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Feb-11-2010 18:15 ![]() ![]() The Roman Catholic Church Now Faces A New ReformationSalem-News.comPart 1 in a continued series on the Roman Catholic Church's greatest imminent issue: sex abuse.
(NEW YORK) - A newly released book alleges the Roman Catholic Church today faces its greatest threat since the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century splintered Christianity. The book, Illicit Celibacy and the Deposit of Faith, asserts an unorthodox papal change in Christ’s original teaching now requires sexual abstinence for priests and bishops who prove incapable of living celibate lives. This ancient papal requirement of celibacy for priests is now determined by independent Catholic historians and theologians to be illicit, and the source of today’s clerical sex abuse scandals. Since 2002 the news media has exposed coordinated efforts of Catholic bishops to conceal sexual crimes committed against young boys; but it is largely unreported that world wide sexual abuse of adult women and young girls are even more prevalent. Nearly all of these crimes were known of by bishops, who are charged by the Vatican with concealing Church scandal from public knowledge, under threat of being deposed. Dominican priest Fr. Tom Doyle first warned the Vatican of a coming sex abuse scandal in 1984. He was subsequently deposed.[1] Frank Keating, former FBI agent and Governor of Oklahoma, resigned his appointed position on the Bishop’s Review Committee after comparing the actions of Catholic bishops to those of a secretive criminal organization.[2] Despite mandatory celibacy requirements, 90% of Catholic priests are sexually active - 50% continuously and 40% periodically - casting suspicion on faithful priests.[3] This has led to suicide, broken lives, threatened and bribed victims, loss of faith and billions of dollars from Church coffers paid by the vanishing Catholic faithful. All of these crimes are committed by men who have vowed to live a life of chastity in service of Christ, but who live a lie.
For centuries Church laws, pseudo-infallible doctrines, and conflicting papal decrees have knowingly nullified infallible Catholic doctrines established by Christ. Such unorthodox changes are defined in Church literature as heresy. If true, all Church claims of God given infallibility when teaching the Gospel are untrue, of no more theological authority than the preaching of Billy Graham. Illicit Celibacy and the Deposit of Faith challenges the law of celibacy. It begins with Catholicism’s first priests, who were married Jewish men, and explains how long forgotten Vatican documents now demonstrate Jesus’ unchangeable teachings were later altered. These changes occurred more than 900 years ago when most Catholics were illiterate, often denied access to the Bible, and excommunicated should they challenge papal authority. Since 1139 Catholic theologians and apologists who are aware of these changes have refused to confront evidence presented in this revealing book. On The Origin Of Mandatory Catholic Celibacy: PART 2 discusses these historical changes by Catholic author, Edgar Davie.
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James A. February 27, 2010 10:44 pm (Pacific time)
DBA : I'm glad that you attend Bible classes with your Catholic friends. I agree that we Christians should stick together as much as we can. We ARE meant to be one, but that oneness was meant by Jesus to be in His Church, the one He set Peter over as head, now known as the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus was speaking in Aramaic, and the two words are the same in Aramaic. I suggest reading this page : Peace be with you !
DBA February 24, 2010 6:55 pm (Pacific time)
... PS - I learned when Jesus said "You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church..." in the original Greek, the word for "Peter" as "rock" and the word for "rock" upon which Jesus would build the church is different. I learned in Peter's name "rock" translates as a stone, or something smaller, perhaps off a large cliff or the like. The large cliff or the whole entitiy of where a stone is embedded would be the "rock" Jesus referred to in the original Greek. It has to do with the masculine or feminine use of the word "rock" in Greek. Perhaps someone can confirm that for me? Does anyone speak Greek?
DBA February 23, 2010 3:55 pm (Pacific time)
Kerry- It was Paul that wrote the letter to the Romans, not Peter. If you check out church history, you'll see it was followers of Paul that started the church in Rome, and even in the Bible, Peter indicates he is no more 'special' than any of the other apostles, and in fact, it was James (Bishop of Jerusalem) that carried the most clout back then. He was the spokesperson for what was the first "council", a council in which Paul's way prevailed over Peter's. I do not say this to diminish Peter in any way. But to take one verse of the Bible out of context and use it to put a modern day pope OVER Peter's role is not sound. To say the Roman church is THE 'true' church started by Jesus is wrong. The Body of Christ has ONE head - Jesus, and it has many "parts" - anyone that considers Him to be their Lord and Savior. I attend a non-denominational church but go to a Bible Study classes with Catholics that are friends of mine and it is held at their Catholic church. They are no more "Christian" than me. Rather, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, being led by Jesus and by the Holy Spirit.
kerry February 22, 2010 6:53 pm (Pacific time)
the roman catholic church is the one and only church created by god the son our lord himself when he asked peter the first pope to build his church and watch his flock. so its not just a structure with a category or a label that defins what it is. no mater when it was calld the roman catholic church. in fact and is fact its right from god. as the only true apostlic church.
Jackie February 21, 2010 3:17 pm (Pacific time)
Chastity- While I agree with your point, I disagree that celibacy isn't contributing to the problem. Even experts within the church, like Fr. Tom Doyle, have said celibacy IS a factor and it must be re-considered. To look the other way is negligent.
Chastity February 21, 2010 5:14 am (Pacific time)
Celibacy is not the problem at all. Look at other denominations who do not have celibacy and they have had abuse on a similar scale. We have stopped living according to the teachings of Christ and the fruits are everywhere to be seen.
Cradle Catholic February 18, 2010 1:13 pm (Pacific time)
Bottom line: church leaders must be challenged by people in the pews about celibacy. While celibacy is not the reason for abuse of children, it IS the reason why there is an unusually high number of homosexual men in the priesthood, and why so many of those men, as well as heterosexual priests, are sexually active. Celibacy IS the reason why so many priests father children and do not fulfill their obligations to them, acting as "fathers", and celibacy is to blame for an emotionally stunted priest, that does not have to grow up and be a MAN, protected by his bishop (daddy) and why all of them enjoy clerical power in spite of their bad behavior and choices. The whole scenario causes a lack of trust between (sane) lay people and their clergy, and it is sad because many priests are good men. That said, the statistic is only 2% of priests have the true "gift" of celibacy and would not marry even if they could. Another 8% force themselves to remain without male or female companionship, and a whopping 50% are having sex at all times, while 40% have had the famous "lapses" which could be a one-night stand with a man or woman, or the "lapse" can last anywhere from months to 8 years or longer. I know a priest that is in his 80's and he moved with his "secretary" to a retirement area. That's some devoted secretary .. or is the role she plays in his life more than that? Make these people honorable - let them marry. Edgar Davie's questions deserve answers. Thank you for providing a platform for which this can be discussed.
EBD February 14, 2010 12:00 pm (Pacific time)
Chapter 10 of "Illicit Celibacy" is titled "Patristic Fathers-Against Women". It discusses early mysigony but does not address women priests
Mike February 14, 2010 8:59 am (Pacific time)
Hmm? Afraid of the truth?
Mike February 13, 2010 3:50 pm (Pacific time)
The allegations made in this story are so silly that they are not even worth a response.
Editor: Fine, therefore we deleted what you wrote after the preface, we don't want you wasting your time here.
Chastity February 12, 2010 8:51 pm (Pacific time)
It is not misogyny that prevents women becoming priests but Christ's choosing of 12 male apostles at the Last Supper not even Jesus' mother was chosen for priesthood. If Jesus had wanted to alter His decision He will send a great saint or saints to the Pope to make sure His change of mind is acted upon. No amount of human lobbying will bring female priests unless Jesus makes crystal clear He wants them and as a female I doubt very much it will ever come about because His mother was not invited to priesthood at the Last Supper. As to institutionalised hatred of women that cannot be said of the Catholic Church which venerates Mary as co redemptrix and upholds the dignity and worth of women as spiritual equals as the rich history of wonderful female saints attests. Celibacy is not enforcrd by physical punishments. All Catholics are urged to be chaste and to remain pure until and if they enter marriage. It is a wonderful ideal and with the help of God's grace entirely possible.Imagine the beauty and peace in the world if everbody truly lived it. No unwanted, unloved children, no broken hearts after callous one night stands no sexually transmitted diseases.
Trust in Jesus February 12, 2010 4:56 pm (Pacific time)
It is true there are "wolves" in sheep's clothing amongst the flock and currently they are being heard and seen as if they are reclaiming Truth when in fact they are not.Jesus warned us this would happen All that Catholics need do while this "storm" is going on is to trust in His promise. He will ensure that the gates of hell will NEVER prevail against her. Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God. It is the message of the world that sex is a god that must be appeased and that your life will be miserable unless you have sex. It is the design of God that sex is between a man and a woman He designed the male/female body to fit together. Children need a mother and a father It is both logical and just that sex then is to be kept for marriage.The Church will never teach lies because Jesus promised He would never allow the gates of hell to prevail against her.
Cradle Catholic February 12, 2010 1:53 pm (Pacific time)
I read this book in one week. It is EXCELLENT! The author poses questions that can NOT go unanswered by Catholic theologians, the leaders at the Vatican and even the average parish priest any longer. Catholics deserve answers. Too much damage has been caused by the average Catholic being unwilling to ask questions such as these. As a consequence, trust in the institutional church has been completely lost by many, and understandably so. In this "Year of the Priest" how about average Catholics getting clued in on facts such as those neatly contained in this book, and demanding answers from our leaders and CHANGE. Buy an extra copy for your parish priest! There will never be health in the church, by allowing the clerical elite to remain unaccountable and veiled in a shroud of priviledge. Thanks to God that Edgar Davie took the time to research and write this book! Let's not sit by while the theologians, the Vatican and even our parish priests ignore these FACTS. We need change and NOW. With the "new liturgy" and other moves Pope Benedict and JPII made, Vatican 11 changes are slowly eroding. The collective church is back-peddaling to the pre-1960's, almost daily. We need to keep John XXIII's idea of the window OPEN - and the fresh breezes of healthy change coming in to the church. Read this book - to equip the average Catholic with the right questions in order to see needed changes take place. This book tells us WHY change is needed and HOW the unhealthy system came to be, in the first place. Illicit Celibacy is a winner.
Natalie February 12, 2010 12:11 pm (Pacific time)
OMG! And I was slammed for saying that men fear woman's power and are more fragile than we are. Ha, I guess I'm not alone to think that.
Catholic February 12, 2010 7:45 am (Pacific time)
The reformation already happened in the 1960s; VATICAN 2
Daniel Johnson February 12, 2010 2:21 am (Pacific time)
I don't believe that hatred of women is the real issue; it's fear of women. Women have great procreative and sexual power. Just a cursory examination of history, shows that men are the weak link. Look at the Muslims, they exhibit this fear of women even more explicitly, in their alleged concern for women's purity by keeping them hidden behind veils, harems and in purdah. The violence against women comes from fear, not hatred, which often look the same.
Once in a while I see these Muslim women in stores, head to toe in black and their faces completely covered so they are looking out through a mesh over their eyes. I'm always tempted to approach them and ask them if they speak English. If they do, I'd like to remind them that this is Canada and it's the 21st century. But I always stifle myself.
Natalie February 12, 2010 12:51 am (Pacific time)
Reformation is long time overdue.
gp February 11, 2010 6:35 pm (Pacific time)
Thanks Salem News, and it would also be interesting to read about the institutionalized hatred of women. Enforced celibacy and treatment of human sexuality as inherently sinful is part and parcel of the misogyny that forbids women to be priests and lays down laws regarding reproduction by a bunch of "men who wear dresses and hate women" to quote Dr. K.P. Smith.
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