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Aug-24-2006 00:11printcomments

Group Will Form a Human Wall Around Westboro Baptist Protestors

Oregonians are being called out to Hood River this weekend to shield the family of a Navy SEAL killed in Iraq from Kansas hate groups during funeral.

Marc Lee and Westboro protestors
Navy SEAL Marc Lee was from Hood River, Oregon
Photo courtesy: soldiersperspective.us

(HOOD RIVER) - A counter-protest group says Oregon residents are being called out en masse to drown out hate groups that plan to disrupt the funeral of an Oregon Navy SEAL who was killed recently in Iraq.

The August 2nd 2006 death of 28-year old Marc Lee was the first suffered in Iraq by the Navy’s elite commando force.

But this is not the first time Oregon has been threatened by the Westboro Baptist Church out of Topeka, Kansas, in fact they’re getting to be old news.

Fred Phelps is the founder

They had announced plans to attend the recent funeral and memorial service for Private First Class Thomas Tucker of Madras, Oregon, an Army soldier who was captured and then later killed in Iraq, and now the hate group led by the Reverend Fred Phelps and his wife Margie Phelps says they are coming to Hood River this Saturday.

It is reported that there will also be a second, similar group accompanying them, though we could not track down their name.

The Tucker service on July 1st was attended by thousands of Oregonians who among other things, were there to ensure that the protestors did not directly disturb the grieving family.

The antics of the Westboro congregation have led to violent scenes and confrontations at many military funerals already, and death threats keep Fred Phelps out of the public most of the time.

The group contends that soldiers are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan because America condones homosexuality.

Letters Margie Phelps sent to Salem-News.com after coverage of the Tucker funeral were just flat out amazing.

Margie Phelps

“Your posting of one of the thousands of squally stories about a dead soldier in hell was an exercise in futile worship of the dead and false hope that you can stop the wrath-march of the Lord your God. Of course you know better; that's what you're blabbing so much.”

Something abou this next statement tells me she didn’t like the way I referenced their group when I produced the video report on the Thomas Tucker service.

“Watching you filthy veterans and scooter sissies fill up the airwaves with your maudlin lies is an amazing study in the fact that God picks and sends you your delusions, causing you to believe lies.”

Westboro Baptist Church at work

I stated in the report that Oregon was the first state to back them down from attending. The Salem-News.com report of their plan to attend the Tucker memorial service preceded the Deschutes County Commissioners announcement that fences would be arranged in a way that kept the protestors in an assigned area far from the family.

Now an unnamed group of counter-protestors say they have an even better idea; that is to form a human wall with hundreds of people around the hard right wing hate group and drown them out.

They aren't suggesting anything illegal or anything that would impede on the group's rights, they just want to vastly outnumber them they say, and drown out the hate.

American civil rights allow protestors to say what they want, when they want, and these people clearly have a right to travel about and stage demonstrations. But the people planning the counter demonstration say their message will be heard too, and they regret the fact that their attendance this Saturday has to be focused on the hate group from Kansas.

The biggest obstacle the Westboro Baptist Church may face is the fact that Oregon residents by and large, appear to be on the same page when it comes to having a sincere respect for veterans.

They seem to grasp the fact that simple respect and courtesy of another human being, particularly one who has died, is not accepting or rejecting a national policy. Oregon people seem to understand that, and we have as a state already lost more than our share of people in the wars that have erupted under the presidency of George W. Bush.

I admit that I have been looking for an opportunity to publish some of Margie Phelps’ quotes and let people know what is going on in this country. The idea of protesting military funerals sits poorly with every person in Oregon that I have spoken to. I’m sure there are some who support the behavior, but they haven’t crossed my path.

The Patriot Guard will attend this Saturday's funeral

Organizers of the counter protest are circulating an e-mail message that will guide people who plan to make it to Hood River this Saturday.

“Please, we need as many people as possible to dress in the ’ol red, white and blue and bring American flags. We would like to line the 2nd street over pass, the road to the Expo Center and completely surround the protesters who will be confined to Lot 6 at the Port. Lot 6 is directly west of the Luhr Jensen Plant.”

Members of the Oregon Veteran’s Motorcycle Association have been escorting the remains of soldiers in Oregon and Washington consistently since the first Gulf War. They will be on hand along with members of the Patriot Guard, A.B.A.T.E. and several other motorcycle clubs and organizations that will attend the service and pay tribute.

I did have a recent conversation about the Topeka, Kansas group with a neighbor who attends a Baptist Church in Salem with her family. She says the name association with the Westboro Baptist Church and their Websites, godhatesfags.com and godhatesamerica.com, upsets and dismays most if not all Baptists, and they want people to clearly distinguish this group from Baptist congregations across America that have not the slightest connection to any hate groups.

The Vietnam War probably marks the time period where the popularity of being a member of the U.S. military hit an all time low.

Then as the first Gulf War got underway, Americans seemed to band together with a lack of tolerance for the poor treatment of veterans returning from war. That feeling seems to continue and anti-war protestors have solidly kept a "pro-troop" mentality embedded in their message.

So now hard right-wing church going folks are the threat? It is a strange time in our nation and a strange time in history. Equating the death of soldiers in a war to God's lack of tolerance for the American way might be one of the strangest things I have heard yet.

Marc died August 2nd

One of the organizers of the counter-protest says she never saw herself physically protesting again, ”I don’t think it matters whether you are for or against the Iraq War. I am appalled that any group will show such disrespect for a family at a memorial service for their son who has been killed. We need to do what we can to shield the Lee family from these people. You, probably like me, have never met Debbie or her son Marc. But I hope that you will join me in surrounding the protesters on Saturday so that their antics are drowned out.”

The event, named Drown out the Protesters takes place Saturday, August 26th, 2006 at The Hood River Expo Center, 405 Portway Avenue, in Hood River, Oregon. The planned time is 10:00 in the morning, but many will be arriving well before that to prepare the area.

The organizers are asking everyone who sees this story to please pass this message on.

I admit that at Salem-News.com, this thing with the Westboro Baptist Church got a bit personal.

It is hard to draw the line on exactly where the role of a media group is with all of this, but as one, if not the only news organization in the country that is primarily staffed and operated by veterans, we feel it is our duty to sound the alarm, because the Westboro Baptist Church will be considered invaders by most people here, and their unsavory behavior is clearly not in Oregon’s good public interest.

Related articles on Salem-News.com
Kansas Windbags Just Won’t Leave Oregon Alone salem-news.com/articles/august232006/kansas_81706.php
Oregon Lays a Hero to Rest (VIDEO) salem-news.com/articles/july062006/tucker_honored_7206.php
Anti-Gay Hate Group Will Protest Funeral of War Hero Thomas Tucker salem-news.com/articles/june282006/Tucker_Funeral_Protest_62706.php

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billium67 July 13, 2009 11:15 am (Pacific time)

We patriot gaurds will always welcome home our soldiers and block these people of satan.How dare they call them selves Baptists.Keep fighting for our fighters.

unknown August 5, 2008 12:35 pm (Pacific time)

the thats my friend bitch. and america is the greatest country in th world. if you dont agree then you should be exported to where ever the hell you came from.

Jazzy Bell November 2, 2007 7:11 am (Pacific time)

Ok, for me, I'm not religous, I believe in nothing like God. I honestly think that it's just a bunch of stories put together. However, I think that these people are not following what "God" would want them to. I think that the next funeral they go to, the mourning family has every right to shoot them in their ----ing faces!! I would, except that I actually can't. I'm in high school...so you can see the problem. It's also pretty sad when a high school sees the wrong in what they are doing, and they think that they are right. I'm goin along with the whole religous thing here ok. God would NOT kill the people that he created. For all you know, maybe he created them that way. Maybe, everything you think is wrong, he created a few people to be that way, so that he could show you, that he doesn't think that it's wrong. So honestly, the Phelps family...get a ----ing life, don't you have bills you have to pay? Something where you can help needy children? Isn't that what you're supposed to be doing?

Scott Lanter April 18, 2007 11:49 pm (Pacific time)

All I can say is wow. I have never experienced such stupid hate as what Fred and Margie Phelps are spewing forth. It truly makes me ashamed that they are also from Kansas, please do not think that all Kansan's are as stupid and simple minded as these terrible people. Oh and I put my real name on here because I fear no consequences from this sad, pathetic excuse of a religious group.

keith lawrence November 24, 2006 7:07 pm (Pacific time)

"Hello dingalings Phelps" Please consider the following: 1 John 4:7,8 (King James version): 7. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8. He that loveth not knoweth not God; FOR GOD IS LOVE. *Capitalized for extra clarity I pray for y'all, you're playing with FIRE.

Julia Larkin October 24, 2006 4:11 pm (Pacific time)

I would LOVE to speak to you in person Phelps!! You are SICK in the HEAD. You speak of GOD Hating, he DOES NOT HATE. In fact, he did not even hate those who crucified him, nor did he fight those who crucified him. So...now what is your answer to that? You do NOT belong here in America, you belong in IRAQ. These soldiers you protest faught for your right to have the freedom of speach that you use to your advantage. I for one do NOT fear you or the rest of your screwed up family, that is why I put my REAL name on here. If you want me come get me. NO I am NOT GAY...I am NOT Swedish...I am NOT Amish...I am a good country girl that would love to take you behind the barn and give you a good ass whoopin' then send your ass to IRAQ...Heck a HOG pen let them do away with you!! REMEMBER I do NOT fear you or your followers...I do FEAR for you though and all the young souls which you are corrupting. If you want to protest a group of people, protest the "Child Molestors" (such as yourself) Protest "Incest" oh wait you again would be Protesting yourselves...OK...well perhaps you should just go protest in Hell about how hot the flames are. Hope I pissed ya off!! God Bless America and Our Troops!!!! My condolences to all those lost in war and to the families that these ARROGANT Beasts have Protested. Hey Phelps...BRING IT!!!!

Anonymous September 23, 2006 9:45 pm (Pacific time)

You need to shut ----- up. I will tell you something, I have lied before and I have done other things that you or the "bible" consider a sin, and i dont *care* what you say because I HAVE A GOOD LIFE. I am so nice to people and people are nice to me. I have been blessed with a great life and i live how i want and do not live according to a book. Compared to ur *crappy* life where im pretty sure all you do is hate. I mean your pretty --- sick. Honestly you'd have to be crazy to think that ur life of hate is wat god would want over my life or living how i want and having fun. You are so incredibly UGLY!

Fruit Loops August 31, 2006 7:47 pm (Pacific time)

Mar-jury and Freder-ick; You had better pray these boys aren't going to hell because if they are it's because they're on one final mission from God to kick your sorry asses when you get there! Semper Fi

Antipas August 28, 2006 12:05 am (Pacific time)

You tell them Margie.America is on a downward spiral and these people love it so.They suffer sin among their neighbors.Loving they neighbor means telling them the truth.We dont need "christians" who read the bible selectively and that is what is happening.The second beast of revelation(Apostate Arminian Protestantism-False Prophets) which gives power to the first beast is working in full swing.

CR August 27, 2006 8:48 pm (Pacific time)

Be very careful when y'all interact with this Westboro "Church". The research I've done on them indicates they try to instigate someone to assault one of thier group, then they will sue everyone involved - the person perpertrating the assault, the funeral home, the family of the deceased, the owner of the cemetary, the local police department (for not protecting them). Most of the congregation are related to Fred and Margie Phelps, and most of them are lawyers - this is how they make money. Let them have their say - just don't rise to their bait. I think greatly outnumbering them is a terriffic idea - just make sure everyone involved knows to not start anything.

Me in Oregon August 27, 2006 4:05 pm (Pacific time)

First of all, once again, my condolences to the family of Marc Lee. He is a hero. For all of our military men and women and your families, thank you for your service to our country. To veterans of all branches of service, thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country. I think we need to put this Phelps group into perpective. It is my opinion that these people aren't really religious but use religion as a business. Look at some of their history. Fred Phelps was disbarred from practicing law because, as I understand it, brought witness afadavits to court, when later, those witnesses didn't know anything about it. He was disbarred because of his continual unethical behavior. It is also my understanding that the church whose membership is primarily family and extended family members. Less than 100 members. I also read somewhere that there are 13 lawyers in the family. They started out by attending funerals of gays and lesbians, and those who passed away due to HIV/AIDS complications. They have extended their business practice into military funerals. They have brought about countless law suits against many cities/government entities. My opinion: They attend funerals, say many vile and terrible things to incite others. When others emotions overcome them, and possibly assault these intelligent business individuals, they bring lawsuits against those government entities that were charged to protect them. I do not look upon these people as some who would like to invoke their beliefs on others. I look upon these people as unscrupulous business people that will do anything to make a buck. If you think about it, it is a well made plan. Unethical? yes! Unscrupulous? yes! Uncaring and without compassion? yes! It's not about these things, it's all about having another dollar in their coffers to support their lifestyle.....just my 2 cents.

Anne August 26, 2006 3:18 pm (Pacific time)

Margie, please explain: Does your little flock just avoid the entire New Testament, so that you might justify your cruelty more comfortably? E.g., Luke 6:27-36 -- would you say this is just more crybaby propaganda? Please do answer, it would be interesting to know your opinion of Jesus's teachings concerning loving thy neighbor and all that sissy false-prophet anti-American noise those faggots throw around in there. Good grief. I ain't no doctor, but I know when somebody's paranoid-crazy! The really awful thing is that because you're all paranoids, no other way of thinking will ever be allowed to penetrate your hearts. Do you have secret emergency exit plans like Jim Jones and that Heaven's Gate lot... bet you do. I know this was unkind of me and not the Christian thing to do. Note to everyone but Margie --! I just discovered the delightfulwww.godhatesfigs.com -- it's perfect! Sweet and gentle, even.

Anne August 26, 2006 2:15 pm (Pacific time)

The First Amendment Center covers legislation on this topic. The page below states that "more than two dozen" states so far have enacted restrictions on protests at funerals. (Federally, Sen. Evan Bayh this spring introduced the Dignity for Military Funerals Act of 2006.) The article mentions that Clay County, TN's legislation prohibits protests within 5,000 feet of a service -- IMO the most sensible of the lot. Oregon must hurry up and enact similar legislation! www.firstamendmentcenter.org//assembly/topic.aspx?topic=funeral_protests&SearchString=funerals

My love is a Seal August 26, 2006 10:01 am (Pacific time)

This story absolutely disgusts me. My fiance is a Navy Seal out here in coronado where Marc was stationed and he is replacing Marc's team in October. I saw Marc's wife on the night of his memorial service and could only imagine how she must be grieving the loss of such an amazing person. To think that these a holes are using their stupid, irrational, hate-filled messages at his service makes me madder than hell. Marc's wife and family are going through one of the hardest times in their lives and now they have to endure this. The Phelp's must not know the Seal's and their families very well because we stand tall and proud for what our men do and they love their job. Marc died doing what he and the rest of the Seal's love to do: Defend this country against the evil that inhibits the world. Too bad that the Phelps don't live in Iraq, I know quite a few Seals who would make them think twice about harassing anyone again!!!!! God Bless you Marc and your wife and family

Vimaje August 25, 2006 10:51 pm (Pacific time)

Ms. Phelps, You are a fool and a godless hater. You speak for no one, no thing, and no God except for yourself. You have condemned your entire family by your vile hatred, and they will burn in Hell along with you. What will you say when you stand before Jesus when he asks, "Did you love your neighbor as yourself?" or "What great and wonderful things did you do to further my kingdom on earth?" He already knows the answers to these, and He will weep bitter tears as He casts you into eternal damnation. Leave these families alone, spend time removing the hate from yours, and reconcile with God. He will take you back, but you must repent your hatred and deceit.

ASgt August 25, 2006 9:14 pm (Pacific time)

OK, lets visit the idea of false prophets...This b *and$ Margie ane her betrothed Fred, must be drinking from the cup of the anti-christ so described in the bible. Oh, sorry, they never mention the bible or God's holy words. Get the hell out of this country before someone finds you in thier crosshairs. As much as it may be missed on you, I'll not ever meet you because as soon as you die, the pits of hell will consume you for your discretions against God and his chosen few. I will never meet you...even in my own impending death. God has a way of protecting us Christians from slugs like you. I knew Marc for 12 years. He was not fake and treated no-one like they were second best. He would haved discouraged me from writing this for the fact that it will not do anything to disuade the thoughts of these false prophets. Love your neighbors and remember God's children are soldiers, too.

Proud Infantryman's Wife August 25, 2006 8:42 pm (Pacific time)

I wish it were easy to turn away from these idiots and pretend they don't exist, or what they do hurts US ALL. (yes even themselves) I dont understand what sexual orientation discrimination has to do with a fallen hero. To use such a forum to spew their hatred is just sick. They will in fact go strait to the *hell* they so fervently believe "fags" go to for such atrosities. Talk about skewed perception! If I wasn't so incredibly disgusted with these lesser life forms, I'd feel sorry for them. I sincerely hope your demise is lengthy and painful. HOOAH and LOVE

American August 25, 2006 7:56 pm (Pacific time)

WOW! Some folks think there aren't consequences to their speach and actions. Consequences may be legal or illegal but still harmful. Nevermind the lawyers Margie!

Kare August 25, 2006 6:46 pm (Pacific time)

GOD doesn't "HATE" anyone. He is the one who does the "JUDGING". Who are you to 'judge anyone'? You say you "HATE" America, why don't you just leave. It is wrong to "HATE". This is a country of peace not for people to do wrong towards others. People who are "TRUE" Followers of GOD are there for everyone. GOD is "LOVE" not "HATE". Have you seen GOD turn against others because they are different? No, you haven't!

RicanDoc August 25, 2006 5:49 pm (Pacific time)

Mrs. Phelps, thank you for taking advantage of your freedom of speach which is guaranteed by the constitution which was guarded by my Shipmate Marc Lee. That's right, if it were not for my Brothers and Sisters in the Military, you would not have any rights, would be speaking german or japanese(or french), would be abused, neglected and would not even be able to drink! Oh, sorry, I assume you drink because you must have to be on something to make the hamsters in your head come up with such absurd and disparate thoughts. I assume yor husband drinks even more and his hamsters are one half dead and the other in therapy... Just leave the Lee family and Oregon alone. If America is so hated and punished by God as you crazy people say, just get back on your broom and move to O.Z. (Other Zipcode)...

Scott August 25, 2006 3:29 pm (Pacific time)

• Well, I for one think that this nation still has the blessings of God... I mean, if we were all sinners except for you, Mrs. Phelps, would we not have been destroyed like the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah? I very much believe in God, and am a Methodist, (I guess that means my pastor is a whore?) but I cannot see any reason to do this. Would you like it if a bunch of people came to, let’s say, your husband's funeral (which I could very much see when he dies) and started shouting that he deserved to die, was going to go to hell and was a sinner? I doubt it. Jesus was tempted by the devil, who quoted scripture. I have a feeling that the Phelps group is a lot like the devil, trying to quote scripture to make us believe their insane logic. And of course, not many people do. Fortunately, people like them are a tiny, tiny minority in this country. As for it being freedom of speech...I believe it is not legal for the KKK to make racial comments or threats about African-Americans, so why should it be legal for the Phelps' group to hate, well, everyone but themselves? Oh, and I would love to be there in Oregon to counter-protest them, but unfortunately I live in North Carolina and am only in the 11th grade. But I will wish everyone participating in the counter-protest luck and keep the Lee family in my prayers. If it is any consolation, Marc is now with all the rest of our fallen Heroes…In heaven with God. God bless the Lee family and all of our troops.

SGT Mike August 25, 2006 2:08 pm (Pacific time)

To the blind followers of Westboro Baptist Church and self-proclaimed "saints of God", as Jesus told Satan, "The Lord rebuke thee". It is not up to you to declare where any person; albeit, soldier, cop, janitor, teacher, or minister will spend eternity. Heed the word, "Consider thyself". My thoughts and prayers are with the Lee family and all those who knew, love, and honor him for his sacrifice. SGT Mike Hoffman

dunc.scotland.uk August 25, 2006 1:46 pm (Pacific time)

over hear they'd give you a canvas jacket,judge you mentally insane and lock you up.

JP August 25, 2006 1:26 pm (Pacific time)

Mr King, thank you for this article. These "people" are truly the scum of the earth. But to call them a hard right-wing hate group shows you needed to do a little more research on this band of miscreants. They are strong supports of the Gore family, to the extent of even having family members invited to attend the 1993 Clinton inaugural ball. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Phelps#Political_affiliations Additionally, this groups main objective is to be attacked in order to file legal actions to support their "church" activities. This nutjob (and his clan) gives shysters a bad name. He's been using the court system to fund his activities since the early 60's. It even got him disbarred. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Phelps#Phelps.27_law_career If you plan on attending the counterprotest don't give in to the waste of flesh known as Fred Phelps.

J. Bman August 25, 2006 12:23 pm (Pacific time)

Margie. Please stop trying to identify yourself as a Christian. You clearly aren't. Jesus taught that it is God's will or intention for us to love our "neighbor." - You obviously do not follow this teaching. Jesus taught that what we receive from his words will be in proportion to the soil we have in our hearts. - Your heart must be full of barren soil. Jesus taught that there is a lot of false thinking out there. - Your group falls under this. Jesus taught that man is not defiled by what goes into the mouth but rather by what comes out of the mouth. - Your defilement is immense. Jesus taught that only the pure of heart will see God. - The teaching of Hate is not pure. Will you see God? Somehow, I think not. Jesus taught that one who hates has already committed murder in his heart. - You hate. Your group hates. You spew hate. Jesus taught that a man creates the standard by which he will be judged. - By what standard do you wish to be judged? Hate? That is the stadard by which you seem to live. Matthew 7:1-5 states: 1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Think about it.

Ashley August 25, 2006 10:44 am (Pacific time)

Mrs. Phelps...God is watching every move you are choosing to make right now, and by hurting Marcs family you are asking for him to punish you. Not a smart move for a Christian that knows the wrath of God's power. Please rethink your trip and allow a time of healing for my friend Marc's family and loved ones. GOD IS LOVE, NOT HATE

Stop Hate August 25, 2006 8:01 am (Pacific time)

Wish I could be there to help. Fred Phielps is a complete lunatic. His Hate group is pathetic, the children he uses and brainwashes is especially sad. Say no to hate exposevisionamerica.blogspot.com Stop the Hate From Baptist Preachers

Legal or Not? August 25, 2006 2:00 am (Pacific time)

I have a deed for a privately paid family plot in a cemetery with very strict rules about everything. How can this not be harassment of the family of the deceased? How can this not be disturbing the peace? There must be a law that is not an angle that prevents this. If I pay for a wedding only those invited can attend, anyone else would be trespassing. Are there any good lawyers out there? If this is legal why can't I have sex in the supermarket? That would actually be funny; this is REALLY OBSCENE!

Anonymous August 24, 2006 10:24 pm (Pacific time)

Margie..Calling those or former members of the Navy cowards really takes guts..why don't you come out to Oregon and lets see who is the real cowards!! Oh wait, you were going to come to Oregon before and then when the police wouldn't protect you you all decided not to come. Who is the real coward!!!

Ronald Dumsfeld August 24, 2006 6:20 pm (Pacific time)

Leave them all in Bagdad ....naked!

CB August 24, 2006 5:47 pm (Pacific time)

They mock God with every word, and are not in any way "the saints of God". This Westboro Baptist church hates the Gay-Community, African-Americans, Canada, Sweden, the Fire Department of NY, victims of 911, Christian Churches, The Pope, Judaism, America, Our American Troops, and the list goes on and on. Many of the groups they despise are specifically named on their hate propaganda, picket signs, and their many websites. They not only hate, but wish death on all that they abhor. This sick, so called church spreads its hate through picketing in our streets, provoking attacks, with abusive vulgar language. Worst of all, they endanger their own young children, having them man the front lines in their combative demonstrations – attempting to create a confrontation and cause for one more of their frivolous lawsuits. If a mother has given her son to this country and is putting Him in his grave, this is not the time or the place. This is not about protesters, this is about a group that calls that mother names on the way into a church to say goodbye to that son. We are not talking about FREEDOM we are talking about human decency. This is not about protesting, this is about a life of hate. If you have not seen this group in action I would ask you to. They are not peaceful. I am all for protest when there is a reason, I have been in many. This group will protest anything to get its face on TV or in the news. It is about an old man lost in the darkness of hate, but will put his six year old grandson in danger to save himself. Do we have a real need to protest at any funeral? The city of Topeka, the state of Kansas and the U.S. at large, its citizens and their Churches, schools and events are all held hostage by this “hate group” - always at the tax payer’s expense.

SQUIRE August 24, 2006 3:45 pm (Pacific time)


XTC lyrics for "Dear God" August 24, 2006 3:34 pm (Pacific time)

"Dear God" (by the band XTC) , hope you got the letter, and... I pray you can make it better down here. I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer but all the people that you made in your image, see them starving on their feet 'cause they don't get enough to eat from God, I can't believe in you Dear God, sorry to disturb you, but... I feel that I should be heard loud and clear. We all need a big reduction in amount of tears and all the people that you made in your image, see them fighting in the street 'cause they can't make opinions meet about God, I can't believe in you Did you make disease, and the diamond blue? Did you make mankind after we made you? And the devil too! , don't know if you noticed, but... your name is on a lot of quotes in this book, and us crazy humans wrote it, you should take a look, and all the people that you made in your image still believing that junk is true. Well I know it ain't, and so do you, dear God, I can't believe in I don't believe in I won't believe in heaven and hell. No saints, no sinners, no devil as well. No pearly gates, no thorny crown. You're always letting us humans down. The wars you bring, the babes you drown. Those lost at sea and never found, and it's the same the whole world 'round. The hurt I see helps to compound that Father, Son and Holy Ghost is just somebody's unholy hoax, and if you're up there you'd perceive that my heart's here upon my sleeve. If there's one thing I don't believe in it's you....

heethor August 24, 2006 3:27 pm (Pacific time)

Dear Lord: Save us from your followers! They are clearly insane and need a reminder that "God is Love!"

The Wizard of Orez August 24, 2006 1:39 pm (Pacific time)


C. C. August 24, 2006 1:19 pm (Pacific time)


Albert Marnell August 24, 2006 12:42 pm (Pacific time)

My Dear, Distant, Darling, Ms. Phelps, You are endangering the lives of the young, gullible and unemployable people that you recruit for your attention getting show. Can't you find a more dignified way of spending the winter of your life? By the way, I spoke to the Holy Spirit today and he thinks your real attractive. He wants a date with you. Also, Jesus likes your legs and thinks you should be a fashion model. They both speak very highly of you. I haven't spoken to God in a few days but he has a gift for you. Isnt' that just lovely? Your so sweet, logical and rational that I wish you were my grandmother. Did you ever consider teaching at Harvard?

Citizen#49824058 August 24, 2006 12:35 pm (Pacific time)

Wow. Who would not have something to say regarding this rediculous group. While I am vehemently against the war and American Imperialism, I am very much of the mind that any human being that feels they are capable of disecting and translating "god's word" are fooling themselves. Nobody knows. Every religious conviction is based on faith and every translation is no more than a faith based opinion. The beauty of this country is we are allowed our opinions. Unfortunately some feel the need to push their opinions on others. I feel for Marc's family and as someone that has lived in Hood River and grown up with Marc I feel that regardless of my opinions or feelings on the world, the war, religion, the administration or any combination of these things my heart is now with Marc's family. As one human being to another. As for M*rgie P*elps and her group, you have the right to state your opinion and I feel the day that dissappears will be a dark day in this country's history, but know that no rational human being would ever pay attention to your ranting. I hope you are able to relax enough to live your life. You do not know any more than I do or anyone else for that matter. You have convinced yourself of what you feel, just know that you will never convince me or anyone that I know.

Dr. Fill August 24, 2006 12:25 pm (Pacific time)

Hey Marge, Take another Thorazine. Your low on your Meds again.

Family Friend of Marc Lee August 24, 2006 11:34 am (Pacific time)

Mrs. Phelps how you condemn and judge people without knowing them is beyond me. What do you say to Matthew 7:1-2 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” I know personally that Marc Lee was a God fearing Christian and that he is in Heaven now. Please show him and his family the respect every person deserves even if you don’t agree with them.

Tim King August 24, 2006 10:18 am (Pacific time)

To all of the good people of Kansas who have nothing to do with this nonsense, my apologies. I know there are plenty of you out there. As for Margie Phelps, I can't believe you actually try to curse people, "Magormissabib." Just another huge conflict in your alleged religious values. At any rate, I suggest maintaining your -no-show- status here in Oregon, it seemed a good choice last time. As for the photo, well maybe you found something that you are actually right about.

The Solution August 24, 2006 9:14 am (Pacific time)

I would laugh my ass off if someone used a rifle with a telescopic lens on Fred Phelps head or any of his people. The only problem is that anyone who kills him would go to jail for at least 3 weeks and have to pay a $2 fine. Do they give academy awards for certain assassinations?

C.A. August 24, 2006 9:10 am (Pacific time)

Thank you for this article. The people in this hate group are insane. I am surprised somebody has not taken the Phelps out already, harsh reality. I say we spray them all with pepper spray. I don't want their crazy rantings to be within earshot of the grieving family.

paul hanson August 24, 2006 8:21 am (Pacific time)

sick people...VERY sick people. Phh

Margie Phelps August 24, 2006 4:19 am (Pacific time)

For something he calls old news, Mr. King sure is obssessed with our picketing! (By the way, he keeps putting my name under a photo that's not me. And that's the closest he gets to accurate.) Listen up Mr. King. All you're name-calling and carrying on changes nothing. You can bring the entire US Navy of Cowards, and everyone in Oregon to counter protest us. The dead Navy SEAL is still in hell, and God still hates America. This nation had the blessings of God, and was formed in righteousness. Then a generation came along and decided it was smarter than God, and taught this nation to ignore God's standard. Now the pulpits are full of false prophets, the media overflows with crybabies, and the nation is awash in sin. God has cursed this nation. This nation has stiffened its neck, and now God is killing its soldiers in battle. Your duty is to fear God and obey Him. That's what you should be spending all your energy reading and writing about. Trying to mock the saints of God out of existence won't accomplish anything but putting you in the crosshairs of a raging mad God. See you in Oregon this weekend. Magormissabib. Margie Phelps

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.

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