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Jan-04-2008 11:05printcomments

Powerful Storms Will Slam the West Coast this Weekend

Snow fell Thursday in the mountains of California, Washington, and Oregon, with some locations picking up several inches.

wx update 1408
Courtesy: Accuweather.com

(State College, Pa.) - A series of storms will slam the West Coast this weekend, causing many weather-related problems for the region. One storm started to impact parts of Oregon and California with rain, snow, and gusty winds Thursday, weather experts at Accuweather.com report.

Damaging winds will continue to pound the coast today as the storm intensifies and impacts the region. The storms will also buffet the coast and mountains with strong winds.

Wind gusts over the ridges in the Sierra can top 100 mph, and gusts along the California coast may approach 70 mph. combination of snow and high winds will undoubtedly close some of the passes above 7,000 feet.

Snow fell Thursday in the mountains of California, Washington, and Oregon, with some locations picking up several inches. Below is a list of a few locations with their snowfall totals from Thursday:

* 4 miles SSW of Weed, Calif. - 9 inches

* Mount Shasta, Calif. - 7 inches * Leavenworth, Wash. - 6 inches

West Coast Expert Meteorologist Ken Clark says, "This is the kind of storm that could bring 5 to 8 feet of snow to the ski areas of the Sierra above 7,000 feet. Some places on west- and south-facing slopes of the Southern California mountains around and north of LA could get five to nine inches of rain." Flooding and mud slides may become commonplace from the series of storms this weekend.

Snowfall in the Sierra from the upcoming storms could rank among the top snowstorm totals of the past 50 years. The benchmark is a series of storms in mid-January 1952 that left more than 12 feet of snow in Tahoe City, Calif. Another storm in 1982 hit on this date, dumping 6-8 feet of snow in 26 hours in Squaw Valley, Calif. as well as 5.45 inches of rain in San Francisco.


Here is a video report on Northwest weather:


Source: Accuweather.com

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Jefferson January 11, 2008 9:19 am (Pacific time)

Godofchaos that was a pretty easy pick. I have received numerous emails from business associates about it. Well, that's what bias does to people and it's just the way things are...usually when people get a little more seasoning/experience they start to think more objectively or at least they should if they want to grow as individuals, ergo that leave SDI out...

Godsofchaos January 10, 2008 5:07 pm (Pacific time)

"Jefferson posts regularly and routinely attempts to bring down each and every single item published that leans toward Democratic or "left" (i.e. humanitarian) politically."Editor Yes because right wingers are obviously anti-humanitarian.

Jefferson January 7, 2008 6:37 pm (Pacific time)

People please read and see how feldman's below post makes my point. Is feldman an anti-Gentile? Why is he trying to diminish this vile and violent war crime? Why does he not refute the ongoing lethal torture of Israel and their apartheid behaviors? Is it because he has joint citizenship with Israel? Anyway people, simply go to www.ussliberty.com take a few minutes and look at the website. The below is a quote from that website that shows what individuals like feldman are all about." Will he respond? No, he will avoid the issue and continue with his relentless eating... "Nonetheless, the legion of pro-Israel, anti-American apologists, while small, makes up for its lack of numbers and inability to mount any kind of legitimate defense by launching loud, vicious ad hominem attacks on anyone who attempts to raise the issue of the attack being deliberate. These anti-American apologists refuse to discuss the facts of the case. Rather they rely on "big lie" propaganda and attack anyone who questions the Israeli position as being "anti-Semitic". " For detailed information about the power of the pro-Israel lobby, please read The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. See also, The Pro-Israel Lobby. Neal Feldman January 7, 2008 10:43 am (Pacific time) Jefferson - Ah I see you are still ranting and raving re: the USS Liberty thing. Grow up. It happened 40 yrs aho(sic), no amount of ranting and raving o(sic) your part will change anythig(sic), most involved are likely dead now anyway and to use it as you clearly do to try and veil your blatant anti-Antisemitism(sic) and hostility towards Israel is feeble and pathetic. The US govt has worked with (and even created) some of the biggest despots on the planet. Remember SoDamn(sic) Insane? He was a creation of the US. Noriega too. And the contras that your hero the criminal Oliver North aided were as bad as well. And he also put weapons into Iranian hands only a few years after they had taken over our embassy and Congress had forbidden such actions. But like I said before you have a very odd definition of 'hero'. Ah well... Feldman where did you learn your grammar skills? LOL

Neal Feldman January 7, 2008 10:43 am (Pacific time)

Jefferson - Ah I see you are still ranting and raving re: the USS Liberty thing. Grow up. It happened 40 yrs aho, no amount of ranting and raving o your part will change anythig, most involved are likely dead now anyway and to use it as you clearly do to try and veil your blatant anti-Antisemitism and hostility towards Israel is feeble and pathetic. The US govt has worked with (and even created) some of the biggest despots on the planet. Remember SoDamn Insane? He was a creation of the US. Noriega too. And the contras that your hero the criminal Oliver North aided were as bad as well. And he also put weapons into Iranian hands only a few years after they had taken over our embassy and Congress had forbidden such actions. But like I said before you have a very odd definition of 'hero'. Ah well...

Neal Feldman January 7, 2008 10:29 am (Pacific time)

Jefferson - Ah the lengths you clearly go to hide... like any coward but even more so. One really has to wonder why you are so afraid if what you say (by your own claims) represents the majority view. (Then again the idea that what you spew is even remotely near the majority view is one of the most laughable concepts you have expressed yet LOL!) Keep hiding, coward... for we all know why you do. Ah well...

Jefferson January 7, 2008 9:07 am (Pacific time)

Jason the technology has been around since the early 60's, long before the internet and commercial wireless technology. Some clever people in the miltary started tracking radio waves (atmospheric skips were the impetus) and began to develop ways of piggybacking these waves with encryptic signals. Not something university computer engineering curriculum, web designers, hackers, etc., are generally knowledgeable about. Cloning IP's was a natural for this method of, how shall I say , communication and listening on. In fact in June 1967, thousands of miles away in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, some private contractors picked up the ongoing attack of the USS Liberty by Isreal in the middle east. They were using an old version of crypto that they decoded. Their intention was clear, to sink the Liberty and kill everyone on board. Reason: They thought the crew were aware that they were criminally executing Egyptisn POW's, which they were not, but the contractor's in Nam knew via their "chatter", i.e. there were people in Nam who spoke Hebrew. LBJ dropped the ball and allowed these war criminals to get away, so far. Anyway Jason, it does not matter where you are on the planet, these radio waves can be rode on, and from there, it all depends what you want to do. So far there are no laws that make this illegal...but this is something you don't go to Radio Shack for equipment. Note: I will make no further comment on this matter.

Jason January 6, 2008 2:57 pm (Pacific time)

Jefferson, I don't want to be THAT anonymous! Besides, I am not smart enough for that, and I am in a rural area without a lot of people.

Jefferson January 6, 2008 7:23 am (Pacific time)

Jason you use your own IP at this website? You know anything about piggy-backin' wireless signals? That's what I do...nothing illegal, just a way to avoid having your personal security compromised. Though I doubt that that would happen on this website, but it has been my choice of action.

Jason January 5, 2008 1:01 am (Pacific time)

You guys have a listing of all IPs associated with each post. Why not let that information be known to

Jason January 5, 2008 12:41 am (Pacific time)

Carol, I guess that you, like me, are insane for seeing what, according to Neal, does NOT exist. I am going to look into a 12-step program tomorrow to solve this problem of mine.

Neal Feldman January 5, 2008 3:31 pm (Pacific time)

Carol - you referred to what? Your hallucinations that I attacked those I never attacked? Defending the truth is not an attack. And when commenting in the comment sections I have no more authority than anyone else, even you. And I have every bit as much right to express myself as you or anyone else does. So it IS relevant that, as I pointed out, you flat out IGNORE those who ARE in fact doing what you falsely accuse me of doing and yet you expect to be taken seriously? Are you completely daft? And I can take criticism just fine. As long as it makes sense. Your one-sided BS clearly fails that test. You seem to need to take your own advice. As for my being on staff here it is as a commentator... I speak my mind. Clearly you cannot deal with truth accurately presented. You have yet to say anything against my posts here other than that you dislike them. You have yet to show inaccuracy or untruth in any of them. When you think you can let me know. Until then spare me your pathetic and feeble attempts to silence that which you simply disagree with. They will never work as they are wholly illegitimate and therefore in my view impotent. Ah well...

Geee-Sus January 4, 2008 4:00 pm (Pacific time)

My God! Do you make it your mission at Salem-News.com to wait for Jefferson to post a comment and then batter him with a deluge of name-calling? Geee-Sus!!!

Neal Feldman January 5, 2008 3:24 pm (Pacific time)

Jefferson - the purpose of your post, just like all of your posts, is to misinform, dissemble and obfuscate. That has already been proven conclusively. But hug your little assistant all you like, their whining in your defense changes nothing and it is far more narcissistic to delude yourself that the universe is other than it is (as you do) than to simply take liars to task (as I do). So continue with your demonstration of projection and your continued occupation as a fool. Like I said before, you are quite amusing, if pathetic. Ah well...

Neal Feldman January 5, 2008 3:19 pm (Pacific time)

Jason - I could not care less if anyone chooses to be insulted or not. That is their business not any of mine. I would not control such even if I could. Terms like pedantic are adjectives... descriptive words. They describe something. So if I am accurate in usage, as I usually am, if someone is being pedantic then theur being a pedant, insulting or not, had nothing to do with my identification... my identification had to do with their being such... so the truth of the matter is I was accurate. So why do you find fault with truth and accuracy? Or are you so insipid as to think nothing is truth or accurate unless it is complimentary? Heck most of the world is negative... there is far more to describe negativity than positive aspects. Is that my fault? You would have me lie just so some miscreants feel better about themselves? Ain't gonna happen. As for accurately describing the sludge Jefferson spews forth routinely (or its source) you have yet to showme as being inaccurate. As to questioning your sanity exactly how did I do such? Did I call you a name or did I accurately identify aspects? Hmmmm? And I am on a considerable number of medications, none of which do I allow to affect my judgement. Exactly how would my choosing to just sit and endure agonizing pain constantly improve mt demeanor do you think, hmmm hotshot? And my behavior shocks you? I think then that you are incredibly easily shocked. And why should I give the likes of Jefferson a break? He never gives his dishonesty, delusion or ignorance a break in his postings. So exactly how would it benefit the universe for his lies, ignorance and propaganda spews to go unchallenged? Hmmmm? And I know what ad nauseum means.. it is applicable to your incessant whining. As to your ill-aimed comments regarding me I will use another Latin phrase..non sequitur.. it does not follow. Your claims are unsubstantiated and uncoordinated. As to my summation of your nonsense here is another for you... quod erat demonstrandum which means which was to be demonstrated and is used as 'has been proven'. Q.E.D. Bettert luck next time. Ah well...

Carol January 5, 2008 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Editor: This response from Neal is what I was speaking of. I did not comment on Jefferson, because he is not the professional employed by this news site. Neal is. Due to his increasing denigration of anyone (again, except fellow staff) who dares to call him into question and accountability, I will not continue with the reading of most of this site. The articles about our troops that I enjoy, yes. Neal, for future reference, you may want to learn to take critique. It is not just this particular thread where yes, Jefferson has been out of line. But your response to my attempt at elevating your level of discussion, was beneath the median of what one can expect from a professional.

Jefferson January 5, 2008 8:30 am (Pacific time)

Jason thanks for your evaluation. The purpose of my original post below was multifold as per the topic of the above article, something the feldman character misses: Point out how the economy is doing (at least on a micro-level within the recreational ski community), misguided tax increases hurt the economy, and that global warming theories need to be looked upon in a more objective way, i.e. , more and more climatologist's are refuting global warming and/or that human activity is the primary cause (I say it's a scam). Feldman's response to anything I post, it seems, is to counter it with his insulting (and grossly uninformed) comments which he does with other poster's who offer viewpoints different than his, which is a narcissistic personality trait. I will inform you of one trait of mine that pre-dates my combat service beginning in the early 1960's, I turn my cheek for no one, especially one who by omission has edorsed the murder of Americans ( see www.ussliberty.com [note: ask yourself Jason, why do you think Hollywood has not made a movie about this war crime?]), lethal torture, the spying on America by anti-Gentile racist's (and believe me they exist in copious numbers) and Apartheid behaviors...clear!? P.S. I do not post my real name for safety reasons, and not for my safety Jason, once again thanks for your input.

Jason January 5, 2008 12:38 am (Pacific time)

Let's see, Neal. You use the term pedantic. Being referred to as a pedant, or pedantic, is generally considered insulting. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedant) You say that Jefferson related "neocon ignorance, lies and raw sewage propaganda." You also stated (re: Jefferson) "nothing stops the uneducated, unintelligent and grossly misinformed such as you." I guess your questioning of my sanity was not an attempt at "name-calling", either. This is just ON THIS NEWS TOPIC! -- - JEEZ, buddy. Are you on any medications, or should you be? - - And to answer your question, no, it is not my mission to defend anyone. I just am shocked by your behavior and your unwillingness to just give it a break. We get it! OK?! You have too much time on your hands and like to be the primary person making posts on any topic, and you will belittle anyone else ad nauseum. (Ad nauseam is a Latin term used to describe something that has been continuing "to the point of nausea." See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_nauseam)

Neal Feldman January 5, 2008 12:20 am (Pacific time)

Carol p then you my dear are hallucinating as I do not, as a general rule, call names as you falsely accused here. Accurate description, even if not complimentary, is not 'name-calling' by any sane definition of the term. Better luck next time. i suggest you study up on the concepts of honesty and accuracy. And consistency might be nice from you considering all the clear name-calling done by Jefferson under his many AKAs here without a peep of protest from you. Kinda makes it hard to take your outrage seriously when you falsely accuse me of doing what the likes of Jefferson do on a regular basis. Jefferson has made his bed. Ah well...

Neal Feldman January 5, 2008 12:14 am (Pacific time)

Jefferson - you were not attacked... your Bs was accurately identified and described. There is a difference though it is obvious why you are so desperate in your clear dishonesty to deny that fact. Keep spewing your ignorance, your lies and your lack of education and intelligence and I (and others likely) will continue to point it out. Whine and cry all you like about it but you have yet to show anything I have posted in response to your BS as anything but the pure unvarnished truth. Ah well...

Neal Feldman January 5, 2008 12:09 am (Pacific time)

Jason - accurate description is not 'name-calling' by any sane definition of the term. Is it YOUR calling now to try and defend the indefensible Jefferson and his neverending spew of neocon ignorance, lies and raw sewage propaganda? Ah well...

JB January 4, 2008 8:57 pm (Pacific time)

Snowing in Florida and people freezing in India. Where's the global warming?

Jason January 4, 2008 7:24 pm (Pacific time)

Editor: My original post was not directed at S-N, but at Neal, so I am sorry of it was taken as a direct attack against the newssite. - - - * * * + + + Jefferson, it might be smart for you, too, to stop all the negative bantering. The back and forth between Neal, yourself and others causes the underlying points to become diluted. Please? I am neither "left" or "right", but consider each issue on a stand-alone basis, and think that courtesy and tact should be the rule of thumb on public forums such as this.

Carol January 4, 2008 5:54 pm (Pacific time)

Not asking you to get the kleenex out, however, as a regular reader, I often see Mr. Feldman calling names and such with anyone who disagrees. That would be anyone who isn't a fellow employee. Reign it in a tad, and make it more enjoyable for others that are reading perhaps? With such a razor sharp wit, the name calling becomes unnecessary. My merely friendly suggestion.

Editor: Thanks Carol

Jefferson January 4, 2008 4:54 pm (Pacific time)

Jason thanks for your clear observation. As a conservative I really do not take comments from the left personally, for they just continue to make my point. I will state once again, that I was initially attacked with insults for simply offering a view contrary to some other individual's viewpoint's. It's my opinion that it is the conservative philosophy that was the foundation for America and as the far left has gained power they have done everything they can to cause harm to America. They are very dangerous individuals and they have a ready pool of useful idiots to help them, and these idiots are clearly clueless that they are carrying the water for those whose primary aim is to take away their freedoms.

Jason January 4, 2008 4:27 pm (Pacific time)

My God! Do you make it your mission at Salem-News.com to wait for Jefferson to post a comment and then batter him with a deluge of name-calling? Geee-Sus!!!

Editor: I don't know where that is coming from, if Jefferson chooses to post comments here then anything he says is fair game. Jefferson posts regularly and routinely attempts to bring down each and every single item published that leans toward Democratic or "left" (i.e. humanitarian) politically. He bashes our writers and holds back little. Personally, though it is disturbing to some, I like to see viewpoints like his in our news. I wish it wasn't as personal as it often is but that is an environment created by all of us. Please don't ask us to get the Kleenex out over this one, really.

Jefferson January 4, 2008 3:11 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks for the heads up feldman, I'll file away your poop with the rest of those witty comments of yours...

Neal Feldman January 4, 2008 12:24 pm (Pacific time)

Jefferson - Again nothing stops the uneducated, unintelligent and grossly misinformed such as you from proving their status with such statements of unbridled ignorance. Focus on snowfall at high elevations and ignore the massive storm fronts. And if Gore is wrong we waste a little money. If you are wrong the human race could go poof. Which would you put your money on? Not really a big surprise that you so clearly lack comprehension of the relevant concepts. Ah well...

Jefferson January 4, 2008 11:34 am (Pacific time)

Has anyone noticed or heard how Oregon's ski resort communities are breaking all records when it comes to new revenue coming in? Yes it appears that Gore's global warming is being ignored not only by the national weather patterns (record snow all over, record growing ice in Antartica, the world's largest deposits of ice are here, by the way), but record numbers of people have also ignored the global warming doomsayers by spending a whole bunch of money for equipment and other related costs for snow and cold weather recreational pursuits. Which also may cause one to pause about the so-called poor economy (Note: 96% of people are meeting their mortgage responsibilities) because this is discetionary spending, means lot's of money is getting pumped into our economy which in turn stimulates. Think what would happen if taxes were increased, would large groups of people still be out there spending? NO!

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