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Aug-03-2009 03:40 ![]() ![]() Police in U.S. Will Soon Have Multi Shot Taser GunsPolitical Perspective by Tim King Salem-News.comTaser International unveiled a new stun gun last week capable of shocking three people without a reload.
(SALEM, Ore.) - The Telegraph in Great Britain reports that a big change is coming in police Taser guns for the U.S. and the U.K. As the controversy surrounding the use of these police weapons on people heats up, the company in Scottsdale, Arizona that manufactures the Taser has a new model out that will allow police to fire multiple barbed wires charged with electricity at one or more people, more like an automatic weapon. The new Taser gun will fire three times. Police say the older Taser stun guns have to be reloaded after one shot, and that creates a problem for officers who miss their target, though they are used at very close range. The company stated that the new Taser can strike more than one person simultaneously. It is the first time in six years that this Arizona company has released a new model. It was shown to hundreds of police and distributors at Taser's annual conference. It isn't available yet, and the company stated that they will announce the release date next month. The multi shot Taser guns will sell for $1,799, which is $1,000 more than the current model, Taser spokesman Steve Tuttle told The Telegraph. has reported several times that Tasers are used under questionable circumstances on American citizens. So far this year, two minors have died after being shot with a police Taser. Records since June 2001 indicate that Tasers have been a factor in 351 deaths so far in the United States. In spite of reports from human rights groups, the company that sells these to police, says Tasers do not cause heart attacks. The Taser spokesman says the company has gone to court over 97 product liability suits, and won 96 of them. It is important to note however that it is very difficult to ever find a case where a police officer is adjudicated over killing a suspect in the line of duty. Still, those numbers indicate how frequently Tasers are a factor in arrest-based deaths. YouTube is also loaded with footage of police seemingly torturing people with Tasers. Here are some examples:
I am not citing or failing to recognize the long list of successful Taser deployments that take place in this nation, nor am I qualified to know what does or does not deem the practice "legal" under the different state and federal laws. To me, never having felt the working end of a Taser, it seems like a cruel device to use on people. If it is a matter of life and death and a police officer can bring a suspect into compliance with a Taser, thus avoiding having to use a firearm, then it is obviously a helpful and useful tool. To their credit, many police officers who use Tasers have been shot with the device in training. Having personally witnessed this training before, I can tell you that when the police use the Taser on one another, they do not shoot and hold the button down to provide the prolonged shocking that is seen on the YouTube videos. Amnesty International reports that most people who have been killed by Tasers were not carrying weapons. That is a tragedy. The obvious way for city, state and county governments to handle the Taser problems, is to regard them as the lethal device that they are. Each time an officer draws and uses the Taser, they should be temporarily relieved from duty with pay while an investigation takes place, just as if they had used their firearm. The most important thing beyond that, is to have the cases be investigated by a citizen's review board. Those citizens need to be unbiased and not represent the law enforcement community. If the Taser use was deemed justified, then the officer carries on and has no repercussions over the incident. If however, they use it unnecessarily, then they should be relieved of duty permanently. There is no question that many officers and deputies exercise great caution when using Tasers, and no doubt that others are quicker, less cautious, and more eager to use them. The bad apples are in the limelight at this time and it seems an impossible course to reverse without strong political action. I believe reporting on this subject strikes a nerve with police and I'm not surprised by that. In the end, they aren't the ones who need to worry about being shot with a Taser. In fact I was told recently by an officer I have known for several years, that most of the Salem Police officers are very distrusting of the media and are not inclined to want to work with us. I take that to be part of a growing trend and likely connected to our reports about Tasers. If that is the end result of honest and sometimes critical reporting, then let it be. I think a lack of trust is a mutual feeling at times and it is unfortunate but true. I believe that most of the time things are good between law enforcement and media, and almost all of our stories involving police are what would be considered positive, as they are simply rewritten press releases. As long as law enforcement finds it necessary to be controversial, we will be here to write about it, that is our role in this world. Tripling police Taser ability will bring about more problems, and when does it end? When it shoots six people at once? Maybe twelve? Law enforcement should put their taxpayer generated money back into community policing and public affairs. I'm sure most people who have been shot with a Taser would agree with that. Special thanks to: WORLD VIEW NEWS SERVICE for information in this article. See this follow up report: Taser Use in the U.S. is a Serious Problem - Political Perspective by Tim King ![]() Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 covering the war in Afghanistan, and he was in Iraq over the summer of 2008, reporting from the war while embedded with both the U.S. Army and the Marines. Tim holds numerous awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing, including the Oregon AP Award for Spot News Photographer of the Year (2004), the first place Electronic Media Award in Spot News, Las Vegas, (1998), Oregon AP Cooperation Award (1991); and several other awards including the 2005 Red Cross Good Neighborhood Award for reporting. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website, affiliated with Google News and several other major search engines and news aggregators. You can send Tim an email at this address: Articles for August 2, 2009 | Articles for August 3, 2009 | Articles for August 4, 2009 | googlec507860f6901db00.html![]() ![]() ![]() Support ![]() | |
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greg August 10, 2009 10:49 pm (Pacific time)
what pap. you accept at face value anything that agree's with your preconcieved conclusion and reject as false anything that doesn't. This is journalism at it's poorest. Thank the Lord that very few people read this garbage.
Tim King: Are you trying to say something or just rambling? We have great readership, any moron knows that and it is exactly what bugs you. You're so wound up that you don't know up from down. Have another beer, be glad your crappy little opinion was published.
Daniel Johnson August 3, 2009 11:51 pm (Pacific time)
Here's the opening two paragraphs from a Globe and Mail article from Saturday: "Everything known about tasers – everything the provinces and police forces think they know – should now be treated as junk. Canada has a state-of-the-art manual that says the taser can kill, and its use by police forces needs to be severely limited. But have the provinces noticed? The silence of most of them on last week's 556-page Braidwood report has been, well, stunning. Among the most egregious and most influential pieces of junk is the “research” report of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police on the supposed safety of the taser, notwithstanding the 25 people who have died in this country, and 300 in the United States, after being tasered. That report can now be tossed in the garbage bin where it belongs. The chiefs, who were hardly impartial anyway, undermined any claim to independence by accepting roughly $100,000 in sponsorship money from the taser's manufacturer. The chiefs' report contributed to the prevailing view among police in this country that people don't die from tasers, they die from excited delirium: overheating."
EazyMoney August 3, 2009 3:19 pm (Pacific time)
That was basically the point I was trying to make. I'm just sick of hearing about tazer misuse by police. Its supposed to be a less lethal alternative to using a gun, but often its used to inflict torture on the disobedient. Regardless of if they are actually guilty of anything or not.
Daniel Johnson August 3, 2009 1:35 pm (Pacific time)
EazyMoney: My son has an interesting view on this. He says in our society (here as well as there) people are innocent until proven guilty, but treated as guilty until proven innocent.
Storm Crow August 3, 2009 11:04 am (Pacific time)
There have been several fatalities with just single tasings. This ought to triple the death rate! No more "bang-bang-bang and your dead", just "zap-zap-zap and you're dead"! And no accountability, unless someone dies! Did you folks know that an electrical shock can cause permanent nerve damage? I wonder what that triple shock will do to a person's nervous system? And heaven forbid that you have a medical problem such as heart disease or use a device like a pacemaker! This is going to get ugly FAST!
Vic August 3, 2009 10:58 am (Pacific time)
babafisa August 3, 2009 6:36 am (Pacific time)
Thank you very much for that great article
help wanted August 3, 2009 10:08 am (Pacific time)
“As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian Corrections Officers. Specific duties may include providing facility security; providing custody, control, supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative programs.”.... And, obama spending 2 billion for 5000 more police. google "NLE09" I have PLENTY more of these. Dozens.
EazyMoney August 3, 2009 9:28 am (Pacific time)
Oh great! Just what the cops need, a multi-shot cattle prod........... Because everyone is guilty until proven innocent... Don't question authority...
Susan Tackitt August 3, 2009 7:24 am (Pacific time)
I think cops should wear cameras to record shootings. Unless things changed since I was wrongfully tazed they dont have to report tazing like they do shooting. Police in small owns have a hay day and no one keeps track of when or why. After being forced into an ambulance and shipped off to the nut house where I was for 3 days before I seen a doctor I finally got to tell what happend. The doctor said Susan, everything you said made sense and said he believed I was misunderstood. Even though I lost my FOID card for 5 years i was cleared and the itchy finger cop now is a flat foot at the local ball park and thats good enough punishment for me. God Bless America!
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