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Jan-04-2007 01:42printcomments

Hussein Death Video Proves Bad Taste Conquers All

It may be old-fashioned, but this news group has chosen to follow our gut. And it tells us that a death video is in extremely bad form.

Watching Hussein hang is only one click away on some websites.

(SALEM) - Broadcast television news stations have a long-standing rule against showing death as it occurs or in any situation thereafter that is distasteful or offensive. That includes car accidents, drownings, and most assuredly, hangings.

We put it out there, they watch it. It’s a simple formula. The public depends on the news industry to make good decisions. Not only are they highly critical of TV news, so is the FCC. And certain things simply cannot be shown on the air- or else.

But where is that line in the sand regarding Internet news? When the Statesman Journal posted the link to Saddam Hussein’s hanging on Wednesday, with nary a disclaimer, these questions and more plagued our newsroom.

Some would say that not offering the link is censorship. I have yet to understand the connection. The cell phone video is not a piece of journalism. It’s not invoking a message that has yet to be heard.

It’s not censorship for a renowned and respected news agency to decide not to deliver a product of questionable intent. We have that right.

Ever heard of a “snuff” video? They are black market videos that show in utter detail, the real murder and sometimes torture and rape of an individual. All for resale. There’s a reason we don’t broadcast such atrocities, and rationalizing showing the Hussein death video which has similar implications is more than debatable, it’s downright dangerous.

News groups promoting a direct link to the morbid execution of Saddam Hussein show a clear lack of ethics, scruples, and common decency... all in the name of sensationalism to draw numbers. Sadly, it works.

“So what?” You say. “It was Saddam Hussein! Who cares?” Whether or not we support the war in Iraq, or the decision by the Iraqi courts to carry out their sentence is completely irrelevant, the video that was shown via cell phone recording was of a killing.

Yes, it is posted on Google, and therefore fair game. So is that all it takes? What if that was the beheading of Daniel Pearl, would that be acceptable to link to as well? No, and nor should this have been.

It is a responsibility of each news group to not feed the public unnecessary stimuli, to not dismiss tragedy and loss, elevate the importance of the unimportant, or worst of all, “water down” the seriousness of the extinguishing of a human life. Any life.

Was it necessary for the public to witness the mean-minded and mean-souled taunts showered on a bound victim? This wasn’t just any victim, not just any guy next in line on death row.

Like it or not, this was once a world leader, a ruthless dictator who also happened to be a key witness for any international court of justice which may some day be convened to act appropriately on those leaders of the largest possible bully-nations. But why concern ourselves with details?

What is the effect on the community? Some say there will be brutal and highly damaging psychological impacts of open access to the Hussein hanging spectacle. Carelessly making available the death video makes one question the social conscience of the news gatherers sharing the link. Do they believe they have any social responsibility?

What are their expectations? Must we succumb to any temptation in our quest for the almighty dollar without hesitation? Some of you are laughing, as you’ve suspected or known this to be true for many years. This is the evolution of “main stream” media, an example of what creates the poor reputation so well deserved, it’s what we’ve come to.

Having the ability to make our own decision, elected not to perform the act of linking to the death video. Those that want to watch it will still find it, without our urging. It won’t change the world, and we may not win the hit race, but we do hope to lead by example.

Most newspapers did not make the same decision as the Statesman Journal. Other newspapers, even the Gannett pillar, USA Today did not have a link on their front web page. After searching, the story found does include a link to the video, but with a clear disclaimer that the video is “graphic”.

A simple warning that it may not be suitable for young viewers seems the least any one should do, since what lies ahead is only one click away, and it is not for the faint of heart.


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Clint January 14, 2007 6:54 pm (Pacific time)

Taking a mans life is a funny thing. Not only do you take away what he was or what he is, but you also take away what he might have been.

Reality January 14, 2007 3:18 am (Pacific time)

We are not raised in this culture to have the stomach of a mortician or people who perform autopsies. We are all walking corpses, it is just a matter of time.

Reality January 14, 2007 2:52 am (Pacific time)

I think people should see what is. If there were cameras watching the homeless do the death rattle, maybe more people would make sure that people do not fall through the cracks. I never found grotesque sightings to be amusing but it can be a positive reality check for better things. If you show all of the people on death row being executed and know that some of them are patsys, maybe the death penalty would be abolished. And so it goes. In high school we were forced to watch horrible car accidents as a part of driver's education. The purpose was to show us that driving is not a game and can result in the most horrible circumstances. I say show it all and each person will react with the humanity or lack thereof that they were raised with. Merely showing things labelled gore may have a positive, negative or neutral affect. It is how things really are---not fantasy.

Joey Illuminati January 8, 2007 7:48 pm (Pacific time)

You mean the Zionists who conntrol Bush's regime will have done the damage better than Sudan. Sudsan looks great in hollywood Photo's does'nt he? Hollywood did a great job with this recent hanging prank...sort of like they did with the man on the moon...

P A Depland January 8, 2007 11:47 am (Pacific time)

Bush will have caused more Pain, Suffering and Death, not to mention Financial Depletion to the world than Sadam ever did! Mark My Words!

Anonymous January 8, 2007 12:32 am (Pacific time)

I agree that Not providing a deathlink is the appropriate choice for news, or anything that a "sheltered network for kids" would not filter out. Now i'm going to Utube to see the video for myself. *for the first time

Henry Ruark January 7, 2007 11:12 am (Pacific time)

Surely it is significant that the SJ powers-that-be have failed to make any public comment whatsoever about this public-channel issue...while it is known they surveil both the S-N site and the Citizens Forum on which they were publicly castigated and challenged.

Tim King January 7, 2007 5:57 am (Pacific time)

Bonnie, I am so proud of you and thank you so much for carrying on the traditions established by while I am in Afghanistan, reporting on the lives of our Oregon troops stationed here. No matter what, there is still this factor called decency and while I will always stand up for freedom of speech, I equally applaud a good decision to exercise restraint and keep the circus and the newsroom separated. This is obviously something our news neighbors at the Statesman Journal could care less about, but I have a feeling that people all over the Willamette Valley and the world for that matter, share the feelings I am talking about. Janine, I couldn't agree more about the paper's pure ignorance when it comes to their treatment of video. They could make sound decisions but that might cost them a few dollars, so it is out of the question. They add nothing to the ethical conscience of our business. From the forgotten war in SE Asia, Tim King

Henry Ruark January 5, 2007 7:59 am (Pacific time)

Amy et al: Arrival of Pelosi with that big hammer may indicate end of male-dominated "legislative process" -- long overdue, in my book, on basis of what my Mother taught me...

JAFO January 5, 2007 7:55 am (Pacific time)

in the real world a child has reportedly hung himself reenacting the Hussein execution he saw

reaction January 5, 2007 3:17 am (Pacific time)

way to go bonz! I think it is some kind of male flawed encoding., and a hospital as a damn site cheaper than the latest F16! The war is illegal, the heroic above and beyond dedication our forces display by every step they take are for one another, caught in the literal hell of it together, in hopes of getting out alive, and for the units they serve with, to maintain the code of combat, and the reason why they're there OIL, I say bring em' home and let the elected principals in Iraq sort it out with their own heroic efforts, I am an American.

Henry Ruark January 5, 2007 2:37 am (Pacific time)

Jan et al: Print-side journalists built tv-side, so essential working "rules" wellknown to all. Choice to pervert for always possible dollar-gain by lurid content, or simple incompetent handling of channel is issue here. Pay your pennies, and take your choice -- advertising perversion will get you either place --which is why we must preserve Internet channels.

Amy January 5, 2007 1:32 am (Pacific time)

First, thank you for not showing the actual hanging. I am astonished at the fact the video has been so widely distributed to the public. Surprised? Unfortunatley NO.... We have lost so much respect for ourselves thanks largely to negative media many people have become numb. Keep in mind however, it wasn't that long ago that public hangings were the norm in our own country and the process was generally supported as a crime deterent. Americans are supposed to be civilized, compasionate and respectful of life. After all, isn't that one of the many reason's we have our armed services over there in the first place. As far as Saddam, God have mercy on his soul. He'll need it.

Janine January 5, 2007 12:02 am (Pacific time)

Maybe newspapers are making this mistake because the video world is new to them, and no one's ever told them the rules. ? Pretty basic in principle. Maybe they should watch TV news if they want to pretend to do it.

Henry Ruark January 4, 2007 3:11 pm (Pacific time)

ONLY point here is impact of link to video surely misleading,damaging to immature viewers: What are we teaching them?; and surely either linked to seeking-sensational impacts via allowing such perversion of "news"; or to incompetence in surveillance and and managing the blog... Re Anon et al here, usual 3rd grade curriculum includes personal responsibility for statements... perhaps you need to look in mirror, figure out what or whom you fear, driving you to non-ID on public statement.

James January 4, 2007 1:42 pm (Pacific time)

I think Bush SR. needs to be hung next and Rumsfeld since they are the ones who gave all the chemicals to Saddam so that he could kill all those people.

Anonymous January 4, 2007 1:18 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you for a thoughtful analysis of this situation and the broader implications of our "open web" culture. We, and our children, have lost innocence and compassion due to constant media bombardment, both through news and through dramatic television programming. As you note, it does not matter WHO was killed, it is still the taking of a life, and I applaud your decision.

mebs January 4, 2007 10:37 am (Pacific time)

Is Bush,Ariel Sharon next,if Saddam was executed for crime against humanity because this two has committed the worst crime then Saddam

Anonymous January 4, 2007 7:54 am (Pacific time)

the suckers dead!!!! he doesn't earn any respect!? think of all the people hes killed, raped and executed! I say: GOOD FOR THE IRAQI GOV'T. HE'S DEAD :P

reaction January 4, 2007 7:48 am (Pacific time)

thank you. I passed over this article and after reading it I also chose not to see the execution,and tend to agree with you., his value was much greater alive than dead, feels pretty set up from the get go to me, weather he deserved to die or not was directly related to the deteriorating situation in Iraq, and foreign policy determined from a political agenda is a documented mistake.

Anonymous January 4, 2007 5:57 am (Pacific time)

hahaha he daed

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