliminating humanity in your reference for people born south of the US border.  I think Vic told you what is what and your answer and reaction is to become just a little more degrading, a little meaner with 'illegals' this and 'illegals' that.  I know some people you absolutely wouldn't talk like that around.  And hope that you don't ever meet Vic in a dark alley OK?  I can take care of myself very well, trained by Uncle Sam's Marine; but I know with Vic I'd have one hell of a handful, as you also would.

Vic January 17, 2011 10:29 am (Pacific time)

Francis and Minuteman (your wife give you that nickname?) you can relax..go wash your sheets and hoods. Immigration is at an all time low right now. I tell everyone here not to bother going up there..they will be harrassed by white racist trash who are looking for someone to blame for their insignificant and worthless lives. Francis..the good news is that you will have less competition when you show up for your strawberry picking job at 5 in the morning. Or maybe spraying herbicide is your love..less competition there too. So get out of your Lazyboy, tuck your gut in and go get those good jobs that the damn Mexicans have been taking away! See you in the fields!

Diane January 17, 2011 9:56 am (Pacific time)

Stupid New Mexicans! Come and see what illegal immigration has done to California! Don't be stupid like we were!

June January 17, 2011 12:51 am (Pacific time)

I'm sick of the phrase, "We're a nation of immigrants." We are a nation of 300 plus million citizens and 30 million illegal aliens.

Minuteman1 January 16, 2011 7:16 pm (Pacific time)

Keep using Bush as your sorry excuse. More money has gone into SS Ins and Med than spent on the wars. CAPITALISM ALWAYS WORKS WHEN THE GOVERNMENT LETS THE SYSTEM BE!!

Editor: It isn't a matter of choice and your figures are factually inaccurate, look it up.

Francis January 16, 2011 4:41 pm (Pacific time)

GROWING CONCERN OF THE FINANCIAL ILLEGAL ALIEN INVASION Let's face it most Americans are unaware of the astronomical costs for foreign nationals slipping past the border markers into America, or those who overstay their welcome on an expired visa from a country across one of the oceans? Many citizens and permanent residents are too engrossed in finding a job or trying to put a loaf of bread on the family table to get involved in the political situation. Another factor is they think there is nothing they can do about the invasion as a single voice, but the people are not just grass roots anti-illegal immigrants groups any more, as its manifested in part by the millions of Tea Party organizations and other persons from both parties. Even staunch Democrats and even delusional Liberals are starting to discern we need accountability, of where their taxes are going. Even populations of legal ethnic blocs are feeling the pinch on their taxes and the failure of our government to keep illegal people out of our country. THERE ARE MILLIONS OF HONEST LEGAL PEOPLE FROM SOUTH OF THE BORDER, WITH GENERATIONS OF FAMILIES LIVING HERE IN HARMONY. THE MAJORITY OF LEGAL MINORITY ETHNIC GROUPS WANT IMMIGRATION LAWS ENFORCED? Investigate the costs on your own, about the growing illegal alien invasion. Our nation’s public welfare system is falling apart, because the indifferent lawmakers have been for years raiding the financial coffers of every State to educate children of illegal immigrants, offer free health care and whole cartload of extra monetary programs. The irony is that the majority of the occupational forces have never paid a penny into any treasury. The US Tea party is a secular, multi-racial propagating organization, which believes in the written word of America’s founders, less taxes, smaller government, secure borders and enforcement of the 1986 immigration laws. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS NOT ABOUT RACE, BIGOTRY OR ANY DISCRIMINATION ON THIS SUFFOCATING ISSUE. PLAIN AND SIMPLE, IT'S ABOUT MONEY! MONEY OUR COUNTRY DOESN'T HAVE ANYMORE TO SUPPORT MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL FOREIGNERS. IT’S ABOUT THE POLITICIANS PANDERING TO GET VOTES OR IMPORT CHEAP LABOR AND EXPLOIT THEM FOR BUSINESS OWNERS? ANY KIND OF AMNESTY, WHETHER THE DREAM ACT OR ANY OTHER IMMIGRATION REFORM WILL DRIVE MILLIONS MORE ILLEGAL ALIENS IN AMERICA'S DIRECTION TO CLAIM THEIR WELFARE HAND-OUTS. Now is the time in joining the Tea Party movement near you and reclaim your rights and halt once and for all illegal immigration. Phone 202-224-3121 which is the switchboard number for Washington; so that you can also contact your Congressional representative In addition contact your State representative in your State. Read the undisclosed reports about the unbelievable cost in Los Angeles County, California, attributing to illegal immigration. In Stockton, California, the Silverio family abused the welfare system fraudulently and was featured in the Wall Street Journal in 2003and the "stomach churning" financial free ride after entering America illegally. This is not an isolated case. Little known to American citizens and legal entrants is the fraudulent IRS child credit regulations, and this should be viewed by every taxpaying American: and for further reading to explore: If this doesn't make you furious nothing will? Another interesting summary of illegal alien hospital costs are available here; and the next article: The incarceration of illegal aliens has its own massive costs and should not be overlooked: Here is the State of Arizona's overall costs for supporting the illegal alien annexation of that one state in 2009: Here is further evidence of illegal immigration is spiraling out of control. Learn all there is to know about your share of illegal immigrant tax, cost, corruption, real numbers illegally settled here and the damage of overpopulation at and We need highly skilled workers for our nation, not the penniless or uneducated of foreign governments to support.

Editor: It is a drop in the bucket next to the deadly needless war in Iraq and the same probably goes for Afghanistan.  Bush is who you need to blame and all rich people and companies that are not sympathetic to the needs of their employees and the poor in general.  Capitalism isn't looking too good these days.  There used to be a conscience in the US.  I think it has vanished for the most part..  The problems in this nation are not tied to illegal immigration, this whole country is full of immigrants.  You can scare yourself into thinking what you want, but I grew up in a part of LA where there were almost no white people at all and I 

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