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Aug-20-2009 11:38 ![]() ![]() 5 Things NEVER to Say to Muslim CoworkersBy Gail Zoppo Special to"... when you have a friendly work environment, you will have better performing and more loyal employees." - Niham Awad, Council on American-Islamic Relations
(NEW YORK) - With Ramadan--the holiest month on the Islamic calendar--about to begin, issues of religious accommodation and cultural competency may come up in your workplace. That's because Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States. To help you avoid offending Muslim colleagues now and throughout the year, here are five things not to say. 1. "Why can't Muslims decide when Ramadan starts?" Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, Ramadan is determined by the sighting of the new moon, which varies from year to year. And like other faiths, there are interpretational differences in beliefs. "In America, there are two groups of Muslims: The first believes you can use scientific data to determine when a new moon can be sighted, and thus you can predetermine the month," says Nadir Shirazi, creator of "The Ramadan Guide for the Workplace." The second group, he says, "believes that you must sight the new crescent moon with the naked eye." So the start/end dates of Ramadan, depending on the practices of Muslims in your workplace, may be different. This year, the holiday can start at sunset on the day proceeding Aug. 22 (or 23) and end Sept. 19 or 20 (or 21). Providing flexible hours and allowing floating holidays will permit employees of Islamic and other faiths to celebrate their holidays without using all their vacation time. 2. "Why can't you eat today?" During the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast during daytime hours, so scheduling office parties, fall festivals and luncheon meetings at that time "puts a Muslim coworker on the spot [and] can be embarrassing for both parties," explains Shirazi. Education and consideration are key. "The ideal thing is don't schedule office parties during these times," says Niham Awad, founding member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation's largest civil-liberties organization for American Muslims, based in Washington, D.C. "The least thing employers can do is don't force employees to attend these parties, with all the food and drink, while fasting." 3. "But you don't look/dress like a Muslim." With an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, to think all look and dress similarly is a stereotype. "All Muslims do not have long beards or wear white robes or hijabs," explains Imam Hamad Ahmad Chebli of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey (ISCJ), a nonprofit religious, charitable and educational organization in South Brunswick, N.J. "That's the image people see on CNN." In reality, Islam principle specifically states that there's no compulsion in faith. Conversely, asking a Muslim woman why she doesn't cover her body in a black niqab or drapery is equally inappropriate. "Islam is very much a personal and private religion," says Afia Mirza, a DiversityInc intern who is Muslim. 4. "I didn't know you were Arab." This is another culturally insensitive comment. The reason: Only about 20 percent of Muslims worldwide are Middle Eastern. "Muslims are Black. Muslims are white. Muslims are senators … they're in the White House," says Chebli. According to the American Religious Identification Survey, 10 percent of Muslims are Latino, 15 percent are white, 27 percent are Black and 34 percent are Asian. 5. "Why can't you pray on your coffee break?" Depending on the times allowed for office breaks, this comment can violate religious rights. That's because "Muslim prayer must be done within specific time frames," says Awad, adding that the second and third prayers are during business hours. What's more, Muslim prayer involves standing up and bowing on the floor, which can be awkward to perform in the workplace. It's also preferred that prayer be done in a group. Progressive companies will designate a private room or other facility for group prayer. On Fridays, when Muslims are obligated to pray in mosques and not in the office, "companies must give an extended lunch hour," explains Awad. Companies such as Ford Motor Co., No. 28 in The 2009 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity®, are involving their interfaith-based employee-resource group to help give members space to share experiences and ideas of religious accommodation. "These are not only constitutional issues," says Awad, "but when you have a friendly work environment, you will have better performing and more loyal employees." For more on how employee-resource groups can help your company, visit Special thanks to: Articles for August 19, 2009 | Articles for August 20, 2009 | Articles for August 21, 2009 | ![]() ![]() Support ![]() ![]() googlec507860f6901db00.html | |
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20 yr old christian September 1, 2009 6:46 pm (Pacific time)
@ Vic: Five Things NEVER to Say to Christian Co-Workers. 1. If Jesus was called the Prince of Peace, how come there are so many Christian war supporters and people in the military who claim to be Christians? How is that possible? (First of all if you look in the Old Testament God was not "anti-war" at all. Please don't go into how God is heartless and a bloodthirsty murderer. There are legitimate reasons why things were different then versus now in the New Covenant. There are definitely times when war is unavoidable and it would be dangerous not to engage. Jesus said that if his kingdom were of this world his disciples would carry swords and fight. But His kingdom wasn't of this world and so they didn' don't force people to be a certain religion. However the inverse of that is that if a kingdom or country is earthly then they fight. FYI, later on Jesus approved of the disciples carrying a sword...obviously not for imposing their beliefs but self-preservation.) 2. If Jesus were here today, do you think he would join or in any way be a part of the military? What charities (other than your church, which is not really a charity) do you work with and contribute to, being a Christian and all? (This is a ridiculous question. That's just saying "well, the Church isn't really helping anybody. It's not technically, by my definition, a charity so c'mon! What do you do besides church! Cuz I know church doesn't make a difference." How about people who were drug addicts, prostitutes, depressed and suicidal, or homeless who came out of that??? You don't think that those thousands of testimonies are good enough? Other "charities" can give a band-aid but we can give a solution: Jesus Christ. Who by the way changes peoples' lives for real.) 3. If God knows all things, past-present and future, why would he tempt us with sins that he knows ahead of time we will succumb to, and then throw us into a lake of fire to burn forever when we do? Isnt that kind of a set-up? (If you ask a little child if they want a puppy and they say yes, what do you think they'd do if you brought home a stuffed animal? It just wouldn't be the same, right? I mean, how can a piece of cloth show you the love and affection a real puppy could? It can't. And God chose to create living, thinking beings that would CHOOSE to love Him, their Creator. They chose sin instead. So don't point the finger at God...point it at yourself. And even though I may have one finger pointed at you, I've got three pointed back at me. Everyone's a sinner and everyone needs Jesus.) 4. If God loves us so much, and we are His children, why does He let so many innocents suffer and die? Would you sit and watch your children suffer, starve and die to teach them a lesson? Would you let your children die because they would not fall down to their knees and worship you? (I'm sorry but that's just not the way it works. God is coming back at the end of time...not sooner. If God just showed himself to everyone then everyone would believe, right? Probably not. The Bible even says that after Jesus is reigning on earth Satan will STILL come and deceive people. People are dumb...and I mean that in the nicest way possible. And BTW God isn't "teaching people a lesson" as you assume...those are your words...not God's. Some people choose to live like animals and some people choose to live as Christians or similar in that they are moral. Again, God's not going to coerce those bad people into being good for everyone else's sake. He's given us a choice. That's part of the reason there's hell on earth.) 5. When exactly DO the "meek inherit the Earth"? All I see the meek inheriting is the screwing over by the not-so-meek. (I'm not going to even comment except for this: Vic, you seem to be very ticked off at God. My guess is you were hurt by religion, like many others, at some point in your life. But here's the thing. It's not (or shouldn't be) religion, it's a relationship. There are sooooooo many christians who don't act like christians. Some hate unbelievers for their sin...esp. homosexuality...which is sin btw. And then you've got others who live just like the "world" and tell others that they are “ok”. They watch the same trash on tv, listen to the same raunchy music, and use the same language. You've got two extremes. I venture to say that the correct way is a blend of the two. Not to be condoning sin, but also not to scream at people that they're dirty rotten sinners and God hates their guts because of that. Just know that that's not true christianity or religion. James 1:27 "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." And by the latter part he means to not indulge in sin; it doesn't mean to act like sinners are revolting or not to go near them. By all this I'm just saying you have a distorted view of what Christianity and Jesus really is. And it's probably not your fault but ours. Ours for being a bad example. And I apologize. Please rethink what you believe and give Christ a chance. I'm telling you this cuz I don't want you to end up separated from God's presence for eternity. Everyone's going to live's up to you to decide where you'll spend that forever. My heart breaks when I see people, especially celebrities, who die suddenly and I know that it’s over for them. They don’t get another chance at it. They lose. Game over. Forever and ever. It’s hard to get your mind around it. So please take what I said into consideration. I love you and God loves you and wants you to live with him forever in heaven where, as the Word says, there will be no more pain or suffering. Blessings!
Anonymous August 29, 2009 9:25 am (Pacific time)
Editor: Well I'm sure they feel the same way about you. Just remember that thousands of Americans are dying in recent years on behalf of the people in Iraq and Afghanistan; they are almost all Islamic and you cheapen their sacrifice. I personally don't like it at all. Ignorance is bliss, be glad for that.
I can honestly say that I have no idea what you are talking about. American service men and women have died defending a group of people who actively hate western values... my comments in no way cheapen their sacrifice... I am outraged that your govt. sees fit to send them there in the first place.
One more point... ignorance is very rarely bliss.
Editor: Why do you believe all people in a particular area are the same? Our people are dying for the people of those countries, not for this one. I know they all intend to serve the U.S. but we have no interests there. What I am saying to you is that some if not most Islamic people are just like any other people. There are religious weirdo's just like here in the U.S. with the abortion protesters and all the Americans who believe that war is the correct answer. People everywhere are the same, they have families and lives and school. I am trying to not be excessively rude to you, please understand the point I am making.
Nerudapaz August 28, 2009 2:30 pm (Pacific time)
If Muslims do not want to be offended then perhaps they should celebrate Ramadan in predominantly Muslim countries. I am so hacked off by offended Muslims that I really feel the urge to go out and actively offend them!
Editor: Well I'm sure they feel the same way about you. Just remember that thousands of Americans are dying in recent years on behalf of the people in Iraq and Afghanistan; they are almost all Islamic and you cheapen their sacrifice. I personally don't like it at all. Ignorance is bliss, be glad for that.
Tabi August 24, 2009 5:37 pm (Pacific time)
Just curious if there is a mosque in Salem, OR or a contact person for me to pray Fridays there. I just moved in.
Mohammed Haq August 23, 2009 1:12 pm (Pacific time)
Muslims are not offended if you ask us about our religion. It's in fact, the opposite. I would welcome questions. I agree with some people that companies do not have to cancel social gatherings where food is being served. The only request Muslim employees have is that we be allowed to go to Friday prayers, which require an extended lunch on Friday. Secondly, we request to get a 5 minute break so that we may pray our afternoon prayer on a daily basis. I know that I work a 10 minutes extra every day so that I am not being treated preferentially.
Hisham August 22, 2009 1:54 pm (Pacific time)
Interesting article. As a muslim, I'd like to add a few comments. One should never be afraid of asking questions, as long as one is respectful. No one should be offended in answering questions, asked in earnest, about what they believe. We live in a pluralistic society and should treat each other with dignity and respect. As for accommodating muslim prayer at work, that is not a muslim only right, but it's a federal law that protects all people of faith who wish to pray in the workplace. Companies are compelled to accommodate their employees as long as that accommodation does not interfere with the company's ability to conduct business. In other words, if a conference room is needed for a meeting, then no one can use it to pray. That's what I understand of that law. Happy Ramadan everyone!
Steve Davis August 21, 2009 9:13 pm (Pacific time)
We should not change one thing to accommodate one religion over another. It should not be done in the workplace or in the public square. Skipping lunch is not fasting. Having fasted for 17 days on water alone I know about fasting. It really bothers me when Muslims talk about fasting during Ramadan. The truth is most Muslims gain weight during Ramadan. Who is the Muslim in the White House?
August 21, 2009 4:04 am (Pacific time)
I like to know more about a person in charge. Here is my e-mail address, would you, as leader of moslem, help me to cope in difficult inliving. Please e-mail me at In shalla Allah gives you reward for it. I hope and wait for your response. Thanks
Keely August 21, 2009 1:25 pm (Pacific time)
President Barack Obama is continuing his outreach to the Muslim world in a video message marking the start of the Islamic holy month of ...I can't remember, did President Obama acknowledge LENT? Any other religious group? He was the first president since the beggining of National Prayer Week not to attend, nor did he mention this function. Glad we live in a secular nation but seems that some religons deserve more time than others. Just my onservation.
Vic August 21, 2009 8:21 am (Pacific time)
This article over-exaggerates Muslim sensitivities. I have two Muslim friends..I asked/ask them all kinds of questions and they dont flip out. They are smart enough to know when a question is asked out of curiosity and a willingness to learn about their culture and they appreciate that. They are not all reactive zealots as this article implies. How about this: Five Things NEVER to Say to Christian Co-Workers. 1. If Jesus was called the Prince of Peace, how come there are so many Christian war supporters and people in the military who claim to be Christians? How is that possible? 2. If Jesus were here today, do you think he would join or in any way be a part of the military? What charities (other than your church, which is not really a charity) do you work with and contribute to, being a Christian and all? 3. If God knows all things, past-present and future, why would he tempt us with sins that he knows ahead of time we will succumb to, and then throw us into a lake of fire to burn forever when we do? Isnt that kind of a set-up? 4. If God loves us so much, and we are His children, why does He let so many innocents suffer and die? Would you sit and watch your children suffer, starve and die to teach them a lesson? Would you let your children die because they would not fall down to their knees and worship you? 5. When exactly DO the "meek inherit the Earth"? All I see the meek inheriting is the screwing over by the not-so-meek.
Rodibidably August 21, 2009 7:39 am (Pacific time)
"To help you avoid offending Muslim colleagues" I'm curious why one should take steps to avoid offending others? Last time I checked there is no "right to not be offended" in the constitution. With #1 and #2; asking about the details of their faith is offensive? I would encourage others to ask me about my beliefs, and I would think that asking others about theirs might help to understand them better. #3 and 4; these are just examples of ignorance. The reason to not ask these is not that you risk offending others, but that you show your own stupidity and ignorance. And #4; I believe all people should be treated equally, but making special concessions for one group that do not apply to others is not equal.
Anonymous August 21, 2009 4:01 am (Pacific time)
I like to know more about a person in charge. Here is my e-mail address, would you, as leader of moslem, help me to cope in difficult inliving. Please e-mail me at In shalla Allah gives you reward for it. I hope and wait for your response. Thanks
Lynn August 21, 2009 2:57 am (Pacific time)
If a person wishes not to eat, for any reason, that is entirely their right. However, stopping other people from enjoying themselves, i.e., cancelling scheduled events, just because you have decided to fast is selfish. As a diabetic I don't drink alcohol and avoid sweet foods, but I would never dream of insisting that these things are not served at a party that I attend just because I cannot (rather than choose) to consume them. It seems clear from these 'rules' the religious believe that the rest of us should change our behaviours to suit their lifestyles, rather than adapting their beliefs to the secular society in which they live. Only if one chooses to live in a theocracy then one can insist that religious dictates inform all aspects of every citizen's life. However, the USA is not, thankfully, a theocracy.
P.J. Denyer August 21, 2009 2:21 am (Pacific time)
Why is asking perfectly reasonable questions of Muslims supposed to be considered offensive? It wouldn't be offensive for a Muslim to ask a Christian why they give Christmas presents would it? As for food, I agree that where possibleaccomidations should be made, but not everything can be organised around certain people, life's like that, live with it. All my Muslim co-workers have been happy to live and let live, if they're fasting they simply don't eat, somethimes we'd eat at a place that servered Halal food, sometimes we'd eat at other places and they would simply avoid anything that went against their beliefs. Forcing everyone else to bend over backwards and walk on eggshells is the tactic of an over represented minority and does nothing except create bad feelings. Life is all about give and take.
tri August 20, 2009 6:09 pm (Pacific time)
Using comments from the founder of a front group created for Hamas - Nihad Awad of CAIR - is pathetic. There are plenty of Muslims to interview besides Islamic Supremacists from CAIR.
aspacia August 20, 2009 4:03 pm (Pacific time)
Peruse the following for insight from a Muslim:
aspacia August 20, 2009 4:00 pm (Pacific time)
Hence, Jew should have Friday's off. Hence, Muslims should be sensitive regarding Christmas, Easter, Yom Kippur, etc.
What a joke. Remember the cartoon rampage and murder for insulting Islam.
Editor: Oh I see, so since some people of a particular faith do one thing, then it must represent all? Where did you receive your degree in bigotry? I was just curious.
zach August 20, 2009 3:51 pm (Pacific time)
Great article but one correction; I think you meant 1.6 Billion muslims worldwide
Editor: Zach, you could not be more correct and the mistake is corrected. Thank you for writing.
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