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Aug-31-2007 15:59printcomments

(NEW COMMENTS) Oregon Snake River Correctional Officers Arrested

Officials from the Snake River Correctional Institution allege that a female correctional officer engaged in sexual activity with an inmate of the institution, but staff members say it is based on the unfounded statement of an inmate.

Aerial shot of the Snake River Correctional Facility
Aerial view of the Snake River Correctional Facility

(ONTARIO, Ore.) - Sometimes our stories take on a life of their own at, and this report on the arrest of two corrections officers is a prime example.

Like many stories, they come to our agency in the form of a press release. When you are dealing with police or corrections officers, it is often hard to track down a telephone number to get the other side of the story.

The comment section on is where the action gets going sometimes, and people are free to say what they want about stories, provided they do not use profanity or make illegal statements or threats.

These comments now appear to be changing this particular story, released by Oregon officials last week. One primary point stated is that the inmate who claimed to have had sex with Tomi Sue Fowler, may have made similar statements about other corrections officers, all of which were unfounded.

The state of Oregon released the statements about the alleged sexual encounter in conjunction with the Malheur County District Attorney.

I suggest that as people read the story below, that they bear in mind the comments. They are not verified news statements, but if they are true, then a pair of Oregon Corrections officers may indeed be receiving unfair treatment at the hands of the Oregon legal system the represent.

One other point is that if these corrections officers were in possession of marijuana, it should not be viewed as a huge violation of the law, as ordinary citizens are only cited with a fine for possession of up to an ounce.

In fact, the action would not be considered "criminal" under Oregon law. Maybe in this case, it relieves the stress generated by a career of watching criminals for a living. Or, maybe it was necessitated by a medical condition.

Perhaps the marijuana was discovered because the allegations from a prison inmate allowed police to enter their residence?

Here is the original story

Oregon State Police detectives arrested two Snake River Correctional Institution corrections officers on warrants stemming from an indictment filed with the Malheur County Circuit Court.

Correctional Officers Tomi Sue Fowler and James Matthew Fowler were arrested at the couple's residence located in Ontario, Oregon on August 30th.

The indictment charges Tomi Fowler with the crimes of Unlawful Manufacture of Marijuana, Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the First Degree, Custodial Sexual Misconduct in the Second Degree, Supplying Contraband, and Official Misconduct in the Second Degree.

The Malheur County District Attorney's Office says the crimes involving Custodial Sexual Misconduct and Official Misconduct allege that she had a sexual relationship with an inmate at the Snake River Correctional Institution.

The Supplying Contraband charge alleges that she introduced contraband by bringing diet pills into the institution. The Unlawful Manufacture of Marijuana charge relates to marijuana plants found by the Oregon State Police during the execution of a search warrant at the Fowler residence.

James Fowler is charged with a single count of Unlawful Manufacture of Marijuana relating to the marijuana plants found in the residence.

Tomi Fowler was hired as a correctional officer on February 16th, 1999. She was placed on paid administrative leave on June 9th, 2007 after officials learned of the allegations against her.

James Fowler was hired as a correctional officer on August 28th, 2000 and was still employed at the time of his arrest.

Officials from the Snake River Correctional Institution contacted the Oregon State Police after they learned of allegation that Tomi Sue Fowler had engaged in sexual activity with an inmate of the institution.

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fg January 14, 2013 4:06 am (Pacific time)

inmates are human and deserve to be heard,and if they are not telling the truth they to should be punish and the innocent rewarded.

schrepfer,j April 19, 2010 10:18 am (Pacific time)

i am a free man i am sorry to see so many still suffer the system i was shot down from so many different angles i still made it now a happilly married man residing in va to whom it concerns: IT IS A CHOICE! im just glad i had my wife waiting to remind me i have become a bigger man than some corrupt system after reading your stories i know we arent all "PARANOID"

his lil sis June 8, 2009 11:30 pm (Pacific time)

ok listen i freakin hate this prison.. there is nothing good about it. i dont know to much, all i know is that my big brother is in there and judge him as you please but he deserves better then that. Joseph daniel miller look it up he shouldnt be in that place for how long he is... hes my big brother n this joke of a prison is really goin to make me crazy i dont care wat you think about the inmates he has been the only one that was there when i needed him... this prison should clean up its act.

Boplady April 22, 2009 11:12 am (Pacific time)

Hello, I stumbled on this site looking for ammo for my current situation which is quite similar to Tomi's. The word of a convicted felon means so much more then a female correctional officer. This crap happens a lot more then you can imagine. I'm sorry to hear that this family is going through this and in the end if they sued no monetary amount can replace the damage that has been done to their reputation. Stay strong!

Excited September 14, 2008 9:20 am (Pacific time)

Trial begins tomorrow morning!! Cannot wait for the Fowlers to win this!

Former SCRI Inmate October 1, 2007 6:28 pm (Pacific time)

I was an Inmate at SCRI for almost 17 months. The officers I had contact with daily were nothing but respectfull but firm with me. There were a couple that had chips on their shoulders for whatever reason, and one who was disrespectfull to a family member who was visiting me. I talked to the Captain, and that officer got pulled up short for is disrespect. Trust me ... when an inmate says or reports something, its looked into very seriously. There is almost no place you can go in that facility that you are now being watched, either by camera or audio, or some other means. How do I know? Because I helped build the expansion for that facility as one of the trusted Inmates with skills in the computer field. Let the legal system take its course, and if they are found not guilty, then let it stand and let them get back to their lives. If they are guilty, then let the punishment fit the crime. After all ... isn't that what we do for everyone else, corrections officer or not?

Former DOC Employee September 22, 2007 3:43 pm (Pacific time)

Tomi and James, God bless you and your family. I have been on the receiving end of the DOC's antics while they make up the rules as they go along, their not following their own policies and procedures that were put in place for good reason. I have experienced the differencial treatment, and all I can say is keep the faith. Do not let an inmate or a corrupt Administration dictate your personal happiness and well being. You have a huge support system out here! I know you are both completely innocent!! Even when the DOC knows this, and knows when they have went too far, they just don't care! The tax payers care and the tax payers $$ are not the DOC's to misuse and continue to use to pay off law suits that were avoidable. The DOC shamelessly and thoughtlessly continue to refuse to do the right thing and it's costing the rest of us for their blatent neglegence and lack of concern to do the right thing. You know, I thought it was pretty scarey to know a child can make a false statement/accusation regarding a potentcially innocent teacher he or she may be angry with, and that teacher (hopefully innocent) could actually lose their job without ever being proven guilty. Well that's terrible, but what is this world coming to when the Justice system immediately takes the word of a convicted felon with a history of extortion over the word of an Officer? Yes, we know why the allegations must be investigated, but since when is it okay to violate your civil rights and privacey to do so? Why did the Police need a photo of anything besides Tomi's back? My God!!! That kind of invasion could dammage someone for life. So as if that wasn't enough, now the only financial support and insurance provided this family to put food on the table, provide medicine for James and college funding for their daughter is gone! This has to stop now!!This family doesn't deserve this! What if it was you? By the way, thanks a lot DOC! All the inmates that hadn't thought of ways to extort staff or get staff fired certainly know what to do now. Allowing that rag of a local newspaper to come into the institution for staff to ridicule, and inmates to use is the most hidious and thoughtless act of neglegence I have ever heard of. Who is running this show? Where is our Govenor? Someone needs to bring this to a screeching halt! James and Tomi, please keep your heads high and keep the faith. This fight isn't over!

In case you haven't seen it September 17, 2007 3:46 pm (Pacific time)

This website has posted a new followup article on this case. The link to the full story is on the home page. Or just cut and paste the following link to your web browzer.

Str8nup September 17, 2007 9:21 am (Pacific time)

" I've read the blogs in several newspapers and I understand this female officer is a highly respected, decorated officer with an impeccable record prior to these inmates allegations. As a taxpayer I see the writing on the wall and all of the Oregon taxpayers should be getting a little worried of what is probably going to happen to us. This is going to cost us some BIG BUCKS like in the millions. When you watch the cop shows and when something looks wrong-- the big guy steps in and straightens things out. I'd like to know where MAX WILLIAMS our Director of the Department of Corrections has been!! This charade should have been stopped a long time ago like when the only evidence or allegations was from inmates and only inmates.SRCI has a proven history of corrupt managers (sexual harassment suit) and it is still ongoing.If this happened to a manager or supervisor it would have and has been swept under the rug.However this case turns out, it is again negative publicity for SRCI and DOC.The bottom line will be money--a lot of it!-- If and when the Fowler employee sues and wins.So its another situation where DOC thinks they are untouchable and they can do what they please.Come on MAX, TAKE CARE OF THIS. Straighten up DOC and get your house in order before we taxpayers have yet to pay for your stupidity AGAIN!! "

Inocent until proven guilty September 13, 2007 8:08 pm (Pacific time)

Like most, I enjoy a good scandle. However, let us not forget that these two officers of the DOC have families to support. Should they not be given the same rights as those they supervised. Don't rush to judgement. I pray that the truth will be made known soon rather it be guilty or inocent.

Big Brother! September 12, 2007 7:01 pm (Pacific time)

All of the DOC charges very well may have been explained away. But who ever decided to germinate Cannabis in that house threw a brick (of weed) on the wrong side of the scales of justice. Terminally ill or not it was not a sound decision given the current enviroment and pending charges.

Friend of former DOC September 11, 2007 12:02 pm (Pacific time)

Someone inside the Snake River Correctional Institution is hiding something. There is an officer in there...and 'they' are hiding something. I bet you dollars to doughnuts DOC knows about it and are keeping this 'involved' officer protected. It seems very suspicious to me that Tomi has been put on Administrative Leave WITHOUT PAY!!! She hasn't been before the judge to even entery a plee! How is DOC taking her pay away! I call BS! FACT: Now, her husband, who indeed, suffers from a life threatening medical condition WILL NOT have insurance coverage. (Wonder if the authorities bothered to look into that before throwing the canabis charges down!) Wow...way to go OSP and DOC...! You have dropped the ball AGAIN! The officer that is responsible and or involved in the Fowler-foul up will hopefully get their come-up-ance...we all have faith! Wouldn't it be hysterical if the current 'inside' officer involved was also involved on the other inmate accusations! All of which were...unfounded. Same inmate making the charges...same people inside covering it up? Things that make you go...hmmmmm...let's see who was involved in those unfounded charges...ALL of those involved. It still stinks like yesterday's dirty tax paying friends are not very happy about this story...or the fact that it has happened before!!! Good luck are seriously gonna need it!

Hello September 7, 2007 5:15 pm (Pacific time)

Just a thought that maybe sexist statements like Davids are what keeps this world from moving forward in a more possitive manner. The people who are making these accusations are not the chior children of america and have nothing to loose. The people accused have families, lives, and careers it does not matter what sex you are only how strong you can be when this is layed on your door step. Everyone has an opinion but until you are placed in the situation everyone is talking about you really can't say what you would do until you have to live it and face loosing it all. Open your eyes people and see that the ones making these accusations are murderers, and child molesters, and thiefs and drug adicts who once again have nothing to loose and all the time in the world to think about things like what brings us here. For those of you who have never done the job I think you need to know that it is a thankless job that takes a special kind of person to do.

James Fowler September 7, 2007 3:25 pm (Pacific time)

Hello everyone. On behalf of my wife and I, I would like to express our thanks and gratitude to all the people who have responded with support for us. I would also like to thank for taking an unbiased, objective outlook on this case. Instead of the spoon fed garbage that's been given (and printed) by local papers, has chosen to at least attempt to find out the truth. They've even added an introduction to the original story asking people to read the comments and to keep them in mind., thank you. You've added a small ray of hope to us in these dark times.

H. September 6, 2007 8:54 pm (Pacific time)

There are a few more pieces missing that are also not being brought forward, Like the OSP investigator in this case is the same one that investigated the IMU incident at OSP several years ago, he's still trying to make a name for himself, at the exspence of being a liar. He needs to be fired. He's a little man with a big ego...I believe this Officer TS will win....then watch all the rats scury away.

Henry Ruark September 5, 2007 4:13 pm (Pacific time)

FDOC: Best through Editor, S-N; use email to ID self to him and seek response. I'm in Bend, he's in Salem. He runs news-show, I just ride along via Op Eds. Be happy to assist in any way once you lay it out for him. Best to you, kid...

Matt September 5, 2007 2:24 pm (Pacific time)

There certainly are a lot of holes appearing in this story. Looking forward to seeing them filled.

Former DOC Employee September 5, 2007 10:12 am (Pacific time)

Henry, How may one contact you directly?

Henry Ruark September 5, 2007 7:41 am (Pacific time)

Former DOC'er: Try us by direct contact with whatever you KNOW and can PROVE. Never can tell, we might just act -depending on your stuff and its provenance, as should be the reality.

crystal September 4, 2007 9:26 pm (Pacific time)

I would like to bring up the fact that we dont really know what kind of people the state hires to work at the prisons. Although some are straight and honest at there jobs...there is that other percent that really should be inmates themselves. I think we should go on prier records here as far as the inmates statments. However, I truly beleive that male officers in the position of leadership should be monitored more closely. I beleive that this woman was violated on her job by her superiors not the inmates. It sounds like the boss wants to cover his a-- by eliminateing hers.

JustMe September 4, 2007 5:23 pm (Pacific time)

As a tax payer I feel all the out of court settlements are getting way out of hand at this place.....we can use the money on other things then all these settlements this DOC officers are getting....about time this crap gets out I am very proud of all the DOC officers that say enough is enough.....

Scared and Affraid September 4, 2007 2:04 pm (Pacific time)

As a female working in the DOC, I am completely scared and affraid that this to can happen to me. I know some feel women should not work in a all male institution. I completely understand that situations like this is a huge reason why. I want people to know that women are very capable of handling male inmates. I do also know that male staff members enjoy having females come into a situation where an inmate is freaking out and she calms him down without needing to use force. On another note. Here is another missing FACT in this case. Approx. 2 weeks before Mrs. Fowler was ACCUSED of this. She reported a Sgt. for causing a hostile work enviroment. Then this same Sgt. is the one who gets the original statement from the inmate accusing her of this. Hmmmm.... If I remember correctly another Officer reported the same behavior of this Sgt 2 years ago and got fired shortly there after. Hmmmmm... Sounds to me there is a Sgt in this institution that needs to be talked to. Don't you??

Former DOC Employee September 4, 2007 1:41 pm (Pacific time)

Henry, I have yet to really find a site such as that actually is interested in the truth behind the corruption in the DOC.

Henry Ruark September 4, 2007 12:49 pm (Pacific time)

To all: Key question: Where ELSE do you find this open dialog on deeply-felt real community problem area ? Please furnish edition name, date, page if any-such has ever shown up in the vaunted Oregon "free press".

Friend of former DOC employee and cu September 3, 2007 8:44 pm (Pacific time)

Fowler...we believe in you! Fight it! The 'world' is watching and listening! Other media groups have been contacted regarding this story. DOC has made a huge mistake! On more than one occasion! The tax payers are not going to like what is going on in this little corner of Oregon! I have faith in the legal system...please don't let it fail this innocent woman and her innocent husband! What did he do wrong!!! Come on!

Former DOC Employee September 3, 2007 3:29 pm (Pacific time)

I would like to take the time to expose the Union that supposedly protects the Officer’s against the incompetence of the Department of Corrections. I myself have experienced the incompetence of the DOC and the lack of protection from the Union.
Let’s talk about Mrs. Fowler for a second. She has been employed with the DOC for 9 years. Has a clean and clear employment record. Never getting into trouble and has been recognized for her commitment to the DOC. Now let me bring to your attention the inmate who accused Mrs. Fowler of intercourse.. He has also accused 2 or 3 other staff members of having sex with him. All 2 or 3 were found not substantiated. Not a very creditable inmate if you ask me. What do you think?
Now let’s talk about the contraband. About a week before this inmate accused Mrs. Fowler of bringing him diet pills. He accused a male Officer for bringing in the same pills. Was he put on Administrative leave? Nope. Then this inmate decides he is going to accuse Fowler, she then is met at the prison door by management and OSP questioning her involvement with this inmate. She is put on administrative leave pending the investigation. Now while she has been sitting at home waiting for her Department and Union to PROTECT HER and clear this matter up and allow her to return to work. The same inmate accused another male Officer of bringing in the diet pills. Wow, he gets sent right back to his unit. Not being put on administrative leave. Now where is this inmate’s creditability? Even better than that, where is the protection from her Union and/or Department?
They say the inmate is the victim. They said he was violated. Let’s talk about Mrs. Fowler’s violation. Twelve weeks into this she is sitting at home hoping and praying her Department and Union is taking care of things. She gets served a search warrant. They take nude photographs of her body. They remove pubic hair samples. All off an inmate saying he had intercourse with her in the Administrative Segregation Unit. Where there is a Control Officer, who lets the inmates in and out of their cells, two floor Officers. All in the same Unit seeing into one another’s office all shift long. With a unit full of inmates, how many saw her having sex with an inmate? Hmmm…I believe it’s just the accuser or shall I say the “victim” as the State Police call him.
Now let’s get to the Officer’s rights under their Union Contract. I have personally gone over the contract several times and have yet to find a section which protects the Officers against malice accusations from inmates and other staff members for that matter. If something exists, please lead me to it.
You would like to believe you are innocent till proven guilty in this County. For some reason, female Officer’s are immediately considered guilty by their management and their so called friends/co-workers they have worked with for years. Their reputation ruined. There should be more Union protection against this detrimental abuse against an Officer. This is malice behavior and needs to be stopped now. Inmates will get the thought in their head when an Officer cells them in or takes away a privilege for poor behavior, they’ll get that Officer removed from the unit. It may go something like this; the inmate says, “I hate that Officer for celling me in before yard. I know, she takes these pills everyday before her meal. I’ll say she is giving me pills.” That’s all it takes. You’re at home waiting. Wondering what is going on. Why hasn’t my management or union called me to keep me informed? There is nothing you can do about it. Sit and wait for trial. You would also like to believe the investigator working in your institution would know how to investigate. The lack of intelligent investigators baffles me. To me it seems they only know how to investigate one way. Prove them guilty. Fact finders as they call themselves, look just for the information which proves an inmate/officer violated policy. Why not look into the circumstances surrounding the accusations. Think about the set up of the unit and how many Officer’s are around. Could it have been possible? Not in this case.
At some point the State of Oregon needs to step up and protect its Officer’s. We need to let these inmates and or investigators know that an accusation of such caliber is not warranted without sufficient evidence. Or, we can sit here and print articles on Officer misconduct and allow the inmates to read the paper, sped the word and bam, just like that, they already know false accusations will get the Officer who pissed them off out of the institution. Now let me tell you about some of these Officers that work there. They lie and cheat to get an Officer fired. Let’s just say someone I know has experienced the back stabbing from a co-worker. I also, believe Mrs. Fowler is experiencing the same situation as did this other Officer. Maybe it went a little like this in both situations. They felt that a supervisor was acting inappropriate and complained about the behavior in writing. Then 2-3 weeks later in both situations they were removed from DOC. One losing their job completely and the other facing criminal charges. DOC then denies they ever received any complaints or memos. Which is funny since both individuals have proof about it.
Instead of their voices being heard, they are ignored and left to figure things out on their own. No support from their Union or Department. Another thing the baffles me more than all of this you’ve just read is that Mrs. Fowler worked there for nine years and built some good relationships with her co-workers. Can you believe they are laughing at her arrest, mocking her, passing her mug shot around the institution and completely turning their backs on a woman who most likely represented them as their Union Stewart. JUST LIKE THAT!
I’m really curious to see what happens when she returns to work.
Mrs. Fowler, I support you. I believe in your innocence, I know how sneaky and corrupted that place is. Stand strong, hold your ground and never give into their threats. You have been violated in more ways than any of these people could ever know.
Continue to fight!! There are people out here who believe!!

Editor: Can you please send us an email so we can do more on this story? Please write to Tim King at:

Just me? September 3, 2007 4:28 am (Pacific time)

Am I the only one who finds something strange about this story? These officers were arrested on marijuana charges right? So why in the world would the one officer be trying to "smuggle" in diet pills? LOL I mean I would think weed would be ALOT more valuable to inmates than diet pills. Does anyone even know if there has _ever_ been a case of someone "smuggling" in over the counter diet pills and charged with supplying contraband? Common sense would lead a person to believe that an inmate would ask for alot of other things like tobacco, drugs (like uh...marijuana), perscription drugs etc, stuff like that before diet pills. I would think diet pills would be the last thing an inmate would care about. Especially since the laws on ephedrine changed. Basically most energy or diet pills are just made of caffine these days. I find it very hard to beleive that an inmate would need an officer to "smuggle" in caffine LOL.

RE: David September 3, 2007 1:11 am (Pacific time)

The idea you brought up is actually an unspoken (and sometimes spoken) mind set shared by the vast majority of male officers, sergeants, lieutenants, captains and administrators within the Oregon Department of Corrections. This mind set that females should not be working in male institutions is precisely what leads false accusations to go this far. This mind set is called sexual discrimination and it is AGAINST THE LAW. The only reason this female officer has been arrested, indicted and humiliated is because she is a female. If the exact same evidence in this case were held against a male officer it's a 110% garuntee that the state police would never of been called.

Missing Facts September 3, 2007 12:32 am (Pacific time)

They(DOC)failed to recall that the male officer has been off of work for almost a year due to a serious medical condition. They "forgot" to inform the public that the charges stem directly from an inmates allegation with absolutely no staff corroboration. They failed to mention that over the counter diet pills are NOT considered contraband and that hundreds of staff members bring these same type of pills inside the institution every day for their own personal use. They also forgot to inform the public that the inmate making the allegations against the female officer has made the same allegations of sexual misconduct against 3 other female officers currently employed by DOC, all of which were false, all of which were prior to the Custodial Sexual Misconduct law, none of which were investigated by state police. They again failed to release the information (to the public as well as the state police)that subsequent to the allegations against this female officer the inmate has also made the same allegations of bringing in diet pills against 2 male officers employed by DOC, neither of the male officers were investigated. The public has not been informed of the nature in which the search warrant for their home was secured. Which was, without any evidence whatsoever and completely based on a convicted felon serving a life sentence's testimony. The DA's press release contains a significant typo concerning confiscated evidence. An important word was conveniently and falsely printed as plural. The DOC has failed to pass along vital information concerning this case (to the state police) because it shows both officers in a much more positive light. Only negative (and false) details of this case have been released in the hopes that the real truths will never be printed. Amber Cambell (SRCI Public Information Officer) said in an interview with the local Ontario paper: (Quote)“Instances like these are very unfortunate and rare for us. They have a tendency to overshadow the good work of staff at the institution every day.” Implying that she already believes this to be a closed case and has already assigned a guilty verdict to the officers involved. Guilty until proven Innocent is the new motto for American Justice. (The author of this comment is in no way acting on behalf of the Oregon Department of Corrections (ODOC). This comment should not be taken as an offical release of information from the ODOC. The author of this comment is in no way acting in an official capacity and is not a representing the ODOC in any way.)

Friend of former DOC employee and cu September 2, 2007 10:52 pm (Pacific time)

Friends, what is this world coming to!? There is a scandal going on in the Snake River Correctional facility. There are select inmates that are in on it. There is one particular DOC emp. of interest. I am watching my 'friends' go through the SAME THING. Cause by the same people(inmate and EMPLOYEE) It would behoove the Oregon State Police to investigate further...perhaps talk to this case's Criminal Defense Atty. This whole thing stinks like yesterday's are being toyed with and ruined at the hand of some 'crooked' DOC employees! Man...someone hear me and just go take a look for yourselves! Wow, just inmate can say 'anything' now a days and have DOC personnel fired? Especially of sexual nature and it's like no questions asked and that DOC employee is gone! Shut the front door! This is blatent mis-use of my tax dollars and I want someone to take notice! I want this crap stopped! And the crooked employees to go! That's not how I want my money to be spent, paying their salary! Somebody do something!

Be Aware September 2, 2007 2:03 pm (Pacific time)

The real story here is that a search warrant was issued based only on an inmates accusations. If that is the case, and now the state police can come into our homes based on a convicted, incarcerated felon's word, people you should be afraid.

David September 1, 2007 5:02 am (Pacific time)

I agree That Inmates seem to have more rights than Guards But this Chink in the armor could be alleviated by there being Male guards at Male Institutions and Female Guards in Female Institutions. Same sex Trysts are Really illegal Thank The Lord.

Former DOC Employee August 31, 2007 10:51 pm (Pacific time)

I just need to let the people of Oregon know that this Officer was accused by an inmate and there is no evidence that proves she had any relationship with the inmate. It's pretty sad that any Officer can walk into to work and let's just say "cells in an inmate" and he can say they are sleeping together. Then the Officer's life is turned upside down. All over an murdering inmate's word. Let's print the reason why this is happening to her and see how many Officers get put on Administrative leave, because an inmate said.

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