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Apr-30-2008 09:57printcomments

The Iraq and Afghani Solution`s Time and Reality is Finally Here

There is no choice now and anyone who thinks differently without mentioning names or politics is doing so for the wrong reasons.
Photo: U.S. Army

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - We are now at the 1st of May 2008, and the current Bush Administration/USA Iraq Surge planned under the only great general to be consummated by America’s involvement in attempting to bring Democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan, General Petrais, is now at a similar end point.

The fist U.S.A. and its "coalition" as it is called (but is not much of one) haven't been vagabond strategic, when then Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld who along with then Secretary of State Colin Powell said the Iraqis should form a plan for self-government.

That was 2003, now almost five full years ago and there is none and won’t be with yes, another change by the USA, the final one, of setting the stage for this to happen albeit five years late from both a political and military quagmire of an operation to free anyone or anything let alone Iraq. Iraq, which does really care as a people and just wants to be who they have always been except for Muslim power brokers whether willing to become civilized or religious fruitcake still living in the Seventh Century with the Islamic faiths very human author seeking to create the Arabic’s competitor to Christianity.

Facts are facts, reality is reality, and all of this religious fervor for all civilizations with Islamic Muslims being the vile non-religious religion ever created by a man in Muhammad, an admitted thief who, like most all those of his epoch, could not read or write and prophesized the Koran to someone who could write.

So what does the USA or for that matter all Western culture (which is the dominate culture of this epoch) do to not only survive but prosper as nations and peoples to simply live a better life?

President Bush and those who say "we must win" are quite correct. There is no choice now and anyone who thinks differently without mentioning names or politics is doing so for the gamesmanship of politics and power no more, no less.

Even those who thrust "pull out now" will not just pull out when and if they seize American leadership in ’09 as it is a lie for sake of the majority of the American Electoral College sweepstakes and power for themselves and control over all they see.

Rather simple isn’t it, and a third grader would understand it easily enough if not subjected to what amounts to be the powerful wanting the public to remain in a majority just like the IQ level of the less than average citizen deaf, dumb, and blind.

How’s that everyone for truth on the saddle of reality?

Live with it, it is reality and the overwhelming history of mankind except for a man named Plato, the Athenian philosopher (427-347 BC).

Plato accepted the world and reality of observation, not judgementalism, as the real ideas of mankind as he evolved. That is the reality of who and what man can and will be if he survives long enough to thoroughly mince demagoguery, not the democracy of a republic from the minds of those who seek and grasp power for themselves and their brethren.

So the answer is that simple. Here it is, despite what will be a giant call and shout from the demigods that exist today or those that would in their own universe of creation and ideology:

Powell and Rumsfeld were right in 2003, even if they did not know how to procure the happening of Iraq to create itself, and now it is offered for all to see and know and it is and has been from day one of the USA become maddeningly encumbered in Iraq with little or no foresight or vision, if the right call, to seek freedom and civilization in a world and civilization which has never experienced it in any form.

So you all want the simple third grade correct and winning answer, and I stress the word "winning" as in what Bush correctly decreed must be America''s and the civilized world's end result for the civilization we know to continue to grow in freedom of the state and its peoples.

It is called in one word simple for all, segmentation.

Iraq must segment itself far beyond what it has been since it was created in 1958 and a distinct end to the three territorial areas of Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds must be dismantled now. It is time, while smaller provinces or states to the tune of 10-15 are created in its place from what remains of them.

This will mean a centralized government and let us say then 15 provinces without determining who what, and where they would territorially be with the total circumference of the Iraqi land map.

This America must sit down with a chosen group of leaders respected and appointed by each of the three regions that exist now and do only a first segmentation to start with that forms the provinces or states within a central government not located in Baghdad but Kurdistan as it is the only logical place for the national capital and government to be territorially based. Just like Washington D.C.

This will, in the next two-three years, end all the territorial and religious infighting for the same power that all demigods seek in structure, whether in a state such as Iraq or a democracy.

Now, I graduated from third grade and that wasn’t too difficult to spin out sensibly and rationally. And, it will be for Iraq, not America, to create both a National Guard and individual state/province policing organizations and power as it must be segmented and shared equally; the state/province having equal vote and voice in the National political democratic landscape.

Over these two-three years, a few new provinces may be sub-segmented and in time a few more, which the Iraqi national government must allow and contribute to happening based on the objective, emotional desire, and territorial, religious, or any other realm of why segmentation of state/provinces are created; some will be more minimized in territory and population, but not in national voting rights.

Now, I am sure the U.S. politicians which I believe all have at least a third grade education can understand this easily enough and see it very clearly as can all Iraqi’s of the current 1958 exasperated model where, as except for the structure, this will be with America's continued help and council.

The time to do this is now, and I mean now, May 2008, and have it implemented by the U.S. 2008 national election or shortly after.

This isn’t about who becomes the next U.S. President either. All parties of America should simply climb on board not differentiate and cast pall over it as Republican or Democrat philosophically, as it will be a contribution this time from all civilized democracies to make a functional Iraqi democratic Muslim reality, as they wish it be and in peace and prosperity for each other, therefore, all.


U.S. troops will begin semi withdrawing regardless of who is President and from which political party by next summer which is realistic. America, just as with post WWII Japan and Germany, will have a presence similar with Iraq and Afghanistan and which will do the same thing in segmentation.

Perhaps it will be 5-9 state/provinces, who knows without looking at the segmentation possibilities to begin with which will be Iraq and Afghanistan’s requirement. That means not only under occupation, but includes the democratic guidance of the civilized world which will simple pull out and isolate them from civilization, trade etc. as we have in the past with other reprobate states as Iraq and Afghanistan were, and don’t want in their halls of power and intellect desire to become again.

There you have it and yes it is simple, beyond anyone’s belief or imagination and always was except for blindness and lack of vision.

Have it everyone, but there is no time left to play games with American or any nation's lives as has been done by all parties and countries to date. Let these men who cared about humanity live in memory of those of Iraq, America, Afghanistan, and all nations of the coalition who lost lives. Beg and plead for this reality to occur now, not tomorrow or never.

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Vic May 2, 2008 8:51 am (Pacific time)

Thank you Henry, for clarifying what was a bit confusing to me. I still think this mindset is akin to a rapist thinking he should kidnap and marry his victim because he messed her up....and expecting praise for his selfless act of mercy. I still think this reeks of egotism...and racism....the omniscient white race helping the ignorant brown people (after killing over a million of em, bombing cities and crowded slums and driving their standard of living into the dirt) The author repeatedly invokes his third grade education...well when I was in the third grade we were taught that countries like the Soviet Union were evil...WHY? Because they wanted to dominate the world and make everyone else bow to them, they spied on their citizens and even engaged in torture. People could be arrested in the middle of the night and never be seen again. Their leaders ignored the will of their people for their own dreams of conquest and empire. They wasted the nation's wealth on weaponry and war while the people had to struggle for the very basics. We were told, in my third grade class, that America was the counter to such evil countries/tyrants, and we were so very lucky to be here and not there. Need I say more ?

Henry Ruark April 30, 2008 2:23 pm (Pacific time)

Apology for my misplaced comment re Reagan; intended for other story on his regime, tipping point for ongoing neocon debacle. To Vic et al re this one, believe writer intends to point out our consequential responsibility since we set up dolorous situation via Bush premptive attack. On that he is perhaps not only correct but wise, since to depart precipitately can only create more desperate consequence, clearly open to wise consideration before any such attack. We MUST leave, as rapidly as wise, since costs are clearly unsustainable in blood, money and continuing impossible complex travails. Vic is absolutely correct in his characterization of strong culture in Iraq long before we completed our Revolution --all the more reason for cogitation prior to obvious silly-set neocon-cabal attack we allowed to happen, attention focused on allelseinwildsociety now. Other points dialog-able, but already had my shot today, so will suggest to Vic ID to editor Tim with emailer and will be glad to continue with friendly-sharing there.

Vic April 30, 2008 12:57 pm (Pacific time)

Not sure if I understand this article. What makes you think it is any of our damn business how the Iraqis govern their country?? Iraq is a lot older than America. When your ancestors (I am assuming from your arrogance you are white/European)were living like cave men, inbreeding and living lives barely above the animal category, Iraq had libraries, soap,an incredible art and music culture and culturally were eons ahead of the European mongols. It is the height of arrogance and egomania to think that we have all the answers and somehow have some God-given duty to make everyone like us, or kill them. Your thinking belongs about 650 years in the past. (if I read you correctly) You would have loved the Crusades. Your heroes, Bush, Powell and Rumsfeld are war criminals and should be executed.

Vic April 30, 2008 12:56 pm (Pacific time)

Not sure if I understand this article. What makes you think it is any of our damn business how the Iraqis govern their country?? Iraq is a lot older than America. When your ancestors (I am assuming from your arrogance you are white/European)were living like cave men, inbreeding and living lives barely above the animal category, Iraq had libraries, soap,an incredible art and music culture and culturally were eons ahead of the European mongols. It is the height of arrogance and egomania to think that we have all the answers and somehow have some God-given duty to make everyone like us, or kill them. Your thinking belongs about 650 years in the past. (if I read you correctly) You would have loved the Crusades. Your heroes, Bush, Powell and Rumsfeld are war criminals and should be executed.

Henry Clay Ruark April 30, 2008 12:44 pm (Pacific time)

To all: For further solid insights by Reagan's own chosen/appointed biographer Edmund Morris, an early-life friend and lifelong observer, see: Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan. Sorry own copy still buried after move-here, so cannot furnish ISBN - but any library or bookstore will have it and it is well worth your full attention, since the Reagan era is now undoubtedly seen as pivot-point for thirty years of neocon desolation. (Will not hesitate to add that I've been pointing out that sad truth now for some ten years or so, too...and full proof-consequences now plainly and painfully fully arrived.)

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