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Apr-09-2011 19:05printcommentsVideo

Israeli Embassy in Cairo Under Siege

Demands: Embassy Closure and Withdrawal from The Camp David Accords in Wake of Renewed Attacks on Gaza

Storming the Israeli embassy in Cairo
Special thanks to @nater_elbatrawi on Twitter

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - “ Just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing this new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well”

Editor’s notes:  The western press and even Al Jazeera have failed to report today’s demonstrations in Tahir Square, Cairo accurately. Thousands of Egyptians marched from the square to the Israeli Embassy, demanding that the current military government end diplomatic relations with Israel in wake of the recent assault on Gaza by the IDF.

Israel claims that a school bus was attacked with a mortar round this week and it was necessary for the army to respond with tanks, helicopters, rockets and a step-up of the nightly bombing campaign that has gone on for months.

Skeptics doubt Israel’s claim of an attack from Gaza, citing Israel’s propensity for fabricating threats and the bizarre choice of weapons. From an American intelligence source who has worked with Israel for decades:

Israel has been using the “mortar attack” story more and more. Any small explosive charge can be made to look like a mortar attack. even a hand grenade. You only need to throw a few shards of metal around, the cheapest and dirtiest “false flag” possible and Israel has done this dozens of times.

Hamas has mortars but they also have thousands of RPGs. That’s the weapon used to go after a vehicle. Saying someone shot a mortar at a bus is simply idiotic. If Gaza has the weapons Israel claims, Russian Kornet and RPG 29s which are capable of destroying Israel’s Merkava tanks quite readily, as Hizbollah proved, the “school bus” story is even more fictional.

Background, The Egyptian Anti-Israeli Backlash

Egyptians marching to the Israeli embassy in Cairo,
protesting over Israeli strikes of Gaza.

On this very day, April 8th since 41 years the Israeli air force struck the village of Bahr el-Baqar – an Egyptian small village near Suez Canal. The raid resulted in the total destruction of an elementary school full of school children.  Five bombs and 2 air-to-ground missiles struck the single-floor school. Of the 130 school children who attended the school, 46 were killed, and over 50 wounded, many of them maimed for life. The school itself was completely demolished.

That tragic day marked the first encounter of the Egyptian people with the brutality and the indiscriminate aggression of the Israelis that targeted the innocent and unarmed civilians. This air raid demolished not only the school building but also the remains of any hopes for Israel to be seen as a friendly neighbor state.

From then on Israel was the absolute enemy in the eyes of every average Egyptian.

This terrorist attack on the innocent Egyptian school children has been deeply engraved in the memory of all Egyptians. And to make sure that no one forgot what Israel had done on that day, Egyptians made April 8th a mourning day for the killed school children of Bahr el-Bakar and to be commemorated every year for the last 41 years.
Only this year it was rather different.

Egypt-Israel relations in the last 40 years

Egypt has just emerged from its worldwide celebrated revolution which managed to topple the long lasting in power dictator, Hosni Mubarak.

So many things happened in Egypt since the Israeli raid on April 8th, 1970.

  • - Egypt retaliated against years of Israeli military aggression and political arrogance in the glorious October war 1973 against Israel.
  • - President Sadat signed – on an individual initiative- a peace treaty with Israel 1979 (based on Camp David accords) that never managed to naturalize relations between Egyptians and Israelis.
  • - Mubarak ruled  Egypt since 1980 and began a long era of not only observing the terms of the peace treaty but to acting as the closest friend of Israel and the White House in the Middle East.
  • - Mubarak, through his corrupt reign, helped Israel  tighten its shameful siege on Gaza and  even supplied Tel Aviv with the natural gas they needed for power and electricity production with prices well under the world rates. (enriching himself in the process)  But his most appreciated contribution to the Zionist regime in Israel was the complete Egyptian withdrawal from actively participating in the key issues of the Arab- Israeli conflict.

Gaza under fire again

Lately, the unrest began to resurface again at the border line between Gaza and Israel. On Friday April 8th Five Palestinians have been killed and around 45 wounded in Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip following an offer of a ceasefire from Hamas after a surge in cross-border violence that was dramatically reduced by Israel and sold to the world as the usual “selective” Palestinian attack, by their most primitive handmade rockets, on a school bus – an area of specialty long mastered by the Israelis since Bahr el-Bakar school massacre.

Thus began another expected scenario of disproportionate Israeli attacks on the civilians and children in Gaza with the civilized world muted and turning a blind eye as usual.

The world has grown numb and painfully insensitive to the crimes of Israel against the Arab Palestinians in Gaza and the west bank.

And with judge Richard Goldstone bowing out and going back on his indictment of the Israeli crimes committed during the war on Gaza 2009; the world seems like a barren place for the Palestinians devoid of any free voices left to stand up against the Israeli insolence.

And just when the Palestinians in Gaza thought they were facing this new Israeli attacks alone and with their backs against the wall, they found out they forgot, over the years, that they had brothers in Egypt who are willing not only to accompany them in their struggle against Israel but to protect their backs as well.

Embassy under siege

On the very same day of April 8th and as Egyptians were protesting in Tahrir square demanding that Mubarak and his inner circle of aids to be put on trial and as the news of the Israeli attacks on Gaza made its way to the square at the heart of Cairo, thousands immediately took to the district where the Israeli embassy in Cairo is located.

Egyptians held back – by the military forces- from advancing into the building where the embassy lies practically surrounded the embassy in what seemed like a gigantic human shield. The angry protesters held flags of both Egypt and Palestine and raised big posters of al Aqsa mosque- temple mount in Jerusalem.

On a live coverage by Aljazeera of the march to the Israeli embassy- that somehow failed to make it to the news headlines- some of the protesters expressed their anger at the recent unjust Israeli attacks on Gaza and they made it clear they expected nothing less than the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador out of Egypt and taking the Israeli flag off the embassy building.

Some of the protesters went far as to demand the immediate end to the siege imposed on Gaza from the Egyptian side and a freeze of the Egyptian supply of natural gas to Israel.  But the most daring request came by many protesters who called for a public referendum to allow the Egyptian people to have their say about the peace treaty president Sadat had signed 30 years ago.

Amidst that overwhelming atmosphere of antagonism to Israel and its unacceptable and inhuman war of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians the Israeli embassy at the top floor of the building on the other side of the Nile opposite to Tahrir square found no other option than to dim out the lights and keep its staff hiding inside.

While the Egyptian crowd down in the streets were still swelling in great numbers around the embassy with the intensity of their enthusiasm rising high as they chanted for eternal solidarity with Palestinians the Israeli embassy’s lights were almost turned off with the Israeli flag kept as unapparent and way out of sight as possible.

On this April 8th night, and on the very same day that witnessed the massacre of Bahr el-Bakar the Israeli embassy with all the Israeli diplomatic mission in Cairo seemed under siege.

It must have been a terrible night for the Israeli diplomats in Cairo but at least they have experienced, even it was for few hours how it feels to be vulnerable, threatened and under relentless siege.

This public display of the Egyptian anger and dissatisfaction with the Israeli aggressive policy against the Palestinians may pass unreported by the main stream media but never unnoticed by the analysts of the Arab- Israeli conflict especially in the post-Mubarak era in Egypt, for what happened on that night of April 8th, 2011 might well depict the scene of the coming Egyptian-Israeli state of affairs.

On this day of commemoration, May the souls of innocent Egyptian and Palestinian children, massacred by the Israeli criminal forces, rest in peace.

For more articles by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat visit his website.

Related Articles:

- ARAB UPRISINGS: Time-Out For Israel Is Over


Dr. Ashraf Ezzat is an Egyptian Medical Doctor whose passion has always been writing. He writes articles about ancient Egyptian history, Ancient Near Eastern history, comparative religion and politics especially the Arab- Israeli conflict.

Dr. Ezzat is the founder and board member of the bibliotheca Alexandrina friends society. Some of His articles have been published in Egyptian magazines and online publications. He regrets the fact that most people dismiss the vital role history plays in their daily affairs. He says that by understanding what has happened in the past and the current situation of today, we can better understand what can happen in the future. History is so important because each of us is part of the history that takes place. One last thing, he likes listening to opera and classical music.

Dr. Ashraf Ezzat says you can drop him a line any time at: "I like to exchange knowledge and experience, I think that`s what Blogging is all about."

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Dadn April 13, 2011 11:09 am (Pacific time)

This will be my last time here so no need to respond.

 Editor: That's OK, this is what I do.

Im bored by your constant changing of the goalposts.

 Editor: You're bored?  I don't know what you mean about changing goalposts, you only see us root for humanity.

The Israelis aren't in Gaza so spare me the stolen land argument.

 Editor: They fly military aircraft with hostile intent over Gaza every damned day.  How would you like it if Hamas came flying over your neighborhood dropping bombs?  Oh you don't have that to think about do you?  You probably don't feel fear when you hear an F-16's sound, but the Gazans sure do.

I know, you change the goalposts because they don't have free travel but that wasn't what you said it will just be another reactionary response.

 Editor: That is correct about Israel violating the UN Human Rights Declaration by not allowing freedom of movement.  Who wouldn't fight for their human rights against that?

Do we really have to rattle off family names as if there aren't families on both sides who have suffered?

Editor: I hate the fact that anyone suffers, from either side.  Children most of all, Israeli or Palestinian, are the innocents.

We've both seen the images on TV of Hamas having children mock jews so if you want to dismiss the moral argument because, well, your friends don't like it, whatever. And it was not a few wanted peace, it was a majority coalition.

 Editor: I see pathetic reactions to oppression and occupation and none would be doing it if Israel operated with dignity and humanity and simply enacted a system of equal rights for all.

You, however, need to turn a majority into a few because that's the only way in your mind you can compare to how few Gazans actually want peace with Israel. If the Gazans had the ability, all Israelis would be dead.

Editor: The people of Gaza live in utter disparity and are plagued with the evil politics of Israel.  They don't all want every Israeli dead, they would sure however prefer being able to raise their children under peaceful conditions.  You can not expect people in this state to be chipper or glowing with happiness.

The Israelis have the ability and just want quiet on that border, let alone recognition but enablers and apologists thwart this from occuring.

 Editor: Israel wants to kill every Palestinian and take their land, they are a bunch of thieves without remorse. Snipers in guard towers - just want peace - please!

As I said before, I'm done here and not coming back so your response is for everyone else and not me so lie and distort as much as you need to freely unchecked and enjoy the hypocrisy of asking for money for Japanese victims (who I donated to) even though they killed thousands of Americans in Pearl Harbor while you root for the Egyptians to siege the Israeli embassy and choose war over peace.

Editor: I don't care why you are here, you are spreading lies and propaganda on our pages and rather than hearing someone whine about their comment being deleted, I just deal with you all one at a time.  If you don't want my response, then don't leave a comment, how easy was that?  And you think those little kids in Japan are responsible for killing Americans?  They would have to be some of the oldest kids in existence. 

Dadn April 12, 2011 12:10 pm (Pacific time)

Your argument is getting stranger. I never whined about the holocaust but you need to inject it in the argument to justify your position. Just as ridiculous is to call these battles as a genocide. Let me help you with the definition from Wiki, Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. The population of Gaza has tripled over the last 40 years. I can't imagine how a population that triples is a victim of genocide. Oh, and thank you for making your double standard so obvious in your statement "you can count Israel's quick but you can not name Palestinians". Perhaps you spend too much time discussing Israel with people who have two different standards to measure and justify Israeli and Palestinian actions, eh?

Editor: My point is that you minimize the tragedy with your reference to Palestinian dead.  How could a person every conclude that the numerical aspect is not extremely relevant.  I see the information Israel puts out about Gaza; frequently suggesting that every person there is doing great when in fact they fear for their lives because of Israel's wanton destruction and willingness to wreak havoc on the Palestinian population.  And for God's sake, don't you know that people who are oppressed and losing their family members to violence tend to have more children because they have to, in order to sustain their very culture?  There is and there never has been a question about whether Israel is committing genocide.  

I understand why many root for and outmanned and overwhelmed underdog in this conflict, but my gosh, the Palestinians has demonized and victimized themselves to the point where peace is just not possible unless every Israeli surrenders to them.

Editor: Right, little Palestinian kids like those of the Samouni family; they were a real threat to Israel weren't they?  How about the little girls in Palestine who are murdered, are they a major threat to your security?  

The P's actions imply they are the only victims yet at the same time are being taught by those in power that they are superior morally and by virtue of their birth and religion.

Editor: You are very hard to take seriously and all who read this who know the truth of the Palestinian's living conditions will completely dismiss your rant about moral superiority.  The Zionists are the morally superior problematic group because that is the design.  Palestinians need to be able to live like human beings and they will be afforded specific rights as defined by the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  

Israelis in the past have changed governments in the past to at least try to attempt peace.

Editor: Maybe a few wanted peace, most quite clearly do not.  

When the Palestinians show the same ability and unite together and then are thwarted by Isarelis actions, I may think about whether I'm on the wrong side of this argument but voting in a group whose pledges to never recognize Israel and lob missiles at buses doesn't seem to be in the right direction.

Editor: You stole their land, and expect them to be kind about it and cry out 'Israel is legit' as you guys roll the latest bulldozer to a family home to destroy it?  I think not, I don't think you'd like it if the shoe was on the other foot, not one bit.

Dadn April 12, 2011 7:39 am (Pacific time)

That is an interesting editorial response that needs to make me an Israeli and makes the Palestinians as we. And the need to call the Israelis evil and unrelenting, well, I guess if you need that to justify your weak argument by demonizing and illegtimizing them, so be it.

And for the comments that you responded to on the bus, well you didn't actually respond to my comments. It's just another whine about Palestinian deaths when the subject was whether the bus attack was faked or not. You really are poor amateurs at this. I'm surprised you didn't bring up the Liberty as part of the complaint and was just as unrelated

Editor: When you talk about the Holocaust and the tragedy, do you consider this 'whining' also?  Fair is fair right?  Can I whine about the Holocaust also?  Our readers know that we care about all people and all deaths, we just don't place one group above the other in terms of importance.  Again, for this war we look at the numerical value and use that to assess the toll and when one does this, they see an absolutely incredible tilt toward Israeli violence, not Palestinian violence.  In terms of actual deaths, you can count Israel's quickly but you can not name the Palestinians quickly, there are simply too many, and bigots don't care anyway.  So, you want to discus the English woman who was on the bus?  I think it is horrible, but I think it is the result of occupation and oppression.  If I were an Israeli and comprehended the seriousness of Israel's genocide and cruelty, I would be a nervous person.  But first I would have to as an individual, stand behind genocide, which I could not.  And as a final though, please remember that we have many friends who are Israeli and they are not pro-occupation and they are exactly like us in terms of the thought process. 

Dadn April 11, 2011 10:04 am (Pacific time)

The more I read the above garbage, I realized how much this scumbag could care less that Hamas is chucking mortars and missiles at innocent children and dismisses them as harmless firecrackers. Being a doctor doesn't exclude you from being a dangerous hypocritical moron concerned about Gaza children but not Israeli children. Maybe you'll respond back and say it's OK when Hamas tries to kill Israeli children with their reckless and inaccruate weapons.

Editor: You Israelis kill ten times the ratio of Palestinians.  Hamas is a problematic group but what political group would not be after so many years of oppression and occupation?  There are a tiny number of Israelis who have died and yet one dead Israeli makes all the press.  We have had 18 Palestinians killed in recent days.  You have no argument here, you are on a side that is evil and unrelenting.  I'm afraid that many more will die and it is 100 PERCENT the fault of the oppressing immoral Jewish state.  This doctor writer has watched the events of the world unfold, doctors are on the side of life, so this is a no-brainer isn't it?  

Dadn April 11, 2011 9:59 am (Pacific time)

The bus attack must be fake. In fact, every Arab act of aggression must be fake. Therefore, Hamas is fake since they are always pledging to kill Israelis and say they are willing to die but since every attack on Israel is really a false flag attack done by Israelis, then Hamas terrorists are really innocent kids just sitting at home watching cartoons and making cookies. Got it. Makes perfect sense. It must be such a convenient way to argue when you decide your side is never wrong and the people just walk around with halos over them 24 hours a day.

Editor: What about the deaths of Palestinians?  What about the DEATHS in Palestine?  What about the dead CHILDREN in PalestineWhat about SO MANY MORE PALESTINIANS?   You have nothing to say here.  Try not to sound so stupid when you comment here eh?  Halos, at least we know where they aren't. 

Nahal Oz April 10, 2011 3:23 am (Pacific time)

The bus attack seems to be a fake. On photos you can see the bus standing in three different places, with different damages...May be the bus was used for rescue training by IDF

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