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Salem-News.Com News articles for April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007, 8:03 pm Body Recovered in Keizer May be Missing Salem Woman
April 25, 2007, 7:59 pm Suspect Tries to Flee Salem Police Using Willamette River Slough
April 25, 2007, 5:54 pm American Military Ego Will Lead to Problems As We Replace Iraq and Afghanistan's Army's AK-47 with the M-16
April 25, 2007, 5:52 pm Salem Academy Main Campus CLOSED on Thursday
April 25, 2007, 4:45 pm Salem Traffic Stop Nets $90,000; Wanted California Fugitive
April 25, 2007, 4:08 pm UPDATE: Driver Still Sought in Salem Police Motorcycle Hit-and-Run
April 25, 2007, 4:01 pm Corvallis Man Assaults Female with a Knife
April 25, 2007, 2:15 pm Oregon State Luau will Bring Island Magic to Oregon on Saturday
April 25, 2007, 2:09 pm Final OSU Horning Lecture Presents `Darwin, Sex and Slavery`
April 25, 2007, 1:56 pm Bill Protecting Vulnerable Citizens During an Emergency Passes Oregon Senate
April 25, 2007, 1:19 pm Oregon Lawmaker Compares VA Tech Massacre to Passage of Gay Rights Legislation
April 25, 2007, 7:25 am Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 39 - Zombarazzi!
April 25, 2007, 7:13 am Soldier from Oregon Killed in Iraq
April 25, 2007, 6:28 am Albany Drug Raid Leads to Three Arrests; Four Children into Protective Custody
April 25, 2007, 6:09 am FBI Investigating Threating Letters about College Cheerleaders
April 25, 2007, 6:05 am Salem - Portland AM Traffic and Weather Report
April 25, 2007, 5:23 am Threat Cancels Classes, Campus Today at PCC Rock Creek Campus
Articles for April 24, 2007 | Articles for April 26, 2007