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Mar-05-2010 02:08printcomments

Freeing Dr. Aafia, a Matter of Honour

The Service and Sacrifice of All American War Veterans is at stake.

Veterans Today Editors Raja Mujtaba and Jeff Gates, Islamabad, Pakistan Feb 2010 Photo by Gordon Duff
Dr. Affia Siddiqui has been held in the Bagram Air Base prison, notoriously associated with severe mistreatment of prisoners, for years.

(BAGRAM, Afghanistan) - Veterans Today Editors, Jeff Gates, Raja Mujtaba and I were in the AF-Pak region over the last couple of weeks. Jeff and I are Vietnam veterans, Raja a decorated combat veteran, tank commander, from the India/Pakistan war.

We met dozens of Pakistani military, including nearly all of their highest ranking retired officers, from Admiral Sirohey, Chairman of their Joint Chiefs of Staff to General Alsam Beg, Head of the Army to Lt. General Hamid Gul, former head of the ISI.

In our party were our other Veterans Today contributors, BG Asif Haroon Raja and BG Raza Ali, of “Charlie Wilson’s War” fame.

Today, I received an email from Admiral Sirohey. His office is lined with memorabilia from a long career of service, service as an ally and friend of the United States.

Sirohey and the rest were America’s most stalwart allies during the Cold War. These were the real allies that helped us bring about the downfall of the Soviet Union.

I was honoured to be among them.

Today Admiral Sirohey is scheduled to attend a rally protesting the illegal kidnapping, brutalizing and conviction of Dr. Affia Siddiqui.

America’s best friends in Asia, the finest soldiers in the world are horrified at what we have done.

Can it be that bad?

Bagram Air Base Afghanistan, Jan 2007 photo by Tim King

The Bush administration, when it saw its “War on Terror” wasn’t getting enough suspects, hired drug cartel members and criminal elements to kidnap innocent civilians to fill our secret prisons.

Yes, we actually did this.

In this case, we kidnapped a mother with 3 children, tortured her for years, murdered a small child and then charged her with attempting to murder her captors after years in a secret prison on Bagram Air Force Base. Every soldier on that base; everyone who has served there has to live with the dishonour of this act until something is done.

Remember when America, after World War II, painted the people of Germany with the stain of guilt for not knowing about the death camps? Tell me what is different here?

We didn’t know that druglords and gangsters were stealing people off the street to fill our prisons with “terror suspects” so Bush/Ashcroft and Cheney could crow about their successes?

Veterans Today Editors Raja Mujtaba & Jeff Gates in Islamabad, Pakistan
Feb 2010 Photo by Gordon Duff

If you didn’t know before, this is what all the secret “torture memos” were all about, not real terrorists, but innocent people we “bought” as though we were slave runners of old.

A few years after we bought our phony terror suspects, tortured, raped and brutalized them, most were released.

They had committed no crime other than to be standing on the wrong dark street corner when the druglords working for Bush were out hunting “meat” for America’s gulags.

Dr. Aafia had to be convicted, had to be jailed and silenced.

The crimes against her and her children were so heinous, only a kangaroo court in America, a country whose news is orchestrated by the Islam hating MSM/Corporate media and powerful Israeli/AIPAC lobby, would have the audacity to bring her to trial.

Do we need to review the case? Remember the OJ case? He was released because of a glove not fitting. Dr. Aafia was shot by the “translator” during her “debriefing.”

She has a Doctorate from an American university. She comes from a country where everyone speaks English.

“If the translator doesn’t fit, you must acquit!”

Do we now call a person with a cattle prod a “translator?”

When the My Lai massacre happened, I was with a Marine unit less than 50 miles away.

All of us who were there then, not so many are around any more, carry the stain of that dishonour and have for decades.

I can talk of honour or service but all people see is babies and their mothers, shot to death, lining the bottom of a ditch.

It is a matter of honour.

There are no “secret prisons” and nobody is tortured without someone knowing about it.

We are all responsible, I don’t care if you are serving in Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere around the world, active duty, reserve, National Guard, retiree or veteran. We are nearly 30 million strong.

Many of us don’t have much; memories, wounds, a small pension and our honour.

Our silence strips our honour away.

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was not a terrorist. The newspapers lied, we all know why. Either she is guilty or we all are. Better to destroy her than to arrest those guilty of real crimes, arrest people some of us voted into high office.

“We were just taking orders.”

Where have we heard that before, Nuremberg? It isn’t just this one life. We've already killed over a million people in our ill fated invasion of Iraq.

Fog of War. We know better, everyone with eyes to see knows better, know it now. Then why are we still acting like criminals? No more lies. We are at war, a war with real enemies. We have so little; our short lives, our families and what we believe in.

Did a tiny crippled woman, illegally imprisoned for years, try to murder a roomful of FBI, Special Forces and Blackwater/CIA operatives?

I can tell you this: If I get my butt kicked by a 100 pound woman in a wheel chair, you won’t see me in front of a jury in New York City crying for my mama.

The only possible answer is that everyone involved in the trial of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui is a liar. Nothing else is possible. I know why they lied, they were ordered to “for the good of the service.” Was there something in the oath involving “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America unless told to lie for the good of the service?”

What are we protecting?

Once the public learns that we are buying phony terror suspects from the world's largest drug dealers, people we are protecting, people flooding our streets with narcotics, there might be problems. Best not let the public know why we never found those weapons of mass destruction, that yellow cake uranium, those mobile bio-weapons labs or why our continual search for Osama bin Laden keeps failing.

The deal of the century, destroying an innocent life and earning the hatred of a valued ally, all to stand behind the lies and rhetoric of America’s “dark age.” We would be lucky if it were only every citizen of Pakistan that was enraged at us for this travesty. It is worse, far worse.

Who are the real terrorists? In Pakistan, Admiral Sirohey, friend to half a dozen American Presidents is heading to a peaceful protest. What can we, Americans, claim? If kidnapping, torture, rape and covering it up by letting the victim rot in prison isn’t terrorism, I don’t know what is.

We should be thankful for that seat on the UN Security Council. We may need it for more than covering up for Israel. The next nation facing sanctions for international crimes may be us.

All that stands between us and being cut off from the world is our veto. All that is keeping an entire administration from War Crimes trials is the Bush administration's withdrawal from the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

Why is President Obama allowing the outrages of the Bush administration to continue?

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular contributor to Veterans Today. He specializes in political and social issues. You can see a large collection of Gordon's published articles at this link:

He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his powerful words have brought about change. Gordon is a lifelong PTSD sufferer from his war experiences and he is empathetic to the plight of today's veterans also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to feature Gordon's timely and critical reports on, a news organization staffed by a number of veterans, particularly former U.S. Marines.

You can send Gordon Duff an email at this address:

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I.D. Heart June 24, 2014 8:14 am (Pacific time)

Layton, there is no need to be arrogant. You claim to have witnessed far more war crimes than Gordon but apparently you have learned nothing! The assertions made in this article are well documented (e.g. see the documentary: Torturing Democracy). Dr. Aafia's case is also well documented (e.g. see the dcoumentary: In Search of Prisoner 650). The evidence is out there, you just have to seek it. Gordon's articles are meant to raise awareness to inspire people to conduct their own research. As for the reason why the mainstream media did not cover Dr. Aafia's case; who do you think controls the mainstream media? Who do you think lead the mainstream media to portray Aafia as "Lady Al-Qaeda", "Terror Mom", and "Female Osama Bin Laden" during her trial even though she was not being tried for terrorism. In fact, she has never been charged for any acts of terrorism because there was not a shred of evidence! The mainstream media makes huge profits for airing these bogus stories. It is good business for them but little do they realize that they are playing with fire. As Stephen Lendman beautifully puts it: "Siddiqui was guilty only of being Muslim in America at the wrong time." Not just Aafia, but thousands of political prisoners are held in American gulags (both in US and abroad). "She's one of thousands of US political prisoners. She's well known. She committed no crimes. She's been brutalized in captivity. Mercy isn't in America's vocabulary. Rogue states operate that way." Stephen Lendman has written about a dozen articles on Aafia Siddiqui. You can find them on his SteveLendmanBlog. Maybe then you'll come to appreciate why Gordon Duff spared you the details.

douglas benson March 7, 2010 5:49 pm (Pacific time)

Jacob you cant have it both ways either ALL men are created equal with natural rights or none. Everyone involved in secret prisons extreem rendition ,illegal wiretaps ,torture ,abuse of the patriot act ,ect should be held accountable . We the people deserve the truth regardless if it is embarassing to goverment . Why dont you let the people decide if those that were involved in the kidnapping and torture of Aafia should be held accountable . We brought these people freedom allright ,the freedom to be kidapped ,killled,tortured ,warrantless searches at gunpoint ect. You call that freedom? Like to try that freedom yourself?

Jacob March 7, 2010 7:31 am (Pacific time)

Douglas Benson posted "... .Not only americans but all people we deal with that fall under our authority..." I've taken an oath, and missed this verbiage or anything remotely like it. As per oaths taken, read what our politicians take and see if they are keeping it. Also look at campaign promises, you know those things they use to get elected, and see how that score is working out.

douglas benson March 6, 2010 8:19 am (Pacific time)

These men and women took an oath not to thier service but to us the american people .From the courts ,law enforcement,goverment ,and military ,they have a duty to us first to protect our natural rights .Not only americans but all people we deal with that fall under our authority .What happens when they start pulling this crud here in the name of the war on terror {oh wait they allready have but you know it was just one guy right]?Will everyone just follow orders ? I hope not .

Amanda March 5, 2010 8:27 pm (Pacific time)

Is is a proven fact, that it is almost impossible for the government (regardless of which branch)to admit to wrong doing. We find that in political, criminal and civil cases. Otherwise we would not have that many victims suffering at the hands of American justice, here and abroad.

Patriot March 5, 2010 6:31 pm (Pacific time)

Duff, great points, the losers in the GOP are some real evil bastards.  You are all over it my friend, good work and semper fi all the way.

Layton March 5, 2010 1:35 pm (Pacific time)

So how come this has not been in the major news media if it's such a slam dunk? I hear so much innuendo about the different war crimes we have committed, but we never see any evidence going the way of prosecution, much less any major coverage. I doubt we ever will, because from my experience dealing with war crimes, it's always the malcontents who make the supposition, but never have any real substance in their baying.I believe so many of you are so emotionally invested in hating authority and disliking the country that has provided you a good life, that you will literally go nuts unless you see people like Bush frog-marched to jail. It's not going to happen. I am also a combat veteran and I know one hell of a lot more about war crimes than Gordon Duff could possibly imagine, and it has always been our enemies that recruit detractors to shove this bs like Duff does. Not in any of his articles has he provided one shred of evidence that could be used in a court proceeding. Show me, you can't. Those of you who think you know a lot about what you think are war crimes, you don't. Chill, and count your blessings you have adults taking care of you, because you sure wouldn't be able to. Vic, good luck with the cartels down there buddy.

Tim King: You're an idiot who uses different names when posting here and you have been bothering us for years.  I would assume you are probably paid to assert such ridiculous thinking, I hope they don't pay you very much.  You don't even have a right to speak to Gordon Duff you weirdo.  Combat veteran my ass, you're nobody, don't speak with disrespect to people who are actually doing things in this world.  Your next stupid comment will be deleted.  

Ersun Warncke March 5, 2010 12:32 pm (Pacific time)

This situation is absolutely unacceptable. It is bad enough to not prosecute U.S. war criminals, but to prosecute and imprison their victims in order to cover up their crimes is beyond the pale. The U.S. government is going to have its "Nuremberg moment" some day, and the people who are committing fresh crimes now to cover up the crimes of the past should think on that long and hard. The responsibility for these crimes falls not only on the perpetrators but also on those who remain silent. Being afraid that some right wing news outlet will label you "soft on terror" is not an acceptable excuse for individuals in public office. Torture, murder, and rape demand action, even if it means losing an election. In actuality, any politician who stands tall on these issues will probably have the life long gratitude and respect of a majority of Americans who deplore and loath this behavior and the shame that it casts onto our society.

Osotan; March 5, 2010 10:17 am (Pacific time)

You're right Gordon.,I say release her, this is shame on us and a dishonor to those of us who call ourselves Americans. Thanks for the guts to continue your stories and willingness to get out there and take a look, kind of like walking point again I'd wager.,I hope she gets out and isn't swept out of sight. Obama works for the sme people all the rest of them do. May Dr. Siddiqui be freed. The photo of Mi Lai still haunts me. So those with a concience stand up. This is wrong. Semper Fi!

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