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Jan-01-2013 00:44printcomments's Top Articles of 2012

Review of the top articles and also top comments.

Images from the top monthly articles published by <i></i> in 2012.
Images from the top monthly articles published by in 2012. Two are repeats.

(SALEM) - 2012 was an interesting year for Honors were bestowed upon Tim and Bonnie King as a result of Tim's long list of reports exposing war crimes against Tamil people in Sri Lanka.

Robert O'Dowd, Bonnie and Tim King

Tim King was invited to be the keynote speaker at the FeTNA (Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America) Conference in Baltimore, in July 2012. Bonnie King also was invited to the event where she spoke with Tim to the US Tamil Political Action Committee.'s investigative writer Robert O'Dowd and Tim King co-authored the book, 'BETRAYAL: Toxic Exposure of U.S. Marines, Murder and Government Cover-Up' which was published on Amazon Kindle in 2012.

The work of Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes, has been acclaimed in Asian press time and time again. One of his reports freed a Pakistani land activist from torture, while other reports by Mr. Gomes were lauded for their clarity and foresight.

Agron and Tim in Baltimore, Md.

The new music album (CD) commissioned by by author/songwriter Agron Belica titled 'Newsic Revolution has been extremely well-received, as well as other songs by Agron including 'BURMA: Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide: Save the Rohingya' - the only human rights-oriented song in the world honoring the sacrifice of these victims of ethnic cleansing.

Veteran Writer Henry Ruark passed away

On a sad note, said good bye to one of its longest standing writers. Hank Ruark, with the group since 2004, passed away at the age of 93, as one of America's most experienced and big hearted journalists in the business, who moved from early newspaper to cutting edge Internet news in the course of his valuable lifetime.

A story about Mitt Romney's part ownership in a company that replaced U.S. workers with employees from China who required that the U.S. flag be lowered during their training period, 'Romney's Company Forces U.S. Flag to Be Lowered in Illinois' by Tim King, was #1 with 78,219 views in October.

The second most viewed article in a month's time followed closely, Kevin D. Annett's article, 'Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set to Resign' received 75,726 views in May. Kevin's article is the only one in this 12-month period to be top story for two consecutive months. Tim King's 'Sex Abuse and Murder in Sri Lanka- New Photos Emerge' also came in as top story two different months in 2012.

The month of December does not have an accurate count because of an improvement made by's Web Designer, Matt Lintz, who switched our server partly to The Cloud. Our counter has stopped being effective for the time being.

Interestingly, two of the month's top stories were by Tim King and dealt with U.S. Marine Veterans facing highly questionable treatment at the hands of government.

Phillip W. McCallum, attorney and President of the Alabama State Bar, honored Salem-News Investigative Reporter Marianne Skolek, who works tirelessly to expose the real motivations and stark realities of big pharmaceutical giants like Purdue Pharma.

An honorable mention goes to Jenn Fierberg for her articles in 2012 that have peeled away the layers of deception regarding Rwanda President Paul Kagame's role in the 1994 Genocide.

There are many many more and those not mentioned, please know that your contributions are extremely valuable toward the operation, there are so many wonderful writers, it is an amazing team.

Top articles of 2012 on

December Views: N/A Free Jon Hammar- Former U.S. Marine, Thrown in Prison in Mexico -

    Jon Hammar, a former U.S. Marine, was going to surf in Costa Rica when he was arrested at the border going into Mexico.

    He had already cleared his heirloom shotgun with U.S Customs officers and was at the office in Mexico to register it there when he was arrested because it was 1 inch too short for their laws.

November 24,738 views Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza -

    The following statement by Noam Chomsky indicates a different stand toward Israeli aggression than Prof. Chomsky has revealed in the past:

    "The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.

October 78,219 views Romney's Company Forces U.S. Flag to Be Lowered in Illinois -

    If Mitt Romney is elected president, the American flag itself may actually be restricted from flying in the United States. That word comes from employees losing their jobs in Freeport, Illinois.

    The Presidential Candidate holds major stock in a company called Sensata. The company recently made factory officials take down the American flag when they were forced to train their Chinese replacement workers, according to Tom Gaulrapp, with the United Steelworkers Union.

September 10,004 views Sex Abuse and Murder in Sri Lanka- New Photos Emerge - Tim King

    I have written several articles examining the terrible crimes against innocent women and girls that occurred during the Sri Lanka civil war and the ensuing Genocide that enveloped the Tamil population in the island country's northern region.

    The conflict wiped out most of the resistance force, the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - aka 'Tamil Tigers'), and tens of thousands of innocent defenseless civilians who were directly targeted.

August 24,799 views U.S. Marine Arrested for Facebook Posts - Tim King

    A decorated U.S. Marine who served his nation in two wars, Brandon Raub, of Richmond Virginia, was arrested for airing his critical views of the U.S. government on Facebook this weekend.

    We just reported yesterday that a Human Rights activist in Bahrain is being prosecuted for six Twitter messages. Politically, this country is increasingly resembling Bahrain and other nations that arrest those who speak out critically over federal policy.

July 12,764 views Gates and Monsanto Go After Milk - David Peters Special to -

    Monsanto's head of the FDA's food safety division is threatening to get rid of raw (real) milk, and the real reason for this may have reared its ugly head.

    The following is certainly not a scientific assessment of Gates' project but it is clear he is intending to genetically engineer milk and is looking at altering immunity itself.

June 16,828 views Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set to Resign - Kevin D. Annett

    The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of survivors of church rape and torture.

    The list of measures was issued today at a meeting in Dublin, Ireland between Archbishop Dermot Martin and representatives of Anti Catholic Church Activists Worldwide (ACCAW), Magdalene Laundry survivors, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State – Ireland (ITCCS).

May 75,726 views Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set to Resign - Kevin D. Annett

    The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of survivors of church rape and torture.

    The list of measures was issued today at a meeting in Dublin, Ireland between Archbishop Dermot Martin and representatives of Anti Catholic Church Activists Worldwide (ACCAW), Magdalene Laundry survivors, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State – Ireland (ITCCS).

April 3,986 views Sex Abuse and Murder in Sri Lanka- New Photos Emerge - Tim King

    I have written several articles examining the terrible crimes against innocent women and girls that occurred during the Sri Lanka civil war and the ensuing Genocide that enveloped the Tamil population in the island country's northern region.

    The conflict wiped out most of the resistance force, the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - aka 'Tamil Tigers'), and tens of thousands of innocent defenseless civilians who were directly targeted.

March 8,621 views Outlawing the Occupy Movement: H.R. 347 Makes Free Speech A Felony -

    Once signed, HR 347 will empower federal agents to arrest and bring felony criminal charges against citizens engaged in political protests anywhere in the USA.


February 11,058 views Brazil's Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant Threatens 40,000 - Tim King

    Local tribes believe construction of the massive Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant on the Xingu River in Brazil's northern region continues, water levels will eventually flood 40,000 human beings from their homes.

    A plea on Facebook to aid the native people here reached our newsroom today, and it seems a cruel fate for an ancient culture like the Kayapos people.

January 9.025 views Russian Move Against US Called 'First Shot' Of World War III - Sorcha Faal Special to

    A grim Ministry of Finance report prepared for Prime Minister Putin is warning today that the decision by Iran to cease taking US Dollars for its oil could very be the “first shot” fired in World War III, and one which Russia will be blamed for by the Obama regime.

    According to this report, Iran swiftly countered planned US sanctions against its Central Bank yesterday by announcing that it will no longer accept the US Dollar as payment for its oil shipments to India, Japan and China, and further announced that bilateral trade between itself and Russia will, also, break from the US Dollar for settlement in favor of the Iranian Rial and Russian Rubles.

Bonnie King and Coral Theill in Baltimore

Story Comment Top 10

Kevin Annett's article, 'Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set to Resign' received the largest number of comments in the last year, with 112 comments over the past 365 days, while our Deputy Assistant Editor Daniel Johnson received 92 comments on the article, 'The NRA -- A terrorist organization.' Daniel's '911 as an inside job now beyond doubt' also made the top 10 with 64 comments.

It is also noteworthy that two of Coral Theill's contributions, 'How I Became a Brood Mare and Egg Donor for the Church and State: Rape is Torture' and 'Support USMC K-9 Combat Veteran MWD Sgt Beyco' both made the top 10 with 60 and 58 comments, respectively.

Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set to ResignMay 4, 2012, 3:37 pm 112 comments in the last 365 days. comments
Catholic Church Faces Disruption and Banishment as Irish Cardinal Set to Resign.

The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012.

The list was issued today at a meeting in Dublin between church officials, activists, survivors, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State – Ireland.

The NRA -- A terrorist organizationJanuary 8, 2012, 10:59 pm 92 comments in the last 365 days. comments
The NRA -- A terrorist organization.

There were sombre ceremonies across Tucson, Arizona on Sunday, January 8, 2012, in remembrance of Jared Loughner’s shooting spree a year ago where he seriously wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords, killed six and wounded 12 more.

I suggest that the Untied States, is the only country in world, where remembrances could be held virtually every single day of the year for egregious killings of citizens by their other citizens—all indirectly supported by the National Rifle Association.

World Ignores Genocide of Sri Lanka's Tamil Population  (Includes Channel 4 Documentary Links in Comments)April 22, 2011, 5:15 am 89 comments in the last 365 days. comments
World Ignores Genocide of Sri Lanka's Tamil Population (Includes Channel 4 Documentary Links in Comments).

In 2009 alone, more than 35,000 Tamils are estimated to have violently or needlessly lost their lives. Because of the fear and desperation put forth by this, about 1.1 Million Tamils have fled the country.

The numbers are horrible, and include over 600,000 Tamil internal refugees.

Sex Abuse and Murder in Sri Lanka- New Photos EmergeMarch 8, 2012, 11:49 pm 86 comments in the last 365 days. comments
Sex Abuse and Murder in Sri Lanka- New Photos Emerge.

I've written several articles examining the crimes against innocent civilians during the Sri Lanka civil war and the Genocide that enveloped Tamil people in the island country's northern region.

Along with the carnage came a barrage of sex crimes against Tamil women and girls that defy real description, the evidence bolstered by a newly released set of war crime photos.

Romney's Company Forces U.S. Flag to Be Lowered in IllinoisOctober 11, 2012, 5:45 pm 81 comments in the last 365 days. comments
Romney's Company Forces U.S. Flag to Be Lowered in Illinois.

If Mitt Romney is elected president, the American flag itself may actually be restricted from flying in the United States. That word comes from employees losing their jobs in Freeport, Illinois.

Romney claims he knows nothing about this. But the New York Times explains: “[Mitt Romney] owns about $8 million worth of Bain funds that hold 51 percent of Sensata’s shares.

911 as an inside job now beyond doubt (UPDATED June 7, 2012)May 29, 2012, 9:00 am 64 comments in the last 365 days. comments
911 as an inside job now beyond doubt (UPDATED June 7, 2012).

Is the future of America worth a few hours of your time? I'm sure you would be willing to spend a day or half a day at a seminar to improve your job performance or your job prospects.

Will you give your country as much?

How I Became a Brood Mare and Egg Donor for the Church and State: Rape is TortureAugust 20, 2012, 5:36 am 60 comments in the last 365 days. comments
How I Became a Brood Mare and Egg Donor for the Church and State: Rape is Torture.

I am haunted by this single question. Why was I treated lower than a criminal by Oregon's judicial law system?

I was a faithful wife and mother for almost twenty years. Presently, I have fewer rights than a criminal...

Support USMC K-9 Combat Veteran MWD Sgt BeycoApril 1, 2012, 11:48 pm 58 comments in the last 365 days. comments
Support USMC K-9 Combat Veteran MWD Sgt Beyco.

Marine Corps MP Explosive Detection Dog and Military Working Dog Sgt Beyco, a K-9 Combat Veteran, has entered the 2012 American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards Contest and needs your support and VOTES.

MWD Beyco worked and gave her whole life to the MARINE CORPS and was honored to be a MWD MARINE. She retired November 10, 2011 at Cherry Point, North Carolina.

Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on GazaNovember 17, 2012, 2:48 am 53 comments in the last 365 days. comments
Chomsky Statement on Israel's War on Gaza.

Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums.

It attacks a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war.

Free Jon Hammar- Former U.S. Marine, Thrown in Prison in MexicoDecember 13, 2012, 10:37 pm 53 comments in the last 365 days. comments
Free Jon Hammar- Former U.S. Marine, Thrown in Prison in Mexico.

Jon Hammar, a former U.S. Marine, was going to surf in Costa Rica when he was arrested at the border going into Mexico.

He had already cleared his heirloom shotgun with U.S Customs officers and was at the office in Mexico to register it there when he was arrested because it was 1 inch too short for their laws.

Elsewhere in the world, medical marijuana took huge steps forward in 2012 with two states in the U.S. fully decriminalizing pot. Palestine took its first step toward UN statehood, and a genocide has swept Burmese Muslims for the latter half of the year. These are all subjects we cover very closely and have for years. now has 109 writers located in 23 countries.

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