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Apr-08-2009 07:27printcomments

A Restless Machine Called Israeli Politics (VIDEO)

Is denial of the Israeli attack on Gaza the same thing as Holocaust denial?

Destruction of Gaza
The United Nations school and other buildings housing hundreds of children at Gaza were specifically targeted by Israeli bombs. The Israeli's were successful in meeting their goal, with the death toll for children exceeding more than a third of the 1,400+ killed.
Photo courtesy:

(SALEM, Ore.) - Being a propaganda writer has to be a demanding and tiring job. Doing it for the government of Israel has to be one of the most consuming positions any PR hack could have.

The disinformation campaign to make Israel look innocent and victim-like is fading in terms of effectiveness. The lies grind away at the truth; minimizing the Israeli Army's killing while amplifying the actions of Hamas to be far more than they are.

In this world we had the Holocaust. It isn't questionable, it never needs to be overstated, and the evidence is everywhere - in books and documentaries and other informational forms available instantly on the Internet.

Millions and millions of Jewish people were killed, and so were musicians, professors, writers, and people of other ethnic groups. Gypsies for example, took a terrible toll at the hands of Hitler's henchmen.

Beyond that, millions and millions more were killed during the war. Many were poor Europeans and Asians, and people of Mideast and Arab descent. They truly get little recognition for their losses. Now you know the point that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been trying to make.

He never denied that millions of Jewish people were killed, and those who say he did are wrong. In fact, state-owned Iranian television last year aired a huge multi-part series on the Holocaust. It is not right that so many Americans have been convinced that this man "denies the Holocaust".

The idea that people dismiss or deny this significant history and suffering of millions is disturbing in the same way that supporters of Israeli policy today dismiss the death toll from the IDF's recent attack on the people of Gaza.

Most of these people had absolutely zero to do with the Hamas rocket attacks which in all honesty have been horrible and have even killed a few people, but are on a miniature scale next to Israel's ruthless retaliation that killed hundreds and hundreds of children and adults.

If you don't believe it, you should watch the video that I put together on the Gaza attacks. It is at the bottom of this article. The evidence is right there.

White Phosphorous was dropped on the heads of the Palestinian people. The horrors they experienced at the hands of Israel, using American-made military weapons, are on a level with any tragedy experienced at any point in time. Death and suffering varies little in the end.

To make matters worse, health organizations now say the problems from the chemicals in the Israeli weapons that already brought so much death and suffering, will make people sick for years to come.


Now we have reports that Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking steps against the country's Jewish community. Yet he has said nothing of the sort publicly. Israeli-sponsored scare tactics are being injected into the media and it is fitting, because Hugo Chavez is a hero of the smaller man, the poorer man, and the indigenous people of Central and South America.

Chavez is not fan of the greedy corporate business world and filthy rich oil clans that he says seek to keep his people down. He sure as Hell didn't like George W. Bush, going so far as to him the devil. He has spoken many times of the solidarity that he believes his people share with the Palestinian people.

Chavez is honest and direct in his statements and his politics aren't perfect, but they feature degrees of fairness and equality for people that are almost unheard of in other places. He is a strong critic of Israel's politics and military strategies because they are out of control and wrong.

He is far from anti-Semitic, even calling on the Jewish people of Venezuela to pressure the Israeli government into minimizing and restraining its murderous military that kills so many innocent women and children.

We have the media and groups like The Journal of the Turkish Weekly carrying an article called Echoes Of The '30s In Caracas from a reporter who is billed as "a former US Marine captain and two-tour veteran of the Iraq war". But this reporter doesn't even use theirs name. It sure would be hard to know if anything he/she writes is true or even written on location.

This nameless writer goes on to make the Venezuelans sound like a bunch of Nazi's and heaps on the accusations against Chavez and the people of this country.

This supposed former Marine writes, that "Chavez's campaign against the Jews" has multiple components.

"The first is the systematic stigmatizing of Israel as a 'bloodthirsty,' 'oppressive,' 'genocidal' and 'monstrous' country (quoted from Chavez and his officials) that disregards basic human decency and arrogantly defies international law."

Well Marine, I think Hugo is pretty close and I suspect that the people of Gaza would readily agree. You on the other hand, write as though you are being paid by the Israeli lobby to tarnish a world leader who sticks up for the small guy, and for Palestinians.

There are problems all over the world right now for Jewish people. They only need to look to Israel to know why. Israel's smug and cold tactics against human beings are documented by every relief agency in the west and beyond, but apologists and liars abound.

Those who support Israel's continued expansion of the West Bank, oppression of the Palestinian people and use of illegal military weapons, all fail to understand that the people whose land was taken away by the Israeli's in the late 40's, will never suddenly 'fall into line' the way Israel wants them to.

It will never happen.

In the end the world's complaints against Israel are factual and right. There is great appeasement and relief and concessions that must take place and apologies. We won't hold our breath, but it is possible that some day the Israeli's will get the right people into office and a genuine two-state solution may exist. As it is, Israel keeps Gazan's penned in like animals and they need to raise the bar significantly.

If the people of Israel were able to get peace-oriented leaders into office, and people saw that Israel was moving in the right direction, they would follow.

And if Hamas starts blasting rockets, they will need to be stopped. Once a peace agreement is reached, the group probably won't fire rockets unless Israel breaks the truce by crossing the border and taking covert military action against perceived enemies. That is why the rocket attacks resumed in late 2008, contrary to popular belief and many new reports. The reasons for such attacks need to be examined more closely, but American news media outlets simply air Israeli news releases and fail in their jobs.

Please be forewarned that this video contains extremely graphic images of the Israeli attack on Gaza, including children who were killed.


This video is very shocking and has extremely vulgar and offensive language. It shows Israeli settlers in Tel Rumeida is a small Palestinian neighborhood deep in the West Bank city of Hebron, as they verbally assault and threaten to kill and attack a British film crew. Palestinian families from whom these settlers occupied lands, live directly next to these settlers and are often virtual prisoners in their homes, subject to the settlers' violent attacks and destruction of property. The video shows a man who while obviously drunk, betrays the spirit of the Israeli's who treat the Palestinian people with regular doses of brutality, all the while calling people "Nazi's":

Tim King is a former U.S. Marine with twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. In addition to his role as a war correspondent, this Los Angeles native serves as's Executive News Editor.
Tim spent the winter of 2006/07 in Afghanistan with Oregon troops. Tim recently returned from Iraq where he covered the war there while embedded with an Oregon Guard aviation unit. Serving the community in very real terms, is the nation's only truly independent high traffic news Website, affiliated with Google News and several other major search engines and news aggregators.
You can send Tim an email at this address:

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Robert Bumphuck April 19, 2009 4:16 am (Pacific time)

American Jews enabled these Israeli. It's time for the enablers to taste the repercussions.

Robert April 10, 2009 9:02 pm (Pacific time)

Palestinians should just leave the area, they clearly are not wanted. But, if they must stay and if they must lob rockets then bring on the war machine I say. All's fair in love and war.

Henry Ruark April 9, 2009 8:36 am (Pacific time)

Raul: Am I getting this right ? Do you see Kissinger, Reagan, Nixon et al, attacking S. American nations in many ways, driven by corporate interests mainly, as "honorable" ? Some DO see Chavez as their leader vs U.S. interests over years of empire-bulding. YOU may disagree, but many others feel just as strongly with longterm experience to guide their judgements. See testimony by Marine General Butler re his role as hitman for such interests.

Raul April 8, 2009 5:10 pm (Pacific time)

Am I getting this right, you see Chavez as an honoable individual? If so, have you interviewed any immigrants as to their viewpoint of Chavez? How about immigrants from Iran? Of course one must keep in mind that the best information comes from people who can keep their idenity unknown, and there are security reasons for that.

Henry Ruark April 8, 2009 11:04 am (Pacific time)

Tim et al: Thank you for this strong, personally documented piece, surely demonstrating what you write...and also the fact of too-pervasive propaganda perpetrated by the same insidious forces found behind some of what we endure here on our own governance situation. "Political-principle" depravity surely, obviously, without question, is at work worldwide, too. Truth-to-tell exists in large count, and how we report it will surely determine the shape and democratic function of our future.

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