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Aug-05-2012 15:08printcomments

Techno-Arrogance to Control Nature and the Fetish with GDP

Do our politicians in Delhi, who represent 1.2 billion folks respect Mother Nature?

This was a mountain on fire, east of the camp around daybreak. One can see dawn creeping over the horizon. Within minutes, our camp was on fire. Pine trees were exploding like bombs. The place is just outside Shimla. Night of May 27th-28th, 2012, during t
This was a mountain on fire, east of the camp around daybreak. One can see dawn creeping over the horizon. Within minutes, our camp was on fire. Pine trees were exploding like bombs. The place is just outside Shimla. Night of May 27th-28th, 2012, during the longest spell of over 400 Celsius in the recorded history of India.

(NEW DELHI, India) - World’s total GDP, all countries included, whatever accounting systems they use, is estimated at 33-35 trillion US dollars. The value of eco-system goods and services provided free of cost by Mother Nature has been estimated at 72-74 trillion dollars.

Has it occurred to the economist Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and his techno fixers in Planning Commission that if Nature refuses to cooperate, the heavenly day-dreaming of a Super Power India would end up in a colossal mayhem; the nation is slipping into that Olduvai Gorge, year after year? The tipping point was 1991 and the timing was dictated by Washington DC under control of the London Banksters. Manmohan is their man, Antonia is their woman, and Rahul is emerging as India’s own Baby Bush and Barry Soetoro combined.

Manmohan has learned many things but perhaps a most important lesson from none other than Henry the-old-fart Kissinger. Prime agricultural lands are being acquired for ‘development’ projects that take away nation’s capacity to produce food. The latest directive of the PM actually demolishes the regulatory regime to conserve natural resources especially land. Remember the ignominious Kissinger theory of control? “Control oil and you control nations; control food, you control the people.”

Deforestation goes on and on relentlessly. Even satellite data was misused and misinterpreted, showing increase in forest cover! Decline in natural vegetation is escalating erosion of top soil with each monsoon rain. It doesn’t rain in India, it pours; a metre deep in three months. That’s why India’s sages and wise old men created a system of rainwater harvesting and worshipping water. Rich people invested in community assets like ponds and built a temple there to ensure sanctity of water. In Punjab, that has the dubious distinction of being Wheat bowl of India, there were 700,000 ponds; these ponds were levelled to increase cropping area. Consequences? Floods, water shortage, heavy dependence on diesel [supplied by multinational oil companies] and diesel pumps [manufactured by butchers of technology]. Now the water table at some places is 300 feet deep. Could India have survived past eight thousand years if the wise men had not conserved the most vital resource that ensures life?

Seasonal rivers are dead; perennial rivers becoming seasonal. River originating in the Himalayas feeding Yamuna and the Ganges are so polluted that those waters are unfit for any purpose. Highly polluting industries located by these rivers are discharging untreated effluents; all have environmental clearance, all have installed treatment plants but these plants work only when inspectors arrive.

Rivers get water from melting snow during summer and the seepage from the mountains during winter. These two fragile systems make Himalayan Rivers perennial. When politicians and corporations destroy the green cover to ‘develop’ mountain areas, it affects the great Indian farm lands of the food bowl of India.

It is the shortage of water caused by disruption of ecosystems that has led farmers to depend upon underground water resources. Underground water resources are being gobbled up for exportable and commercial crops, not to ensure food and nutrition security of Indians. Export income shows up in GDP without accounting adjustments for the value of eco-system goods that produced the commodity for export.

Forty years ago no farmer depended on diesel pump set to pump water up; today no farmer can do without that. Production of diesel pump set adds to GDP; the gift Nature by way of free water does not. In the globalized idiocy of Multinational Corporation driven agenda of valuing ecosystem goods, attempt is on to value the contribution of water so that private corporations can price it and charge our farmers. That process is already on.

Because of the huge value of eco-system goods and services, politicians in positions of power exploit the concept of eminent domain. If a single source of globalized corruption could be identified, it is linked to untrammelled exploitation of Mother Nature’s gift to mankind by misusing the power of the State. To justify that exploitation this idiotic term GDP was coined. All economists and ‘development experts’ worship the GDP God. Have they ever asked a basic question of survival? Where do they get their food from? Does Walmart or Tesco produce food? They are distributors of processed food; food comes from farmlands, worked by millions of below poverty line farmers who this government believes can survive on 28 rupees per day. Try buying anything in a super store in India for Rs 28. What fucking arrogance of the two tweedledee of the World Bank and tweedledum of the IMF!

World’s most advanced country, United States of America, is now into record breaking longest draught. Heat has caused huge forest fires and many towns are completely gutted. Corn crop has collapsed and speculators have pushed the price to US$8.20 per bushel. Where are techno-fixers? They can land a man on moon or probe Mars; can they techno-fix one sexy twist of a Katrina or deadly dance of death of heat induced fire? Storms are intensifying; ‘quakes are more devastating; floods more destructive: where are the great techno-fixers?

It happened right here too, up in the Himalayan region. I was travelling with my American friends, stayed in a remote resort. We had late dinner near their kitchen and retired around midnight. We could see the forests around the camp on fire, did not bother. Our chauffeur called that the car park is on fire and he is moving the car to safe spot. At 3AM, we could smell smoke, woke up, came out and walked across the camp. The dining space was gutted, several tourist huts up in flames; ours was next. We finally decided to leave. On the way back to Delhi we could see forest fires everywhere. These photographs are horrific. If it hadn’t been for the presence of mind of my friend who had lived in Colorado’s wild countryside and faced many forest fires, we’d be dead.

Can even one ‘expert’ in the Ministry of Agriculture or in the Planning Commission of India say that technology can fix Nature’s power?

When men fiddled with Nature, civilizations became extinct. Death wish manifests itself in many ways. Leaders don’t learn from history; they govern in mysterious ways. The centre for origin of that mystery is London; the muscle power is provided by DC and other yelping dogs of the NATO.

Can the dream-boat of privatization cause rain? Can any company in the world cause rain to fall exactly on 15th June according to the Gregorian calendar followed by Indian Met Department? Rains start to fall in the month of Sawan in North Indian Plains. Sawan started on 4th July, it started to rain on 5th. It rained in Bihar and UP and in Northern Bengal, Monsoon rain.

Do our politicians in Delhi, who represent 1.2 billion folks respect Mother Nature? Do politicians in any so-called ‘developed countries’ representing over one billion people respect Mother Nature? Can their lapdog economists and ass licking minions ever assess the value of Mother Nature? Can they truthfully assess the contribution of Nature in GDP? In the ultimate analysis Nature ensures GDP, not techno-fixers or economists or politicians or George Soros controlled Framework Team of the United Nations Organization.

What is development? Is making human slaughter houses around the world development? Should we, the people of the world, not bomb the hell out of London and DC? Why not Denmark? Or Liechtenstein? Or Cayman islands where all these dumb bastards stash their billions? Or even Paris? And why shouldn’t the people of this planet ask that WWII question raised by Adolf Hitler, “Is Paris burning? Jodl, is Paris burning?” Hitler made a mistake. He could never see the enemy clearly and even now it is not Tel Aviv. That little ghetto of Zionists can be eliminated even by a rotten military like that of Pakistan. But that would not remove the trillionaire scoundrels who run the banks and “identify” the political leaders of the third planet of a solar system which is part of cosmos which these brain dead bastards can’t fathom. Why don’t they calculate the Gross Planetary Product of Jupiter or Pluto and migrate over there? It is safer from Al-Qaeda or the Taliban.

Were these bastards suckled by their mothers? Or were they brought up on donkey’s milk? Perhaps bitch’s milk? And these bastards are creating conditions that would dry-up billions of mothers’ breast milk denying nourishment to new born babes, everywhere, in the most advanced country the United States of America. The level of insanity of these scoundrels belies my imagination.

Kissinger’s third tome should have been ‘when insane people are placed in positions of authority, kiss the plant good bye!’ Oh yeah, Kissinger and his bankster financiers, Obama and Cameron Hollande and Merkel towing the banksters’ dreamboat Elizabeeeeeth, and Manmohana Singh, and the rest of the third world minions as toilet cleaner, would eventually control a dead planet. Or mind controlled, RFD-ied, fried or grilled or brain dead humans. Should anyone show any respect for these leaders? Should they not be hanged from the nearest lamp post?

We are actually running out of time to save the planet, not because of global warming, which is their bullshit, but because of globalized idiocy of organized terrorism run from London and DC.

This is the highway from Shimla to Delhi. One can see three spots of fire. These are mature forests.
The pine trees were planted by the British after devastating tropical diversified forests. A diversified
forested area can never have this sort of fire. Where is techno-fix


Arun Shrivastava is's South Asia Correspondent. An accredited management consultant, Arun is also a highly experienced researcher and writer. He studied in India and England and returned to India in 1989, after a brief stint as senior officer with Economic Development Unit of Birmingham (UK). From 1989 to 1994, he taught Strategic Management and Long Range Planning to MBA students at International Management Institute in Delhi.

About twenty years ago he founded two institutions, one for consulting and another for doing sponsored research work; today both are known for excellence. Since the events of 9/11, he has devoted much of his time to researching NWO issues. Arun also moderates International Human Rights Organizations’ discussion group. is very pleased that Arun Shrivastava chose to join our dynamic team which has been paying increasing attention to problems taking place in India. He is's 94th writer and his presence allows us to better cover important events in an increasingly interconnected world community.

You can send an email to Arun Shrivastava at this address:

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Anonymous August 5, 2012 5:06 pm (Pacific time)

Arun noted: "The tipping point was 1991 and the timing was dictated by Washington DC under control of the London Banksters." Arun is exactly correct, this is the stuff I have been trying to make clear to people on this website and many others. The bankers control most of the world, Canada, Australia, UK, and the U.S. included...It is so obvious its beyond my imagination that people cant see it. Iran sentences corrupt bankers to death, the U.S. gives the corrupt bankers trillions of tax payer dollars. THIS is why they want to bomb Iran, not because of their nuclear energy program...Wake up western world! All of the atrocities that salem-news mentions? 90% of them (if not more), come from the bankers manipulation in other countries. Christians in Syria are being killed by western backed alCIAda affiliates...Its the same story over and over and they wont stop until we stand up to the true culprits..Prime culprits are the london/vatican/DC bankers, and 99% of the politicians that go along with it. Mostly the neo-cons but the democrats follow along they just are not as vocal.

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