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Feb-02-2009 19:32printcomments

The One State Solution

For a durable solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Bible and the Quran must be de-politicized. In political terms, de-politicization means a single secular democratic state for Jews and Palestinians.

Israeli tank
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(NEW YORK) - The Arab Israeli conflict has become a religious war. Politicizing the Bible's Genesis 15:18 politicized the Quran. Genesis 15:18 declares: "The Lord made a covenant with Abraham, saying, unto thy seed have I given this land from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates."

Defeated in 1948, powerless and humiliated in every war since that time, Arabs took refuge in Islam.

They invoked hostile Quranic Verses (such as chapter 2: verse 65, 2:120, 5:51, 5:60, 5:78), recounted purported stories of the Prophet Muhammad's troubled relationship with the Jewish tribes in Medina (Banu Qurayza, Banu Al-Nadir, and Banu Qainuqa), and drew lessons from the symbolism of substituting Friday for the Sabbath and of changing the direction during prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca. Other Quranic verses urge jihad against Muslims enemies (2:191, 2:193, 8:60, 9:5, 9:29) and promise (2:82) the martyred the delights of paradise; wine (47:15), beautiful women (44:54), silk, brocade, and gold (18:31), etc… Combined, these verses made a jihadist's career worthwhile.

In the hands of jihadist leaders, these verses transformed political frustrations into religious crusades and the jihadists into walking bombs.

For thirteen centuries, however, these were non-issues. Hundreds of thousands of Jews lived harmoniously among Muslims in Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen.

Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Britain's first and thus far the only person of Jewish parentage to reach the premiership (1868 and 1874-1880), described in his novel Coningsby the "halcyon centuries" during the golden age of Muslim Spain in which the "children of Ishmael rewarded the children of Israel with equal rights and privileges with themselves." Disraeli described glowingly how Muslims and Jews alike "built palaces, gardens and fountains; filled equally the highest offices of the state, competed in an extensive and enlightened commerce, and rivaled each other in renowned universities."

In 1492 the Muslim Ottoman Sultan Bayezid-II (1481-1512) encouraged great numbers of Jews to settle in the Ottoman Empire following their expulsion from Spain and Portugal.

Islam venerates Judaism. Arabs believe they share a common ancestry with the Jewish people going back to the sons of Abraham, Ismail and Ishaq. The Quran praises Abraham as the first Muslim, describing Islam as the Religion of Abraham. The Quranic Chapter 14, with its 52 Verses is named after Abraham and to Joseph the Quran names Chapter 12, with its 111 Verses. Muslim men are allowed to marry Jewish women, without the need to convert them to Islam (the children must be Muslims).

Today, Jewish-derived Arabic names like Daoud, Ibrahim, Ishaq, Mousa, Sara, Sulaiman, Yacoub, Yousef, Zakariyya are common in every Arab society. [Unfortunately, this is bunk. Jews are simply the common white racist, nothing more, nothing less. - WVNS]

Politicizing the Bible politicized the Quran. A vexing religious confrontation has been created pushing the moderates among Arab Muslims into orthodoxy and the orthodox into Islamism and Jihadism.

The victory of Hamas in the January 25, 2006 parliamentary elections in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well as the popularity of Islamic Jihad, are reminders that this conflict has been delivering the Muslim masses into the hands of the Islamists. History suggests that this religious war could go on for a20thousand years. Military action alone against the Jihadists will breed more Jihadists.

Experience suggests that, like its previous victories, Israel's latest battle against Hamas in the Gaza strip that started on December 27, 2008 will strengthen jihadism.

Unless the Arab Israeli conflict is resolved politically and quickly, Islamism and Jihadism will continue on their march. Avraham Berg, speaker of Israel's Knesset in 1999-2003 and former chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, articulated in sobering terms what Israel should do in order to bring peaceful coexistence between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples.

The Bible and the Quran Must be De-politicized

For a durable solution to the Arab Israeli conflict, a single democratic and secular state for Jews and Palestinians needs to evolve. A single state promises a more durable long-term solution than the two-state solution, currently in vogue. The two-state solution is inherently unstable for four reasons:

1. First, demographically, a purely Jewish state is impossible to attain. Had Palestine been uninhabited at the time of Israel's creation a refugee problem would not have arisen and a purely Jewish state could have been possible. However, around the time of Israel's creation Palestine was a home to around 1.4 million Palestinian Arabs.

The Zionist dream of creating an exclusive state for the Jewish people in Palestine is unsustainable in the long-term. Presently, 1.4 million Palestinians are estimated to be citizens of Israel, or a quarter of Israel's Jewish population. Due to their high population growth rates the Palestinian-Israelis will eventually become the majority.

The Palestinian-Israelis are in addition to the 4.2 million Palestinians who live under Israel's occupation in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Outside Palestine, 2.6 millions are registered in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, plus 1.5 million scattered worldwide.

Unless the Palestinian-Israelis somehow vanish, Israel's Jewish population will eventually become the minority and the Palestinian-Israelis the majority; the population growth rate of the Palestinian-Israelis is much greater than that of Israeli Jews. The number of Palestinians in Israel in 1948 was about 150,000. If Israel would allow the future Palestinian-Israeli majority full citizenship rights, they'll control the government. If Israel subjects the majority to an apartheid regime, the system will eventually unravel.

Apartheid regimes have short lives: Witness Rhodesia and South Africa.

2. Secondly, intractable issues stand in the way of a two-state solution: Jerusalem, borders, security for Israel and for Palestine, water rights, settlements, and the refugees' right-of-return. Since the signing of the Oslo Agreement on September 13, 1993, none of the thorny issues has been resolved. When Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, and Yasser Arafat attempted in July 2000 to tackle these issues at Camp David, the negotiations collapsed, leading to the second intifada and to Hamas' gains in the 2006 parliamentary elections, which culminated by the take-over by Hamas of the Gaza Strip in June 2007, and Israel's devastating war against Hamas eighteen months later.

3. Thirdly, even if a miracle patches up a two-state agreement the extremists on both sides would undermine the agreement. The extremists believe that they are divinely ordained to keep-up the struggle until they control the entirety of the land.

4. Fourthly, the Arab masses w ill shun a Zionist state. Judging from Israel's peace treaties with Egypt (March 26, 1979) and Jordan (October 26, 1994), relations among the Egyptian and Jordanian masses and Israelis failed to develop beyond small diplomatic missions.

Western democratic and secular ideals should inspire the development of a single, democratic, and secular state for Palestinians and Jews. There are three reasons in support of such a development:

1. First, the intractable obstacles that have bedeviled the two-state solution would disappear.

2. Secondly, a single state will commingle Palestinians and Jews into an inseparable mix. The Jewish settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, estimated at about half a million in more than 125 settlements, could become instruments of integration between Palestinians and Jews, not segregation; a mixture of Jews among Arabs as difficult to unscramble as removing the Palestinian Israelis from Israel. A single state would lead the Arab governments to recognize the new state. Muslims everywhere, Arabs especially, would no longer have an excuse to boycott their Jewish "cousins." Economic, cultural, educational, and social interaction would follow. The two sides would quickly learn=2 0how much they could benefit from one other.

3. Thirdly, a single state solution would allow Arabs and Jews full access to the entirety of Palestine.

The secular democratic one-state solution has been gathering pace. A well attended conference by Arabs and Israelis at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) was held on November 17-18, 2007 to address the various aspects of this concept.

Arab and Jew Can Live Together in Peace

Around the time of Israel's creation, more than 850,000 Jews migrated from Arab countries, 600,000 going to Israel. The charge that the Jews migrated because of Arab maltreatment is an unfair political expediency. The migration happened in the course of Israel's creation.

During this period, 531 Palestinian villages were depopulated and 805,000 refugees lost their homes, according to Palestinian sources (650,000 to 700,000 refugees, according to Jewish sources).

Had Zionism adhered to the stipulation in the 1917 Balfour declaration: "Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine," the Muslim/Jewish conflict would not have developed.

Durable peace and the long-term prosperity of the Jewish people in the Arab World require the genuine welcome of the Arab masses. Smart bombs and nuclear weapons cannot force Arab peoples' acceptance of a Zionist Israel. The 600,000 Jews, who had lived in Arab countries for centuries and are today a major proportion of Israel's Jewish population, could become a positive link with the Arab World. They share with the Arab peoples many customs, habits, values, food, music, dance, and, for the older generation, the Arabic language.

Whether it would be a good bargain to exchange a partial and declining Jewish exclusivity in an unstable two-state solution for a durable single state embracing Jews and Muslims is a question Israel's Jewish people alone can answer.

In provoking the enmity of their age-old Muslim friends, Zionism has disserved the long-term interests of the Jewish people.

* Elie Elhadj is the author of Elie Elhadj, author of The Islamic Shield: Arab Resistance to Democratic and Religious Reforms, and many articles which can be read here:


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Michelle Nevada February 4, 2009 3:59 am (Pacific time)

Training exercise??? Pleeeeze. Egypt massed approximately 100,000 of its 160,000 troops in the Sinai, including all of its seven divisions (four infantry, two armored and one mechanized), as well as four independent infantry and four independent armored brigades. These forces had 950 tanks, 1,100 APCs and more than 1,000 artillery pieces. They had cut off the Straits of Tiran, and had directed all the water coming into Israel away. These were all aggressive acts. Israel warned Egypt again and again to back off, they did not. We hit Egypt with a preemptive attack, we had to because we were outnumbered, but it was a defensive act. As I can see, the only "peace" you people believe in is the peace of the grave for Jews. You claim to believe in human rights, but you go against the only democracy in the Middle East, a democracy that protects women, gays, and a diversity of religions. The Ba'hai, for example, fled to Israel for protection from other arabs! We have protected religious sites of Arabs, Catholics, Orthodox Greeks, and Armenians. On the other side--the arabs have attacked the grave of Joseph, destroyed synagogues, killed Christians and destroyed their places of worship, and continue, daily, to destroy our most Holy Site--The Temple Mount. Arabs vote and live in Israel, but no Jews are allowed in most arab countries--not even to visit. 900,000 Jews were ethnically cleansed from their ancestoral homes in arab countries and fled to Israel stripped of all their possessions and forced to flee to Israel. What about them? You don't say a world about that, do you? As for Vic, the editor can say what the editor wants, but his vitrol is against Jews is obvious.

Michelle Nevada February 3, 2009 6:19 pm (Pacific time)

B"H Dear Vic, Sorry to mess with your ideas of a great Jewish conspiracy, but I was informed of this story because I have a google alert set up for anything with "Israel" and "Jewish" in it. BTW, the "Old Testament" is Jewish, not Christian. As far as the deed goes, how is it that Islam claims a land that existed long before their religion existed? How is it that they claim the Balfor Declaration should be followed, yet they think they are allowed to have our land as well as theirs (Jordan)? The deed to the land is real, it is irrefutable and, by the way, so are the laws of the Torah. Yes, charging interest between Jews is a sin. This is why we have loan societies. It IS better to visit a prostitute than waste seed--because the punishment for visiting a prostitute is less sever--but it is still punishable. The laws aren't stupid or antiquated. I live by them every day. I keep the Sabbath. I pray. I keep kosher. And I know the definition of a "disobedient child" is so extreme that no child has ever fallen under the definition. G-d is great and beautiful and ALL POWERFUL. How else does one explain that, in 1948, on the day we became a nation, Israel was attacked by three mighty nations at the same time--and defeated them all? How else can we explain winning the war against arab attack in 1967, and justifiably seizing land in order to use a defensible space. International law allows the seizing of land in a defensive war. It was our land to begin with anyway. The Bible is the Word of G-d. Nothing less. I see your hate, Vic, as does anyone reading these comments. I will pray for you.

Editor: Geez, I have to watch these guys every minute. Is there some complusion to lie on behalf of Israel? Anyone who knows just a little about modern history knows that while Egypt moved troops toward the Israeli border in '67, they didn't strike Israel and said it was a training exercise. Israel attacked anyway and Egypt and Syria both paid a high price. Who else did? The United States, which was also attacked by Israel during the Six-Day War. Several American sailors died and dozens were severely injured by Israeli air and naval strikes. This person mentions Israeli's being attacked in 1948 and that happened, but it was the people the Israeli's attacked who paid the heaviest price; being removed from their homeland and all. By the way, Vic is a strong peace activist and he is anything but hateful. The guy has real guts and he speaks his honest mind. When we report on Israel we always deal with the BS committee MN, and it proves that that your entire point is flawed.

ChrisJones February 3, 2009 1:43 pm (Pacific time)

Don't forget about the Christians in Israel. How do ya'll treat them "jeffrey"? Free speech isn't even legal in that socialist paradise is it??

Vic February 3, 2009 10:27 am (Pacific time)

I am the one who wrote the last post attributed to Michelle....I meant to start the posting with her name, but it got on the name section and I didnt notice...apologies

Vic February 3, 2009 10:26 am (Pacific time)

Ever notice how when there is an article re Israel, we get a lot of posters that we have never heard of before, all supporting Israel? Well there is a network of pro-Israeli posters and sites who search the web for articles on Israel and esp articles that do not follow the official line. They forward the links to each other and the idea is to flood comment sections with pro-Israeli fluff. It can be wildly ficticious, like the offering here from "jeffrey". It is a well oiled propoganda machine, an industrial-strength turd-polisher.

Michelle February 3, 2009 10:18 am (Pacific time)

As far as I know, there is not a court in the world that recognizes a questionable religious document as a property deed. Funny how Christians are despised as "two-legged animals" by the Jewish supremists, yet the Bible is quoted when it suits their case for theft and murder. The Bible also says that it is better to solicit a prostitute than to masturbate and "waste your seed upon the ground" I guess all laws regarding prostitution should be declared null and void. The Bible also says that a disobedient child is to be taken outside the gates of the city and stoned to death, and it also says that usury, charging interest, is a sin. I should write my mortgage company and send them the appropriate verses and get all my interest back that I have paid over the years. See how stupid that sounds?.... using the bible to prove ownership is ridiculous, and a disingenuous attempt to justify Jewish Supremacy, and the resulting ethinic cleansing.

Jeffrey February 3, 2009 7:22 am (Pacific time)

Blame my spelling. That's all you people got? LOL!!

You are the one rewriting history, not I.

Michelle Nevada February 3, 2009 4:37 am (Pacific time)

B"H Very creative lying here. I especially love this one, "Presently, 1.4 million Palestinians are estimated to be citizens of Israel, or a quarter of Israel's Jewish population. Due to their high population growth rates the Palestinian-Israelis will eventually become the majority." This is the same lie Carter keeps spewing. Here's the facts: "In 2006, there were a total of 148,170 births. (143,913 in 2005 and 136,390 in 2000). Of this number, 104,513 were to Jewish mothers, 34,337 were to Muslim mothers,2,601 to Druze, 2,500 to Christians." (See for the official numbers). Jews far outweigh the arabs in the count. Also, what does this have to do with the argument unless, of course, the purpose of this article is to insist that because the arabs have people in Israel we can't have a Jewish state. Right now arabs vote in Israel, they serve in the Knesset, and they are part of our culture. It is the "Palestinians," those who posit themselves as our enemies and who reject Israel completely, who are not part of Israeli citizenship. Will this author also suggest that because there are a lot of Mexicans in America that we should allow Mexican citizens to vote in our elections? The whole idea is ridiculous. And, if you want to quote the Balfor Declaration, then quote it. Be my guest! It created your dear PA state in a place called JORDAN. Go there for your arab wonderland! We deserve our own state, and our deed is found in every Bible in the world. I suggest the author take a look at that deed some time.

Jeffrey February 2, 2009 10:42 pm (Pacific time)

I love readng hitory rewruitten! I have yet to read an article by an Arab or Muslim that actually contains facts as opposed to dreams.

A one staste solution is genocide for Jews. Israel should do to the Palkestinians exactly what the Arabs did to the Jews in 1948. The Arabs killed many Jews and then forcibly expelled the rest from their countries. Let the Palestinians find a new home away from ISrael. They deserve nothing more.

Editor: Beyond the fact that you can't spell and have no business trying to represent any cause with writing like that, you are a bigot stating one mistruth after another. In fact you are trying to completely turn the events around backward. Anyone reading this can feel your hate and ignorance; it burns like a torch, what a coincidence.

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