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Aug-19-2013 12:10printcomments

Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Ten)

The charges against Frank Gable should have been dropped and Shorty Harden should have been arrested.

Michael Francke and Shorty Harden
Michael Francke and Shorty Harden photos courtesy:

(SALEM) - In the last installment, we said that we would expose who the actual murderer was. Very well. Who was the one man who professed to being there? Who was the one man that had no valid reason for being there? Who was the man who claimed that he had an alibi but, when push came to shove, she admitted that she was not there? Who had a fetish for knives and even collected several hundred of them? Who was the one man who had been a recently discharged marine with hand-to-hand combat training?

Who was the man that parked his car on the sidewalk in front of the entrance to the Dome building in order to keep Mike from entering? And who was seen chasing Mike across Center street? Who bragged about being a "million dollar baby?" Who allegedly traded his car for a Harley Davidson motorcycle?

Cappie "Shorty" Harden is the only person in connection with this crime for whom all the pieces clearly show his guilt. Corrupt cops routinely took Cappie out of his jail cell and wined and dined him. They arranged a meeting with his gal pal, Jodie Swearingen (who was also in jail), so they could get her on the same page. A uniformed State cop sat in the Grand Jury room and made sure that Cappie and Jodie testified as they had been instructed to. And an indictment was handed down against Frank Gable.

Interestingly, Shorty took the witness stand at Frank's so-called trial and said that he saw Frank Gable lunge at a well-dressed man who had run up to his car demanding that Frank explain what he was doing in his car. For one, all of this testimony happened more than two years after the night of the crime. In truth, as Shorty attempted to say, he (Shorty) did not know what night it was, did not know what he saw, and did not even know what Michael Francke looked like until the police showed him a picture. But the defense attorneys and the trial Judge Greg West answered for Shorty and told the jury that "yes, he is saying that he saw Frank Gable stab Michael Francke." Incredible.

One thing that gets overlooked is the fact that Jodie Swearingen was 16 years old and required to attend school. The murder happened on a Monday night. Phone records showed that three phone calls were made from Jodie's parents' house around noon. It is believed that Jodie made the calls in order to try to get Shorty to come get her. Shorty admitted that he, personally, did not go to get her. Adam, the man who Shorty claimed to have gone to pick Jodie up from her house, says that he (Adam) never went to pick Jodie up. Jodie lived in another town that was about 45 minutes away. Obviously, she did not walk. Equally obvious is the fact that Jodie's parents did not take her. Therefore, Jodie could not have been involved in any ways.

But let's forget that for a minute and see how this story would have played out if it had been the truth. Just for the hell of it, let's look at Shorty's version. Let's pretend that Jodie was, somehow, at Shorty's home.

The murder happened on a Monday night. Phone records showed that three phone calls were made from Jodie's parents' house around noon. It is believed that Jodie made the calls in order to try to get Shorty to come get her. More than likely, the calls were made by her parents wanting to know where she was.

Shorty had a problem. He knew that he would be going to kidnap and/or murder Mike that evening. He alleges that he took Jodie over to the drug house known as the "Hyacinth Street house" to get rid of her. That fits. The time that he alleges to have dropped her off there coincides perfectly with the telephone calls made by Jodie's parent(s). On the off-chance that either the cops or her parents would drop by, he felt compelled to dump her off. Besides, no way was he going to drag her along while he committed numerous felonies.

But Jodie put a wrench in his plans. She caught a ride to a convenience store that was located at about 34th and Center Street. The Dome building was located at about 23rd and Center. Shorty lived at about 7th and Center. Their contrived story alleged that Jodie called and told Cappie to meet her at the Dome Building. After waiting there awhile, she allegedly walked all the way back to the store and called again. Forensics proved that could not have happened. So what did happen?

Jodie got tired of waiting for Shorty to come back to the Hyacinth house. She caught a ride to the convenience store. She telephoned Shorty. Only he wasn't home. She left him a message to come pick her up at the store. After waiting awhile, she telephones him again. He still wasn't home. So she left a message for him to watch for her as she was going to start walking to his house. Ironically, Jodie walks right by the Dome building.

When the police first contact Shorty, he denies knowing anything. The cops tell him that Frank is a snitch. Shorty believes that this "rat" bastard is the reason for his being in jail. Still, Shorty denies knowing anything.

When the police return, months later, the seed has gestated. More than that, the cops are alleging that someone saw Shorty and/or his car at the Dome building. He then tells them that he went there to pick up Jodie. Normally, he would not remember any of that. However, it is pretty memorable when your girlfriend busts you in the middle of a murder/kidnap plan.

Michael Francke was kidnapped for three hours. He had to be somewhere for that period. The question is where? If I had a few more details that are out there, I could tell you where they took him. But I have limited access to such records. They exist, just the same.

Look at Shorty's testimony from the perspective of the police. They went to great lengths to brainwash Frank Gable over his inability to remember where he was on January 17, 1989 (almost a year later). Yet, the police do not bat an eye at Shorty's change of stories. In fact, Shorty would change his story at least four times before getting it "right."

From the perspective of the police, dragging Jodie into it was a huge mistake on Shorty's part. She was sixteen. Not many sixteen year olds have the where-with-all to put all of the pieces together. In fact, few adults could. Shorty had been reaching for straws. The police told him that they had people who saw his car at the Dome building. He needed to resolve that issue. So he conjures up an incredible tale of how Jodie wanted him to pick her up there.

If I had been sitting in that jury box, I can tell you, no way in hell would I ever have believed any part of that concocted tale. Moreover, I would have urged the rest of the jurists to address the court with the revelation that we would have found Shorty guilty of the murder. That simple act would have forced this whole mess right out into the open. The media, no matter how corrupt, would have been forced to do the story.

Continuing, if the police had not, themselves, been so corrupt, they would have arrested Shorty the minute that his alibi collapsed (Remember, Jodie refused to testify against Frank Gable at the trial). But they did not do that. Nor did Dale Penn, Ted Kulongoski, David Frohnmayer, or any of the other mobsters involved in the crimes. And every Judge that has ever looked at this case is just as guilty because they have the power, and the lawfully required duty, to dismiss the verdict when they determine that the facts do not warrant the verdict.

Shorty had absolutely no excuse to be there. None. The charges against Frank Gable should have been dropped and Shorty should have been arrested. That is as plain to see as the nose on your face. And the fact that the prosecution failed to fulfill that obligation clearly shows their wilfull participation in the murder of Michael Francke and also in the coverup. Worst still, it proves, beyond all doubt whatsoever, that they deliberately, unconscionably, and wantonly, framed a man they knew was one hundred percent innocent of the crime.

Mike had three minutes to live. Frank Gable could not have stabbed Mike at 7pm. Mike put his fist through the porch window after 9:05pm. Blood spatter at the top of the steps to that porch showed that time of death was around 10:15pm. And that was the exact time that five thugs were seen running away from the Dome building. Those thugs were described as "bikers." Now who do we know that was a biker? Who do we know who traded his car for a Harley motorcycle? Who do we know who loved knives and knew how to use them?

The defense rests.

Next Week: Closing Arguments

Previous installments

Aug-13-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Nine) - John Atkins for

Aug-05-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Eight) - John Atkins for

Jul-29-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Seven) - John Atkins for

Jul-21-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Six) - John Atkins for

Jul-15-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Five) - John Atkins for

Jul-08-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Four) - John Atkins for

Jul-01-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Three) - John Atkins for

Jun-24-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Two) - John Atkins for

Jun-17-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part One) - John Atkins for



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to april July 1, 2015 6:50 am (Pacific time)

email me at am interested in what you have to say! you will know why once you email me, i will shoot you my phone number ok! Thanks April

April February 24, 2015 12:24 am (Pacific time)

So hears a tad bit of info you all this is just a collaboration to adhere that THE COPS ARE WICKED BAD CORRUPT. I just want to give a little more evidence to support the truth regarding the cover ups and lies being told, So while all this horse shit was going on and Frank was still some what a free self and my Boyfriend were staying with frank and his wife at the time i guess it was near the beginning of all, ware to start .... ill start at the back porch of the apartment, ware sat a cardboard box for quite awhile mabie 3 weeks or so , in the box was a very nice high end tan trench coat , and a hat of some sort, i know there was more but i only remember those two articles, i Remember my guy at the time kept hounding me to ask Franks wife what was up with the clothing on the back porch in the box. I finally did and she hadn't a clue what i was talking about , so after looking out the slider door at the box she shook her head shrugged her shoulders and said he can have it if he wants its all shit to go to the dumpster or the goodwill she didn't care, So that night i gave him the good news, he grabbed the coat and hat and was gone to run the streets doing what we all did best at that time, mean while a couple days had past and frank ether saw him wearing the coat or noticed the box being empty, cant remember but what i do remember is Frank was PISSED, and sent me to find him and the coat asap! well ...after i finally caught up with him , and gave the demands regarding the coat... it only had to have been an hour maybe Two , I he went and robbed the old IGA groc. store in the flats and he did it in the trench coat and hat on purpose just to piss frank off, needless to say there went the disguise he was shedding as he was running past me and the cops not to far behind, me walking off in the opposite direction never looked back nor ever did i see the trench coat , OH WOW !!!!! I JUST REMEMBERED ...there was a knife a silver medium folding knife in that box too. long story short or rather ware im going with this is the cops , the coat , the questions, the poly graph, the being tailed for weeks , feds at my parents door step every other am sipping coffee with my folks, the questioning at osci during visitation, witch by the way because all that bull shit they told me , don't plan on being to ever visit any one ever again in the state correctional facilities due to I was not very helpful nor forthcoming, and hear is ware i leave for the night , I have so much more to tell and am to tired to keep going and keep the facts straight, i will blog more latter. that is if any one truly wants to hear it , if not i will not right any more.

pay attention September 22, 2013 11:20 am (Pacific time) Consider the 1990 statement "I know"...and that "Jodie" wrote on August 21, 2013 2:50 pm (Pacific time)"Shorty isn't and never was capable of murder man he was a pawn in this used bent over and butt plugged is it not clear ???? Ask me direct intelligent questions ill answer"

terry wagar August 27, 2013 6:54 pm (Pacific time)

In Portland Oregon murders are covered up by the Portland police all the time!

at least some accuracy, please August 22, 2013 7:49 pm (Pacific time)

To Editor: CORRECTION ON DATES ABOVE IS NEEDED in this article. January 17 was a Tuesday in 1989 not a Monday as article claims. The day before (Monday, JAN 16 1989) was MLK day that YEAR. Not sure the state offices were even open on Monday. Francke's body was found in the wee hour of WED January 18, 1989.

Chris P August 22, 2013 7:26 am (Pacific time)

@jodie Shorty had to be doing something there that night. What was it? Playing tiddly winks?

Chris P August 22, 2013 7:23 am (Pacific time)

@jodie Wasnt Shorty already facing another murder charge? Isnt that how they got him to false snitch? What about Buck? Is he not capable of killing either? And do u know any legit reason why Shortys car was seen at the scene of the crime?

Jodie August 21, 2013 7:02 pm (Pacific time)

No idea of how to make that connection I'm limited I'm not good at that stuff but someone could

misty August 21, 2013 3:33 pm (Pacific time)

I agree with Jodie. Jodie how do we get ahold of Mrs. Jolie? You seen what Johnny Depp did for the west Memphis Three right? I do believe this case needs media attention in the biggest way. I would be happy to reach out to Mrs. Jolie and Johnny depp. But how in the world do you get to them, to get them to help, Jodie? The two actors do happen to be good friends too!

Jodie August 21, 2013 2:50 pm (Pacific time)

Shorty isn't and never was capable of murder man he was a pawn in this used bent over and butt plugged is it not clear ???? Ask me direct intelligent questions ill answer

JDF August 21, 2013 10:13 am (Pacific time)

How can we, why would we ever trust any cop, lawer, or judge for anything. Power corupts, Always!

Chris P August 21, 2013 7:32 am (Pacific time)

@jodie Why is it such a stretch to think a guy willing to false snitch on someone to get em locked away for life might be the actual killer covering for himself? It certainly is very plausible.

Woody August 20, 2013 10:54 pm (Pacific time)

John, You've obviously got a hornets nest stirred up. Obviously someone is trying to muddy the already muddy waters. Keep going sir, one of these birds is going to sing!

Jodie August 20, 2013 8:14 pm (Pacific time)

As I've said before there is truth to some of this but man lots is so far out there and fingering shorty for the murder is so funny really I mean come on shorty was really just the cops little bitch that is it that's all did as they wanted and still tried to get me to go with the story and it didn't fly with me I was so disgusted how gangster was that made me sick I do believe he regrets being their million dollar baby aka bend over little B**** because now it's something he has to live with I'm good with my demons this whole case is so far under the rug it's done dug a hole to china nobody's life is in danger they are laughing at you and this if they read it that's because they are so far untouchable it's done it's over I truly believe the only way to get this case the right amount of attention is through Angelina Jolie to put it in the light that it needs to be shown good luck with that I'm a surviver of many things I'm not the book smart type but I promise u ill always rise above and take care of mine period I don't have time in my life for child's play in the case it's sucked a lot of life out of me and I have shut it out for a long time this is why BS

Jodie August 20, 2013 6:24 pm (Pacific time)

Unbelievable I'm disgusted there's nothing supporting all your theory's I understand and can dig the fact you and others want to see justice served as I do but these theory's are not helpful it's just all a mess a jumble

Jodie swearingen August 20, 2013 1:36 pm (Pacific time)

Horse sh*t bull sh*t cow sh*t it's sh*t !!! Great imagination wtf are you talking about ????? Such crap I didn't even finish reading this sh*t wtf? Are you huffing gas or what ???

Rob Taylor August 20, 2013 7:06 am (Pacific time)

As someone who actually jumped in the trenches in this case and spent a couple of years around Shorty and his family...I'm not buying what you're selling here. For so many reasons, but for now I'll share just one. If Shorty is the killer or one of the killers, why would he agree to participate in the following? The fMRI Fiasco-What a Joke! Once upon a time Frank wrote to tell me he was waiting to hear back from Kevin Francke on the cost of having himself and other witnesses tested using a new lie detector technology...the fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Knowing how Kevin is prone to put off till tomorrow what he can do today, I immediately placed a call to the President of the Cephos Corporation who are one of two companies who perform the test. After personally speaking with Dr. Steven Laken about Frank's case, I was assured that Cephos would perform testing on any and all witnesses in Frank's case for free. Dr. Laken had never heard from Kevin Francke. Most likely because Kevin had talked himself out of the usefullness of such a procedure. Observe Kevin's email response to me accusing him of such... Rob, I am not talking myself out of the MRI poly. I am giving you and Frank a wake-up that this may not happen because it is not proven to be 100%. Early dna testing, back in 1989, was not allowed in many courts, including Oregon, because it was only 1 in 500,000 up to 1,000,000. U.S. was way behind the curve on dna. Regardless, if he wants to subject the prior witnesses who recanted, it's gonna' be a load getting Walker, Shorty et al in the tube to do it. Reality check here. Hello? You make the call, I did. So, we jump ahead to February of 2009 when Frank's fed appeals lawyer, Nell Brown, flies to my home in Des Moines, Iowa for a visit. Ok, so Shorty Harden was visiting me then as well and we all discussed having Shorty take the fMRI test. Apparently Nell Brown didn't view the test the way Kevin did, and was interested in having Shorty tested. However, Ms. Brown and her investigator, Wendy Kunkel, flew back to Portland and Shorty and I never heard back from either. Jump ahead to late November of 2009 and Shorty calls me to ask if Frank's lawyer still wants him to take the test. Shorty explains that he's homeless and living in a Portland shelter with his daughter who will be turning 18 in a couple of weeks at which point him and his daughter will have to leave the shelter. The shelter was working toward securing permanent housing for Shorty as well as classes to get him certified as a welder. That didn't happen and Shorty and his daughter ended up having to leave the shelter. I notified Nell Brown of Shorty's desire to be tested and of his homeless situation and put her in contact with Shorty. Ms. Brown then notified me that she had talked with Shorty and that preparations would be made to fly Shorty to Massachussettes for testing, but that everything would have to be postponed as she was preparing to fly to Egypt on a two week vacation. Once she returned she would submit a request to her supervisor for federal funds to pay for the flight to Massachussettes and any other related expenses. Upon her return I had Shorty contact her again to explain he had to leave the shelter and had no place to go. She scheduled a lunch meeting with him, but broke it saying she was busy with other matters. Now we arrive at January where late last week I get an email from Nell and her investigator Wendy asking if I can once again put them in contact with Shorty as they have completed their preparations and have the testing scheduled for this week. Well that's all fine and dandy, but maybe they should've taken the necessary steps to insure their witness would be available before they jumped all the hoops they did in making preparations rather than depend on me to do it from halfway across the country. Not to mention I'm the guy they asked to back off from the witnesses last February. Oh, and Frank's response regarding my personal expenses incurred last year to avail Shorty to his lawyer was "you should've donated those nickels to the homeless." I guess they can ask the homeless where Shorty is. Just look for the ones who are spending lots of nickels.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.


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