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Dec-29-2012 20:57printcommentsVideo

America's Greatest Child Sex Scandal: Boys Town in Lincoln, Nebraska

This is the story you may have heard of, here are the really disturbing details.

Washington Times article about Boys Town Child Sex Ring
There is also a connection to Contra drug smuggling.

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - Those who deny the possibility of government deception on a large scale should examine the story of Boys Town and a Black Republican Politician named Lawrence 'Larry' King.

Carol Stitt - Director, Nebraska Foster
Care Review Board

For many, King and Boys Town are synonymous with the scandal involving child sex and drug abuse that officials in Lincoln, Nebraska were able to suppress and effectively cover up.

It is among the most blatant of all of the mostly ignored stories in this country that have been buried because they affected a large number of children; many under the age of 10, who were viciously raped by important men, so-called 'pillars of their communities'.

The coverup appears to involve the police and courts in Nebraska and also the FBI.

A woman named Carol Stitt, Director of the Nebraska Foster Care Review Board, explains in the documentary below, Conspiracy Of Silence, that the allegations of children being taken to political parties where they would be abuse sexually, usually at 'after hour' parties, originated with her office.

The lives of Alisha Owen, Paul Bonacci, Troy Boner and the other victims of what appears to be a government orchestrated child rape syndicate, will never be what they could have due to this ridiculous miscarriage of justice. The fact that it happened in the nation's Bible belt is a sad indicator of the massive hypocrisy that exists between religion and the actions of men.

Nebraska Republican Senator Loran Schmit

Nebraska Republican Senator Loran Schmit, worked with Stitt and investigators to build the case and soon they had five solid victims whose testimony would work in court to bring the various suspects to justice.

Little did he know, that powers to be in this seemingly corrupt Midwest state, would block every move to bring the case forward and that even the media would serve as a partner in the crime of coverup. As it turns out one of the suspects worked in the upper echelon of a daily newspaper that served as a tool for discrediting victim testimony.

Victims who came forward were persecuted; one key witness would testify in mid stride that he made up his allegations. A female victim who stuck to her story of years of rape and sex abuse at the hands of top officials in Lincoln, Nebraska, was convicted of perjury and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Those close to the case say the perjury conviction was a clear message to all of the victims, that they too would pay dearly if they spoke of their past involvement with the Franklin child prostitution ring.

Larry King, who was a rising star in the GOP, was convicted of embezzling over $38 million from Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (FCFCU) in Omaha, and served 10 years of a 15-year prison sentence.

That's right, the victim who spoke was sent to prison for 15 years for perjury, while King received 15 but did only 10 years for crimes involving $38 million and was never convicted in the child prostitution ring, nor were any other officials.

Nick Bryant, coauthor of Americas Children: Triumph of Tragedy and The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal, wrote of his attempt to publicize the case in a USA Today article:

Boystown, The White House & the Devil

These operations overseen by King would be conducted at Republican fund raising after-parties, in which young boys & girls were brokered to senators, congressmen & women & persons of influence.

So connected to the political world was King that upon his parole he was recruited into the National Republican Party. King’s strategy, like that of MK-Ultra was to target political figures to ensure anonymity & continued financial support from legislature, by using children from Boystown & others kidnapped to compromise influential men & women. These political figures would be photographed & video taped engaging in drug taking & various sexual activity with minors.

The sexual abuse of children as horrific and criminal as it is was only part of the story.  It was the prominent figures in the U.S Government’s involvement in the drug trade that made this story so much more explosive.  Johnny Gosch  was a 12-year-old paperboy in Iowa when he disappeared on September 5, 1982. Paul Bonacci told attorney John Decamp that he was in a sex ringwith Gosch as a teenager and was forced into participating in Gosch’s abduction.

He also admitted along with Alisha Owen that they had been used as drug couriers to bring cocaine in from the West Coast for Alan Baer, Larry King and others during the 1980s.  It was first reported by the World Herald Reporter  James Flanery that King was “running guns and money into Nicaragua, and that the CIA was heavily involved.

The story told by Monarch victims – one of whom is Paul Bonacci – is that they were tortured for the purpose of creating “multiple personalities” within them. These multiple personalities could then be programmed as spies, drug mules, prostitutes, or assassins.

    With access to thousands of documents that were sealed by two grand juries, as well as the sealed testimony of one, I demonstrated that state and Federal grand jury processes in Nebraska played an integral role in the cover-up.

    Instead of indicting the alleged perpetrators, these grand juries indicted the victims who would not recant their accounts of abuse on charges of perjury. In one case, a 21-year-old who bad been abused since adolescence was indicted on eight counts of perjury by both state and Federal grand juries. Facing more than 300 years in prison, she still refused to recant. Her travesty of a trial resulted in a prison sentence of nine to 15 years. She spent nearly two years in solitary confinement.

    This individual was released from prison in 2000, and she has become a model citizen: she is happily married and gainfully employed. Conversely, one of the ring's pedophilic pimps, who was not charged with a single count of child abuse, moved halfway across the country. By 2009, he had enmeshed himself among a new brood of economically disadvantaged children.

The fact that the girl was convicted and given an extremely long sentence makes little sense when compared to this paragraph from a NY Times article from 18 Dec. 1988:

    ...the Omaha office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation acknowledged that it had independently received reports of sexual abuse and that they were a subject of its own criminal inquiry into the credit union affair. And the office of the Nebraska Attorney General said it had directed the state police also to investigate the reports.

Then The NY Times, still following the story, wrote on 25 Dec. 1988:

    A state file containing reports of physical and sexual abuse of foster children, based on interviews with some of the children and including one instance reminiscent of slave auctions, has been turned over to the Executive Board of the Nebraska Legislature.

    People familiar with the file's contents describe it as a voluminous compilation of reports acquired over the last two years by the State Foster Care Review Board from a variety of child care professionals, including schoolteachers and social workers.

Corrupt Media Backs Corrupt Government

However by 29 July 1990, The New York Times changed their tune, falling in line with Nebraska press, with an article titled, "Omaha Grand Jury Sees Hoax in Lurid Tales":

    Lurid reports of child sex abuse, drug trafficking, pornography and political intrigue that have held Omaha enthralled for nearly two years were a ''carefully crafted hoax,'' a county grand jury in Nebraska has concluded.

Perhaps not too surprising that the agency both Judith Miller and Jason Blair both called home, was willing to jump on the bandwagon instead of questioning the sincerity of this Midwestern disease.

Even though the FBI and local authorities acknowledge that they knew about the child sex abuse, Nebraska still convicted Alisha Owen for reporting the abuse, convicting her of several counts of perjury. What a disservice to all crime victims, particularly rape and sex abuse survivors, Nebraska's system of injustice truly is.

The crimes of Larry King and his criminal cohorts are outstanding today and it is important that the criminals, regardless of who they are, not abscond forever. So why have you never heard of the Franklin cover-up?

Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)

"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.

Based on the riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up, "Conspiracy of Silence" begins with the shut-down of Nebraska's Franklin Community Federal Credit Union after a raid by federal agencies in November 1988 revealed that $40 million was missing.

When the Nebraska legislature launched a probe into the affair, what initially looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a startling tale of drugs, money laundering, and a nationwide child abuse ring.

Images of investigator John DeCamp

Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died suddenly and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.

So why have you never heard of the Franklin cover-up? Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, "Conspiracy of Silence" was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians. Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary.

You may find yourself becoming angry or upset while watching "Conspiracy of Silence." Many people do. However, consider that each of us has at times in our life acted out of selfish motives when it comes to sexuality and ended up hurting others in one way or another.

Let us take this information not only as a call to stop this kind of abuse at the nationwide level, but also as a call to examine our own sexual relationships and make a commitment to deep honesty and integrity in our own lives around this most sensitive issue.

Thanks for caring and may we all work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for our world.

A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.

NOTE; This film had to be reassembled from remaining VHS fragments after an all-out effort was made to block the films release and destroy all extant copies. Every effort has been made to restore it to the original and complete "meant to be broadcast" version.

For additional information on this video, and download information:

Here are some related articles:

From Wikipedia

The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations were a series of high-profile accusations and legal actions between 1988 and 1991 surrounding an alleged child sex ring serving prominent citizens of Omaha, Nebraska, as well as high-level U.S. politicians.[1]

The allegations centered on the actions of Lawrence E. King, director of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union (FCFCU) in Omaha and a nationally-prominent political figure who was active in the Republican Party.[2] After investigation, the Douglas County, Nebraska Grand Jury determined the abuse allegations were baseless. Overview.

Allegations of sexual abuse first emerged in November 1988 during a National Credit Union Administration investigation of unrelated financial irregularities at the FCFCU, at which King had worked for 18 years.[2] In December, the State Foster Care Review Board submitted the results of a two year investigation into the physical and sexual abuse of foster children to the Executive Board of the Nebraska Legislature who were investigating reports of child sexual abuse linked to the credit union. Authorities launched a probe, interviewing a number of claimed abuse victims who said that children in foster care were flown to the U.S. East Coast and were abused at "bad parties."[3]

Subsequently, John DeCamp, a former Nebraska state Senator, publicly identified five prominent individuals as being involved in a prostitution ring that transported minors across state lines.

However, the first of two grand juries determined that the abuse allegations were a "carefully crafted hoax" and specifically exonerated the five persons named by De Camp. The grand jury also suggested that the abuse stories originated from a vindictive employee terminated by Boys Town, the famed refuge for troubled youths.[4] A special Nebraska legislative committee assigned to investigate the allegations criticized the grand jury findings, with Nebraska Senator Loran Schmit labeling the grand jury's report "a strange document."[4]

Moreover, two of the purported victims were indicted for perjury;[4] one was convicted and sentenced to 9–15 years in prison.[5] A Federal Grand Jury later concluded that the abuse allegations were unfounded and indicted 21 year old Alisha Owen on eight counts of perjury.[6]Journalist Nick Bryant, who believes there was a coverup of child abuse, described the trial of the convicted perjurer as a "travesty."[7]

King was eventually convicted of embezzling over $38 million from FCFCU, and served 10 years of a 15-year prison sentence.

Paul A. Bonacci, who claimed that King abused him for an extended period, filed a lawsuit against King in civil court. When King failed to respond to the charges, United States federal judge Warren Keith Urbom entered a default judgement for $1 million against King.[8]

Numerous conspiracy theories persisted afterwards, claiming that the Franklin scandal was part of much more widespread series of crimes.


  1. ^ a b Jenkins, Philip (2004). Moral Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America. Yale University Press. pp. 174–5. ISBN 978-0-300-10963-4.
  2. ^ a b Robbins, William (1988). "A Lurid, Mysterious Scandal Begins Taking Shape in Omaha." The New York Times, 18 December 1988, URL accessed 18 May 2012.
  3. ^ Robbins, William (1988). "Nebraska Inquiry Is Given File on Sex Abuse of Foster Children." The New York Times, 25 December 1988, URL accessed 18 May 2012.
  4. ^ a b c Robbins, Williams (July 29, 1990). "Omaha Grand Jury Sees Hoax in Lurid Tales". The New York Times. Retrieved May 13, 2011.;"Omaha Tales of Sexual Abuse Ruled False". The New York Times. Associated Press. September 27, 1990. Retrieved May 13, 2011.
  5. ^ USA Today: p. 6A. August 9, 1991. "Alisha Owen, convicted of lying to grand jury probing charges of sex and drug abuse in failure of Omaha credit union, was sentenced to 9 to 15 years in prison."
  6. ^ Omaha Tales of Sexual Abuse Ruled False New York Times September 27, 1990
  7. ^ "Sexual Abuse’s Second Shame". USA Today magazine: 46-47. January 2012.
  8. ^ Santiago, Frank (1999). "Judge makes $1 million award," The Des Moines Register 24 February 1999

In conclusion, it is never too late for justice. The men involved in this child sex scandal are mostly people in power and they deserve for a true story to be told.


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Sharu July 11, 2021 8:08 am (Pacific time)

Hi! Is there any other spot we can watch and download this video? YouTube is actively manipulating history/.

Anonymous May 14, 2021 7:05 am (Pacific time)

The Internet Archive site has removed the video from circulation. Has it been banned from circulating collectively?

Mary L Schmit November 10, 2018 7:54 am (Pacific time)

This is all real... I am Loran Schmits Daughter.. while he fought to bring justice to these children he was vilified and eventually voted out of office. he received regular death threats as well as all of his family. He called me on frequent occasions to warn me to be careful because of the specific threats against him and his children. We all lived it.. He was the first to reveal a connection between Priests and child sexual exploitation.. even though Catholic himself.. back then a Monsignor in the Catholic Church approached my Aunt after Mass and told her.. "your brother will burn in Hell for what he says about Catholic Priests"... a few years ago, at Christmas , with all the revelations out there now.. I asked Dad if anyone had ever apologized to him... and come to him and said..."you were right"... he said "Never". He is one of the few principals still alive that knows everything. This went all the way up to the most powerful in Washington DC... small wonder that it was never allowed to come out. My father, has always been known as a protector of children and this shook him to the core what was going on.. John DeCamp passed away last summer.

Anonymous November 24, 2016 8:58 am (Pacific time)

Firebird7478, It is my understanding that the picture of the 3 boys bound and gagged on the bed is a picture that was found (online on a child ponography/pedophilia website, I think?) many years ago and thought to be a picture of the long missing Johnny Gosch. However, as he would have aged and the picture doesn't show the best angle, it is hard to tell and has been disputed. Either way, the picture has circulated in hopes that at least one of the boys could be identified. I believe they talked about this picture in a documentary about Johnny Gosch that I recently watched.

Alan Wakefield November 20, 2016 11:08 am (Pacific time)

The irrefutable fact the authorities and media persecuted the brave whistle blowers is not just evidence, IT appears to be PROOF of the criminal complicity of those authorities and media. It gives evidence of something even more critical; it is strong evidence these sex perverts are satan worshipers. satanic symbolism and satan worship is almost always part and parcel of sexual perversion, sex trafficking and sexual torture. Of the TWO CHOICES for eternity, Heaven of hell, where do you think the sex perverts identified in the story will be spending their eternity? November 5, 2016 6:31 am (Pacific time)

I wonder about the legitimacy of this article when I see three boys bound and gagged on a bed and their faces are not covered to protect their identity.

Donna September 6, 2016 10:26 am (Pacific time)

I have been reading about this case and have watched the banned documentary on You Tube. This breaks my heart and almost broke my mind! I had a very hard time sleeping after reading John DeCamp's book. I totally lost faith in our government and have such sympathy for all of those poor abused and exploited children.

Anonymous January 8, 2016 4:35 pm (Pacific time)

I think this is the saddest

aNONYMOUS November 22, 2015 5:49 am (Pacific time)

Anew Jersey and New York are just as bad!!! As a child, I was tortured, raped, used for porn, and watched as another boy who had been kidnapped, was murdered. The irish mob is responsible for all of this, and the state and federal government is so CORRUPT they refuse to even investigate it! I was railroaded on false charges, and nobody claims to believe me...all they do is keep me quiet! These same men are responsible for the Johnny Gosh kidnapping. These men are powerful and politically connected.

Anonymous June 18, 2015 9:38 pm (Pacific time)

the "ekites" sure are demented. like the epstein guy and his messed up criminal conspiracy involving dershowitz and clinton, prince charles and all kinds of famous yet deranged psychos. what a fubar world. karma gonna get them good!!!

David Howard December 21, 2014 8:06 am (Pacific time)

Pedophilia in Bush/Reagan White House 1-5

Nory King January 2, 2013 10:15 am (Pacific time)

This is an incredible story that far too rarely gets told. Thank you so much for this!

Editor: Thanks Nory!

Ralph E. Stone January 1, 2013 9:32 am (Pacific time)

Remember the movies "Boys' Town" and "Men of Boys Town" starring Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney. Given the recent child sex and drug abuse, maybe there needs to be a third movie telling the real story of Boys Town.

Tim White December 30, 2012 11:35 pm (Pacific time)


From: Tim White
To: "Robert 'Tosh' Plumlee"
Received: Sunday, July 24, 2011, 1:03 PM


Jim Rothstein - NYCPD detective who was forcibly "retired" - is who arrested FRANK FIORINI aka FRANK STURGIS...intercepting and arresting him "on a tip" just MINUTES before Sturgis was to assassinate MARITA LORENZ.....Sturgis then gave Jim a 22 page confession of his involvement in JFK's assassination when Sturgis heard that Jim was on the USS ESSEX during the Bay of Pigs and he knew a certain "piece of very classified information" that clicked with Sturgis so he then started talking a storm...the FBI didn't know that Jim had Sturgis in custody till 4 hours later...oooops - too you know Tosh,Fiorini/Sturgis was a soldier in the Gambino Mob family....Jim Rothstein is a friend of mine for the past 9 years...

Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF)
Concerned Citizen,Researcher,Investigator,Whistleblower



From: "James Rothstein"
To: "Tim White"
Subject: Emailing: Letter to Tim.txt
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 18:30:09 -0500
March 16, 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this for Tim White. Tim White has been a true Patriot and has gone beyond what is expected of any citizen. Tim realized the danger of his actions and the personal attacks that would be made against him.
He did not hesitate to disclose the photos of Johnny Gosch.
These heroic efforts have revived the interest into the disappearance of Johnny Gosch.This action was the biggest break I have seen in many years. Tim White was and has always been honest and forthright in any dealings I have had with him. I have worked with Noreen Gosch for the last 10 years in trying to locate her son, Johnny Gosch.

James Rothstein
Ret.NYCPD Det.
St Martin Minnesota


A Layman’s look at History
Retired NYCPD Detective

On the streets of every city in America there are thousands of children, both boys and girls, selling themselves into prostitution. Almost nothing is done to discourage this. Some of these children are on their own, others are preyed upon by older children who exploit them. Surrounding and controlling these children, who have been manipulated and forced into utter physical, sexual, and emotional degradation in their daily lives, are their procurers and abusers who are even more depraved. It is these procurers and abusers who criminally and sexually exploit these children for commercial purposes: pornography, prostitution, extortion, blackmail, and human compromise; not to mention larceny, burglary, and other criminal activities.
Police make many arrests of child molesters and pedophiles who troll for children around bus terminals, arcades, and malls. Rarely are the exploiters, who operate telephone call services, pedophile exchanges, sex clubs, and pornography rings, arrested and successfully prosecuted.
Despite public concern, even outrage, little is done beyond expressions of outrage. Why is this? This certainly is not because there is a lack of information. Everyday there are reports of children who are abducted or disappear off the face of the earth, or so it seems to the families who lose their children, when in fact they become the victims of a society which is divided into five separate groups: family, homosexual, commercial, serial killers and occult.
FAMILY – Within the family group you have an inherited or given trust between the children and their elders. This group is made up of schools, institutions, religions, and stepfamilies. Because of the close relationships between the elders and the children, if child abuse or pedophilia occurs, they are difficult to uncover and corroborate. The schools, institutions, and religious sects become candy stores for the pedophile or child abuser. There are many documented cases of pedophilia and child abuse within the family group throughout the United States , such as the Clemons case in Florida and the McMartin case in California .
Children are placed or held in institutions because of physical, mental, correctional or family problems. In the early 1970’s, numerous children were taken from a Chicago institution and sent to Texas , to another institution where they were then used for sexual purposes. Sergeant Kelly of the Illinois State Police investigated this case and stopped the practice.
Within the religious group an unprecedented number of cases are coming to light, such as the Porter case in Massachusetts. Father Porter violated numerous altar boys over a span of twenty-five years in various parishes in Massachusetts . When accusations are made against a Roman Catholic priest, the priests are transferred to another parish, diocese or religious institution and are allowed to continue their perverse habit without interference from the law.
St. Johns Abbey of the Benedictine Order, in Collegeville , Minnesota , is a classic example of how the Catholic Church covers up child abuse in the Church. Over a 30 year period of time there were hundreds of abuse cases and suicides related to the abuse. In 2002, Josh Guimond, a student at St. Johns, disappeared in the middle of the night under suspicious circumstances. The investigation that followed was a coverup and anyone who dared look into the case was harassed. The Abbot, John Klassen, admitted that there were at least 13 pedophile priests at the Abbey. Yet, there were no arrests or prosecutions by either local, state, or federal authorities over this 30 year period of time. A sophomore at Albany High School , in Albany , Minnesota , asks, “Why is St. Johns above the law?” The local and state media keep their reports of the abuse which has occurred there to a bare minimum, and then only publishes these reports after they have appeared in the national media. Why?
The Porter case and others at the time brought to light a new investigative technique which has been referred to as repressed or recovered memory. This psychological tool has been used in a number of cases prosecuting pedophiles and child abusers. This novel approach has not yet been proven to be scientifically valid. When this method is used without additional objective and corroborating evidence, wrongful accusations and prosecutions can result. This problem is well documented in an article written by Lawrence Wright in the May 24, 1993, edition of New Yorker Magazine. In this article, Mr. Wright describes how, in some cases, after additional research was done, this “recovered memory” method was shown to be flawed, causing those cases to fall apart and resulting in the needless and unwarranted destruction of the family.
As heinous as these crimes of sexual exploitation of children are, an over zealous uninformed law enforcement agency or prosecutor, who uses less than scientific investigative methods to conduct a “witch hunt,” can wreak havoc on our society. Abusive, unwarranted prosecutions based on unscientific and improper investigative methods used by police and prosecutors do not help to provide any real solution to this problem of the criminal sexual exploitation of children. Rather, they consume valuable and very limited resources and help allow many offenders to continue their crimes against children un-abated. This novel approach “recovered memory” is an interesting new method, but it must be closely monitored until it is an exact science, and there must be additional corroboration with its use in any prosecution.
HOMOSEXUAL – For the purpose of this report, the true homosexual pedophile is distinct from the more violent serial killers described later. The homosexual believes he is not hurting the child, but is in fact offering him a better life style. The child is given all the worldly possessions they desire and are told that their parents do not want him. This is a common and effective ploy used to keep the child. After the child has been in the clutches of the pedophile community for more than seventy-two hours, that child is generally lost to society. The child’s fear of parents and friends finding out about the degradation in which that child has been involved, keeps that child from leaving.
A notorious homosexual pedophile and procurer, Ben Rose, is a classic example of the mentality observed in this group. Ben Rose was arrested after an investigation by the New York Police Department at his residence on St. Mark’s Place in New York City during the summer of 1972. At the time of the arrest, he had in his possession three young boy ages 14-15 years, who had been transported by him from Baltimore to New York City for the specific purpose of sexual exploitation. Upon his arrest, he agreed to cooperate with the New York City Police Department and an investigation was begun under the code name GAFF. This investigation uncovered the commercial part of pedophilia and child abuse.
COMMERCIAL – The commercial group includes child pornography, prostitution, pimping, extortion, and human intelligence. Child pornography, prostitution, and pimping are well organized and promoted throughout the pedophile community. Because of Ben Rose’s cooperation with investigators, many of the rumors and information under investigation were verified. He informed the New York City Detectives that in November of 1971, three boys, ages 14-15 years, were sexually abused and then murdered in his apartment on East 64th Street in New York City by three men he identified as Dr. Chesky (a surgeon), Leonard Stewart (OPEC), and Tippy Richardson (CIA). The bodies were then transported to Connecticut by car and then buried on a farm. Under the GAFF investigation these murders were to be assigned to other investigators in the New York City Police Department, but then disappeared in the hierarchy of the Department.
A second investigation conducted in the mid 1970’s, by the Police Department during which thirteen homicides, plus the murder of these 14-15 year old boys at Ben Rose’s apartment, were investigated under the code name OPERATION TOGETHER. This investigation was under the command of Deputy Inspector John Colin. At a critical point in the investigation, it was stopped. Inspector Colin was demoted and forced into retirement.
The third investigation was done by the New York State Select Committee on Crime. This Committee served subpoenas on both Tippy Richardson and Leonard Stewart. When Richardson was served with the subpoena and questioned by the detectives, he informed them that because he worked for the CIA, the subpoena would be quashed, invoking National Security. He was correct, because before the detectives returned to their offices, the subpoena was withdrawn. One wonders what part of the National Security Act allows the murder of children.
Leonard Stewart was also served, questioned, and appeared at the committee’s offices. He did not testify. As in all cases of this magnitude, the attorney who represented these politically connected pedophiles was Enid Gerling of New York, who also represented both Richardson and Stewart.
Enid Gerling stated at that time that the investigation was on the right track and should not stop. In conversations with Gerling over the past number of years, she has often stated that she owes these individuals no allegiance and would gladly give them up.
During the investigation by the New York State Select Committee on Crime, information was received that Roy Cohn (famed attorney who represented Senator Joe McCarthy at the notorious McCarthy Hearings) helped in covering up the murder and the disposal of the bodies. When Cohn was questioned about the murder of the three 14-15 year old boys at Ben Rose’s apartment, he stated that he was aware of what had happened, but would comment no further. Information at that time was that Cohn was often used to compromise people and, if situations such as those described by Rose occurred, Cohn would take care of them.
Rose also supplied information as to the methamphetamine sales in juice bars owned by organized crime. These bars were meeting places for children, pedophiles, and various pedophile rings. The investigation into this activity was again buried in the hierarchy of the Police Department and not investigated. As a direct result of this investigation, Police Officer Richard Johnson of the New York City Police Department, a primary investigator, became the subject of a bombing of his residence. Recent information is that the contract was ordered by someone inside the New York City Police Department. This case is unsolved and the cover up continues to this day.
In the summer of 1966, at 301 West 45 Street, one of the most notorious procurers of children, Willie Dunn, was caught with eight young boys in his apartment. These boys ranged in age from 14-17 years. The boys were let go and Dunn was sent on his way based on the faulty premise asserted by the police department hierarchy that no crime had been directly observed. Over the years Dunn perfected his ways of procuring children to the point where he traveled the United States in a Winnebago Motor Home kidnapping, picking up, and transporting children to pedophiles wherever they were needed. Dunn was also involved with Sammy Bronfman in the planning of Bronfman’s own kidnapping. Sammy had wanted his father, Edgar Bronfman, to pay the ransom for his kidnapping, which he would then use to open his own disco catering to pedophiles.
Mel Patrick Lynch and Dominic Byrne were arrested and convicted of the kidnapping. A subsequent investigation showed that Lynch was given $1,000,000.00 to do the time in prison for the kidnapping. The police department chose to bury it.
In 1977-78, Willie Dunn was on trial in Norfolk, Virginia, by federal authorities for charges stemming from a stolen check fraud. In US vs Dunn, in Norfolk Federal Court, Dunn, acting as his own attorney, was able to tell the court that he was in fact a victim because of the Bronfman kidnapping. The case was covered for the media by Penciak of the Associated Press and when the story was given to the New York Press, it only ran in the first edition. Bronfman informed the various media outlets that if the stories were not withdrawn he would pull all Seagram’s advertising.
Another investigation led to a major supplier of children to pedophiles throughout the United States. In 1977, information was obtained from a high level informant, Dale Smith aka Dale St-Clair, who was in the child prostitution business. Dale Smith had inside information that a Paul Abrams was a procurer with connections to other procurers. They had stables with substantial stocks of flesh available. Abrams catered to the so-called elite, influential, and wealthy of our society. With Dale Smith’s information, evidence was developed for a wiretap order. When the District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau of New York , was approached for a wiretap order, he refused, knowing full well that it would expose many prominent people as pedophiles. On November 28, 1977 , Paul Abrams’ operation at 230 Central Park West in New York City , was raided by the New York City Police Department. The New York Daily News, at the time, stated hundreds and hundreds of names were found in the raid. These actions prevented a full scale investigation, which is always the case.
During the summer of 1967, a well organized movement of prostitutes into New York City by pimps throughout the United States was observed. Young girls were shipped back and forth across the country as they were needed. The core cities were Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Columbus, Ohio, with most major cities in the United States used as sales outlets. New York City Detectives were able to establish a liaison with Minneapolis and Columbus. Information was exchanged and a pattern developed. In the mid 1970’s, members of the New York City Police Department were able to convince investigators of the IRS and agents from the FBI to join the investigation. A joint investigation was launched and eleven of the top twelve pimps were convicted of various crimes, virtually breaking the back of the organization. Prostitution is not a victimless crime. The victim is the prostitute.
The intelligence obtained over this period of time made it possible to locate missing girls from across the United States, who had fallen into prostitution, to be located in a matter of days either dead or alive. After the cases were completed, the FBI agents were given different assignments.
In 1976-77, the New York State Select Committee on Crime conducted hearings on prostitution. Testimony was given by a number of prostitutes from around the United States describing their activities. A film was produced by Brian Kelly which graphically describes how these children were abused and murdered.
The hierarchy of the New York City Police Department refused to cooperate with the investigation and hearings, in fact, harassed the detectives assigned to the investigation.
HUMAN INTELLIGENCE – is a fancy way of describing how the Intelligence Community uses children to compromise anybody they deem necessary. Extortion and human intelligence often are byproducts of pornography and prostitution. In 1992, after two hours of conversation with Michael Riconosciuto (who has admitted a long involvement with CIA, Wackenhut, and other covert operations) concerning the types of operations he had been involved in during his lifetime, it became apparent that he had become involved at a very young age. When asked, he stated that at the age of 13, while visiting Chile with members of the Chilean Council, he was recruited by Chuck Emmerett of the CIA. At this point Riconosciuto was asked if he had been in fact become a “chicken”, a term used by pedophiles to represent the children they prey on. He stated “Yes, and that he had also been trained in the fine art of human intelligence.”
The Catholic Church has become a victim of compromise. At the end of WWII, James “Jesus” Angelton, of the OSS-CIA, was able to compromise the Vatican and thereby allow what was known as “ODESSA” to get a foothold into the Vatican. Years later Bishop Hnilica helped the KGB to exert their influence on the Vatican. After these two influences were in place, they were able to expand on a weakness in the church, PEDOPHILIA. This led to the scandal that has been exposed in the Catholic Church, which is only the tip of the iceberg. For instance, from the days of Cardinal Spellman (nicknamed “NELLIE”, a known pedophile) in New York City to the present, no scandals have been made public. There is no way that these hidden scandals will be made public as long as Robert Morganthau or someone like him is the District Attorney in New York City. Any DA who routinely covers up these crimes against children by politically connected pedophiles, assures these crimes against children will remain hidden from the public.
SERIAL KILLERS – This group consists of individuals who are sadistic in attaining their sexual pleasures. These individuals usually live in their own world and are by far the most dangerous and difficult to identify. Within this group the victims are generally tortured, mutilated, and sexually abused. These offenders tend to be loners and their crimes often occur in different police jurisdictions. This alone makes it difficult for law enforcement to establish links and patterns between their crimes, thus limiting the effectiveness of their investigations. In many cases these perpetrators will move from town to town or state to state to avoid discovery and prosecution. Often they go undetected because law enforcement is so localized. The case histories of two notorious serial killers, Ted Bundy and Geoffrey Dahmer, leave no doubt that law enforcement is ill equipped to deal with these types of serial killers. In both cases, officers failed to recognize clues that could have curtailed these killings at earlier stages of the investigations.
OCCULT – Satanic worship, with its many subculture groups, usually revolves around secret societies comprised of individuals who worship Satan or some other god to which they offer sacrifices. These sacrifices may be animal or human.
In Aroostook County, Maine, in late 1988, two Catholic parish priests were approached by a parishioner who stated that persons known to her wanted to sacrifice her young baby. The priests, shocked by this revelation, discussed the matter among themselves and, at the time of the child’s baptism, footprinted the baby. They stated that this was done so that if at any time the child disappeared or died, a record would be on file for the authorities.
In Matamores, Mexico, a young American college student was abducted from the streets and sacrificed in a satanic ritual. This particular ritual had been described to New York Detectives by Maria Lazo, a high priestess in the occult, during Operation Together.
In his book The Ultimate Evil, respected author Maury Terry wrote about the “Son of Sam” killings in New York City. At the time of David Berkowitz’s arrest, the official line of the New York Police Department was that Son of Sam had acted alone in the murders.
In his subsequent investigation, Maury Terry discovered that these “Son of Sam” killings were, in fact, satanic ritual killings. During Berkowitz’s imprisonment, after his conviction and sentencing, Maury Terry has had repeated interviews with him. During these interviews Berkowitz gave Maury Terry inside information about what was actually involved in these rituals and subsequent murders associated with them.
Ken Lanning, who was the spokesman for the FBI, has stated on many occasions that there are no documented cases of satanic murders. This is hard to believe, but the FBI has had a policy of not getting involved in the actual investigations and, therefore, relies on its information from reading other law enforcement reports. The FBI, under present mandates, does not have jurisdiction in many instances.
An incident in early 1980, may best illustrate the mentality of the FBI and its agents. An unnamed FBI agent met with retired New York City Detective James Rothstein and stated that he was about to be assigned to an investigation into the world of pedophilia. He asked just how far he could go with such an investigation, without suffering the consequences, such as being transferred to Montana. He was advised accordingly.
The information contained in this report is based upon hundreds of investigations and observations made by Detective Rothstein, between 1968 and 1980, as a Detective in the New York City Police Department. Thousands of interrogations and interviews were conducted with prostitutes, pimps, and pedophiles. Detective Rothstein has testified as an expert in both Federal and State Courts on prostitution, pimping, and pornography. Since his retirement in 1980, Detective Rothstein has remained active in following up on the investigations he started during his career with the New York City Department. As a result of this continued research of over twenty-five years, he has developed a national and international network of researchers and investigators who document the ongoing occurrence and extent of pedophilia and child abuse worldwide.
This network has discovered a major increase in this criminal sexual exploitation of our children throughout the United States of America , and as well as for children worldwide in recent years. Through his ongoing research efforts and frequent communications with these other researchers, Detective Rothstein has noted the emergence of certain patterns and profiles associated with this serious and criminal sexual exploitation of our children.
In most investigations into pedophilia and child abuse, the investigators, federal and local, will initially do an honest and in-depth investigation, but when a certain level of progress is attained, the investigations are stopped or compromised. Again one asks the question, “Why is this?” To this date there is no high profile case that has ever been investigated to the fullest extent and then prosecuted in the court of the United States. Why? Three examples of this can be found in the following cases: a) The Finders – Florida and Washington D.C.; b) Franklin Coverup – Nebraska; c) St. Johns Abbey – Minnesota.
In segments of the family, homosexual, commercial, serial killer, and the occult, the pedophile and child abuser feel that they are above the law. They believe that because of their contacts, position in society, or the secrecy of their actions, if caught, they can use these connections to coverup their criminal activities. In most cases this is true and known throughout the pedophile subculture.
In April of 2005, information was received from a “source” who stated he had been a Field Analyst for the CIA. The “source” stated that, as a result of the Johnny Gosch kidnapping on September 5, 1982, he and 19 others were assigned to do an investigation to make sure that the CIA or a rogue element of the CIA was not involved in using children. The fear was that Foreign Intelligence operations would classify them as a bunch of pedophiles. The “source” stated he was selected because of “special qualifications” he had, which would allow him to penetrate this subculture.
Johnny Gosch was the first of three similar kidnappings that the “source” stated were conducted by the same group of kidnappers. All three victims were newspaper delivery boys. The second kidnapping was Eugene Martin. Gosch and Martin were from Des Moines, Iowa. The third intended victim was a local newspaper delivery boy from St. Joseph, Minnesota. When interviewed, he stated he was able to escape by slipping out of his coat and running. When this kidnapping failed, a second attempt was made and Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped. To this date, none of these crimes have been solved. Why?
The “source” stated that their investigation continued until 1989. The evidence uncovered during this investigation proved that 834 children were kidnapped and used by this subculture. This is only the tip of the iceberg of the depravity that was uncovered. The evidence was passed up to higher authorities in the Agency, where, as always, the hierarchy covered it up.
The most comprehensive and accurate book about an actual kidnapping and the usual cover-up that occurs, was written by the mother of Johnny Gosch, Noreen N. Gosch, Why Johnny Can’t Come Home. The book is written by a courageous mother who refused to accept the usual cover-up, lies, and failures of all law enforcement agencies and others who were involved in the nonexistent investigation of her son’s kidnapping.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.