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Aug-13-2013 01:04 ![]() ![]() Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Nine)John Atkins for Salem-News.comNone of the so-called witnesses knew anything about the case until after the State Police came to them...
(SALEM) - Last week, we told you about the chronology of events that preceded the August 22, 1989 memo from Cory Streissinger to her cohort, Governor Neil Goldschmidt. We told you that Frank Gable pissed off the Keizer police by ripping them off for free rent and then skipping out on them. After that, Frank Gable pissed off the State police when he dis'ed them by failing to show up for a scheduled interview. Under orders from Goldschmidt, the cops framed Frank Gable for murder. They were more than happy to oblige. Let's look at what happened. September 5, 1989, Page ER-96 (page 96 of Yraguen's 2001 decision), Exactly two weeks after Cory's August 22nd Memo, Judge Estergaard signs an order allowing Oregon State cop, William Pierce, to sit in on the Grand Jury proceedings. It was an unusual step; one which directly violated Oregon law. Though, ultimately, Pierce's presence would ensure that Cappie and Jodie lied, Pierce's main role was to keep tabs on what the Grand Jury was up to. People tend to think of a Grand Jury as being like a regular jury where they spend a day or two listening to whatever facts the two parties present. In actuality, a Grand Jury is only represented by the prosecution which conducts investigations and can, pretty much, interview anybody they wish. Look at the timeline. The order for Pierce to sit in the Grand Jury was issued September 5. Frank would not be indicted until April 6. That was six months. How could they, legitimately, account for both a cop and an Assistant Oregon Attorney General sitting in a Grand Jury for six months. Lunacy. The crooks in power put one of their own guys in charge of that jury (this being Thomas Denney). The crooks also wanted the State cop to be there to run interference. For instance, if the jury was not satisfied with a specific police report regarding a witness, the State cop could call up a pal and have that taken care of. I.E.- threaten the witness, make the witness leave town, or simply to coach the witness on what to say. Threatening a witness is what Loren Glover did to Kevin Francke. And don't forget, the defense attorneys had Kevin followed 24/7. They had no valid reason to do that, but it was something the prosecution (bad guys) wanted. In law, they have what is called a pattern of Racketeering. You know this better as Modus Operandi. The Cory Memo stated that they wanted their own guys involved in the Governor's investigation. Do you really expect them not to have one of their own running the Grand Jury, too? Get real. They had the D.A, they had the Judge, and they owned the Foreman. Grand Jury proceedings are supposed to be super secret. Yet, the crooks in power have three (four, if you count the cop) of their own boys in attendance. I hope that makes you as ill as it makes me. September 6, 1989, Governor Goldschmidt gives Judge John C. Warden an Executive Order (EO-89-12) instructing him to investigate as to:
September 13, 1989, ER-26. Under renewed pressure from Goldschmidt, Oregon State police go to Gable to secure the interviews which they will need, and will use, against him. First, Gable is questioned by Officer Leighty during transport (a police tactic used in an informal setting to lull in suspects). Later that day, Officer Dennis Fox formally questions Gable. But Gable cannot remember where he was on January 17, 1989. Perfect. A man without an alibi. September 15, 1989, ER-27. Relentless in their determination to make the Governor happy, State Police, again, hound Frank Gable. Officer Paul Bain questions Frank during transport and Officer Frederick Ackom starts in at around 5pm. At about 9pm, Officers Bain and Berning start in on Frank. After that interview, Frank was arrested and transported to Coquille jail on a parole and probation violation (for assaulting his wife). The cops go to Frank's wife and she shows them some knives. They select the one that they think looks most like the suspected murder weapon and then they began to build a case around it. September 16, 1989, ER-27. Ackom again questions Frank at 1:30 in the morning. It is their intent to confuse and brainwash Frank by using sleep deprivation techniques. Frank finally tired of their bullying and requested an attorney at 3:10am. That stopped their questioning. The cops are pissed. Another reason why they wanted to talk to Frank at 1:30am was to make Frank's cellmates think Frank is a rat. They were trying to make his life hell or, at the very least, uncomfortable. From this date forward, anything Frank said to them was inadmissible. He had requested an attorney. Under the Miranda Rights that they read to him, they were obligated to get him one. They failed to fulfill that obligation and Frank continued without representation. Point is, what is the use in having Miranda Rights if the police are just going to ignore them or make fun of them? There have been numerous Supreme Court decisions which say that the police could not use any of Frank's comments after he requested an attorney. Yet, not one defense lawyer, not one appellate attorney, not one Judge, in short, not one of these corrupt lawyers has ever filed based on Miranda. To these thugs, Miranda is meaningless prattle. Later that day, still pissed at Frank, at 8pm, the police take Frank to a local hospital where they used a search warrant to get hair and blood samples. Why this was done is purely conjecture. My best guess, considering that there was no hair or blood evidence at the murder scene, is that they wanted to scare and harass Frank Gable. I am quite certain that the police never told the Judge that such an intrusion on Frank’s person was unwarranted (excuse the pun) because there simply was nothing from the crime scene to compare it to. On the other hand, if the Judge was a willing accomplice to this wanton torture of a prisoner, then he belongs in jail, too. September 20, 1989, armed with the names that Frank Gable (and his wife) had given them, the State police set about gathering up the *evidence* that they will need in order to convict him. Specifically, they wanted people who were willing to say that Frank told them he had done it, that Frank carried knives, and anything else that they “might think of.” None of the so-called witnesses knew anything about the case until after the State Police came to them in September. At that time, the police revealed that Frank was a snitch working for the Keizer Police Department. This revelation was designed to make potential witnesses want to “fry” Frank for being a rat. All of these guys had been busted because of some snitch and it was only logical that they would draw the conclusion that it had to have been Frank. The police let that gestate for a period and, within a few months, many of the criminals, seeking revenge, reduced sentences, and monetary compensation, turned on Frank. And they lied. They told whatever lies the police told them to say. And we will prove this shortly. November 3, 1989, ER-30. Frank contacts the State Police from the Coos County jail in Coquille after reading a newspaper article in which Kris Keerins was quoted as saying that Frank confessed to him about killing Michael Francke. Three officers, Bain, Ackom, and Sergeant Salle, drive down and talk to Frank from 4:45pm until 9:58pm. Salle tells Frank that five people have said that he was involved in the murder. These five were Chris Warilla, Gayla Freeman, Mark Gesner, Kris Keerins, and Jodie Swearingen. Frank also acknowledges that he knows Randy Studer, Earle Childers, Jodie Swearingen, Mark Gesner, and Johnny Crouse. November 20, 1989, ER-23 (bottom) and ER-24 (top). Police contact Cappie “Shorty” Harden. Harden denies knowing anything because he was “not a rat.” The police tell Harden they know he is lying and Harden later changes his tune. It is interesting to note that everytime they go to see Frank, Frank gave the cops names of people he knew. Then the cops went to those people and told them Frank was a rat, that Frank brought their names up as maybe being involved in the murder, etc. In the case of Shorty Harden, Shorty waited until January of 1990 before “coming clean” about what he knew. November 22, 1989, ER-31. Officer Ackom goes to see Frank in jail. Ackom claims that Frank said “That Jodie gal, the bitch is saying she saw me run from the scene, isn’t she?” I have problems with this statement as it does not sound like something Frank said; it sounds like something Ackom would say. How many dopers do you know who would talk like a country hick? “Jodie gal?” Gimme a break. And what happened to Miranda? December 14, 1989. On this date, John C. Warden had finished his report to Governor Goldschmidt and turns it in. Warden had investigated the prison system and determined that inmates who ratted on officers were routinely taken to the hole (S & I) and beaten (or worse). Between this report and the 1976 murder of James Ross, as well as the 1989 murder of Michael Francke, a pattern of racketeering is clearly established. With so many people being beaten and/or murdered, small wonder that nobody wants to come forward. January 18, 1990, ER-24. The cops went to Shorty and told him that Dianne Long and/or Marsha Haskins had seen his car at the Dome building. Shorty decides to play along with the police. He concocts a story about Jodie Swearingen calling him to come pick her up (ER-23). Jodie denies that and so the cops pay Harden another visit on January 20, 1990. January 20, 1990, ER-24. The cops confront Harden about how Jodie claims she doesn’t know what he is talking about. Harden convinces them to arrange a meeting between Harden and Jodie. After that meeting, they again talk to Jodie and she, allegedly, backs up Harden’s story (to keep Harden from being tried for murder). January 21, 1990, ER-31. Officer Ackom taunts Frank with the revelation that they now had two witnesses who claim to have seen him run from the scene. Frank is so agitated that he leaves after only four and a half minutes. Ackom has done his job. He knows that Frank will pull his hair out trying to ascertain his whereabouts more than a year earlier. And the D.A. will use that confusion to claim that Frank was deliberately making up stories about where he was; the inference being that only guilty people would make up stories. January 24, 1990, ER-24. The police go back and tell Harden that Jodie is on board. They tell him that they have Frank so shook up that Frank won’t even talk to them anymore. But the one thing these pricks couldn't say was that Frank wasn't cooperating. I can tell you, not many murderers are going to cooperate with the police. The fact that Frank bent over backwards to try to help the cops also shows that he wasn't guilty. February-March, 1990. Harden is telling everyone that he is a million dollar baby. The police are showing him where the crime occurred and making sure he gets his story straight. When they are satisfied that they can do no more, they prepare him for the Grand Jury. To make sure he does not change his mind at the last minute, a uniformed police officer is allowed in on the Grand Jury session. April 5, 1990, though he had received no notice in the mail to report for jury duty, Oregon Assistant Attorney General Denney had reported to Judge Paul Lipscomb's room and was miraculously made foreman of the jury. This writer has been unable to find another incident in which a prosecutor's name and address were made part of the public record. Moreover, Denney seems to have the distinction of being the only Oregon prosecutor to ever sit on a jury or Grand Jury! Wink-wink. Naturally, Denney manages to persuade the jury that Frank Gable is a murderer. And, on this date, the culmination of months of Denney's hard work manifests when the Jury signs an indictment against Frank. It is called a "secret indictment" even though there was absolutely nothing secret about it (other than the conspiracy to convict an innocent man). April 8, 1990, ER-31. At five in the morning, after the Grand Jury hands down the Indictment against Frank, Officer Glover (gee, I seem to remember that name from somewhere) arrests Frank for the murder of Michael Francke. Glover and Ackom then transport Frank from Coquille to Florence. That is about an hour and a half drive. You should be aware that it is only about a three and a half hour drive from Coquille to Salem, Oregon (the place where the murder occurred and the Grand Jury indictment was procured). The police were back to playing the confusion and brainwashing scheme. I.E.- sleep deprivation. More questioning by Glover and Ackom. Finally, at 3:30pm, they drive Frank to the Springfield State Police Office where they question him some more. Eventually (ER-32), they call it a night and book Frank into the jail facility in Eugene. April 9, 1990, ER-32. Frank is taken out of the Eugene jail and driven about one and a half hours to Salem’s jail (Marion County). He is arraigned later that day. A year later, Frank Gable is convicted of multiple counts of murder when his corrupt lawyers refuse to let him take the witness stand in his own defense. As we all know, any man who refuses to stand up for himself in a court of law, well, that man is guilty as hell. That is historical fact and is known to every trial lawyer and every Judge in the country; including the Appellate Judges. Of the 317 cases I investigated where the defendant did not testify, 316 were convicted. The 317th probably would have been convicted but he died before the trial concluded. Conversely, of the 286 cases I investigated where the defendant did testify, 23 were acquitted (found not guilty). One thing that really bothers me is the fact that these thugs are routinely convicting people of multiple counts of murder when only one murder has occurred. Under "double jeopardy, a man cannot be convicted of more than one murder where there is only one victim. To be convicted of six or seven counts violates every law, every ethic, every moral fiber of double jeopardy. It is a practice that needs to be stopped. By any means. Now you have the timeline for what happened and how the State Police got all of these people to lie against Frank. For the record, some may have even told the truth when they said that Frank confessed to the crime. But most lied. Solving this particular crime was easy. In week four, I proved that Frank could not have killed Michael Francke. I added to that proof in week five. And throughout these installments, I have repeatedly stated that we could prove the police corruption, that we could prove the conspiracy to convict an innocent man, that we can prove the conspiracy of the government bigshots to kill Mike, and all of these things. You were of the opinion that I could not tie this stuff to Governor Goldschmidt, but I did so in week three. Moreover, I just added to that proof and you still missed it. Come on, man, think. In her memo, Cory stated that they (meaning the bigshots in power) needed to do something quick or the Oregon Legislators were going to intercede. Neither the Governor, nor Cory, nor any of the other thugs, wanted that to happen. The memo was crystal clear in its intent when Cory wrote that they needed to do something soon or the risk the feds coming in. The memo was dated August 22. It stated that the Governor, and Cory, had already talked to the State police and they had reached a deadend. Yet, look at the flurry of activity that occurred in September. September 5, a corrupt Judge signs an order allowing a State cop (an employee of Goldshmidt's) to sit in on the secret Grand Jury. The next day, Goldschmidt orders John C. Warden to investigate and gives the poor schmuck barely two months to do that in. September 13, 15, and 16, they go to Frank Gable and grill him hard. They use sleep deprivation techniques to confuse him. Simultaneously, they begin setting up the so-called evidence and witnesses against him (using the names he furnished). Here, you are of the opinion that I cannot prove that the State police actively engaged in conduct to deliberately frame Frank Gable for a murder they knew he did not commit. Truth is, I just did. Your mistake is that you assume too many things as being normal. I do not subscribe to abnormal behaviors appearing normal. In September (as attested to by Cory Streissinger), the police did not have a clue who murdered Mike (in actuality, they already knew who really killed Mike). But, under orders from Goldschmidt, they decided to frame Frank Gable. And they did. You're just not looking at the whole picture. Why did the police go to Frank in the first place? They had already talked to Frank way back in January because Frank had gone to the Dome building around noon, on the day of the murder, to pick up his sick wife and take her home. After Goldschmidt hatches his scheme (in July and August), the police decided to take another look at Frank. Their stated reason? Somebody, probably the Keizer police, said that Frank looked like the composite of the man in the pinstripe suit that was seen loitering around inside the Dome building. That was the flimsiest of excuses. The man in the composite had a nice bushy moustache. Gable, at the time of the crime, did not. The man in the composite was older and heavier than Frank. And then there's that damn pinstripe suit. No getting around that one. Yet, the cops use that as an excuse to go down and harass the hell out of Frank? Look how aggressive the cops became after the Cory Memo. Coincidence? My ass. Eventually, these thugs in uniform did find someone who was willing to say that Frank had confessed to the murder. The cops know, and knew, that innocent people confess to crimes all the time. Some like the attention. And, as I said, many people confess to crimes just to be big shots or to scare people. At the time they framed Frank, the State police had investigated no less than four such men. In my timeline, and elsewhere, I made the bold statement that the cops coached the witnesses as to what to say. You are of the opinion that I cannot prove that. Well, sorry to bust your bubble but, actually, I can. And it is not as difficult as you might think. Police are a rather simple-minded lot. They go to school and they are taught “proper techniques” of police investigation. This is basic stuff. Separate potential suspects and say things to try to get them to turn on one another. In this case, the cops told Gable’s associates that Frank Gable had been a snitch for the Keizer police department. On page ER-35, we read where Mark Gesner knew that Frank Gable had been a snitch for the Keizer police department. We know that officer Kent Barker had gone down to Coos Bay and gotten Frank out of jail so that he could act in that capacity. However, it is doubtful that Frank ever did snitch on anyone. Look at the timeline. Barker got Frank out of jail on June 30, 1989. The Keizer police paid for Frank’s rent for the month of July but, on July 14, Frank left and returned to Coos Bay. I don’t think Frank ratted on anybody in that two weeks. Moreover, I think that Barker was acting on orders from the State Police who intended to make Frank’s associates think that Frank had ratted them off. In other words, I do not believe that Frank was really hired to be an informant. The State Police contact Mark Gesner and coached him on what to say. We know that because Mark stated, in ER-35 (middle of page 35 of Judge Yraguen's 2001 appellate decision), that he knew that Frank had been a snitch and the only way that Gesner could have known that was if the State Police told him that. The only way. So Gesner chewed on that while serving his prison sentence. Then, after Gesner gets thrown into solitary confinement, he decides to “cooperate” with the police. On February 24, 1990, Gesner is taken out of segregation by the State Police in exchange for making up stories about Frank Gable. Literally, taken out of the hole and treated like royalty. Makes you wonder if they had him thrown in the hole to make him talk; doesn't it? Another so-called witness, Earle Childers, was told that Frank was a snitch. When the police coached him on what to say, they even went so far as to tell him about the gun that Mike had in his glovebox. Check it out. ER-36. You see, Frank never knew anything about Mike’s gun. If, as they were trying to assert, Frank got into the car to find something of value to sell, it could have been anything. Yet, Childers alleges that Frank stated that he was looking for a gun. That was so what the police wanted Childers to say and not what Frank would have said. They are soooo busted! Now here is an interesting aspect of that whole episode. By telling Childers to say that, the police acknowledged that there had been, on January 17, 1989, a handgun in Mike’s glovebox. The only way that the police could have known that is if one or more of them had been in on the murder plot to begin with. Huh? Remember, State cop Glover and the prime suspect, David Caulley, went out to Mike’s house on some lame excuse and absent authorization from the lead investigators. Glover claims they went there for ??? In reality, they put Mike’s handgun under his pillow. A gun is lumpy and nobody, outside of a B movie, would ever, could ever, sleep with a gun under their pillow. See what I mean by the police being simple-minded? You should note that, by telling all of these bad guys that Frank Gable was a snitch, the cops violated numerous laws pertaining to "confidential informants." Under no circumstances were they supposed to tell anybody that Frank was a snitch. And Frank's defense lawyers deliberately failed to address that issue, too. This is a serious violation of Frank's Civil Rights and not one word has ever been advanced in his behalf. Just one more thing that proves all of Frank's lawyers have been out to keep him locked up for a crime they know he did not do! All of his lawyers. On page ER-37, we get another clue that Childers had been told what to say. Childers reveals that Frank Gable had been wearing sunglasses on the night of January 17, 1989. Well, according to Officer Ackom on page ER-31, Frank told Ackom that he had been wearing dark sunglasses on the night of January 17, 1989. That is a very specific detail. Too specific. Remember, we are talking about tweakers. Frank Gable could not recall yesterday, let alone a period a year ago. Nor could Childers. Please note that Frank tells Ackom about the sunglasses prior to the police contacting Childers. Wink-wink. By getting Childers to testify that Frank was wearing sunglasses, the cops inadvertently discredited Childers. Obviously, Frank was not wearing sunglasses when he was alleged to have raided Michael's car. He wasn't wearing them when he was supposedly fighting with Mike. The police allege that Frank was so scared of getting caught that he stabbed a man and, yet, they then claim that Frank stopped to put his sunglasses on after killing a man? Earle made his so-called testimony almost a year after January 17, 1989. It was November 22, 1989. A lot had transpired in the interim. Even if Childers would have seen Frank way back then, he certainly would not have remembered seeing sunglasses. It was a dark, wintry, night and visibility was limited. It is extremely unlikely that a man would be able to see someone wearing sunglasses on such short notice. Remember, he was busy trying to figure out how to flag Frank down (according to him). Moreover, it has already been established that Frank Gable could not remember where he was on that night but, somehow, by some miracle, Frank remembers what night he was wearing sunglasses? One thing that puzzles me is just the fact that Childers alleges to have been out of prison on January 17, 1989. On ER-35, we read where Childers escaped from the Release Center on July 11, 1989. In order to have qualified to go to the Release Center, Childers would have had to have spent a certain amount of time in prison. Was less than two months enough time? And did McAlister have anything to do with Childers being out in either January, May, and/or July? Was Childers one of the five guys in the green Volkswagon? Another puzzler is just the timeline. Didn't Childers say that he went to AA? Why would he have been near the State Hospital at 7pm? Another problem I have with Childers’ testimony is the forensics of it. He claims to have gone to the Welcomaa Club for an AA meeting that night. Apparently, Childers lived down around the State Hospital as he relates that he was headed home from Welcomaa when he sees Frank (ER-37). So? Remember the five guys from the State Hospital? They were going to the SOS club for AA. That club is on 19th. The place where Mike was killed (at the State Hospital) was on 23rd. The Welcomaa club was all the way up on 37th. Now, if you live by the Hospital, and you are walking to and fro, why would you go to a club so far away when there was one practically next door to your residence? Something doesn’t jibe. Frank Gable has always maintained that he was not at the scene of the crime on the night of January 17, 1989. He has no idea where he was, but he knows that he was not there. On the other hand, we have numerous people confessing to being there. Cappie Harden stands out. And so does Childers. Both were in trouble with the law. Both received special treatment. Could it be? The State went to great lengths to make a big deal out of the fact that Frank Gable occasionally possessed a knife. Carrying knives for protection is one thing. But what about those who use knives as an offensive weapon? What about guys who throw knives? Page ER-36, we read where another alleged witness, David Walsh, was throwing a knife that he claimed he had gotten from Jerry Baker. Allegedly, Frank told him that the knife was the one used to kill Mike Francke. Allegedly, that knife was pawned. And why would anybody be throwing such a knife? Remember, the prosecution went to great lengths to claim that Frank Gable murdered Michael Francke with a Chicago Cutlery knife (ER-22, second paragraph). Their expert witness testified that that was the case. Frank’s wife testified that at least one of her Chicago Cutlery knives was missing. Yet, David Walsh testified that the knife was not a Chicago Cutlery knife but a heavy-duty hunting knife. Those are two distinctly different animals. Furthermore, a hunting knife, generally, does not have the thin blade of a Chicago Cutlery knife. Another expert witness testified that Mike's wounds were made with a pocket knife and neither a Chicago Cutlery knife nor the hunting knife could have been the knife responsible for Mike's death. Fact is, the State was throwing up smoke screen after smoke screen and the jury did not see through any of it. Because Frank Gable failed to testify in his defense, they figured he was guilty as hell. Period. Thanks to Mr. Abel, Frank didn't get to explain why he kept changing his stories to the police. Frank never got to tell the jurors that he was innocent. Moreover, the jurors never had a chance to get to "bond" with Frank Gable. Instead, they bonded with the nice fat little policemen. Frank had two traitorous dogs for attorneys. They allowed all of this prejudicial and inflammatory testimony to go in front of the jury. Best Evidence was excluded. The trial Judge was corrupt. The D.A.’s office was corrupt. The State Police were corrupt. And I don’t doubt for even one minute that it was possible that more than one of the real killers testified against Frank (including Shorty). Jodie Swearingen recanted her testimony by revealing that the State Police had pressured her into lying. She refused to take the stand and lie about Frank. She has since admitted that she never made the two calls to Shorty that night. Cappie Harden, the man who claimed to have seen Frank stab Mike, has since recanted his testimony. He, too, admits that the State Police bullied him into lying. Mark Gesner, the man who claimed that Frank Gable gave him a plastic bag, with both the murder weapon and bloody clothes in it, to dispose of for him, has since admitted that it was a lie. That story made no sense in the first damned place (ER-39). The State used a whole lot of testimony that was meant to deceive the jury. They did that willfully, wantonly, and unconscionably. They did not care that they were framing an innocent man. When you add up the totality of the eyewitness accounts (not the ones that were paid for, threatened, and coached), there is no way that the murder could have occurred at 7pm as they contend. No less than two witnesses drove their cars around the Dome building in search of Michael Francke. Neither one of them saw anything amiss…which is odd considering that there was supposedly blood splattered on the sidewalk and plenty of blood on the hand-rails. Keep in mind that one of those witnesses was a security guard who used a spotlight on that area. If there had been blood, he would have seen it. And what about the dozen or so witnesses who walked around the building, walked down the sidewalks, crossed the parking lot, and all of those things? Not one of them saw blood. Not one of them stepped in blood. Why? Because the blood appeared sometime after they all left at 9pm. Ditto for the broken window. Michael Francke was abducted by several thugs. They held him for at least two and a half hours and probably three. An eyewitness saw 5 or 6 men running away from the Dome Building at about 10:20pm. Those men went to a green Volkswagon van. That van was, most likely, used to return him. At which time he was murdered in cold blood. And it was premeditated. Furthermore, Mike was murdered because of high level thefts and not because of a few guards who may have been smuggling drugs. In 2007, Fred Monem, the Oregon Department of Corrections food purchasing manager, was indicted for allegedly taking more than $1 million in bribes between 2000 and 2006. That is a lot of money. Even so, it is just a tiny fraction of what was being stolen every year. More importantly, it proves that the thefts they killed Mike over are still ongoing. On July 12, 2013, front page of the Statesman Journal newspaper (Salem), the headline reads: More Problems at Prison Industries Agency. It has been 24 years since Mike was killed over this corruption and it still exists. John C. Warden's report stated that whistleblowers were beaten up or worse. Corrections Officers were fired. Indeed, Killgore blew the whistle on these thugs and he was fired. James Ross was murdered in 1976 for threatening to expose this corruption. Michael Francke was murdered in 1989 for the same reason. That is an ongoing pattern of racketeering under the RICO Act. Nonetheless, these crimes are continuing almost unabated. We need a Congressional investigation. But if Congress is all Jewish, too, how are we ever going to get any kind of an investigation if we do not get the public to cry foul? I am one hundred percent sure that there are still people in Salem, Oregon who could tell you exactly who that van belonged to and even the names of all of the men who ever rode in it. Even a check of DMV records could produce the owner. And we can start by talking to an old fart named Eyerly. I wrote this with the explicit intent of freeing Frank Gable. He is an innocent man. If the powers that be do not wish to let Frank go, then I hope that Congress orders a team in to investigate all of the crimes committed by, and still being committed by, all of those who were in power, and all of those who are still in power. This is a brand of terror that reaps nightmares. It is time for the nightmares to stop. Next week, we name the murderer. You won't want to miss that one !!! Previous installments Aug-05-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Eight) - John Atkins for Jul-29-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Seven) - John Atkins for Jul-21-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Six) - John Atkins for Jul-15-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Five) - John Atkins for Jul-08-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Four) - John Atkins for Jul-01-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Three) - John Atkins for Jun-24-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part Two) - John Atkins for Jun-17-2013: Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part One) - John Atkins for
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April February 24, 2015 12:37 am (Pacific time)
One last thing , Any one who knew Frank .... Can any of you truly remember him with out sun glasses , it was almost like a calling card for him . EVERYONE Knows ITS a well know fact he always wore glasses night or day it was his thing, so that was a no brainer an easy little fact that the cops used to there advantage for producing false evidence, that would place him there, even though he truly had not.
i know too August 28, 2013 12:06 pm (Pacific time)
no you can't process a dead man, but WHY did he die? get the other real folks involved in this story. Particularly since Tim's live in girlfiend, godlove is now married to franke's brother.
John Atkins August 16, 2013 5:31 am (Pacific time)
Can't prosecute a dead man.
Anonymous August 15, 2013 9:18 am (Pacific time)
I haven't seen several key names in any of these articles. Godlove Natividad
John Atkins August 14, 2013 1:39 pm (Pacific time)
Confused, that moniker fits you. My statement was "it is possible that more than one of the killers testified against Frank..." That means that, at least, one of the killers did testify against Frank. My personal belief is that no less than five of the perps swore against Frank. Woody, nothing to be careful about. I have made my peace with God. I also have it set uo so that no less than 300 CDs will be going out to Oregon legislators and another five hundred will be going to the United States Congress. Tick tock.
confused August 13, 2013 8:56 pm (Pacific time)
you say that you don't doubt, that it is possible for one or ,more of the actual killers testified against frank gable. then you end the story with next week you will name the real killer. if you know the real killer, would you not know for sure if he testified against gable at trial? hummmmm
Woody August 13, 2013 5:23 pm (Pacific time)
Speaking of racketeering for those doubters still out there. Maybe you could address how the same old racket of running drugs and other empires is still the same old same old at OSP under the direction of Premo, Yoder, and Watson. Its still happening.
Look up the Gifford family's lawsuit going against those men. Those three men are equal opportunity bullies, they don't really discriminate who they swindle from. Disabled people get thrown in the hole, pushed to suicide. Coleman's case wreaks of racism. We know today that Premo, Yoder, and Watson still hold to their skin color when it comes to who they protect and don't.
Racism is still alive in well at OSP. That is easy to prove.
Woody August 13, 2013 2:36 pm (Pacific time)
Nice article John, love how you address the issue of racketeering, they have been untouchables for so long now, that they just boldly do their deeds afraid of no one. The waters are so polluted with corruption now. That Jeff Premo, Captain Watson, and Mr. Yoder run OSP with an iron fist and are afraid of no one. They violate a persons civil rights and cast who they choose into prison, the hole, and defame anyone's character who speaks against their ongoing crime.
[Return to Top]Like I said before, the inmates call their henchmen "The Trench Coat Mafia". Because as you said, they gained that reputation back then, they still have that pull and credibility today. They are a threat still today.
They still are bilking Oregonians millions of dollars a year and asking for even more.
You have balls, I applaud you for it, just be careful.
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