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Jan-08-2009 16:50printcomments

Op Ed: Strong Democracy
Demands Strong

“Feudalists” first fear is full participation by all.

The Federalist Papers
Courtesy: The Federalist Papers

(EUGENE, Ore.) - From the first page of The Federalist Papers right on until the Constitution and Bill of Rights was finally achieved, the most potent prescience of all from our Founders was their emphasis on citizen participation.

They definitely intended pragmatic participation to be built on a foundation of fully-detailed information.

They knew what was required to guide wise decision and guarantee broad support for the new commonweal. That’s WHY their First Amendment was most cannily constructed to present, preserve and protect free, open and honest speech on any matter of common concern.

Wisely, openly and honestly they built that basic right of free speech clearly for humans like themselves.

What better pattern could they have found then? Participation follows naturally, given the major components of what later became known as “American exceptionalism”: Clear understanding of cooperative necessities, guiding potent combined people-power.

Knowing the full score, including complete action pattern and foreseeable consequences, has been the essential pattern for all American political action ever since those early days.

That was in large part the consequence painfully learned from preliminary experience with the Articles of Confederation. Early-America soon recognized that first-try effort as being “weak government and unfettered capitalismoriented” --demanding change in the full protection of any real democratic achievement reaching everyone.

Only when we have fallen into apathetic acceptance of lesser levels --sometimes distorted or even perverted for private gain-- have we found our democratic republic sometimes desperately damaged, and even in fatal danger.

The Civil War came about almost completely from the peculiar circumstances allowed to prevail in direct definance of what the Founders wrote in their famed Constitution and their admirable Bill of Rights.

The pattern of profound perversion allowing some humans to own others as chattels, with life-or-death power, and to possess and project private gain by so doing, was a festering sore within the American way of life for many years.

It took political, social, cultural --finally, most importantly, economic-- convulsion to relieve and remedy that woeful longterm/damaging, denial of our basic Constitutional provision for equal pursuit of happiness. The “lingering feudalist-folly for malign control of others” is only too well demonstated, by the ongoing remnants of racism.

That is still easily perceivable in situations such as “the Southern strategy”, repeated and still redolent, in some recent political campaigns. The most potent weapon vs this ongoing perversion became what we now know well as “the civil rights movement” --resulting in participative actions by many deeply concerned citizens of all races and political persuasions.

That led to the Civil Rights Act and its crucial very American-characteristic provisions, now an essential guide, via full information-applied, in every level of our national life.

Even, after our formative Presidential-choice election of Nov. 4th 2008, with more potent probabilities and promise than ever before achieved in this nation.

Participation via citizen involvement, pragmatic action and potent follow-on has provided us with many still-multiplying instances of its essential function for our democracy. That’s where the minimum wage law, voting rights for women, the Social Security system and Medicare- Medicaid, the GI Bill and the National Defense Education Act, and every other freeing and liberating person empowering progressive step has come from, too.

Meanwile “feudalists” --in a variety of groups, roles and aliases-- have continued to resist, all down the decades, anything resembling progress, especially if at any added-cost, and despite long-term proven economic advantage, Their tried-and-tested ploys --sometimes successful for the short-run, more often overpowered by people performance applied-- have always followed the longtime propaganda-building pattern of “ Discuss, Delay, Defy -- then Do ANYthing to Defeat!”.

At times that has even mounted to the pseudomilitary level, and some of their projected materials, even today, actually includes assassination as a weapon ostensibly confined to usage in foreign policy.

That propangda-based approach was what the totalitarians and fascist-pattern prevaricators and perpetrators unleashed on the world in War I and II. They were unsucessful, too --for the same solid simple sensible reason: Potent people participation to protect, preserve, strengthen and further-project pragmatic forward progress for all.

For the war-decades that included troops in uniform and civil surround, too. For us, it now demands the same kind of mobilization for massive, continuing participation to control our continuing political destiny. Full information, from functional sources tested by close evaluation, building “informed opinion” to guide that participation, played its essential role, in those war-years, via the channels of our then still-free and operative print and broadcast press.

So it must be again. But now we are fully armed once and for all via the broad arrival of broadband, already demonstrated as effective means for political participation. More people now participate via Internet-channel, in more ways and for more purposes, than for any other similar delivery-mode for decision-shaping information.

We can count on still further and even more affective and efficient action-mode, as our new President-Elect (as this is written) carries out his pledge for rebuilding our economy via active government action.

He stated today that rapid extension and expansion of broadband facilities is an essential part of that plan. That should give the remaining feudallist cliques and clients a new feeling of the fear they ultimately face most reluctantly: The inevitable, unavoidable, remorseless broadening and deepening of knowledgable citizen participation in all things bearing on our cooperative, democratic way of life.

Surely also inevitably and unavoidably that must now also broaden and strengthen --perhaps bring close to perfection-- the prescient Founder-vision for broad citizen participation.

These communication technologies, already proven indispensable in every area of American life, will now directly affect understandings controlling key decisions concerning our democracy, working from an everbroadening base.

The “digital delivery” now already arriving in most places is certainly now on the way even for our remote areas. Its easy-access to the whole world, and to everbroadening possibilities for learning and reference, will just as surely now arrive in every American home, to furnish ways-ad-means for personal empowerment never before possible.

What drives that trend, now becoming highlyvisible even to the politically-purblind, is not only social and cultural progress but sheer economic efficiencies, too -- already proven by wide demonstration at every level of nearly every human activity.

That should give those feudalists still surviving -- often sharply vocal on existing channels-- the final blow to their once-prevailing common political philosophy -- now lying so obviously in shred-and-remnant around them.

There is simply no way to defy, deny and defeat what has become obvious forward progress, not only in our own nation, but broadly (as in “broadband:!) across the entire world.

We may perhaps rue-the-day when distortion and perversion for private-gain purposes came to curse the American way in politics, but there is something both intriguing and highly satisfying in seeing it sliced like salami via honest, open, democratic-channel citizen participation.


Henry Clay Ruark is the one of, if not the most experienced, working reporter in the state of Oregon, and possibly the entire Northwest. Hank has been at it since the 1930's, working as a newspaper staff writer, reporter and photographer for organizations on the east coast like the Bangor Maine Daily News.
Today he writes Op-Ed's for with words that deliver his message with much consideration for the youngest, underprivileged and otherwise unrepresented people.

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Mike January 15, 2009 10:54 am (Pacific time)

According to the "experts" the conservative economic message no longer resonates with the American electorate -- or most Western democracies. Supposedly, we are in a new era of "redistributing wealth," increasing demand for domestic government intervention and global economic interdependence. Those who propound these ideas ignore history. No economic system ever has brought about prosperity by discouraging thrift. No society has succeeded in strengthening the weak by weakening the strong; or boosted wage earners by pulling down wage payers; or helped the poor by destroying the rich. It is impossible to keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn or to build character and courage by taking away initiative and independence. Nor has any government been able to help people permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. These ideas are neither new nor mine. They are actually a paraphrase of the principles of governance applied by the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, in his campaign to preserve our republic. I would like to add that the appointee for Sec. of Treasury, an individual who is suppose to lead ur thru this economic downturn, did not pay his taxes for many years, around $50,000 worth. Majority leader Reid called it a minor hiccup. Well my CPA, a former IRS investigator calls it something else. I wonder what ex-appointee Sec. Of Commerce Richardson would call it, he who is under a federal Grand Jury investigation? My fear is that even before we swear in the new administration we are being given more questions than answers.

Harumph January 14, 2009 6:14 pm (Pacific time)

Of course I won't give you my real name. Sheesh. Trust has to be earned, and your editorial staff's "split personality" methodology of alternating between pretending to be nice, and being utterly uncivil over political difference means I'll remain comfortably anonymous. I have plenty of stresses in life, I don't need a cranky and hypocritical bunch at a minor website adding to it. Oh, and, I gave you a valid URL. If you're not capable of an accurate copy and paste it's just not my fault. I opened the site in 3 different browsers without fail.

Editor: You know, I went and approved some of your comments earlier and here you are again with your stupid rantings. Why don't you take your pathetic point of view and move to Israel. I don't like anything about you and you have already been told to scram. You insult us and throw insults, why do you keep coming back? is the only thing like it in the nation and it is local as local gets. In the future I won't approve any of your insults. You wouldn't know anything about us being "nice" or otherwise anyway; your approach is uncivil and right wing to the end of time; people like you never listen anyway. How do we "earn" the right to get you to go away?

Henry Ruark January 14, 2009 5:37 pm (Pacific time)

Hrump: Again, sir, you speak from ignorance and ineptitude in any economic understanding. For check, see any edition of MACROECONOMICS,by Samuelson, award-winning nationally syndicated economist, whose text, originated in '48, is now in new 18th Edition. IF you have quarrel with him keep it to yourself, you know where. Re yr link, 3 tries bring up only "Can't locate" via my Firefox browser; need not so inform you but wish others to check for evaluation with their own minds, knowing the kind of source you used. ID to Editor invitation still stands, but you have now faded away for 20th time from that direct contact --which should tell others here a bit, too.

Harumph January 14, 2009 11:23 am (Pacific time)

Here's a good description of the utterly inept and horrifyingly bad efforts by our government... Belief in government spending as an economic fix is rank foolishness. It defies all reason and logic.

Smitty January 12, 2009 1:10 pm (Pacific time)

Here's the below link to the article regarding the UCLA quotes. What the other link was to is a mystery to me

Henry Ruark January 12, 2009 12:47 pm (Pacific time)

Smitty: Three cut/paste tries fails to turn up your link; two from browser noted "can't find", third turned up "Windows" sales-pitch. Sorry to miss anything as solid as yours seems to be, so please check link and rerun here. NO mistake possible via way I checked, must be off on part of your link. Re findings,now widely cited as anti-O p/p even before he gets in WH door, which was why I questioned it. Will read in original if you can furnish ref. to copy, issue, pages, etc. Regards to your student seeking solid factual data. My No.4 son at Ch. 13 now applies Peter Drucker data on "management by exception" sent to him from Chicago for managing sat/truck schedule and personnel; check with Peter D. just prior to his death drew his renewal of same approach with few added points.

Smitty January 12, 2009 8:13 am (Pacific time)

Yes I have read two of those references provided below and I found them to be entertaining, even quite interesting. Though the below referenced study is more scholarly research-based, and it has been peer reviewed for it's academic analysis and thoroughness in several professional economic journals. Note: My son provided me info on this below referenced study while a student at Willamette University's MBA program recently. So it's analysis is being taught about outside of UCLA's Economics Department. Here are a few brief statements, and at the end a link readers might like to avail themselves with if understanding this topic more fully is a goal that only reviewing different perspectives truly affords in my opinion. "Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt. After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years." And the following from August 2004 that makes a troubling forecast: " "Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies." I'm sure many people may not like the above analysis, but it is one arrived at by economic academics, highly experienced in this field of study.

Henry Ruark January 12, 2009 8:11 am (Pacific time)

To all: Need further "see with own eyes" detailed report on the Bush-cabal ripoff ? Here it is: The Bush Era Has Been an Eight-Year-Long Madoff-Style Ripoff By Frank Rich, The New York Times Posted on January 12, 2009, Three days after the world learned that $50 billion may have disappeared in Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, The Times led its front page of Dec. 14 with the revelation of another $50 billion rip-off. This time the vanished loot belonged to American taxpayers. That was our collective contribution to the $117 billion spent (as of mid-2008) on Iraq reconstruction — a sinkhole of corruption, cronyism, incompetence and outright theft that epitomized Bush management at home and abroad. ----------------- See link for excruciating and horrendous detail documented.

Henry Ruark January 12, 2009 7:06 am (Pacific time)

Friend Stephen: Your response opens door for full dialog via ID to Editor. Relax and sound off that way; will guarantee open ear and mind for what you share. Re "research" we use 30 or more sources for every Op Ed, including extensive writer files still being culled here, and as much Internet time as I can give -the operative word. Share and learn is what we try to work at; but sometimes the frustration level forces near-fighting responses to the UNinformed, MISinformed and even intentionally malignant political-pander crowd, when we sense that, too. Sense is the operative word, with real content analysis as feeling tool to confirm or modify what is truly meant by words-used.

Henry Ruark January 11, 2009 7:32 pm (Pacific time)

Stephen: You also wrote:"If you read my post, the only question I have is, how far does this have to go until people wake up? Deploy the good guys, that just may stick with the Constitution, but bring in foreign military for civil dissent. The puzzle has shown its face." Perhaps it is only mine own lack of economic and history knowledge, background and understandings, but I fail to to get any sense out of this bit-of-yours except some bewildering reference to someone who is supposed to know the Constitution, for whatever purpose you intend, and a kind of veiled threat re foreign military forces to be employed here presumably to overcome any remaining resistance from whatever patriots are still surviving. Could you please now render thatmess in plain old English for us uneducated worker-types without such strong historical and economic background knowledge ? Again, come direct with ID to Editor if that allows you somewhat more latitude while retaining protective cover.

stephen January 11, 2009 5:49 pm (Pacific time)

Got wifes permission to do double overtime. :-) First of all, I behoove your words, and I agree that I have attacked personal/professional. I get frustrated. I will do better. Through my learning, I have a bad habit. I do not document. I just learn and put the pieces together. I keep my tv off, and find trustworthy sources. I am greatly concerned. Give me a few days to decide how I am supposed to share the information I have learned, or maybe just not share at all and watch it all happen. Right now, I dont know how to share. I am tired, frustrated, sometimes afraid. If it wasnt for my trust in Christ, I would probably just drink myself into oblivion, or something else to forget the pain. Sometimes I think just saying the simple things, such as, the federal reserve bank is a private bank, and not federal, will spark the imagination. Seems as tho imagination is hard to find these days. I feel that all I need to do is to post this by Thomas Jefferson: If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Then say: Obama supported the bailout. Then say": the banks are not lending, they just took the money. Sometimes not sure how much more clear I can make it. I will get back to you tho. thanks. I get frustrated with you because you talk the Constitution, but you dont seem to follow it, nor do you take the time to research newly written laws such as PDD51, nor do you learn about the laws of what the National Guard duties are. . In my opinion., will show you that within 100 miles of the borders, are Constitution free zones. Look it up. talk soon. :-)

Henry Ruark January 11, 2009 5:42 pm (Pacific time)

Stephen: You wrote:"You do not know economics. I do. You have not studied history, and history of governments for the last 4 centuries. I have. I know what they are doing, because they have done the same thing over and over again for centuries. The federal government is taking over the internet, just as they did the tv. To control. I have seen it thru history hundreds of times. 32 million americans do not know how to read. Hundreds of millions of Americans have no clue what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are. Why? because the elite took over the public school system, the television, and now trying to take over the internet. It is all about control. Obama is following the trend." SO those are YOUR words-only, no support, no authority, no link, no citation ---simply ME and MY history ! We can start there, sir, with your qualifying, supporting and proving-statement materials from allathat history, which you claim to know so well. Report here, sir, and while at it check out Hrump re his "Kill 'em a;; !" statement, for which I ask: "Do you concur that's the way to calm down and settle the Gaza horror-calamity ?" You claim solid background in history: let's hear your elucidation from that base, sir. Come direct via ID to Editor if you dare not lay it out right here publicly.

Henry Ruark January 11, 2009 4:34 pm (Pacific time)

Stephen et al: You speak as if specially educated in history and with background for communicating about it. If you ID self to Editor, you can undertake to document that direct to me, and perhaps help me to learn my errors, sir. SO far none have been posted and documented here re Op Ed points, while much oprobrium and personal/professional attack has been undertaken. SO there it is, cite your background, come direct, and perhaps we can still learn from each other --in honest, open, direct, democratic and civil conversational exchange, known here as dialog. Thank you for that expanded participation, and ready when you are, sir --just ID to Editor for contact.

stephen January 11, 2009 4:22 pm (Pacific time)

I have to quit for the evening.. my news/blog time is over. In fact, doing overtime writing this, so have to go quickly. Not sure who may have read a post I made about wanting the Oregon National Guard staying in Oregon, but I just read a few minutes ago, that 3000 Oregon National Guard are going overseas. I did not know this when I wrote the post. Since I am not happy at this moment, I will leave it at that, to continue working on my diplomatic status on this website. If you read my post, the only question I have is, how far does this have to go until people wake up? Deploy the good guys, that just may stick with the Constitution, but bring in foreign military for civil dissent. The puzzle has shown its face.

stephen January 11, 2009 3:50 pm (Pacific time)

thanks Tim. I may get a bit overboard sometimes, but personal attacks are not acceptable.. Still working to better my posts and be more diplomatic. Frustration can sometimes overwhelm. You dont have to post this, just saying thanks for your response.

Anonymous January 11, 2009 3:28 pm (Pacific time)

Tim or/and Henry..I just read harumph comment on Jan 8 6:12..
I find nothing wrong with his/her post except maybe being a bit more diplomatic, but as you know, I am not very good at that either :-)
Did he/she post something much worse than this? I dont read all posts so I may have missed a few, but the few I caught, I didnt see much more than that he/she needs to calm down a bit. Am I missing some hard core posts that truly are unacceptable,? because I have not seen them myself. The few I read did not seem that bad.
My concern is..if someone will not jump on the "positive, hope, change" of obama, they are not welcomed here?
thanks.. I do understand I have not read all of harrumphs posts.

Tim King: No, it isn't just his politics, it's the personal attacks on our writers.  He's at the very least, a mean spirited individual.  We've had several problem types, infinetely brave with their keyboards, who write things that are neither honest or worth our time.  This character was just our latest...

Stephen January 11, 2009 3:18 pm (Pacific time)

First of all, thanks Harumph for being more of a butt than I am. Makes me not look so bad :-) Henry, here is where the concern comes from. Those that have actually learned history over the last 200 years, and further. Those that are very learned in economics. Most are not. In fact, when you mention how many people supported/voted Obama, many people went to the polls, and asked those who voted, very simple questions. Such as "who is Nancy Pelosi". 90% of the answers were "they never heard of her". Those that did say they heard of her did not know if she was democrat or republican. Those are the people who supported Obama. You do not know economics. I do. You have not studied history, and history of governments for the last 4 centuries. I have. I know what they are doing, because they have done the same thing over and over again for centuries. The federal government is taking over the internet, just as they did the tv. To control. I have seen it thru history hundreds of times. 32 million americans do not know how to read. Hundreds of millions of Americans have no clue what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are. Why? because the elite took over the public school system, the television, and now trying to take over the internet. It is all about control. Obama is following the trend.

Henry Ruark January 11, 2009 10:27 am (Pacific time)

To all: For further enlightenment on the Hrump personality type, I can recommend TIME 1/19 Minds On Edge, pp42-46. Professional diagnosis demanded, naturally; but here you can see outline of much such negativities now encountered on many blogs --a symptom of what the current culture and blasted social contract have done to a once-solid nation note for "American excetionalism".

Harumph January 11, 2009 2:17 am (Pacific time)

Editor: Hey obnoxious ass: take a hike.  We're sick of you around here, so go find another news Website to spread your negativity.  I even offered to publish your rantings; what a regret that would have been.  In the end, you are a frustrated nasty old man and your insults of our staff are something you would never offer up in person, because people like you lack courage.

Henry Ruark January 10, 2009 5:33 pm (Pacific time)

Geesh et al: NO intention to play pubescent adolescent game "Mine is biggeer than yours ! re sources here, but fact is we both must depend on them for our information since we do NOT cover this national issue ourselves. SO, want more, extremely timely ? See Jeffrey D. Sachs, Columbia University, in TIME 1/19: "Case for Bigger Government". pp. 34-37:"Thirty years ago, Americans were told that government was part of the problem, not the solution. We bet on the magic of the marketplace, but the magic proved illusory. Every major part of the economy --health care,energy, transportation, and food--is deeply troubled". -----THEN he explains in depth, density, undeniably, why that started with Reagan. SO "see with own eye", then if you wish to dispute, send your statements to Professor Sachs and/or internationally-famed TIME Magazine. OR do you wish to charge that both Sachs and TIME are "socialistic", or revert to "communistic", or even Democratic ??? !!

Henry Ruark January 10, 2009 1:26 pm (Pacific time)

Geesh: You wrote:"There is plenty of historical record that cutting taxes is far preferable to handing out cash to those who other than payroll taxes, pay no income taxes." Inadvertently you clearly reveal you are denigrating American workers, those who pay only payroll taxes, while defending those others who gain from unearned income. I.e., you thus despise the progressive tax system and now demand change to accommodate still further the less than 1% those who have already achieved huge gains while the working wage level has been stagnated for several decades. You also state a standard distortion of the entitlement programs properly financed by their own funding, such as Social Security via its payrole tax. Do you really wish to recommend that S/S be snatched away from those who depend upon it, some as their sole living resource ? Either yours here is very poorly state, or that is the factual reality involved. SO ? Care to elucidate for those who may be misled into action for which you would not wish to be coscientiously responsible ? Be sure to cite some of that readily available documentation not included in your statement, must have it right at hand to be describing it as plentiful.

Henry Ruark January 10, 2009 1:03 pm (Pacific time)

Geesh et al: Au contraire, sir ! Yours is misread, erroneous or intentionally, of our own and world history easily checked via Internet. Tax-cuts failed for Reagan, had to be reversed; left us with horrendous then-record deficits --and the false values concerning government that rotted away citizen faith in our democracy, working well until his impacts. Tax-cuts failed for Bush I,led to lop-sided economy setting stage for extended failures of "supply-side" and "monetarism" policies, built huge momentum for disastrous deregulation and corporate-controlled and corrupted globalization, the root of our current credit crisis now compelling chaotic beginning of second Great Depression --ushered into place via Bush II-cabal Iraq preemptive attack sold by corruption of "intel". Have you read Reich's SUPERCAPITALISM, or Klein's SHOCK DOCTRINE, or Kevin Phillips' WEALTH and DEMOCRACY"" If not, you are woefully UNinformed,and MISinformed by 30 years of neocon Noise Machine as well. IF you wish links and quotes from any/all of those,ID-self to Editor for direct contact, and I will supply to aid your learning from sharing here. Without duly authoritative recent information one cannot hope to understand the complex situations now currently forcing a different level of citizen understanding and responsible participation. What refs.can you cite for your statements, sir ? Even the best-intentioned public declaration demands something more than own-words/only.

Henry Ruark January 10, 2009 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Geesh et al: Au contraire, sir ! Yours is misread, erroneous or intentiona;, of our own and world history. Tax-cuts failed for Reagan, had to be reversed; left us with horrendous then-record deficits. Tax-cuts failed for Bush I,led to lop-sided economy setting stage for extended failures of "supply-side" and "monetarism" policies, built huge momentum for disastrous deregulation and corporate-controlled and corrupted globalization, the root of our current credit crisis now compelling chaotic beginning of second Great Depression. Have you read Reich's SUPERCAPITALISM, or Klein's SHOCK DOCTRINE, or Kevin Phillips' WEALTH and DEMOCRACY"" If not, you are woefully UNinformed,and MISinformed by 30 years of neocon Noise Machine as well. IF you wish links and quotes from any/all of those,ID-self to Editor for direct contact, and I will supply to aid your learning from sharing here. Without duly authoritative recent information one cannot hope to understand the complex situations now current forcing a different level of citizen understanding and responsible participation. What refs.can you cite for your statements, sir ? Even the best-intentioned public declaration demands something more than own-words/only.

Geesh January 10, 2009 11:48 am (Pacific time)

Obama's recent statement that only big government can cure our ailing economy is logically and historically flawed. If you take his statement as factually correct, then Sweden would be a super power. Big government's past financial messing around with time honored market business standards gave us Fannie May, Freddie Mac and other government orchestrated blunders. Now they suggest the same insanity will cure the economic downturn!? Cut taxes and allow us to grow out of this situation. There is plenty of historical record that cutting taxes is far preferable to handing out cash to those who other than payroll taxes, pay no income taxes.

Henry Ruark January 9, 2009 9:03 am (Pacific time)

Progressive Breakfast: Obama, Economy, EFCA, and Health Care By Bill Scher, Blog for Our Future Printed on January 9, 2009 Progressive Breakfast is the morning roundup of what progressive movement members need to know to start the day. Econ Plan May Get Bigger and Bolder In CNBC interview by John Harwood, Obama indicates economic recovery could grow larger than $775B, in advance of major 11 AM address today: Harwood: ... why stop at $775 billion? Why not go to the $1.2 trillion that some economists have recommended? Is that because you think that the political figure of a trillion dollars is too politically charged to get over? Is it because you think more spending would be pork rather than stimulus? Or do you think you've figured out exactly the right amount of stimulus that's needed? Obama: Well, first of all I think it's important to note that every economist, conservative or liberal, at this point agrees that we have to have a substantial recovery plan that helps to jump-start the economy, that short-term it's going to be expensive, but it would be much more expensive to see the economy continue in the tailspin that it's been going in. We've seen ranges from $800 to $1.3 trillion and our attitude was that given the legislative process, if we start towards the low end of that, we'll see how it develops. We are concerned." ------------- SO, with Internet instant access, YOU can sit in, too... per "digital delivery" set forth in Op Ed. Perhaps critical commenteers will find the will to do so and even learn a little, too.

J. Adams January 9, 2009 8:31 am (Pacific time)

Our Founders certainly desired (as the above writer stated so well): "... definitely intended pragmatic participation to be built on a foundation of fully-detailed information." "Detailed information" is the key here people, so please give it your full attention. Last November's election may be more than just a tally of votes, it also may portend the proverbial straw that often accompanies deception, and the conclusion it may bring to those who engage in that egregious behavior. We shall see, and probably rather quickly. As the cold of winter settles in on the northern hemisphere, all of the hysteria of “global warming,” or its less specific alternative “climate change,” rings increasingly hollow to the general public. Weather patterns of the past decade indicate that the planet has been in an undeniable cooling trend since prior to the new millennium. So the panicked prophesies of cataclysmic upturns in the earth’s average temperature simply do not carry the emotional impact that they once held. The ensuing 2012 deadline for the end of sales of incandescent light bulbs in America reminds us all that government will happily seize any situation as a means of expanding its control on society. In what may first seem to be merely a bad joke, over at the Environmental Protection Agency, a “greenhouse gas” tax on livestock, reaching as high as $175 for a dairy cow, is being contemplated. Main Street America is threatened with forced fundamental changes, implemented in deference to an unfounded fable. Despite the seeming sea change in the political landscape last November, or the eagerness with which the incoming president intends to exploit environmental fears to his advantage, “global warming” and the far left that spawned this fable may soon take its place along side Bigfoot, Y2K, and the Bermuda triangle on the ash heap of fabricated history

Henry Ruark January 9, 2009 8:27 am (Pacific time)

(Sorry ol'fumblefingers committed partial-words; here's rest of sentence.) "other authority that own obviously distorted/perverted interpretation, joined with wild-idea alliteration aimed at political pandering rather than good faith sharing of authentic statements from some one in authority with much greater resources for truth. That's ongoing pattern for 40 years of necon nonanities now proven desperately damaging to world economy as well as to our own democracy --per full documentation from national magazine source and Pulitzer-winning reporter. You pays your nickel, and can take your choice of sources. What your world will become hinges on that choice, as it always has since 1776...

Henry Ruark January 8, 2009 7:36 pm (Pacific time)

To all: We must be stating truth to powerful interests to get the continuing desperate reactions still recorded here by several repeaters. Noise-machine shills are all the rage in this perverted year of desperate destruction for feudalist-derived cabals, now proven to have debauched their own bailiwicks per the Bush II imploded-pattern, seen truthfully as demonstrating extensive incompetencies at every level. Note no reference ever to any

Harumph January 8, 2009 6:12 pm (Pacific time)

You continue to insist that Obama represents some kind of "change". The only thing he represents is the ultimate in ignorance. For example, his speech today, insisting that "government spending" could improve the economy. This is so wrong, it is so incorrect, this is so sstupid, on so many levels, that it boggles the mind that someone smart enough to know how to read, could EVER actually repeat it with a straight face. The federal government is already expecting 1.2 TRILLION dollars of deficit for next year, and Obama's taking about raising that to over 2 trillion. Already 7 trillion dollars worth of credit and spending and gaurantees backed by the taxpayers has been thrown into the economy, and yet, it has made NO difference. This is because that prescription being used, is the cause of the problem. The cause of the problem is government manipulating the markets, interfereing with loss/risk/return equations, and at the same time doing so, in an attempt to feed its greedy and overconsuming self. The federal government does not need to spend MORE, it needs to spend LESS. It needs to completely end all income taxes, repeal most regulations, end all attempts to manipulate the financial markets. We need a federal government that consumes less than a trillion dollars of our national product. Not 5 trillion. We are impoverished by the hideous and definitely immoral diversion of the people's wealth by our government into non-productive waste. Time to start impeaching those Democrats, and charging them with the financial crimes they have committed and are conspiring to commit with the President. Now THAT would be...responsible and effective change.

Anonymous January 8, 2009 5:50 pm (Pacific time)

I will end with this, and not bother you anymore until later when you see the stimulas plan is not working. You like quoting T. Jefferson. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Obama is strictly against these words. Obama's STRONG support for the bailout that went to the banks prove it. I will write again in about a month when the truth is shown, or, when they start some type of catastrophic event to make people forget the truth. It has happened time and again. But you Henry, live in some make believe world, do NO relevant research, and when someone calls you on it, the topic gets deleted and you write another one. It is getting quite obvious. I have made preparations for myself and my family, I hope you have done the same.

Anonymous January 8, 2009 5:22 pm (Pacific time)

if progress is putting a cabinet together that is of the same clinton and bush regime, and progress is supporting bailouts that went to foreign banks and not the people of the U.S., if progress is watching your own children go hungry while the bankers get rich, if progress is printing more money out of thin air (which will lead to major hyperinflation) then you can have your progress. Obama supports ALL of these things. Hiring the same people. Keep printing money. Keep giving the bankers the money that is printed. What did the bailout do in sept 2008? TELL ME!!! It is now at 7 trillion dollars and the economy is still falling. Now they want to continue the same? How far does this have to go until you get it?

Anonymous January 8, 2009 4:55 pm (Pacific time)

democracy is 51% tells the 49% what to do. And, if money, power and greed can control the media, then its not the 51%, but what the media says. That is why, even 100's of years ago, people would fight and kill to get the newspaper. The Republic however, has rules that the patriots made to keep our liberties and freedom. Democracy is a farce and a word used in deceit. Now that foreign banks have stolen trillions from the U.S. taxpayers..ah never mind.

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