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Jan-04-2008 12:01printcomments

Freezing Soldiers in Afghanistan Need Help From Oregon

Salem residents are going to pack at least 200 boxes for these troops and about 50 more for other units.

Soldier in the Afghan winter
Soldier in the Afghan winter live without even a building, let alone adequate heat or any comfort. These images were shot by a member of the Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade, full size pictures are at the bottom of the story.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Soldiers with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in the remote mountains of Afghanistan are surviving cold and miserable winter weather conditions. With the extreme elevations in this country, these soldiers are supplied by airdrop and need to hand carry supplies to their camps from the drop zone.

Some of these troops are at such remote firebases that they are living in mud huts and often go several weeks without bathing. They wear their socks until they must throw them away, says John Baker of Salem, the founder of a program called 'Operation: Love Boxes For Our Troops' who describes the area as almost uninhabitable, "This is an 'in the trenches' front line unit actively engaged in battle on our behalf in terrible conditions" he said.

Baker says that on January 15th at the Love Box Headquarters in Salem, Ned Baker Realty, they are going to pack at least 200 boxes for these troops and about 50 more for other units.

"This appeal is for each of you if you can, to purchase items off the list below or search for items you are not using in your homes and drop them off at 2339 State St Salem, Oregon 97301 or better yet, bring the items with you and help us out by packing boxes from 6:00-8:00 PM."

Baker says there is a list of items people can select from , those items include thermal underwear - tops and bottoms. Mostly size medium but some large and extra large. Must be black, dark grey or green, winter wool hiking socks - dark colors and hand warmers.

The soldiers also need construction tools - battery operated drills, etc. They also need hand tools such as saws, nails and screws. These are needed to assist in building and improving their "living" quarters.

Baker says it is important to remember that the Soldiers who are living at the Firebases are living in non-heated mud huts. Winter has arrived. It is cold and snowy up in the Hindu Kush Mountains and I can verify that personally as I was there with these soldiers last winter, the cold is unimaginable.

There are also newly requested items:

* Apple Cider drink mix

* Protein bars and non perishable snacks (nuts, goldfish, packaged cookies, etc.) for the Soldiers at the Firebases who are eating MREs.

* Spices for the cooks. We've heard that they are in the process of setting up field kitchens at most, if not all, of the Firebases in order to provide one hot meal a day.

* Bread makers - if you have one that you got for a gift and never used or have used only a time or two please consider donating it. The Soldier who is in charge of all cooks says that the "bread" they receive is frozen. By the time they thaw it out and cook it, it crumbles to the touch. Fresh bread seems to be a simple pleasure these men would love to have.

* Lasagna noodles. We think we have shipped enough for them to provide one lasagna meal. Let's see if we can't make that two or three. The Army provides all of the other ingredients for lasagna but not the noodles. I'm guessing they provide spaghetti noodles or macaroni.

* Chef's knives.

* Ethnic spices such as Goya, Asian, etc.

Baker says that so far, they have purchased 800 pairs of wool socks which is all Costco had left in Valley. Costco has sold out of the Little Hotties hand warmers he said.

"We are trying to have the Costco buyer arrange for a mega purchase for us. Please search your homes for any tools, nails, screws, and any other items that you are not using that can be of use to them. They do not have microwaves. Since we are using the flat rate boxes, please keep the items such that they will fit in an 8.5” x 11” x 5.5” deep space."

Baker has been operating Loveboxes for some time now, and he says he is grateful to the people in Salem who have made the project a reality, "We all look forward to seeing what Salem, Oregon can do to let the 173rd know that they are nor forgotten," Baker said.

Baker included a letter in his release to Salem-News.com from the family of one of the soldiers. It is interesting and sad that the federal government is not providing better for those they demand so much of, we thought the perspective was important.

"I really appreciate the assistance you and your helpers are providing to the 173rd. My son is with that unit at Firebase Vegas at this time. There conditions are awful!! My son sent pictures of their living conditions and it's not fit for a goat. I (and my husband) spend anywhere from $200 - $400 a month sending items to my son's platoon. Having a hand in supplying these great men with what they need is wonderful. I am currently living in Texas or would be there for your packing party. Again thank you for the assistance. I keep finding people like you that make the separation and worry easier to handle."

- Parent of a soldier in the U.S. Army's 173rd


Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with almost twenty years experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist and reporter. Today, in addition to his role as a war correspondent in Afghanistan where he spent the winter of 2006/07, this Los Angeles native serves as Salem-News.com's Executive News Editor. Salem-News.com is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website, affiliated only with Google News. You can send Tim an email at this address: newsroom@salem-news.com

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marichuy November 8, 2010 3:43 am (Pacific time)

its a very sad story look terible

john baker December 4, 2008 1:02 pm (Pacific time)

haha my name is john baker also, just thought i should point that out. Tata

SGT Slater US Army Pathfinders August 26, 2008 10:30 am (Pacific time)

Just an update, Firebase Vegas has much improved. We were up there the other day in time to share a firefight with them. They have actual buildings and heaters/AC units and beds. It's still pretty rough but they are eating well now and they have good internet and phone access. By all means keep the support coming for these guys. It is rough, but no one is sleeping outdoors any more.

SPC FORRESTER June 6, 2008 2:14 pm (Pacific time)


John Baker January 10, 2008 8:53 am (Pacific time)

Webster definition of "Do-Gooder" Americans expressing their love for our soldiers. Definition of "Joke" The common occurance at box packing parties that benefit soldiers in combat zones of Americans getting together and enjoying each others company while providing a service to our country.

corrupt marion January 9, 2008 6:24 pm (Pacific time)

you do gooders are a joke

Mitch of KevinsDriftboat.com January 8, 2008 6:41 pm (Pacific time)

We are organizing an effort here: ifish.net/board/showthread.php?p=1815524#post1815524

I will deliver these things in my truck from the Portland area to Salem.

claire c January 7, 2008 5:22 pm (Pacific time)

my son is with the 173rd and is currently on a mission in the mountains. I am appalled! and I am going to see my congressman this Wednesday to complain here in Concord N.C.

Bluestardad January 7, 2008 1:24 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Tim,

Thank you so much for making more people aware of our soldiers' plight. My son serves with the 2/503rd 173rd Abn and like the other father, I too send my son things he needs. In fact I have just recently sent a week's worth of long underwear and heavy socks. I often spend upwards to $50.00 per month just on shipping alone. It's disgusting the way our government is running this war.

Thank you to all that chips in and help our men and women in this long and cold winter. Another proud parent of a "Sky Soldier"

Jefferson January 6, 2008 1:28 pm (Pacific time)

Sandi it would be absolutely fantastic if we saw Canada maybe provide more resources in their defense rather than allowing America to pony up with a disproportionate share of North America's defense expenses...As it is I have a very special place in my heart for the 173rd going back to when they were based in Okinawa, then in Vietnam when their base camp was in Bien Hoa (Iron Triangle operations), combat blast/Junction City One, up to the Central Highlands (and Tuy Hoa area on coast) (Hill 875/a hell of a Thanksgiving day/1967) and on up to today's troopers. In fact the majority of my combat veteran friends are old Airborne troopers from WWII, Korea and Nam. Super bunch of men, and we all actively support our active duy troopers. Airborne: All the way...

Sandi Pollitt January 6, 2008 7:13 am (Pacific time)

I as a citizen of Canada support all of our troops, and applaud everyone one of them. It annoys me, to no end, that another human being, that is putting thier life on the line for us, that the goverment CANNOT even, look after it's own people, with the absolute necessities of life,even a pair of socks. How about we send ALL of theTOP officials over there, to do some of the work,and live under theses conditions,and see how they whine about it.There have no problem sending our people over, but cannot provide for them. I for one, would be at the top of the list if able to serve, with these brave people, but to see them do without,proper food, and warm clothing, goes far beyond IMHUMANE. Lets get together people,stand as one as they do for us, and support them any way we can. Even a pair of socks, so some compassion. Thank you. Thank you to one and all that is serving and doing what they believe is the right thing for them to do. Come home safe.

SSG. Fernando Gutierrez III January 5, 2008 7:25 pm (Pacific time)

I was with 1st. Platoon, Attack Co. 1st BN, 32ND Infantry and my platoon set up Firebase Vegas and I know how the soldiers of the 173rd. are going through there. I will never forget my time in Firebase Vegas and the Korengal Valley, God Bless the 173rd Platoon that replaced us and GODSPEED. "Against all Odds"

Rick Armstrong January 5, 2008 8:16 am (Pacific time)

What a nice thing you are doing. my question...why isn't the US Gov. taking care of these soldiers. It's criminal that they don't have what they need to eat and to wear to be warm. What is the army doing with all the money? I have a right to be angry. My son is one of the guys in the 173rd up in the border mountains! My family and I send him lots of stuff that he asks for and we don't mind, but we are often sending stuff that are not luxury items, we send stuff he needs to survive. Socks, underclothing, high protein food etc. Our government should be ashamed of the way they run the military! Thanks to all that are sending stuff to our fighting men, I know that all the soldiers and their families are grateful! God bless you all! signed, The father of a Sky Soldier.

Vic January 5, 2008 7:57 am (Pacific time)

Something is dreadfully wrong here. The Pentagon is spending FIVE BILLION dollars a month and these guys have to rely on charity to stay warm?? Where the hell is all our Grandkids' money going ? I would say the cost of one cruise missile (One and a half million dollars) would get plenty of supplies. This is how the powers that be support the troops? I cant believe the military can't even provide them with adequate socks....I guess there is a lot more money to be made in missiles and hi-tech WMDs than there is in socks.

John Baker January 4, 2008 9:35 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Tim, Thank you for reporting on the plight of these heroic soldiers! I need to point out that your article may lead someone to believe that I have personal experience of the cold Afghanistan winter when it is youself who has had the experience and not me. God Bless these Sky Soldiers!

Jefferson January 4, 2008 5:49 pm (Pacific time)

People let's pony up! Give to these Sky Soliers, they are the best!

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