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Dec-14-2008 16:38printcomments

Gresham Opens Public Warming Center

The Gresham shelter will provide protection from the weather but will not provide food or bedding.

Oregon families can get out of the cold for a night through help of Gresham's warming center
Oregon families can get out of the cold for a night through help of Gresham's warming center. Photo by: Tim King

(GRESHAM, Ore.) - In response to the snow and extreme temperatures the City is offering a temporary warming center available in Gresham beginning Saturday December 13th through Thursday December 18th.

The warming center will be at St. Henry's Catholic Church, 346 NW 1st Street Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights, and will move nearby to the First Baptist Church 224 W Powell Blvd. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.

The warming center will be open from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Doors will lock at the warming center at 9:00 PM. Those using the center may leave at any time, but will not be allowed back into the shelter after 9:00 PM.

The shelter will provide protection from the weather but will not provide food or bedding. However those using the shelter may bring in bedding and food/beverage that does not require refrigeration or cooking. No drugs, alcohol, weapons, or disorderly conduct will be tolerated. Smoking will not be allowed in the shelter.

The City is encouraging residents to travel only if absolutely necessary. For more information regarding winter weather conditions and tips for staying safe visit

Source: City of Gresham news release

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