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Ken O'Keefe on 'Trade Not Aid'
A woman who had worked closely with Ken for months in London, Catherine Myles, stole a fleet of vehicles Ken had purchased by blatantly deceiving him and abusing his trust. Ken asked her to register the vehicles and she did, in her own name!
Again, well funded antics from Israel; the land of spies and laws that fail to recognize human rights, have fully infiltrated the pro-Palestine camp and undermined real, sincere efforts of O'Keefe and others who seek to make the world a better place, it really is that simple.
In Ken's words...
Once again they stole this property based on the bogus allegation that Ken supposedly got Catherine Myles, Jez Cuthbert and Cath Jenkins to believe that he was carrying out a humanitarian mission (Trade Not Aid) when in fact (they allege) Ken said he was doing it all for a "charity".
This is a laughable accusation easily disproved by the facts, have a look at my press conference in Gaza as just one bit of proof what I am up to;
But since when do the police serve the people and justice?
The problem with this farce is that I have no money, and this is 100% verifiable; I take no salary and do not even cover my expenses. In fact I have incurred provable debt for the work I have done. In particular with the playground I built in Gaza for the Samouni children. Whats more, although I have the legal and moral right to take some pay for the work I do, from the money I raise no less, I have not taken any pay since early 2009 and that was a pittance which was agreed by the donor who supported the launch of Aloha Palestine. Do we honestly think heads of charities work for free? Well I do, and yet I am the one being harassed. I do not take pay because there is never enough money to do all that needs to be done. So I do the most I can with what I have got.
What is truly astonishing is that I have absolute proof that Catherine Myles, Jez Cuthbert and Cath Jenkins are guilty of the fraud they accused me of. They solicited donations for a charity that did not exist. While I have never referred to Aloha Palestine or Trade Not Aid as a charity, while I have taken no financial compensation for my work, I was arrested. Will the UK police arrest these lot? Not a chance.
I will post screenshots of these pitiable traitors soliciting money for the non-Charity 'Palestine Aid'. You will recall these same scoundrels attempted to turn Trade Not Aid into 'Palestine Aid'.
But hold on, it gets even better.
Not only can we establish that those accusing me of fraud are in fact fraudsters and thieves, but the police have been informed by myself, my solicitor and others that the primary fraudster, Catherine Myles, has had at least £10,000 (but probably twice that or more) deposited by supporters of the mission, in good faith, to her account for the Samouni Project and Trade Not Aid, and that money is still completely unaccounted for. The UK Police have the authority to verify what we have alleged, and if they did their job they would have an iron clad case that Catherine Myles has taken over £10,000 of donations and held it for purposes unknown, for over 6 months. Is that fraud? No, not according to the UK police, instead they arrest and harass me.
It has become pretty clear that the whole reason for this is to justify the stealing of my property and cast doubt about my integrity. With this job being carried out the disgraceful UK police will probably conclude their sham investigation by concluding it was all a civil matter. At which point I have to rely on the corrupt UK "justice" system to recoup this stolen money and property. This all takes time and money and more importantly it delays the mission. Which is the whole point, to get me to give up or at the very least to delay it all, water it down, Zionize it and make it another bullshit band-aid on a gushing wound "aid mission".
Look to this video to see how "aid" is doing massive harm to Palestine;
Here is the truth, the British, US and Israeli governments are one and the same, they are the true "Axis of Evil". The police within these nations have proven over and over again that they are servants to these traitors and tyrants. "Just following orders" as any good Nazi would... as it were.
Catherine Myles and Saeb Shaath have played the critical role in thwarting the Trade Not Aid mission, ultimately victimising the already terribly victimised Samouni family, all the while using disgusting slander to support their treachery, with the UK police and themselves all acting as agents of the Zionists whether they know it or not.
The point of all this is to intimidate me, it has not worked. Listing me as a terrorist is meant to scare me. It has not worked. Stealing my property and copying every last bit of my business and personal files is meant to stop me from carrying on. Once again, not happening.
These bastards within MI5-6 and/or "Special Branch" are copying every single file I have ever saved, looking into every single thing I have ever done. They are all cowards the lot of them. They are doing personality profiling on me and trying to find any weakness, any area to exploit. And of course, if there was even a shred of evidence that I was a fraudster, they would be all over it.
Ain't happening, these pathetic minions will have to make something up, I am an honourable man who cannot be bought for any price and when and if I am judged by my maker I have absolutely nothing to fear. I am not brainwashed and fearful of the madness in this world, I will die with honour no matter what the price and no matter what fraud is used to defame me.
I want this to be clear for any so-called "intelligence" or police reading this. I extend respect to the good among you, I know you do exist. To the military, same thing. You are caught up in a machine that is using you, dishonouring you, and at some point you will know this and in order to redeem yourself you must speak out and disobey your unlawful, immoral orders.
For some good news, I have 26 stories I filmed in Gaza coming out in the next few weeks. The initial editing is done and they will be completed soon. This was only possible because I transferred all the video files to a friend before the police stole my property. For sure however this theft has prevented me from doing some work, and of course that is part of the plan. I do not have my most vital piece of equipment, the laptop I use for all sorts of business, most notably my videos. I have had to borrow a machine to do this as I do not have the money to replace my equipment once again.
In addition, if and when I get my property back, these items will have been in the hands of my enemies for months. How can I keep such equipment and not know all sorts of malicious crap will have been planted within them? Ladies and gentlemen, we live in 1984. And if I was Arab or Muslim? I would have been put away long ago, or outright assassinated. But I am white, making things just a little bit trickier.
So I am a fraudster and a womaniser and a thief and a terrorist and blah, blah, blah, regardless of the effort to stop me from doing what I do the next phase of Trade Not Aid will be launched, and we will see just how much damage to this cause all these Zionist slander tactics have had. Either way I will never turn my back on my Palestinian family, whether it is my wife and children who have Palestinian blood, or my extended Palestinian family who I love unconditionally.
The world remains upside down, it is up to us to turn it round and make it right. Until such time I will take the accusations and harassment from the minions of the powers that be as a badge of honour.
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
Some Aid better than No Trade, No Ai April 25, 2012 11:58 am (Pacific time)
Ken says in his last video that he has failed to communicate the strategy of Trade Not Aid, but that the US, EU and Israel know it very well and fear the effects such a strategy could have on the continued siege of Gaza. He says that he has commissioned reports from a number of law experts, that have informed the strategy. He says that he will soon explain the strategy to potential stakeholders. I hope so because at the moment he is expecting people to buy in to 3 words, some videos and a limited number of assets (of which the most valuable have been stolen).
So far, what has been achieved. A well deserved playground for Samouni children which Ken says he got into debt to fund. Some company assets (above mentioned vehicles, laptop, camera, company video productions, marketing info e.g. vehicle banners, graphics). And the remaining cash donations - up to £20k - which likewise has been stolen.
From what he has communicated it seems that the strategy involves transporting donated goods into Gaza and exporting Gazan made goods out. Possibly using said vehicles in a convoy. This can only ever be symbolic. Gazans don't need Kens infrastructure to conduct trade, all they need is a lifting of the siege or a partial lifting. Much better to go all out in advocating an end to these illegal trade barriers. Gazans are quite capable of conducting trade without interference from well meaning but highly visible (and whether he likes it or not - controversial) western activists. Seems to me, as a neutral outside observer, Kens disgruntled former colleagues may have decided to salvage what they could from, in their eyes, an ineffective, opaque enterprise - let Gazans decide what to do with the assets. No doubt they went about this in a dishonest way which sounds a lot like theft.
Ken needs to communicate his vision for the company, and its strategy fast, otherwise the best thing to do would be to wind it up, get back to what he does best - raising awareness. He will need funds to reclaim the stolen assets but he cant expect people to buy into Trade Not Aid solely on the back of his name/image, his heroics on the Mavi Marmara, and the fame that came with it.
Abdul DeBulbul Emir January 19, 2012 5:18 am (Pacific time)
As I see it, there's only one thing for O'Keefe to do. Stop hiding in the UK and come back to America to clear his name. Also Editor maybe you could explain this example of Israel apartheid behavior:!
Editor: Ken renounced his US citizenship, I don't think he'd be too worried about appeasing this government, and besides, after what the US is doing, it isn't logical to conclude that would be a "good idea". Your YouTube clip doesn't work.... Just assume that if it has Ken, it isn't pro-Zionist.
January 15, 2012 4:15 pm (Pacific time)
To anon 11:12...I am also retired military, but that does not make any difference. What does make a difference is my contacts in the military. Germany mostly, the hub where troops go no matter where they are deployed.. And us "gentiles" as you call us, (you are probably khazar and not a jew, just so you know), anyway, us "gentiles" do NOT want to fight for israel anymore...You might want to get with the times. Look at who donates the most money to Dr. Ron Paul. The military...Research it yourself. Us "gentiles" want away from israel, and it only takes a bit of research to find out I am correct. Ron Paul gets more military donations than both democratic and republican candidates put together.. Wake up...we dont want to fight for the khazars anymore.
January 15, 2012 3:33 pm (Pacific time)
to anon said "You can continue to aid them, and in do time you will be held accountable if it is decided you are aiding the enemy...then you will meet me, and you and I can have some fun, show me all those combat moves you learned, or dazzle me with your honed intellect". I say, "it is YOU that works for the enemy (the bankers who started all these wars if you would actually read a book once in awhile), and it will be YOU that will be held accountable, and when you are found guilty, I will make sure you get a fair trial, an attorney, and a short prison sentence because we know you were brainwashed, and it isnt all your fault.
Anonymous January 15, 2012 11:12 am (Pacific time)
Hey Salem-news, I'm retired military and was in Somalia when Bush I was president. We went there to deliver food and medical aid. We were in constant sniper fire from Islamic terrorists and other tribal thugs. It is a pretty shitty experience when you are trying to help people when others are trying to kill you. Many of you on the left think you know what's been going on in that country, but bottom line is you have competing tribes who are trying to consolidate power for themselves. They could care less for any other tribe members, nor frankly even those in their own tribes. This country is not really a country, but a wasteland. It was not pollution off their coast or any other external force from the west that has caused this area's problems, but those on the far left seem to enjoy exposing their ignorance. I am also Jewish, which made me a pretty rare bird in a combat M.O.S. . I asure you my fellow veterans, the gentiles, consider an attack on Israel to be an attack on America. And yes we are all outraged by the attack on the USS Liberty, but it is a different time, and the Islamic world has been creasing their attacks on all non-Muslim countries, including internal attacks here in the states. It is now a matter of survival, and Iran's increasing hostilities must be put down. You can continue to aid them, and in do time you will be held accountable if it is decided you are aiding the enemy...then you will meet me, and you and I can have some fun, show me all those combat moves you learned, or dazzle me with your honed intellect.
Editor: I think you're full of shit, I don't believe you and even if you were there for the Black Hawk Down thing, it doesn't change your bias and prejudice. But what is funny, is the way you enjoy admitting that you are loyal to one country while serving another. So you have Israel attacking U.S. sailors murderously for a several hour period in 1967 and that is acceptable? Disgusting, terrible way to go. You will spend your entire miserable live spewing paranoid thoughts about Muslims, pretty sad.
gary January 15, 2012 9:21 am (Pacific time)
You think jewish politicians are not aware of their enemies of over a thousand years? Or most likely voters? The majority of us as per all professional polls know our main enemy is the same ones that vowed to destroy israel because they have vowed to kill all non-muslims. I appreciate your passion editor, but you have essentially nil support from western peoples.
Editor: You're the one obviously compelled to have an "enemy", why don't you try looking at it in a different manner? American Jews aren't dodging bullets and bombs on the way work, so what is the comparison? American Muslims however take a beating from every direction, think about it.
Anonymous January 14, 2012 6:06 pm (Pacific time)
Haha. Flowers and truffles. Is that made up? The comment did remind me of how our people were grossly mutilated in Somalia and Iraq (and in other wars). You know there was at one time just Christians in the middle east and sub-Saharan Africa. We do have a centuries long bloodbath of Christians going on in these areas, and it appears to be getting worse. They are just about wiped out. Suffice, the commenter is spot on, and by the way, I'm not getting paid by anyone for that clear and documented observation(s). Frankly I really doubt anyone will be disappearing because of the Patriot Act, or it's other sister laws, unless we continue with the same administration. It is a clear and present danger to keep in mind when voting next November, that is, if you are concerned with your freedom. The price of gasoline is a more important issue than what's going on in GAZA to the majority of Americans, and maybe a hundred other things also. Obama knows that, as do the jewish politicians, for they do not care about your opinion, just saying.
Tim King: Wow, do you want to get into Somalia and Iraq? Why were Americans there again? While most Americans probably don't care about Gaza, it is because they have been denied fair and accurate news. The Jewish politicians would even support out point of they were able to comprehend what Israel has done and is continuing to do.
who cares... January 14, 2012 2:55 pm (Pacific time)
Ken doesnt like when people question him, regardless what the questioning pertains to. I was simply deleted without provocation making me think, fraudster extraordinaire. Oh well, there are many truths, are there not? Fact.
Tim King: No, not all all little Israeli. In fact the 'we have our own truth' line was coined by people who do not adhere to truth, it is the single stupidest thing anyone can believe, because there are not two truths to any situation, lame! You must actually think so much of yourself that erased comments equate to a plot? You're no truth warrior, perhaps you know that about yourself, but the money's good right?
Supporter of Palestine and Truth January 14, 2012 1:43 pm (Pacific time)
Love you Ken O'Keefe, you're one in a million and of course they are trying to engineer you out of the picture, but groups like won't let it happen, awareness is everything and it is good to get these matters out in front of the public, thanks!
Anonymous January 14, 2012 1:40 pm (Pacific time)
Part of the "Social engineers" are known to be in the black robe...
Rwolf January 14, 2012 1:18 pm (Pacific time)
Americans Lose Constitution and Country To New Fascist Legislation
Almost every week there are published news accounts of Police Corruption, e.g. Police taking bribes, aiding and smuggling illegal drugs, robbing drug-dealers and committing perjury. ALERT! Perjury by police and their informants may now pose the greatest threat to Americans’ Freedom due to Congress in December 2011 passing (NDAA) The National Defense Authorization ACT of 2012.
Under (NDAA) Government does not need probable cause or corroborating evidence to Indefinitely Detain Americans without charges, no right to an attorney, trial or Habeas Corpus; Police that falsify reports and give perjured testimony can now cause innocent Americans to be swept off the street and indefinitely incarcerated for being a suspected terrorist or supporting Terrorism: Note no violent act is required to be charged with involvement in terrorism under (NDAA).
If that is not scary enough, Congress is now considering HR 3166 and S. 1698 also known as the “Enemy Expatriation Act” sponsored by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Charles Dent (R-PA) that would let Government Strip Your Citizenship Without a Conviction. Once an American’s Citizenship is stripped they have no rights whatsoever. To read article, search title: New Bill Known As Enemy Expatriation Act Would Allow Government To Strip Citizenship Without Conviction.
To read the full text of the bill, go here:
Currently there are several Multi-State Recall Petitions of Congressman that voted for The National Defense Authorization ACT of 2012.
Some observers believe NDAA included the vague term “Belligerent” in the manner it did, so U.S. Government would have authority granted by Congress to Indefinitely Detain large numbers of Americans not involved in terrorism. Under NDAA, U.S. Government can deem anyone a “Belligerent” for indefinite detention. The term “Belligerent” is so expansive and vague an American Citizen could be labeled a “Belligerent” for exercising First Amendment Rights—speaking out for or against any issue; protesting a U.S. Government Policy; agency or coalition Partner. It is foreseeable U.S. Government will threaten Americans with Indefinite Detention that refuse to act as informants. The East German Stasi Police used this tactic to create an army of neighborhood and other informants.
The passed (Defense Authorization Act of 2012) appears more threatening to Americans than (Hitler's FASCIST 1933 Discriminatory LAWS) that suspended provisions in the Reich Constitution that Protected German Citizens' Civil Liberties? For example—Hitler’s 1933 DISCRIMINATORY LAWS (stated fines and time limits) that German Citizens could be incarcerated for e.g., Serious Disturbance of the Peace, Provoking Public Unrest, Rioting; Acts that threatened National Security. In contrast Senators John McCain and Carl Levin’s passed National Defense Authorization Act of 2012—mandates holding Americans’ (Indefinitely) in Military Custody for being a mere “Belligerent."
Under the passed National Defense Authorization, could some Americans (Retroactively) be subject to Indefinite U.S. Military or Prison Detention without charges or right to an attorney or trial? Consider most American activists don’t know what other activists and groups they networked or associated did in the past—perhaps illegal. Both the National Authorization Act of 2012 and USA Patriot Act are expansive and vague—what constitutes (1) supporting or aiding terrorists, (2) a terrorist act; (3) when someone is a “Combatant” or (4) “a Belligerent.” For example, Americans advocating, attending or supporting a meeting or protest demonstration against a U.S. Government Agency; Policy or U.S. Military Action—could be charged with (1) (2) (3) and (4) under NDAA and the Patriot Act.
History Repeats: When other countries passed Police State Laws like The Defense Authorization Act of 2012, Citizens increasingly abstained from politically speaking out; visiting activist websites or writing comments that might be deemed inappropriate by their Police State Government, e.g. cause someone to lose their job; be investigated; disappeared and or detained in Police/Military Custody. Some writers might be dead-meat under NDAA. It appears that “Americans” who write on the Internet or verbally express an opinion against any entity of U.S. Government or its coalition partners—may under the Patriot Act or The Defense Authorization Act—be deemed by U.S. Government (someone likely to engage in, support or provoke violent acts or threaten National Security—to order an American writer’s indefinite military or prison detention.
Is NDAA Retroactive? Can U.S. Government invoke provisions of NDAA or the Patriot Act to assert a U.S. Citizen’s past or current writings (protected by the 1st Amendment) supported or aided terrorists, provoked combatants or belligerents as a premise to order an author’s Indefinite Detention? The Defense Authorization Act of 2012 did more than Chill Free Speech—it may FREEZE IT! Consider: In mid-January 2012 Homeland Security announced the National Operations Center (NOC) received permission from Washington to monitor journalists and retain data on users of social media and online networking platforms. Could this Homeland Security spying, tracking Americans result in Citizens abstaining from visiting and posting comments on websites? It is not clear why Homeland Security wants to track users of social media and online networking platforms. You may read, search title: Homeland Security Monitors Journalists 1-7-12 at:
It should be expected that indefinitely detained U.S. Citizens not involved in terrorism or hostile activities, not given Miranda Warnings when interrogated or allowed legal counsel; will also be prosecuted for non-terrorist (ordinary crimes) because of their (alleged admissions) while held in Indefinite Detention.
Gus Johnson January 14, 2012 11:49 am (Pacific time)
Editor: The following comment is from a paid U.S. government 'stooge' as they are known. These people are hired and paid to do nothing with their miserable lives except to track content on news Websites and add comments like the one below. In fact this individual 'Gus Johnson' has used many names when leaving comments, yet all oddly back the points made by Obama, Holder and Netanyahu. A time will come when we don't allow this type of drivel to appear, but it is important to share with people which U.S. govt. programs are underway, what they are doing, and also to examine the points they want to convey to Americans. It all makes Americans appear quite retarded.
As far as I am concerned, terrorist supporters are no longer American’s. When you cross the line and fight on the side of AL Queda, or any other listed terrorist organization, you are the enemy. These lists are made based on evidence, otherwise the lawsuits would be multiple, they really would...especially by outfits like CAIR. Know your enemy, they know you! I am not now nor will I ever be a friend to Islam. Christians, seculars and Jews need to wake up and realize what is going on. This is a religious war, the difference is we stopped fighting it years ago and they never have stopped fighting! Take off the blinders and realize your enemy is now in your house trying to change and make rules! Some say, Not a muslim in the USA can we possibly trust. Their religion, their ideology provides no leeway…they are sworn enemies to Western culture. We cannot allow them to destroy the USA from within. Find em, send cruise missiles, pee on their rancid bodies, mutilate, light on fire, hang from nearest bridge (sound familiar!?). They will kill you people, just look at documented history. Cuba locations coming for those who endanger Americans by supporting their propagandists. Count on that...never be released, until you die! Then pee, mutilate, burn and hang till they rot away. Hey Valentines day is just around the corner, remember your loved ones with flowers and truffles. Peace.
Anonymous January 14, 2012 8:30 am (Pacific time)
This was all planned..Ya know, 10 years ago when I brought up the Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission, I was laughed at and told they did not exist. Well, now that it is obvious they exist, now I am told they do not make world policy.
They DO make world policy.
If people would simply read the documents, the books of the elite, etc. they would know about 80% of the future. I would say 100%, but as powerful as they are, they are not God and have to change their plans sometimes. But 80% of their plans come to fruition (not always in their time frame either, but it comes)..And most people dont even know their plans.
"social engineering" are the two words people should be researching.
All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied.
Some Aid better than No Trade, No Ai April 25, 2012 11:58 am (Pacific time)
Ken says in his last video that he has failed to communicate the strategy of Trade Not Aid, but that the US, EU and Israel know it very well and fear the effects such a strategy could have on the continued siege of Gaza. He says that he has commissioned reports from a number of law experts, that have informed the strategy. He says that he will soon explain the strategy to potential stakeholders. I hope so because at the moment he is expecting people to buy in to 3 words, some videos and a limited number of assets (of which the most valuable have been stolen). So far, what has been achieved. A well deserved playground for Samouni children which Ken says he got into debt to fund. Some company assets (above mentioned vehicles, laptop, camera, company video productions, marketing info e.g. vehicle banners, graphics). And the remaining cash donations - up to £20k - which likewise has been stolen. From what he has communicated it seems that the strategy involves transporting donated goods into Gaza and exporting Gazan made goods out. Possibly using said vehicles in a convoy. This can only ever be symbolic. Gazans don't need Kens infrastructure to conduct trade, all they need is a lifting of the siege or a partial lifting. Much better to go all out in advocating an end to these illegal trade barriers. Gazans are quite capable of conducting trade without interference from well meaning but highly visible (and whether he likes it or not - controversial) western activists. Seems to me, as a neutral outside observer, Kens disgruntled former colleagues may have decided to salvage what they could from, in their eyes, an ineffective, opaque enterprise - let Gazans decide what to do with the assets. No doubt they went about this in a dishonest way which sounds a lot like theft. Ken needs to communicate his vision for the company, and its strategy fast, otherwise the best thing to do would be to wind it up, get back to what he does best - raising awareness. He will need funds to reclaim the stolen assets but he cant expect people to buy into Trade Not Aid solely on the back of his name/image, his heroics on the Mavi Marmara, and the fame that came with it.
Abdul DeBulbul Emir January 19, 2012 5:18 am (Pacific time)
As I see it, there's only one thing for O'Keefe to do. Stop hiding in the UK and come back to America to clear his name. Also Editor maybe you could explain this example of Israel apartheid behavior:!
Editor: Ken renounced his US citizenship, I don't think he'd be too worried about appeasing this government, and besides, after what the US is doing, it isn't logical to conclude that would be a "good idea". Your YouTube clip doesn't work.... Just assume that if it has Ken, it isn't pro-Zionist.
January 15, 2012 4:15 pm (Pacific time)
To anon 11:12...I am also retired military, but that does not make any difference. What does make a difference is my contacts in the military. Germany mostly, the hub where troops go no matter where they are deployed.. And us "gentiles" as you call us, (you are probably khazar and not a jew, just so you know), anyway, us "gentiles" do NOT want to fight for israel anymore...You might want to get with the times.
Look at who donates the most money to Dr. Ron Paul. The military...Research it yourself. Us "gentiles" want away from israel, and it only takes a bit of research to find out I am correct. Ron Paul gets more military donations than both democratic and republican candidates put together..
Wake up...we dont want to fight for the khazars anymore.
January 15, 2012 3:33 pm (Pacific time)
to anon said "You can continue to aid them, and in do time you will be held accountable if it is decided you are aiding the enemy...then you will meet me, and you and I can have some fun, show me all those combat moves you learned, or dazzle me with your honed intellect".
I say, "it is YOU that works for the enemy (the bankers who started all these wars if you would actually read a book once in awhile), and it will be YOU that will be held accountable, and when you are found guilty, I will make sure you get a fair trial, an attorney, and a short prison sentence because we know you were brainwashed, and it isnt all your fault.
Anonymous January 15, 2012 11:12 am (Pacific time)
Hey Salem-news, I'm retired military and was in Somalia when Bush I was president. We went there to deliver food and medical aid. We were in constant sniper fire from Islamic terrorists and other tribal thugs. It is a pretty shitty experience when you are trying to help people when others are trying to kill you. Many of you on the left think you know what's been going on in that country, but bottom line is you have competing tribes who are trying to consolidate power for themselves. They could care less for any other tribe members, nor frankly even those in their own tribes. This country is not really a country, but a wasteland. It was not pollution off their coast or any other external force from the west that has caused this area's problems, but those on the far left seem to enjoy exposing their ignorance. I am also Jewish, which made me a pretty rare bird in a combat M.O.S. . I asure you my fellow veterans, the gentiles, consider an attack on Israel to be an attack on America. And yes we are all outraged by the attack on the USS Liberty, but it is a different time, and the Islamic world has been creasing their attacks on all non-Muslim countries, including internal attacks here in the states. It is now a matter of survival, and Iran's increasing hostilities must be put down. You can continue to aid them, and in do time you will be held accountable if it is decided you are aiding the enemy...then you will meet me, and you and I can have some fun, show me all those combat moves you learned, or dazzle me with your honed intellect.
Editor: I think you're full of shit, I don't believe you and even if you were there for the Black Hawk Down thing, it doesn't change your bias and prejudice. But what is funny, is the way you enjoy admitting that you are loyal to one country while serving another. So you have Israel attacking U.S. sailors murderously for a several hour period in 1967 and that is acceptable? Disgusting, terrible way to go. You will spend your entire miserable live spewing paranoid thoughts about Muslims, pretty sad.
gary January 15, 2012 9:21 am (Pacific time)
You think jewish politicians are not aware of their enemies of over a thousand years? Or most likely voters? The majority of us as per all professional polls know our main enemy is the same ones that vowed to destroy israel because they have vowed to kill all non-muslims. I appreciate your passion editor, but you have essentially nil support from western peoples.
Editor: You're the one obviously compelled to have an "enemy", why don't you try looking at it in a different manner? American Jews aren't dodging bullets and bombs on the way work, so what is the comparison? American Muslims however take a beating from every direction, think about it.
Anonymous January 14, 2012 6:06 pm (Pacific time)
Haha. Flowers and truffles. Is that made up? The comment did remind me of how our people were grossly mutilated in Somalia and Iraq (and in other wars). You know there was at one time just Christians in the middle east and sub-Saharan Africa. We do have a centuries long bloodbath of Christians going on in these areas, and it appears to be getting worse. They are just about wiped out. Suffice, the commenter is spot on, and by the way, I'm not getting paid by anyone for that clear and documented observation(s). Frankly I really doubt anyone will be disappearing because of the Patriot Act, or it's other sister laws, unless we continue with the same administration. It is a clear and present danger to keep in mind when voting next November, that is, if you are concerned with your freedom. The price of gasoline is a more important issue than what's going on in GAZA to the majority of Americans, and maybe a hundred other things also. Obama knows that, as do the jewish politicians, for they do not care about your opinion, just saying.
Tim King: Wow, do you want to get into Somalia and Iraq? Why were Americans there again? While most Americans probably don't care about Gaza, it is because they have been denied fair and accurate news. The Jewish politicians would even support out point of they were able to comprehend what Israel has done and is continuing to do.
who cares... January 14, 2012 2:55 pm (Pacific time)
Ken doesnt like when people question him, regardless what the questioning pertains to. I was simply deleted without provocation making me think, fraudster extraordinaire. Oh well, there are many truths, are there not? Fact.
Tim King: No, not all all little Israeli. In fact the 'we have our own truth' line was coined by people who do not adhere to truth, it is the single stupidest thing anyone can believe, because there are not two truths to any situation, lame! You must actually think so much of yourself that erased comments equate to a plot? You're no truth warrior, perhaps you know that about yourself, but the money's good right?
Supporter of Palestine and Truth January 14, 2012 1:43 pm (Pacific time)
Love you Ken O'Keefe, you're one in a million and of course they are trying to engineer you out of the picture, but groups like won't let it happen, awareness is everything and it is good to get these matters out in front of the public, thanks!
Anonymous January 14, 2012 1:40 pm (Pacific time)
Part of the "Social engineers" are known to be in the black robe...
Rwolf January 14, 2012 1:18 pm (Pacific time)
Americans Lose Constitution and Country To New Fascist Legislation Almost every week there are published news accounts of Police Corruption, e.g. Police taking bribes, aiding and smuggling illegal drugs, robbing drug-dealers and committing perjury. ALERT! Perjury by police and their informants may now pose the greatest threat to Americans’ Freedom due to Congress in December 2011 passing (NDAA) The National Defense Authorization ACT of 2012. Under (NDAA) Government does not need probable cause or corroborating evidence to Indefinitely Detain Americans without charges, no right to an attorney, trial or Habeas Corpus; Police that falsify reports and give perjured testimony can now cause innocent Americans to be swept off the street and indefinitely incarcerated for being a suspected terrorist or supporting Terrorism: Note no violent act is required to be charged with involvement in terrorism under (NDAA). If that is not scary enough, Congress is now considering HR 3166 and S. 1698 also known as the “Enemy Expatriation Act” sponsored by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Charles Dent (R-PA) that would let Government Strip Your Citizenship Without a Conviction. Once an American’s Citizenship is stripped they have no rights whatsoever. To read article, search title: New Bill Known As Enemy Expatriation Act Would Allow Government To Strip Citizenship Without Conviction. To read the full text of the bill, go here: Currently there are several Multi-State Recall Petitions of Congressman that voted for The National Defense Authorization ACT of 2012. Some observers believe NDAA included the vague term “Belligerent” in the manner it did, so U.S. Government would have authority granted by Congress to Indefinitely Detain large numbers of Americans not involved in terrorism. Under NDAA, U.S. Government can deem anyone a “Belligerent” for indefinite detention. The term “Belligerent” is so expansive and vague an American Citizen could be labeled a “Belligerent” for exercising First Amendment Rights—speaking out for or against any issue; protesting a U.S. Government Policy; agency or coalition Partner. It is foreseeable U.S. Government will threaten Americans with Indefinite Detention that refuse to act as informants. The East German Stasi Police used this tactic to create an army of neighborhood and other informants. The passed (Defense Authorization Act of 2012) appears more threatening to Americans than (Hitler's FASCIST 1933 Discriminatory LAWS) that suspended provisions in the Reich Constitution that Protected German Citizens' Civil Liberties? For example—Hitler’s 1933 DISCRIMINATORY LAWS (stated fines and time limits) that German Citizens could be incarcerated for e.g., Serious Disturbance of the Peace, Provoking Public Unrest, Rioting; Acts that threatened National Security. In contrast Senators John McCain and Carl Levin’s passed National Defense Authorization Act of 2012—mandates holding Americans’ (Indefinitely) in Military Custody for being a mere “Belligerent." Under the passed National Defense Authorization, could some Americans (Retroactively) be subject to Indefinite U.S. Military or Prison Detention without charges or right to an attorney or trial? Consider most American activists don’t know what other activists and groups they networked or associated did in the past—perhaps illegal. Both the National Authorization Act of 2012 and USA Patriot Act are expansive and vague—what constitutes (1) supporting or aiding terrorists, (2) a terrorist act; (3) when someone is a “Combatant” or (4) “a Belligerent.” For example, Americans advocating, attending or supporting a meeting or protest demonstration against a U.S. Government Agency; Policy or U.S. Military Action—could be charged with (1) (2) (3) and (4) under NDAA and the Patriot Act. History Repeats: When other countries passed Police State Laws like The Defense Authorization Act of 2012, Citizens increasingly abstained from politically speaking out; visiting activist websites or writing comments that might be deemed inappropriate by their Police State Government, e.g. cause someone to lose their job; be investigated; disappeared and or detained in Police/Military Custody. Some writers might be dead-meat under NDAA. It appears that “Americans” who write on the Internet or verbally express an opinion against any entity of U.S. Government or its coalition partners—may under the Patriot Act or The Defense Authorization Act—be deemed by U.S. Government (someone likely to engage in, support or provoke violent acts or threaten National Security—to order an American writer’s indefinite military or prison detention. Is NDAA Retroactive? Can U.S. Government invoke provisions of NDAA or the Patriot Act to assert a U.S. Citizen’s past or current writings (protected by the 1st Amendment) supported or aided terrorists, provoked combatants or belligerents as a premise to order an author’s Indefinite Detention? The Defense Authorization Act of 2012 did more than Chill Free Speech—it may FREEZE IT! Consider: In mid-January 2012 Homeland Security announced the National Operations Center (NOC) received permission from Washington to monitor journalists and retain data on users of social media and online networking platforms. Could this Homeland Security spying, tracking Americans result in Citizens abstaining from visiting and posting comments on websites? It is not clear why Homeland Security wants to track users of social media and online networking platforms. You may read, search title: Homeland Security Monitors Journalists 1-7-12 at: It should be expected that indefinitely detained U.S. Citizens not involved in terrorism or hostile activities, not given Miranda Warnings when interrogated or allowed legal counsel; will also be prosecuted for non-terrorist (ordinary crimes) because of their (alleged admissions) while held in Indefinite Detention.
Gus Johnson January 14, 2012 11:49 am (Pacific time)
Editor: The following comment is from a paid U.S. government 'stooge' as they are known. These people are hired and paid to do nothing with their miserable lives except to track content on news Websites and add comments like the one below. In fact this individual 'Gus Johnson' has used many names when leaving comments, yet all oddly back the points made by Obama, Holder and Netanyahu. A time will come when we don't allow this type of drivel to appear, but it is important to share with people which U.S. govt. programs are underway, what they are doing, and also to examine the points they want to convey to Americans. It all makes Americans appear quite retarded.
As far as I am concerned, terrorist supporters are no longer American’s. When you cross the line and fight on the side of AL Queda, or any other listed terrorist organization, you are the enemy. These lists are made based on evidence, otherwise the lawsuits would be multiple, they really would...especially by outfits like CAIR. Know your enemy, they know you! I am not now nor will I ever be a friend to Islam. Christians, seculars and Jews need to wake up and realize what is going on. This is a religious war, the difference is we stopped fighting it years ago and they never have stopped fighting! Take off the blinders and realize your enemy is now in your house trying to change and make rules! Some say, Not a muslim in the USA can we possibly trust. Their religion, their ideology provides no leeway…they are sworn enemies to Western culture. We cannot allow them to destroy the USA from within. Find em, send cruise missiles, pee on their rancid bodies, mutilate, light on fire, hang from nearest bridge (sound familiar!?). They will kill you people, just look at documented history. Cuba locations coming for those who endanger Americans by supporting their propagandists. Count on that...never be released, until you die! Then pee, mutilate, burn and hang till they rot away. Hey Valentines day is just around the corner, remember your loved ones with flowers and truffles. Peace.
Anonymous January 14, 2012 8:30 am (Pacific time)
This was all planned..Ya know, 10 years ago when I brought up the Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission, I was laughed at and told they did not exist. Well, now that it is obvious they exist, now I am told they do not make world policy. They DO make world policy. If people would simply read the documents, the books of the elite, etc. they would know about 80% of the future. I would say 100%, but as powerful as they are, they are not God and have to change their plans sometimes. But 80% of their plans come to fruition (not always in their time frame either, but it comes)..And most people dont even know their plans. "social engineering" are the two words people should be researching.
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